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THE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, J V ^ Y 1 7 , IM ? i JUNIOR TENNIS MEET OPENED JULY 14 ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiH^ ^O clqriQ ih e Soi^s^U kiD Algonquin Club B EStnndoiite FROM THE SIDELINES ^ H U B E fl T CAILT.EII. » r ' T O O i o % is Host To ciAneNcEmuAMs bjr John HaroJId MailoT- ■ . ) FAMOUS XlCTlStS, MU S. OH TItC AA tVK TkYU3»., »XST>OH^ MUC«TO»0<^ Judging from the way the pre- “natural” and would draw in the UiiklkaE MANV O f UUSftAHD^S |»ent hc^vyKv^g^it Situat<i»n is neighborhood of two million dol T o j q c n e y SOWGVWWH I COOU*® SM*MMV tIK t MV *\$ sha{)inir up for th e fall, it looks lars. That’s real money 5n any like Herr Max Schmeling is in for body’s country. Right now every TENNIS TOURNAMENT the degree of LL.D, on Attorney another “ibag-holding'’ contest. body wants to see Louis^ aijd SK>NSORED BY LOCAL CLUB KeymoiMi PaceAl#x»nder of i%Ua- Reports coming to this column j ikhmeling met again. Schmeling^ delphia at commencement last has it that Mike Jacobs has the | backers want to-see if he can re i The JuiMor ftlaywH of the Ai- week. i ,.i signature of £toadrib, a reprc-^ peat over Louis; and Louis’ back gon{^in Tennis Club arc all set sentative of Tommy Farr, • Brithiah ers want to find out if the Bpmber for th« openinj^ of the Junior LOUiS-FARR BOUT IS SET heavyweight champion, fo r a will...... _ able to __avenge his_ _______defeat Tennis yournament that ■vyill get chamF|ionf(hip Ijght |biet w>e c n | fay Herr Maxie. The boycott that underway on the courts of the FOR NEW’VORK AJUG. 36 bouis» and—j Farr— aome time tu:_this jj,„ Braddock to ignore Alfonfruin Club Wednesday, July fall in New York. If this moans |&hmo)ing w^n he, JJim, waij 14. The meet will last'throuzh NEW.YORK, July 1 6 .— f^NA) anything, then .Maxie* will have to ready to defend his title, has dis Friday, 16, and promisi's'to Wing —Joe Louis, worid heavyw<eight wait until next spring before he appeared new, and the Gerjnan into action the best Junior Tennis champion, will meet Tommy Farr can get his shot at the heavy again a drawing power. ’ players of Virginia and the Caro- of England in a fifteen-round weight title. However, if Schmeling* has to linof. bout at the Yankee Stadium, this Personally, I don’t see how a wait untif next spring to fight. pf|y, on Aug. 26, Promoter' Mike Louis-Farr bout would draw the he won’t be the same Schmeling. « T}ie i>oys’ team of tbe jK>cal Jacobs announced this waek. kind of gate expected of a heavy-1 The la y off wouldn’t do him any club will be led by that stellar weight championship fight., un- ;vvould it increase hfa dnawine* court performer, Gene Harrinf!?- Jacobs sair Farr would sail ^ ^ ^ 9 vttiiWAWTCr, ton, who for three consecutive next week and go into training im less half of the British Empire ^ power. Of course the signing of K'^tUKMiOr STA&U,A MUSICIAN, journey across the pond to see Varr may only be one of Mike years, has won the singles, -ehamp- mediately upon arrival. &IN0C1L AHT> D K N C ta.^ IS *A0S1 P O P - the tussle. Of course I may be Jacob’s publicity stunts to make ionship. Harrington will be baclicd Meantime Jo« has received an 0 1 kU AS «.AD»o'Sj*J£)liN HENB.Y/ MVtmCAL BUAG(LtLWtR.&^NT, wrong, but am I? Schmeling more anxious to fight INTEmATlWML by the reiiaWe George Cox, Jr., offer of |100,(MK) to fight A1 Mc AHOIS M «>R.E*)tNT Farr may be agood fighter and | Louis. It has been done you know. E. G. Spaulding, Jr., “Pete” B«- OW THE 'IGOO DTIM ^ SOClTtTY Coy,. Massachusetts heavyweight, quite oapalble j a f “biopaing^’ the It aeems that contracts mean MARSHALL, Tex,. Jyly 16— cum, Clinton Mills, “Billy" Kenns*’ PUOOB.AM. ^ dously game. The lad from Detroit in a fifteen-round bout at Fapway h ea v y w ei^ t divi.s}on In “■’Dtear nothing these days, ho Farr’s ^gn- (C^—Wiley iCollege has listed and the Collins brothers^- m t wrnwTiiaiAb amie pmu said that there was no particular Park, Boston, next month. , •ole England”, but he isn’t a suit ing isn’t too safe a bet that he eleven football games for the com The girls’ team will be ably pre significance to his visit here. 0------------------- able opponent for the hard hit will really meet Louis. Anyway, Neither, Julian Black, John Rox- ing season, which opnens with a sented by V. Merritt, “Sis” Ba- the Nation X|i;ban League to file [ completed senior high^ school and HIGH SCHOOL “GRADS” ARl ting Louis. Again I may be wrong, \(bat’s the impression ©raddock night game on Spet. 25 with Jar cum, F, Holmes, H. Edwards eligible, and must be able to take brough or Jack iBJackburn, not fpr the, examinatiop. These posi- dnu-ht it. A fter all, wjio has I gave the ipablic when he ignored lovely Marva. ac- vis at L on ^ ie^ ^ O tters on tha. ^ Peggj- Spauldinjf. 'X' Toole, tlie dictatioiTaTtKe ratS~words GRAPHERS' tXAMlNAiyW tions in the Emergncy Relief he really beaten outside of a fat'his contract with the garden. schedule ,are-Sam Huston, hom-y^ y rfWi.. S'^ters. Harris sis- flr-minute. companied him. K>ureaQ and other city depairtmenl^ Max Baer? It took him twlve long With Farr signing to m eet Mr. Oct. i; Xavier, New Orleans, Oc((. • t G o ) Ki; ters. ^ 0- Dressed in a naty brown suit “'-Tifew YORK City, J u l y 9 . - pay grom $1,2/000 to |1,799.^ rounds to do that. I often won Louis in September for a champ- 9, Prarie View, Dallas, Oct. 18; — • the tennis I and unshaven, the champion ac Hie announcement that applia- der what would have happened ship bout; and Schmeling a ^ in Arkansas State, Pine Bluff, Oct. "Ate to see Apiplicati^ns will be given out AJRM9TR0NG KNOCKS DOWN cepted a ^trisu'i <f hear'v con tions for stenographer and type if Etoer had bee(l~in the condition lotting the “run-anound,” it looks 30, Southern U., Shreveport,. Nov, t,be differ- only at the ground floor lobby, gratulations as he sat (smiling, writer, Qrade 2, (Emergency I^- BLATCH 10 TIMES like “screwy” btfsjinebs. 'Trom action. sputh en4 of the Municipal Build he was when the Bomibfir niadd 13; Texas College, home, Nov. 25; lief Bureau), will be issued andre* mind you) with his friends. He ing between 9 a.m. and 4p.m. on him quit in four rounds. ' where I stand on the sidelines, it Philander Smith, Lit|tle Rock, ceived by the New York City Mu NEW YORK July 10.—Henrj looks “Screwier” and sciewitr I continued to stick to his re^uta- SHAW CONFERS LL.D. ON week-days and 9 a.m. and noon on Now don’t get me wrong, I Dec. 4, and Tuskegee, homeconi nicipal Civil Service Commission Armstrong, the sensational Cali ' tion. He partook of no strong Saturdays. Persons who are resi have nothing against Farr. In everytime I look at it. However, ing, December 11. fornia lightweight, flbo^|d Alf /beverages, but thewidely publi RAYMOND PACE ^ALEXANDER, from Tuesday, July 13 to Tues- dents of New York State, both fact I think he’s a very clever September is a long^ way off and ______ If I day, July Z 7 , has been received B la tc h , lightweight champion of cized change was apparent as he male and ^female, between the fighter, but that doeffli’t mak>3 a thousand things tan happen be Austrailia ten times at the Madil- t'emaii),ed jovial and smilin throughout the i>arty. RALpiGH, N. C., July 15.— I with a great deal of jnterest by ages of 18 and 32 years, who have him a drawing card. tween now and then. Right now, (C)—Sbaw UniverMty conferec | Negroes who are being' urged by Square Garden Thursday night In my opinion, a Louis-Schmel- it’s too hot to be worrying, so ing bout in the faU^ would be a until next week, cheerio. ~ Jumpingest Frog in Joe Louis Visits WILL YOUR Cleveland CLEVELAND, Cfliio, July 15— next week. He didn’t say, however, (By Slarence. Simmons for ANP) and he did not ^eem to know at CHILD —The Brown Bomber drove here that time whom hes going in train-1 inom Det»^)it Wednesday night for, but he suspects that his first with a group of friends for a brief fight as heavyweight champion visit' and then ataended a party in will (be against Tommy Farr RECEIVE A his honor at the beautiful Cedar British heav^eight champion. Gardens. The Bomber stayed wide Joe Diccutied SchinvUiag awake until the party left at 3. “Schmelling will find me a lot. r V . A group of Clevelanders wcjit COLLEGE different fighter from what I \f& a wild as the 23 year old champion | a year ago wheh he beat me, eald dislordged from his automobile at the youthful champion, “I’ve cer the night spot. To make amends tainly learned a lot since that EDUCATION for what might be regarded as a time.,” lapse, he hastily revealed that he ^ was going right into training again The young butcher of the ring reiterated his views on the Brad and was given a technical K.