© 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved 31 Handbook of Neuropsychology, 2nd Edition, Vol. 3 R.S. Berndt (Ed)

CHAPTER 3 The signs of

Gregory Hickok a and Ursula Bellugi b

a Department of Cognitive Sciences, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA Laboratoryfor Cognitive Neuroscience, The Salk Institutefor Biological Studies, 10010 N. Torrey Pines Rd., La Jolla, CA 92037, USA

Introduction to language in another modality to suggest that there are both intrinsic and extrinsic influences driving neocortical organization (Nothias, Theoretical issues Fishell and Ruiz i Altaba, 1998). If this view is correct, a major task in developmental neuroscience Much debate in 19th century neurology centered will be to map out the contributions of intrinsic and around the question of whether there is functional extrinsic factors, and their interaction. specialization within the neocortex. Today, this is no In this chapter, we will present data which bear on longer a contentious issue: functional specialization these general issues from the perspective of the orga- in the adult neocortex is well established. Nonethe- nization of a higher-order cortical system: language. less, a form of this old debate rages on in research on In particular, we will address the question neocortical development. At issue is whether neocor- of the extent to which the functional neuroanatomy tical regionalization arises from properties intrinsic to of language is dependent on the sensory and motor the neocortex itself (Rakic, 1988), or whether it devel- modalities through which it is perceived and pro- ops in response to extrinsic factors, such as pat-terns duced. There are many reasons to think that the neu- of thalamocortical input (O’Leary, 1989). Over ral organization of language should be profoundly the last decade, evidence has accumulated on both influenced by extrinsic factors in development, such sides of the fence. Many studies, for example, have as sensory and motor experience. The temporal pro- demonstrated a fair degree of neocortical reorgani- cessing demands imposed by the auditory system have zation in response to a variety of sensory-input ma- been argued to favor left hemisphere systems which nipulations (Katz and Shatz, 1996; , Garraghty, could, in turn, determine aspects of the lateralization Ommaya et al., 1991; Sadato, Pascual-Leone, Graf- pattern of auditory-mediated language (Tallal, Miller man et al., 1996; Schlaggar and OLeary, 1991; Sur, and Fitch, 1993). Superior temporal lobe regions Garraghty and Roe, 1988), suggesting that extrinsic thought to be important for language comprehension factors exert an influence on neocortical organiza- are situated in and around auditory cortices - a natu- tion. Other studies, however, have shown that some ral location given auditory sensory input of language. regional specific features of neocortex (e.g. gene Likewise, Broca’s area, which is thought to play a expression) emerge independent of extra-neocortical role in speech production, is situated just anterior to influence (Afimatsu, Miyamoto, Nihonmatsu et al., motor cortex controlling the speech articulators. Thus, 1992; Miyashita-Lin, Hevner, Wassarman et al., 1999). it would not be unreasonable to hypothesize that the Taken together, this collection of work seems neural organization of language - including its lat- eralization and within-hemisphere organization - is determined, in large part, by the particular demands *Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1 (858) 453-4100, ext. 1222. imposed by the sensory and motor interface systems. 32

By studying the functional neuroanatomy of signed ical level, ASL, for example, has developed grammat- language, we can test this hypothesis in a straightfor- ical markers that serve as inflectional and derivational ward manner. It has been shown that signed languages morphemes; these are regular changes in form across share a good deal of the formal linguistic structure classes of lexical items associated with systematic found in spoken languages, but differ radically in the changes in meaning (Klima and Bellugi, 1979). At the sensory and motor systems through which language is syntactic level, ASL specifies relations among signs transmitted (Klima and Bellugi, 1979; Lillo- Martin, using a variety of mechanisms including sign order, 1991; Perlmutter, 1992). In essence, signed language the manipulation of sign forms (usually verbs) in offers a kind of natural experimental manipulation: space, where different spatial relations between signs central linguistic structure and function are held con- have systematic differences in meaning, and a spe- stant, while peripheral sensory and motor experience cific set of grammaticized facial expressions that are is varied. Thus, a comparison of the neural organiza- used to mark questions, topicalized sentences, and tion of signed versus spoken language will provide conditionals (Liddell, 1980; Lillo-Martin, 1991). Fig. clues concerning the factors which drive the develop- I shows aspects of the spatial organization of ASL at ment of the functional neuroanatomy of language. (A) the lexical level, (B) the morphological level, and (C) the level of spatially organized syntax. The structure of sign language In summary, ASL has developed as a fully auton- omous language with grammatical structuring at the Like spoken languages, signed languages of the deaf same levels as spoken language and with similar kinds are formal, highly structured linguistic systems, passed of organizational principles. Yet the surface form that down from one generation to the next, with a typical this grammatical structuring assumes in a visual-spa- developmental course, including a critical period tial language is deeply rooted in the modality in which for acquisition (Newport and Meier, 1985; Newport, the language developed in that there is a strong ten- 1991). Signed languages have emerged independently dency to encode grammatical relations spatially rather of the language used among hearing individuals in the than temporally. The implication of this situation for surrounding community: American Sign Language research on the neurobiology of language is that we (ASL) and British Sign Language, for example, are have the opportunity to study a linguistic system that mutually incomprehensible, despite the fact that Eng- is essentially identical to that of spoken language lish is the dominant spoken language in both sur- in terms of its underlying linguistic (i.e. representa- rounding communities. tional) structure, but that is implemented in a radically Signed and spoken languages, however, share different perceptual signal. the underlying structural complexities of human lan- guage. That is, all natural human languages have lin- organization for language and spatial cogni- guistic structure at phonological, morphological, and tion in deaf signers syntactic levels, and signed languages are no excep- tion. At the phonological level, research has shown Hemispheric asymmetries.for aspects of sign lan- that like the words of spoken languages, signs are guage fractionated into sublexical elements, including vari- ous recurring handshapes, articulation locations, and Left hemisphere damage in hearing/speaking individ- limb/hand movements, among other features (Corina uals is associated with deficits at sublexical (‘phonetic/ and Sandler, 1993; Perlmutter, 1992). Furthermore, phonemic’), lexical, and sentence levels, both in pro- comparison of two different signed languages (ASL duction and in comprehension (Damasio, 1992; Good- and Chinese Sign Language) reveals that there are glass, 1993). Supra- sentential (e.g. discourse) deficits, even fine-level systematic phonetic differences lead- on the other hand, have been associated with right- ing to an ‘accent’ when native users of one sign hemisphere damage (Brownell, Potter, Bihrle et al., language learn another (Klima and Bellugi, 1979; 1986). A similar pattern of hemispheric asymmetries Poizner, Klima and Bellugi, 1987). At the morpholog- has been observed in the deaf signing population. 33




Fig. 1. Spatialized linguistic contrasts in ASL structure. (A) Spatial contrasts at the lexical level. The signs for SUMMER, UGLY arul DRY, are distinguished only by the place of articulation on the face. (B) Spatial contrasts at the morphological level. Various modula- tions on the movement of the sign GIVE, for example, can modify the meaning of the verb as indicated. The modulations can be nested to yield complex morphological forms. (C) Spatialized organization underlying the syntax of ASL. Signs can be indexed to specific locations in signing space, and the direction of movement of the verb between spatial endpoints indicate grammatical relations, such as subject and object. 34

the BDAE ratings of signing characteristics, as well Sublexical-, lexical-, and sentence-level processes as a count of the number of paraphasic errors per A variety of sublexical-, lexical-, and sentence-level minute of signing. Comprehension measures included deficits (i.e. typical aphasic symptomology) have been a set of one-, two-, and three-step commands (BDAE found in individual left-hemisphere-damaged (LHD) ‘Commands’ subtest) and an ASL-adapted version of deaf signers (Bellugi, Poizner and Klima, 1989; the Token Test (DeRenzi and Vignolo, 1962). Naming Corina, 1998; Hickok, Bellugi and Klima,1998a; assessment included two BDAE subtests: Visual Con- Hickok, Klima and Bellugi, 1996a; Hickok,Klima, frontation Naming (naming in response to pictures) Kritchevsky et al., 1995b; Kimura, 1981). These defi- and Responsive Naming (naming in response to ques- cits have been noted both in production, and in com- tions; e.g. “What do you do with a book?”). Repe- prehension. In production, a range of paraphasic error tition ability was assessed using the BDAE Phrase types have been identified in LHD signers, including Repetition subtest. A subset of subjects (10 LHD, 7 ‘phonemic’, morphological, and semantic subtypes, RHD) also took a ‘rhyme’ judgment test in which they demonstrating the breakdown of these various levels were asked to choose (out of an array of four) the of computation (Hickok et al., 1998a; Poizner et al., two pictured objects whose signs ‘were most similar 1987). Some examples of phonemic and paragram- in terms of the number of sign-phonological features. matic are provided in Fig. 2. Note that LHD signers performed significantly worse than RHD phonemic errors have been identified involving the signers on all measures (Fig. 3). The differences hold range of sign-phonologic features including hand- up even if subjects with lesions outside the perisyl- shape, location, movement, and orientation. Disorders vian region are excluded, thus correcting for possible in sign language sentence formation in LHD signers sampling bias in the distribution of lesions, and when have emerged both in the form of agrammatism (pro- only native deaf signers are included in the analysis. duction of grammatically impoverished utterances) Finally, the difference between LHD and RHD sign- and in the form of para-grammatism (production of ers is not a function of sampling error due to group grammatically rich, but disordered utterances), show- differences in (1) age at test, (2) onset of deafness, or ing that sign sentence level computations can also be (3) age of exposure to ASL; collapsing across the two disrupted following LHD in deaf signers (Hickok et groups, there is no correlation between the total score al., 1998a; Poizner et al., 1987). Production errors at on the full BDAE rating scales (comprehension scale all these levels are fairly common in LHD signers, included) and these three variables (P = 0.99, 0.52, but occur very rarely, if at all, in right-hemisphere- and 0.91, respectively). This is not to say that these damaged (RHD) signers (Hickok et al., 1996a). On variables have no impact on sign language organiza- the comprehension side, we have documented deficits tion or language ability, because surely they do at at the word (i.e. sign) and sentence level (Hickok et some level of detail, only that the dominant factor al., 1996a). observed only following LHD, not RHD. which predicts performance on these within-sentence At the sentence level, LHD signers also perform sig- linguistic tests is whether the left or right hemisphere nificantly worse than do RHD signers. is damaged. To confirm the hypotheses suggested by case stud- ies that the left hemisphere is dominant for sublexical-, Supra-sentential (discourse) deficits lexical-, and sentence-level processes in signlanguage, One linguistic deficit which has been associated with we have carried out a group study comparing 13 LHD right hemisphere damage in hearing/speaking indi- and 10 RHD signers on a range of standard language viduals involves extra-grammatical and discourse level tests (Hickok et al., 1996a). Using our ASL-adapted processes, that is, the ability to link appropriately version of the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Exami- (in production and comprehension) discourse refer- nation (BDAE) (Goodglass and Kaplan, 1983), we ents across multiple sentences (Brownell et al., 1986; assessed each subject’s com-petence in several basic Wapner, Hamby and Gardner, 1981). These deficits aspects of language use: production, comprehension, manifest as failures to integrate information across naming, and repetition. Production measures included sentences, including impairments in under-standing 35

Fig. 2. Phonemic and paragrammatic errors in LHD deaf signers. Phonemic errors based on substitution of sublexical components of ASL (e.g. handshape and location). Paragrammatic errors based on substitution of one grammatical inflection for another, or an overex- tension of a grammatical inflection. jokes, in making inferences, and in adhering to the cause aphasia, it may impair discourse functions in story-line when producing a narrative. In con-trast, ASL, just as it does in spoken language. More formal phonological and syntactic processes in these hearing/ observations using a story narration task given to two speaking individuals appear to be intact. Informal deaf RHD signers, have revealed at least two distinct observation of some RHD deaf signers, sug-gested types of discourse deficits (Hickok, Wilson, Clark et that, although right hemisphere damage does not al., 1999). The first involves a failure to adhere to the 36

Fig. 3. LHD deaf signers’ impairments in language functions. Graphs provide means and standard error bars for LHD (n = 13) versus RHD (n = 10) signers on six measures of ASL ability. Circles indicate level of performance among the subset of this study population who were prelingually deaf native signers (LHD, n = 4; RHD, n = 3). Production Scales, sum score on our ASL-adapted version of the BDAE; Paraphasias/min, total number of sign errors in a sign sample elicited according to BDAE protocol; Comprehension Tests, BDAE commands subtest and our ASL-adapted version of the Token Test (DeRenzi and Vignolo, 1962); Naming Tests, BDAE visual confrontation and responsive naming tests; Phrase Repetition Test, ASL version of the BDAE Phrase Repetition test; Rhyming Test, a ‘rhyme’ judgment test in which subjects choose (out of an array of four) the two pictured objects whose signs were most similar in terms of sign-phonological features (Poizner et al., 1987); n = 10 LHD and n = 7 RFID. story-line, evidenced most often with confabulatory and also shows the errors made by an RHD signer. or tangential utterances, both of which have been dis- We tabulated the ratio of confabulatory or tangential cussed in relation to hearing/speaking RHD patients. utterances in each patient as well as the number The second type of deficit involves errors in the use of of errors in each patient’s spatially organized dis- the spatialized discourse of ASL. course. The results are as follows. Case RHD-221-AR Discourse organization in ASL is unique in that dis- made only one spatial discourse error, but 60% of his course referents are established, referred to, and of utterances were confabulatory/tangential. Case RHD- correct spatial discourse organization in a storytelling 216-SJ showed the reverse pattern. He confabulatory/ task, including shifts in the referential signing space, tangential utterances (see Fig. 413). A 37



RHD-AR-221 RHD-SJ-216 RHD-AR-221 RHD-SJ-216 Fig, 4. Discourse deficits in RHD signers. (A) An example of spatialized discourse errors in an RHD signer. (13) Performance of two RHD signers on two measures of discourse function. spatialized discourse deficit has also been observed we present evidence suggesting that the lateralization in RHD-207-DN, a hearing signer (Clark, Hickok, pattern of non-linguistic spatial functions is also very Batch et al., 1995; Poizner and Kegl, 1993). These similar between deaf and hearing individuals. results suggest: (1) the right hemisphere is involve- din discourse processing in ASL, as it is in spoken Gross visuospatial deficits in RHD signers language; and (2) there are dissociable subcompo- RHD in hearing speaking individuals often leads to nents of discourse processes in ASL that are unique substantial visuospatial deficits which are evidenced, to its spatial linguistic organization. in the most severe cases, by grossly distorted pro- ductions in, for example, drawing tasks and block Hemispheric asymmetriesfor spatial cognition arrangement tasks (Kirk and Kertesz, 1994). In con- trast to the LHD signers, several of the RHD signers The previous section presented evidence which sug- in our study population presented with similar kinds gests that the lateralization pattern of sign language of gross visuospatial deficits (see Fig. 5). The left systems is similar to that of spoken language. Here column illustrates the relatively preserved spatial abil- 38

Fig. 5. RHD deaf signers show impairment in non-language visuospatial functions. The LHD signers (left column) showed relatively preserved non-language functions as shown by their drawings and block design, whereas the RHD signers (right column) showed many impairments in non-language visuospatial functions. Note the left neglect, the lack of perspective, and the disorganization in block design and drawings for RHD signers. 39 ities of LHD deaf signers. The middle column illus- cancellation tasks, and in line bisection tasks. Perhaps trates the models used for drawing and block design in surprisingly, even severe does not spatial tasks. The right column illustrates the impaired seem to interfere substantially with normal sign lan- performance of RHD signers, includ- ing neglect of guage communication, either in terms of production the left side of space, lack of per- spective, and disor- or comprehension (Corina, Kritchevsky and Bellugi, ganized drawing or block design. Despite sometimes 1996) (see Fig. 6), except when the patient is asked severe non-linguistic visuospatial impairments, none to communicate information about spatial relations, of the RHD signers had aphasia. such as describing the layout of a room (Poizner et al., 1987). In one case, for example, a patient with left Locallglobal differences hernispatial neglect described the layout of furniture While gross visuospatial deficits may more com- in her room using grammatically correct utterances monly occur with RHD (both in deaf and hearing pop- and correctly enumerating all the objects; however, ulations), it has been reported that some visu-ospatial the position of the furniture within deficits can be reliably observed in LHD hearing indi- the room was incorrectly described, with most of the viduals (Delis, Kiefner and Fridlund, 1988; Kirk and items ‘piled up’ on the right side of space, neglecting Kertesz, 1994). When LHD individuals have visuo- the left side, and yet her signing was impeccable oth- spatial deficits, they typically involve difficulties in erwise. We have not seen hernispatial neglect in LHD attending to and/or reproducing the local-level details signers in our study population. of a visuospatial stimulus, while global-configuration To the extent studied thus far, hemispheric asym- aspects are correctly identified/reproduced. RHD hear- metries for language and spatial cognition in deaf life- ing individuals tend to show the opposite pattern. long signers is indistinguishable from those Thus, it has been sug-gested that the left hemisphere found in the hearing/ speaking population. is important for lo-cal-level visuospatial processes, whereas the right hemisphere is important for global- Within-hemisphere organization for sign language level processes (Delis et al., 1988). We investigated whether a similar asymmetry would be observed in Functional aspects: syndromes and symptoms our deaf study population (Hickok, Kirk and Bellugi, To the extent that the types and patterns of deficits 1998c). A group of left or right lesioned. deaf signers found in aphasia for sign language are similar to were asked to reproduce (1) two line drawings (a what is found in aphasia for spoken language, it sug- house and an elephant), and (2) four hierarchical fig- gests a common functional organization between the ures (e.g. the letter ‘D’ composed of small ‘Y’s). two forms of language. There do seem to be a great Drawings were scored separately for the presence of number of commonalities in the language deficits local vs. global features. Consistent with data from found in signed versus spoken language: many of the hearing patients, the LHD deaf subjects were sig- aphasic symptom clusters we have observed in our nificantly better at reproducing global-level features, LHD signers fall within the bounds of classical clini- whereas the RHD deaf subjects were significantly cal categories defined on the basis of hearing apha- better at reproducing local-level features. This effect sics (Goodglass and Kaplan, 1983), and the lesions held for both types of stimuli. producing these patterns of deficits in LHD signers are consistent with clinical-anatomic correlations in Hemispatial neglect issues the hearing population (Damasio, 1992). Examples of Left hernispatial neglect is a symptom that is strongly this include the following observations: (1) we have associated with RHD in the hearing population (Heil- not identified a case in which a lesion outside the peri- man, Watson and Valenstein, 1997). We have noticed sylvian language zone has led to a primary aphasia a similar association in our deaf study population (although, admittedly, we have not seen a wide range (Poizner et al., 1987). Several of the RHD signers pre- of patients with extra-perisylvian lesions); (2) non- sented with significant symptoms of left hemispatial fluent aphasic signers have lesions involving anterior neglect which showed up in drawing tasks, in line language regions; and (3) fluent aphasic signers have 40

Fig. 6. Left spatial neglect in spatial cognition, but not in language, in RHD signers. Top row shows evidence of left hernispatial neglect in an RHD signer on non-linguistic visuospatial tasks. Bottom row demonstrates the same patient’s use of left hemispace in his sign production. lesions involving posterior language regions (Corina, are given in English, and LHD-103-GD’s signing in 1998; Poizner et al., 1987). In addition, the range English gloss. of common deficit types that have been reported in hearing aphasia has been observed regularly in sign Experimenter: What’s that? [Pointing to the picture] language aphasia. Examples of these include the pres- LHD-103-GD: THREE [pause] ence of word (i.e. sign) finding problems in most Experimenter: Who is that? [Pointing to the woman in cases of aphasia, paraphasic errors, and agrammatism, the picture] and the tendency for comprehension deficits to be LHD- I 03-GD: MOTHER [pause] more closely associated with fluent aphasia than with Experimenter: Who is that? [Pointing to the boy in the non-fluent aphasia. Based on available evidence, it is picture] reasonable to hypothesize that the functional organi- LHD-103-GD: BROTHER BROTHER [pause] zation of signed and spoken language within the left Experimenter: What is the woman doing there? [refer- hemisphere is very similar. ring to a woman washing dishes] The following are two illustrative cases of non- LHD-103-GD: [Fumbles and gestures, then signs] fluent and fluent sign aphasia, respectively, in LHD PLATE T- . . . E- . . . 0 W L signers. [attempts to fingerspell ‘towel’] A case of non-fluent aphasia. LHD- 103-GD’s production was halting and effortful, often reduced This clinical profile is consistent with Broca’s to single-sign utterances, and lacked all of the syn- aphasia, and her lesion, involving most of the left tactic and morphological markings required in ASL; frontal lobe and anterior insula, was typical of those her comprehension, however, was well-preserved. The that produce Broca’s aphasia (including agramma- following is a sample of LHD-103-GD’s signing pro- tism) in spoken language. vided by her description of the ‘Cookie Theft’ picture. A case offluent aphasia. LHD-101-PD’s signing The following exchange was carried out in ASL, but was fluent and displayed the full range of ASL:s gram- for presentation purposes, the examiner’s questions matical markers. His use of these grammatical mark- 41 ers, however, was disordered. His signing was replete cortex) will contribute to answering the question, to with selectional errors and additions within ASL mor- what extent is the cerebral organization of language phology, and exhibited many errors in spatialized syn- areas driven by the cerebral topography of the sen- tactic markings of ASL. The following is a sample sory-motor systems? of LHD-101-PD’s signing (asterisks indicate errors): We had the opportunity to investigate the role of Broca’s area in sign language production through an in-depth case study of LHD-130-RS, a congeni- AND HAVE ONE * WAY-DOWN-THERE [un- tally deaf, native user of ASL, who suffered an isch- intelligible]. MAN WALK, MAN SEE THAT ernic infarct involving the frontal operculurn and * DISCONNECT E-X-T-E-N-T-1-0-N O-F * inferior portion of the primary motor cortex (Hickok, EARTH ROOM. HAVE FOR MAN CAN Kritchevsky, Bellugi and Klima, 1996b). Acutely, * LIVE ROOF, LIGHT, SHADE [Seriated Plural] she presented with mutism, consistent with what one *PULL-DOWNI[+Dual] + Habitual] AND HAVE might expect in a hearing/speaking individual. Chron- GLASS WALL... ically, LHD-130-RS had good comprehension, fluent production with occasional sign-finding problems, [“And there’s one (way down at the end) [unintel semantic paraphasias, and what appeared to be a ligible]. The man walked over to see the (discon- deficit involving the ability to coordinate bimanual nected), an extension of the (earth) room. It’s there movements during sign production (Fig. 7). The latter for the man (can live) a roof and light with shades deficit showed up: (1) in LHD-130-RS’s tendency on to (keep pulling down).”] one-handed signs, to ‘shadow’, with her non-domi- nant; hand, sign-articulatory gestures carried out by His production is much like that of a Wernicke’s her dominant hand (Fig. 7A); (2) in her tendency on aphasic, although his comprehension is relatively pre- two-handed signs, to assimilate the handshape and/or served which is uncharacteristic of that syndrome. His movement of the non-dominant hand with that of the lesion is subcortical in the left hemisphere involving dominant hand (Fig. 7B); and (3) in her occasional caudate, lenticular nucleus, and external capsule with failure to complete the movement of a two-handed extension into the frontal periventricular white matter sign when the endpoint of the movement involved and white matter undercutting the superior sector of contact between the two hands (Fig. 7Q. We were both the frontal and parietal opercula. not able to find any evidence of a bimanual coordi- nation deficit in non-linguistic tasks. Blumstein has The role of Broca’s area suggested that speech production errors in anterior Broca’s area has figured prominently in attempts to aphasia reflects a breakdown at the phonetic (not pho- determine the anatomy of speech production (see nemic) level caused by a loss of the ability to coor- Dronkers and Larsen, 2001, this volume). While dinate independent speech articulators (e.g. larynx, recent studies have shown convincingly that lesions tongue, lips) (Blumstein, 1995). For a signer, the two restricted to Broca’s area do not lead to a lasting, hands are independent articulator which are often severe speech production deficit (Mohr, Pessin, Fin- required to perform independent (i.e. non-symmet- kelstein et al., 1978), evidence from the acute postic- ric) movements. The deficit observed in LHD-130-RS tal syndrome (Alexander, Naeser and Palumbo, 1990) may represent the sign analogue of phonetic-level as well as evidence from cortical stimulation breakdown in language production. This case sug- (0jemann, 1983; Penfield and Roberts, 1959) and gests that Broca’s area plays an important role in sign- functional neurointaging (Petersen, Fox, Posner et al., language production. 1988; Zatorre, Meyer, Gjedde et al., 1996) suggests at least some role for Broca’s area in speech produc- A case of sign blindness tion. Determining whether Broca’s area plays a role ‘Pure Word Blindness’ or ‘Alexia without Agraphia’ in the production of sign language (which uses artic- has been well-documented in the literature (Fried-man ulators that are controlled by superior-lateral motor and Albert, 1985). Hearing/speaking patients with this 42




Fig. 7. Examples of bimanual coordination errors in the sign production of a deaf native signer with a lesion in Broca’s area. (A) Example of ‘shadowing’ on unimanual signs. (B) Example of difficulty in articulating signs with asymmetric movements (i.e. movements which involve non- homologous muscle groups in the left and right limbs). (C) Example of failure to complete a bimanual sign in which the endpoint of articulation involved contact of the two hands. disorder are typically blind in the right visual field nium. of the corpus callosum. Language areas are (right homonymous hemianopia), have normal audi- thus preserved, allowing normal production, auditory tory-verbal language capacity, are able to write, but comprehension, and writing, but these areas are iso- cannot read. The lesion typically involves left visual lated from visual input (because of cortex (explaining the visual field defect) and sple- in the right visual field and deafferenta-tion of infor- 43 mation coming from the left visual field through the level comprehension task involving more complex splenium). A deaf signer, LHD- I I I -BC, had a lesion multi-clause/multi-step commands. Performance was involving all of the left primary visual cortex, most examined in relation to two factors: whether the lesion of area 18, with some extension into medial aspects was in the right or left hemisphere and whether the of the temporal lobe (area 37); this lesion also clearly temporal lobe was involved or not. The LHD group involved white matter fibers lateral to the spleniurn performed significantly worse than the RHD group (Hickok et al., 1995b). Consistent with the neuro- on all three tasks confirming left hemisphere domi- logical effects of such a lesion in hearing subjects, nance for sign language compre-hension. The group the deaf subject, LHD- I I I -BC, was alexic (i.e. with left temporal lobe involve-ment was significantly she could not read written English). While her sign- impaired on all tasks, whereas each of the other three ing was fluent and grammatical, her comprehension groups performed at betterthan 95% correct on the was profoundly impaired; she could not follow even single sign and simple sen-tence comprehension tasks, simple one-step (ASL) commands, such as “point to with performance falling off only on the complex sen- the floor”. Her single-sign comprehension was also tence comprehensionitems (see Fig. 8). A comparison significantly impaired, although to a lesser extent than with previously published data (Swisher and Sarno, her sentence comprehension. Her visual object recog- 1969) suggests that the degree of difficulty exhibited nition, however, was unimpaired: she had no prob- by the deaf RHD group on the complex sentences is lem naming line-drawings of objects presented to comparable to that observed in hearing RHD subjects. her visually. It would appear that LHD- I I I -BC This re-sult suggests that language comprehension was essentially blind for sign language as a result depends primarily on,the integrity of the left temporal of her left occipito-temporal lesion that isolated the lobe, independent of modality. left hemisphere language systems from visual infor- mation, analogous to the neurological model of pure Dissociations word blindness. This case provides strong evidence favoring the view that the left hemisphere is domi- The functional divisions within the neural systems nant for ASL in deaf individuals because it demon- supporting language and other cognitive abilities have strates that the right hemisphere by itself is severely been highlighted by several dissociations ob-served in constrained in its ability to process signed language. deaf signers.

Neurology of sign comprehension Dissociations between linguistic and non-linguistic Auditory comprehension deficits in aphasia in hearing/ spatial abilities speaking individuals are most closely associated with It was noted above that LHD, but not RHD, frequently left temporal lobe damage (Naeser, Helm-Estabrooks, produces aphasia in deaf signers, whereas RHD, but Haas et al., 1987). This makes intuitive sense given not LHD, frequently produces gross visu-ospatial def- that the temporal lobe contains primary and secondary icits (Fig. 5). This pattern of deficits constitutes a auditory fields. Because the sensory input of a deaf double dissociation between sublexical-, lexical-, and signer is via the visual system, one might expect that sentence-level aspects of spatialized. linguistic abil- the temporal lobe plays a less important role in sign ity on the one hand, and gross non-linguistic spatial language comprehension, with more posterior visual- cognitive ability on the other (Hickok et al., 1996a). related cortical fields playing a larger role. We investi- Additional dissociations between sign language abili- gated the relative role of the left versus right temporal ties and non-linguistic spatial abilities have been dem- lobe in the comprehension of ASL (Love, Bellugi, onstrated both within the left hemi-sphere and within Klima and Hickok, 1999). Nineteen life-long signers the right hemisphere. Within the left hemisphere, we with unilateral brain lesions (11 LHD, 8 RHD) per- examined the relation between local-level visuospa- formed three tasks, an isolated single-sign compre- tial deficits evident on a drawing copy task, and sev- hension task, a sentence-level comprehension task eral measures of sign language ability, including rate involving simple one-step commands, and a sentence- of paraphasias in running sign, 44

Fig. 8. Comprehension in LHD and RHD deaf signers as a function of hemisphere and temporal lobe involvement. single-sign comprehension, and sentence-level com- the right hemisphere supporting spatialized discourse prehension (Hickok et al., 1998c). No significant cor- functions versus non-linguistic spatial abilities. relations were found between the hit rate for local features in the drawing copy task and any of the sign Dissociations within spatialized language systems in language performance measures. In fact, cases were ASL identified in which local-level scores were near per- In addition to using space to encode grammatical and fect, yet scores on tests of sign language ability were discourse information, ASL uses space in an iconic among the worst in the sample. This suggests that fashion to represent spatial information directly, as, aphasic deficits cannot be reduced to a more general for example, in describing the layout of objects in deficit in local-level visuospatial processing. Within room. It is worth making the distinction clear between performance on standard visuospatial tasks was quite the grammatical use of space in ASL, as in the encod- good, yet she had difficulty with spatialized aspects ing of phonological, morphological, and syntactic of ASL discourse. This finding hints at the possibility information described previously, and the spatial use that there are non-identical neural systems within of space in ASL (e.g. to directly convey spatial rela- 45 tions; e.g. Emmorey, Hickok and Klima, 1997). Eng- tation that is ultimately constructed from the signal lish communicates spatial information through the use (grammatical vs. spatial), rather than by the physical of prepositions and spatial description words as in properties of the signal itself. the utterance, “The cup is near the left, front comer of table behind the fork.” Note that the grammatical Dissociation between aphasia and apraxia structure of such a sentence is independent of how The data discussed thus far suggest that sign language accurate the spatial information is. So while it may or deficits cannot be reduced fully to domain general may not be the case that the cup is behind the fork, spatial cognitive deficits. To what extent can sign lan- it certainly is the case that the sentence itself follows guage deficits be reduced to domain-general motor the rules of the grammatical structure of English (as skills? In order to address this question, we adminis- opposed to “cup near comer left front table“). In ASL, tered an abbreviated version of Kimura’s Movement instead of using lexical means (prepositions) to com- Copy Test (Kimura, 1993) to I I LHD subjects. This municate spatial information, the locations of objects task involved copying non-representational manual relative to one another are physically and more or less movements using the arm ipsilateral to the lesion. We iso-morphically (i.e. iconically) mapped out in (sign- did find varying degrees of disruption in the ability ing) space (Fig. 9). And, like in the spoken language to perform this task, consistent with the tendency for example, the grammatical structure of a signed sen- hearing LHD patients; however, scores did not cor- tence is independent of the truth value of the content. relate significantly with measures of sign production We wondered whether the grammatical use of during connected sign, including number of parapha- space could be dissociated from the spatial use of sias per minute, number of paraphasias when cor- space even when these types of information are rected for number of signs produced, or fluency as expressed in the same channel. To investigate this defined in the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examina- question, we tested the performance of two deaf, tion phrase length scale (Hickok et al., 1996a). Fur- native signers - one with left hemisphere damage and thermore, on each of the language measures, subjects one with right hemisphere damage - on comprehen- could be identified who produced similar scores in sion tasks involving the use of space, within ASL, terms of their sign production yet differed substan- to represent grammatical versus spatial infor-mation tially in their apraxia score, indicating the dissocia- (Hickok, Say, Bellugi and Klima, 1996c). In the gram- bility between the two domains. While it is difficult matical task, we presented signed sentences similar to rule out fully the existence of a significant cor- to “the cat chased the dog” in which the grammatical relation between these variables because of the rela- subject and object of the verb was indicated spatially; tively small sample size, these data suggest that there the task was to select a picture that matched the mean- is a significant amount of variability in at least some ing of the sentence. In the spatial task, we presented aspects of sign language disruption that cannot be a signed description (using classifier constructions) of accounted for solely by a disruption of voluntary the layout of furniture in a room followed by a pic- motor control. ture that either matched that description or did not; the task was to indicate whether the picture matched Dissociations between sign and gesture the description (Em-morey et al., 1997). We found a Evidence supporting the view that deficits in sign lan- double dissociation: the LHD deaf signer (130-RS) guage are qualitatively different from deficits in the was impaired on tasks involving the use of space for ability to produce and understand pantomimic gesture encoding grammatical information (64% correct), but comes from a case study of a LHD signer (Corina, performed well on tasks involving the use of space to Poizner, Bellugi et al., 1992). Following an ischernic encode spatial information iconically (100% correct). infarct involving both anterior and posterior perisyl- The RHD deaf signer (216-SJ) showed the reverse vian regions, LHD-108-WL became aphasic for sign pattern (89% and 50%, respectively). These data sug- language. His comprehension was poor and his sign gest that the neu-ral organization for language and production was characterized by frequent parapha- spatial cognition are driven by the type of represen- sias, reduced grammatical structure, and a tendency to 46

Fig. 9. Illustration of ‘spatial mapping’ in ASL using classifier constructions. In such mapping from real world space to signing space the identity of each object is specified by lexical sign (e.g. TABLE, TV, CHAIR). The locations of the objects including their orientation and their spatial relations with respect to one another are indicated by a ‘classifier’ sign, determined by the size and shape of the particular object. The figure shows a description of a room in ASL using classifier constructions (for table, TV and chair) as seen from the door. Where English uses separate words (prepositions, adverbs) to express such spatial relations, ASL uses the actual visual layout displayed by the array of classifier signs to indicate the spatial relations of the objects. substitute pantomime for ASL signs - a tendency not are similar, and has provided some indication that the present prior to his . These pantomimic gestures within-hemisphere organization of signed language is were used even in cases in which the gesture involved also similar to that of spoken language. But the spatial similar or more elaborate sequences of movements resolution of the lesion method is poor, par-ticularly arguing against a complexity- based explanation of in a rare population, limiting the amount of his performance. LHD- 108-WL showed a similar dis- information one can derive from lesion studies alone. sociation in his comprehension of signs versus panto- The development of new functional imaging meth- mime where he had more trouble matching a sign to ods has allowed investigators to take a closer look at a picture than matching a pantomimed gesture to pic- the within-hemisphere organization of sign language. ture. This case makes the point that disruptions in sign The first studies examined the role of Broca’s area in language ability are not merely the result of more gen- sign production (Hickok, Clark, Erhard et al., eral disruptions in the ability to communicate through 1995a; McGuire, Robertson, Thacker et al., 1997). symbolic gesture. Those studies have documented that Broca’s area is, in fact, activated during sign production, consistent Converging evidence and additional issues with lesion evidence (see Fig. 10). More recent work has examined regions involved Evidence from functional neuroimaging in sign language comprehension. Neville et al. (Nev- ille, Bavelier, Corina et al., 1998) asked deaf native Lesion evidence has indicated clearly that hen-ti- signers to watch videotapes of sign language sen- spheric asymmetries for signed and spoken language tences during fMRI acquisition. After subtraction of 47

Fig. 10. Activation of Broca’s area in a sign language production task. Subjects were shown a grayscale image of a different ASL handshape every 5 s during image acquisition, and asked to generate (covertly) as many ASL signs as possible that incorporate that handshape. Data from Hickok et al. (1995a). a condition in which participants observed nonsense primary and secondary auditory cortices). This result sign sentences, several regions of activation were shows that many traditional language processing areas found including lateral superior temporal lobe struc- within the left hemisphere are activated during sign tures and several frontal structures including Broca’s comprehension, including portions of Wernicke’s area area. Parietal lobe regions were not activated, nor as well as Broca’s area. Several regions one might were auditory cortices in the supratemporal plane (the expect a priori to be involved in sign language pro- dorsal surface of the temporal lobe which contains cessing were not activated, including parietal lobe 48 structures and secondary visual cortices. Some authors Summary have emphasized the bilateral activation pattern in the Neville et al. study, and used this observation to argue The data reviewed here support the conclusion that that ASL may be more bilaterally organized than the neural organization of signed language is remark- spoken language (Neville et al., 1998; Paulesu and ably similar to that of spoken language. Left perisyl- Mehler, 1998). The lesion evidence, however, clearly vian damage in deaf signers produces sign language indicates a similar pattern of hemispheric asymmetries deficits much like those found in hearing individuals for signed and spoken language, including compre- with left perisylvian damage. Furthermore, functional hension ability (Hickok, Bellugi and Klima, 1998b). imaging and lesion evidence suggests that Broca’s To the extent that dif-ferences in the degree of hemi- area participates in sign language production and that spheric asymmetries exist between signed and spoken the lateral temporal lobe is a site critical for sign lan- language, they will guage comprehension. Right hemisphere damage in. likely be very subtle. deaf signers does not produce marked aphasic defi- cits, but has been associated with dis-course-level sign Plasticity and the ‘deaf brain’ language deficits. Language abili-ties in deaf signers appear to be dissociable from a variety of non-lin- There does appear to be one major difference in the guistic visuospatial abilities, from non-linguistic sym- neural organization of signed and spoken language, bolic-gestural abilities, and from non-symbolic praxic which is highlighted by functional imaging data. A abilities. The sensory interface system seems to con- range of studies of auditory language perception have stitute the major difference be-tween the neural orga- indicated that the dorsal superior temporal gyrus is a nization of signed versus spo-ken language: speech perception appears to rely on systems in the dorsal site important for speech perception (Boatman, Lesser superior temporal gyrus, sign perception does not and Gordon, 1995; Hickok, 2000; Zatorre et al., 1996). appear to activate this region. We hypothesize that This is not surprising given that unimodal auditory the sign analogue of speech perception is carried cortical fields are located predom-inantly in the out in unimodal visual cortex, whereas higher-level supraternporal plane (Galaburda and Sanides, 1980). (i.e. supramodal) language processes (lexical, mor- Functional imaging studies of sign language per- phological, syntactic) are carried out in canonical left ception have noted activations in the lat-eral tem- perisylvian language regions. Thus, despite a priori poral lobe (e.g. superior temporal sulcus), but have expectations, radical differ-ences in the peripheral not reported activation in unimodal auditory cortical sensory and motor interface systems between signed regions (Hickok, Poeppel, Clark et al., 1997; Neville and spoken language appear to have little effect on et al., 1998; Nishimura, Hashikawa, Doi et al., 1999). the neural organization of core aspects of the linguis- This observation is consistent with the hypothesis that tic system. Perhaps there are some intrinsic features unimodal auditory cortical fields are of language-related cortical fields that make these important for speech perception in hearing/speaking areas particularly well-suited for linguistic computa- individuals, that such systems participate only in au- tion, independent of modality. ditory language perception, and that canonical uni- modal auditory fields in congenitally deaf individuals Acknowledgements retain their original functional specification (Hickok et al., 1997). If systems important for speech percep- This research was supported in part by grants from tion can be found in unimodal auditory cortex, and National Institute of Deafness and Communication these systems are not recruited for the perception of Disorders (DC00201) and the National Institute of sign language, we should expect to find the sign ana- Child Health and Human Development (HD13249) logue of speech perception to be located somewhere to UB. Illustrations copyright, The Salk Institute for in unimodal visual cortex. Biological Studies. 49

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