THE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, J V ^ Y 1 7 , IM ? i JUNIOR TENNIS MEET OPENED JULY 14 ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiH^ ^O clqriQ ih e Soi^s^U kiD Algonquin Club B EStnndoiite FROM THE SIDELINES ^ H U B E fl T CAILT.EII. » r ' T O O i o % is Host To ciAneNcEmuAMs bjr John HaroJId MailoT- ■ . ) FAMOUS XlCTlStS, MU S. WIU.IAMS.tl.NOWN OH TItC AA tVK TkYU3»., »XST>OH^ MUC«TO»0<^ Judging from the way the pre- “natural” and would draw in the UiiklkaE MANV O f UUSftAHD^S |»ent hc^vyKv^g^it Situat<i»n is neighborhood of two million dol­ T o j q c n e y SOWGVWWH I COOU*® SM*MMV tIK t MV *\$ sha{)inir up for th e fall, it looks lars. That’s real money 5n any­ like Herr Max Schmeling is in for body’s country. Right now every TENNIS TOURNAMENT the degree of LL.D, on Attorney another “ibag-holding'’ contest. body wants to see Louis^ aijd SK>NSORED BY LOCAL CLUB KeymoiMi PaceAl#x»nder of i%Ua- Reports coming to this column j ikhmeling met again. Schmeling^ delphia at commencement last has it that Mike Jacobs has the | backers want to-see if he can re­ i The JuiMor ftlaywH of the Ai- week. i ,.i signature of £toadrib, a reprc-^ peat over Louis; and Louis’ back­ gon{^in Tennis Club arc all set sentative of Tommy Farr, • Brithiah ers want to find out if the Bpmber for th« openinj^ of the Junior LOUiS-FARR BOUT IS SET heavyweight champion, fo r a will...... _ able to __avenge his_ _______defeat Tennis yournament that ■vyill get chamF|ionf(hip Ijght |biet w>e c n | fay Herr Maxie. The boycott that underway on the courts of the FOR NEW’VORK AJUG. 36 bouis» and—j Farr— aome time tu:_this jj,„ Braddock to ignore Alfonfruin Club Wednesday, July fall in New York. If this moans |&hmo)ing w^n he, JJim, waij 14. The meet will last'throuzh NEW.YORK, July 1 6 .— f^NA) anything, then .Maxie* will have to ready to defend his title, has dis­ Friday, 16, and promisi's'to Wing —Joe Louis, worid heavyw<eight wait until next spring before he appeared new, and the Gerjnan into action the best Junior Tennis champion, will meet Tommy Farr can get his shot at the heavy­ again a drawing power. ’ players of Virginia and the Caro- of England in a fifteen-round weight title. However, if Schmeling* has to linof. bout at the Yankee Stadium, this Personally, I don’t see how a wait untif next spring to fight. pf|y, on Aug. 26, Promoter' Mike Louis-Farr bout would draw the he won’t be the same Schmeling. « T}ie i>oys’ team of tbe jK>cal Jacobs announced this waek. kind of gate expected of a heavy-1 The la y off wouldn’t do him any club will be led by that stellar weight championship fight., un- ;vvould it increase hfa dnawine* court performer, Gene Harrinf!?- Jacobs sair Farr would sail ^ ^ ^ 9 vttiiWAWTCr, ton, who for three consecutive next week and go into training im­ less half of the British Empire ^ power. Of course the signing of K'^tUKMiOr STA&U,A MUSICIAN, journey across the pond to see Varr may only be one of Mike years, has won the singles, -ehamp- mediately upon arrival. &IN0C1L AHT> D K N C ta.^ IS *A0S1 P O P - the tussle. Of course I may be Jacob’s publicity stunts to make ionship. Harrington will be baclicd Meantime Jo« has received an 0 1 kU AS «.AD»o'Sj*J£)liN HENB.Y/ MVtmCAL BUAG(LtLWtR.&^NT, wrong, but am I? Schmeling more anxious to fight INTEmATlWML by the reiiaWe George Cox, Jr., offer of |100,(MK) to fight A1 Mc­ AHOIS M «>R.E*)tNT Farr may be agood fighter and | Louis. It has been done you know. E. G. Spaulding, Jr., “Pete” B«- OW THE 'IGOO DTIM ^ SOClTtTY Coy,. Massachusetts heavyweight, quite oapalble j a f “biopaing^’ the It aeems that contracts mean MARSHALL, Tex,. Jyly 16— cum, Clinton Mills, “Billy" Kenns*’ PUOOB.AM. ^ dously game. The lad from Detroit in a fifteen-round bout at Fapway h ea v y w ei^ t divi.s}on In “■’Dtear nothing these days, ho Farr’s ^gn- (C^—Wiley iCollege has listed and the Collins brothers^- m t wrnwTiiaiAb amie pmu said that there was no particular Park, Boston, next month. , •ole England”, but he isn’t a suit­ ing isn’t too safe a bet that he eleven football games for the com­ The girls’ team will be ably pre­ significance to his visit here. 0------------------- able opponent for the hard hit­ will really meet Louis. Anyway, Neither, Julian Black, John Rox- ing season, which opnens with a sented by V. Merritt, “Sis” Ba- the Nation X|i;ban League to file [ completed senior high^ school and HIGH SCHOOL “GRADS” ARl ting Louis. Again I may be wrong, \(bat’s the impression ©raddock night game on Spet. 25 with Jar­ cum, F, Holmes, H. Edwards eligible, and must be able to take brough or Jack iBJackburn, not fpr the, examinatiop. These posi- dnu-ht it. A fter all, wjio has I gave the ipablic when he ignored lovely Marva. ac- vis at L on ^ ie^ ^ O tters on tha. ^ Peggj- Spauldinjf. 'X' Toole, tlie dictatioiTaTtKe ratS~words GRAPHERS' tXAMlNAiyW tions in the Emergncy Relief he really beaten outside of a fat'his contract with the garden. schedule ,are-Sam Huston, hom-y^ y rfWi.. S'^ters. Harris sis- flr-minute. companied him. K>ureaQ and other city depairtmenl^ Max Baer? It took him twlve long With Farr signing to m eet Mr. Oct. i; Xavier, New Orleans, Oc((. • t G o ) Ki; ters. ^ 0- Dressed in a naty brown suit “'-Tifew YORK City, J u l y 9 . - pay grom $1,2/000 to |1,799.^ rounds to do that. I often won­ Louis in September for a champ- 9, Prarie View, Dallas, Oct. 18; — • the tennis I and unshaven, the champion ac­ Hie announcement that applia- der what would have happened ship bout; and Schmeling a ^ in Arkansas State, Pine Bluff, Oct. "Ate to see Apiplicati^ns will be given out AJRM9TR0NG KNOCKS DOWN cepted a ^trisu'i <f hear'v con­ tions for stenographer and type­ if Etoer had bee(l~in the condition lotting the “run-anound,” it looks 30, Southern U., Shreveport,. Nov, t,be differ- only at the ground floor lobby, gratulations as he sat (smiling, writer, Qrade 2, (Emergency I^- BLATCH 10 TIMES like “screwy” btfsjinebs. 'Trom action. sputh en4 of the Municipal Build­ he was when the Bomibfir niadd 13; Texas College, home, Nov. 25; lief Bureau), will be issued andre* mind you) with his friends. He ing between 9 a.m. and 4p.m. on him quit in four rounds. ' where I stand on the sidelines, it Philander Smith, Lit|tle Rock, ceived by the New York City Mu­ NEW YORK July 10.—Henrj looks “Screwier” and sciewitr I continued to stick to his re^uta- SHAW CONFERS LL.D. ON week-days and 9 a.m. and noon on Now don’t get me wrong, I Dec. 4, and Tuskegee, homeconi nicipal Civil Service Commission Armstrong, the sensational Cali­ ' tion. He partook of no strong Saturdays. Persons who are resi­ have nothing against Farr. In everytime I look at it. However, ing, December 11. fornia lightweight, flbo^|d Alf /beverages, but thewidely publi­ RAYMOND PACE ^ALEXANDER, from Tuesday, July 13 to Tues- dents of New York State, both fact I think he’s a very clever September is a long^ way off and ______ If I day, July Z 7 , has been received B la tc h , lightweight champion of cized change was apparent as he male and ^female, between the fighter, but that doeffli’t mak>3 a thousand things tan happen be­ Austrailia ten times at the Madil- t'emaii),ed jovial and smilin throughout the i>arty. RALpiGH, N. C., July 15.— I with a great deal of jnterest by ages of 18 and 32 years, who have him a drawing card. tween now and then. Right now, (C)—Sbaw UniverMty conferec | Negroes who are being' urged by Square Garden Thursday night In my opinion, a Louis-Schmel- it’s too hot to be worrying, so ing bout in the faU^ would be a until next week, cheerio. ~ Jumpingest Frog in Joe Louis Visits WILL YOUR Cleveland CLEVELAND, Cfliio, July 15— next week. He didn’t say, however, (By Slarence. Simmons for ANP) and he did not ^eem to know at CHILD —The Brown Bomber drove here that time whom hes going in train-1 inom Det»^)it Wednesday night for, but he suspects that his first with a group of friends for a brief fight as heavyweight champion visit' and then ataended a party in will (be against Tommy Farr RECEIVE A his honor at the beautiful Cedar British heav^eight champion. Gardens. The Bomber stayed wide Joe Diccutied SchinvUiag awake until the party left at 3. “Schmelling will find me a lot. r V . A group of Clevelanders wcjit COLLEGE different fighter from what I \f& a wild as the 23 year old champion | a year ago wheh he beat me, eald dislordged from his automobile at the youthful champion, “I’ve cer­ the night spot. To make amends tainly learned a lot since that EDUCATION for what might be regarded as a time.,” lapse, he hastily revealed that he ^ was going right into training again The young butcher of the ring reiterated his views on the Brad­ and was given a technical K.
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