Review of Burleson
BOOK REVIEWS Stephen Fisher (ed.). Recreation and the Sea. common thread in Waltons case studies of Exeter: Universi ty of Exeter Press, 1997. ix + 181 Brighton, Nice, and San Sebastian, and Cusack pp., figures, maps, tables, photographs. £13.99, and Ryan both recognise its role in the develop- paper; ISBN 0-85989-540-8. Distributed in No rth ment of yachting. On a more practical level, America by Northwestern University Press, improvements in transpo rtation — from steam- Evanston, IL. boats to trains to automobiles — encouraged mass tourism and permitted the emergence of seaside This is a collection of six essays originally pre- resort towns and even resort "clusters." [Walton, sented at a 1993 conference organised by the 46] With the onset of mass tourism, advertising Centre for Maritime Historical Studies at the assumed a key role, as Morgan makes clear for University of Exeter. John Travis writes on Torquay. As for image, Walton and Morgan both English sea-bathing between 1730 and 1900; argue convincingly that, at least until 1939, local John Walton looks at the spread of sea-bathing communities had a large say in how they wished from England where it began to other European to be portrayed to potential visitors. centres during the period 1750 to 1939; Paul There is little with which to quibble in this Thornton provides a regional study of coastal fine collection. Travis offers no explanation for tourism in Cornwall since 1900; Nigel Morgan the nineteenth-century transition in bathing examines the emergence of modern resort activi- circles from a medicinal focus to an emphasis on ties in inter-war Torquay; and Janet Cusack and the physical activity of swimming, though he Roger Ryan write on aspects of English yachting admits that this was "a fundamental ch ange in the history, the former focusing on the Thames and bathing ritual." [16] Citing Perrys work on Corn- south Devon, the latter on the northwest.
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