中華民國第十九屆車輛工程學術研討會,桃園創新技術學院機械工程系,台灣中壢,2014 年 11 月 14 日。 The 19th National Conference on Vehicle Engineering, Nov. 14, 2014, TIIT, Jhongli, Taiwan. E – 012 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Development of In-Vehicle Distributed Computing Platform and its Application on Around View Monitor System Rong-Terng Juang Automotive Research & Testing Center E-mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACT design principles of the AUTomotive Open System As automakers begin to introduce new safety features, Architecture (AUTOSAR) [3], which is an open and advanced cars need significantly greater computing power. standardized automotive software architecture, this paper This paper presents an in-vehicle distributed computing proposes an in-vehicle distributed computing platform and platform and its application on around view monitor presents its application on around view monitor system. system. Based on AUTOSAR software architecture, the The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 algorithm of the around view system is divided into reviews AUTOSAR and automotive ethernet technologies. software components which are then deployed on multiple Section 3 shows the proposed in-vehicle distributed ECUs. Through a high speed ethernet, the ECU connects computing platform. Section 4 demonstrates the prototype to each other. By using this platform, application of the developed around view monitor system. Lastly, developers can put their effort on the design of various conclusions are given in Section 5. applications, without taking care of hardware, firmware, etc. Furthermore, the platform can reach high computing power by utilizing multiple ECUs. AP1, AP2,…, APn Keywords: AUTOSAR, Automotive Ethernet, Around View Monitor System Firmware/Driver Introduction ECU-Hardware Automakers are beginning to deliver improved driving safety and convenience through the development of Figure 1.