Short Communication:Morphological and Structural Characterization Of

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Short Communication:Morphological and Structural Characterization Of Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 17(3) 613-619 2018 DOI: 10.22092/IJFS.2018.119523. Morphological and structural characterization of blood cells of Anadara antiquata Hameed A.1; Muhammad F.1*; Muhammad A.A.1, 2; Shafi M.3; Sultana R.4 Received: April 2017 Accepted: May 2018 Keywords: Blood cells, Morphology, Ultrastructure, Bivalvia 1-Center of Excellence in Marine Biology, University of Karachi 2-Coastal Development and Fisheries Department, Government of Balouchistan 3-Lasbella University of Agriculture, Water and Marine Sciences 4-PCSIR, Laboratory Complex Karachi *Corresponding author's Email: [email protected] Introduction information for effective management The blood cockle belongs to the genus (Gabriel et al., 2011). Anadara of family Arcidae. In Pakistan Haematological studies often A. antiquata can easily be found in provides effective and sensitive index Downloaded from at 0:52 +0330 on Friday October 1st 2021 Phitti Creek and Sonmiani locations to see environmental, physiological, (Jahangir et al., 2014). It has also been pathological and biochemical changes reported in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in organism (lwama et al., 1976; (Toral-Barza and Gomez, 1985; Akinrotimi et al., 2007). Unusual Mzighani, 2005). This is a valued changes in blood profile can interpret species around the globe and rich in metabolic and health status of animals glycogen, mineral and protein. (Babatunde et al., 1992). A. antiquata carries haemoglobin Earlier investigations had shown that (Kanchanapangka et al., 2002; Gabriel blood cockles are capable of surviving et al., 2011) hence it is commonly at least one month at 20 ⁰C, in case of termed as blood cockle. Its economic oxygen depletion (Thillart et al., 1992) importance is rising. Therefore, it because haemoglobin enables the attracts investigators to study its organism to bind oxygen (Brooks et al., dimensional aspect of biology (Jones, 1991; Vooys et al., 1991; Zwaan et al., 1970; Silas et al., 1982). Furthermore, 1991). Zwaan and Cortesi (1993) knowledge on its biology, physiology, investigated that oxygen storage allows and health status provide basic survival of about 12 hours compared to the bivalves which lack haemoglobin. 614 Hameed et al., Morphological and structural characterization of… There is limited knowledge about the December 2015. The samples were morphology of the blood cells of acclimatized and reared in the Arcidae species (Holden et al., 1994). laboratory for further experiments. Griesbach (1891) and Cuenot (1891) Blood sampling focused on the white blood cells of A. The blood samples were taken from the tetragona, A. noae and Solen legume. posterior and anterior adductor muscle, The morphology of red blood cells and using a sterile syringe with a 25-guage white blood cells of Arca inflate were needle according to the procedure of investigated by Sato (1931) and Ohuye Lowe and Pipe (1994) (Fig. 1). (1937). The red blood cells of A. transversa was studied by Dawson (1933), Cohen and Nemhauser (1980) and Nemhausern et al., (1983) worked on the erythrocyte of Anadara spp by using electron microscopy. Besides them, Gabriel et al., (2011) worked on haematological characteristics of the blood cockle A. senilis from Niger delta Figure 1: Blood cell sampling from and mentioned three types of cells. Anadara antiquate. They stated that haematological characters increase with the increase of Light microscopy shell. Mohite and Meshram, (2015) Blood smears were placed on slides and studied the haematological air-dried at room temperature, fixed and characterises of Tegillarca rhombea, washed carefully. The slides were and they discussed the red blood cell Downloaded from at 0:52 +0330 on Friday October 1st 2021 stained with Giemsa, periodic acid (cell have round nucleus), white blood schiff (PAS) and with Sudan Black B. cell (kidney bean-shaped nucleus) and Observations were made under a light non-nucleated tiny particles called microscope. platelets. The white blood cells were further classified into two categories Fluorescence microscopy granulocyte and agranulocytes. Standard procedures were employed to The present investigation provides stain the cells with DAPI stain (4, 6- information about the morphology and diamidino-2phenylindole (Kapuscinski, cytochemical analysis of blood cells of 1995) to see the nucleus morphology A. antiquata. using fluorescent microscopy. Materials and methods Scan electron microscopy (SEM) Study area observation We collected live samples of A. The cells were fixed in 2.5% antiquata at different intervals from the glutaraldehyde rinsing two-times each intertidal sandy-muddy flats at for 13 minutes with phosphate buffer Sonmiani Bay from January 2015 to Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 17(3) 2018 615 solution. Samples were dehydrated results of T. rhombea (Mohite and through an ethanol series, critical point Meshram, 2015). Gabriel et al. (2011) drying was omitted and air drying and Suganthi et al. (2009) mentioned procedure was followed and then the two types of white blood cells; samples were coated with gold (Au), granulocyte and agranulocyte. While and examined using SEM. Cuenot, (1891) and Griesbach, (1891) stated that these cells have a role in Results and discussion phagocytosis, granulocytes are more The results revealed three types of active. We observed both types of white blood cells: red blood cell, white blood blood cells (Fig. 2a).The non-nucleated cells and platelets which are in platelets were also viewed in A. accordance with early authors (Holden antiquata, (Fig. 2a) which are tiny et al., 1994; Kanchanapangka et al., particles. These cells are the main 2002; Mohite and Meshram, 2015). Red source of haemostasis (Suganthi et al., blood cells were oval, round, tear drop 2009). and elongated in shape (Fig. 2a). A The blood cells of A. antiquata are more or less similar description was Sudan black B and PAS positive which given by Kanchanapangka et al. (2002). means these cells have lipid and The tear drop type of cells are glycogen contents in their cytoplasm considered the marginal band of (Figs. 3, A and B). It is like non microtubules, physically associated haemoglobin carrying invertebrate with a pair of centrioles where cells blood cells (Muhammad et al., 2013). looks like a tear drop and are The DAPI results suggested round vacuolated (Figs. 2a,3c) as described by nucleus in RBC and small, kidney bean Nemhausern et al. (1983) and Holden et and irregular shaped nucleus are Downloaded from at 0:52 +0330 on Friday October 1st 2021 al. (1994). RBC cells were in considered white blood cells (Fig. abundance; as were described in 2b).These results are in agreement with Scapharca inaequivalvis (Holden et al., Pengsakul et al. (2013). SEM results 1994). The red blood cells of the arcid showed similar morphology of RBC to clam specialized for transportation of that of light microscopy. respiratory pigments have various cellular organelles and nuclei (Mangum and Mauro, 1985). The white blood corpuscles which were lesser in count than red blood cells showed kidney bean-shaped nuclei (Fig. 2a), which is in agreement with 616 Hameed et al., Morphological and structural characterization of… Figure 2: (A)Red arrows show the red blood cells, black arrows are the different types of white blood cells, yellow arrows are vacuolated cells, green are platelets and blue arrows indicate the euglanoied shape cells. (B) DAPI stained cells, the red arrows show the nucleus of red blood cells and white arrows are white blood cells. Downloaded from at 0:52 +0330 on Friday October 1st 2021 Figure 3: (a) All types of Anadara antiquata blood cells are Sudan Black B positive (b) PAS positive (c) Scan electron microscopic images showing the majority of erythrocytes (e) the marginal band of red blood cells. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 17(3) 2018 617 Acknowledgements marine invertebrates. Biological We thank Prof. Dr. Zareen Ayub for her Bulletin, 64(2), 233-242. kind help, and for providing the Gabriel, U.U., Akinrotimi, O.A. and chemicals to accomplish this study. Orlu, E.E., 2011. Haematological characteristics of the bloody cockle References Anadara senilis (L.) from Andoni Akinrotimi, O.A., Gabriel, U.U., Flats, Niger delta, Nigeria. Science Anyanwu, P.E. and Anyanwu, World Journal, 6(1), 1-4. A.O., 2007. Influence of sex, Griesbach, H., 1891. Beitrage zur acclimation methods and period on histologie des blutes. Archiv fur haematology of Sarotherodon Mikroskopische Anatomie und melanotheron (cichlidae), Research Entwicklungsmechanik, 39, 22-29. Journal of Biological Sciences, 2(3), Holden, J.A., Pipe, R.K., Antonio, Q. 348-352. and Graziella, C., 1994. Blood cells Babatunde, G.M., Fajimi, A.O. and of the arcid clam, Scapharca Oyejide, A.O., 1992. Rubber seed inaequivalvis. Journal of the Marine oil versus palm oil in broiler chicken Biological Association of the United diet. Effect on performance nutrient, Kingdom, 74, 287¬299 digestibility, haematology and Jahangir, S., Siddiqui, G. and Ayub, carcass characteristics. Animal Feed Z., 2014. Temporal variation in the Science Technology, 35, 133-146. reproductive pattern of blood cockle Brooks, S.P.J., Zwaan, A., de Anadara antiquata from Pakistan Thillart, G., van den., Cattani, O., (northern Arabian Sea). Turkish Cortesi, P. and Storey, K.B., 1991. Journal of Zoology, 38, 263-272 Differential survival of Venus Jones, S., 1970. The molluscan fishery Downloaded from at 0:52 +0330 on Friday October 1st 2021 gallina and Scapharca inaequivalvis resources of India. Proc Symposium during anoxic stress: covalent on Mollusca MBAI, 12, 906-918. modification of phosphofructokinase Kanchanapangka, S., Sarikaputi, M., and glycogen phosphorylase during Rattanaphani, R. and Poonsuk, K., anoxia. Journal of Comparative 2002. Cockle (Anadara granosa) red Physiology, 161, 207-2 blood cell: structure, histochemical Cohen, W.D. and Nemhauser, I., and physical properties. Thailand 1980. Association of centrioles with Journal of Veterinary Practitioner, the marginal band of a molluscan 14(3), 2545-2546. erythrocyte. Journal of Cell Biology, Kapuscinski, J., 1995.
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