The Odawara Survival Guide for Newly Arrived Foreign Teachers
The Odawara Survival Guide For newly arrived foreign teachers Odawara Survival Guide 2 Table of Contents I. Introduction A. Forward 3 B. Odawara 4 II. The Job A. A Short History of IU in Odawara 5 B. The Objectives of the IU Program 5 C. The Scope of the IU Program 6 D. The Responsibilities of the AET 6 E. Work Hours and Holidays 8 F. Japanese Junior High Schools 9 G. Life of a Team-Taught Lesson 9 H. Norms of Dress and Behavior 9 I. Possible Difficulties 10 J. Salary and Other Money Matters 11 K. Renewing 11 III. Before You Leave A. What to Bring 12 B. What to Do 13 C. The Self-Introduction 14 IV. When You Arrive A. Arrival 15 B. The Apartment 15 C. The First Few Weeks 15 V. Odawara A2Z 16 Alcohol, Amusement Parks, Antiques, Baking Supplies, Banking, Bars, Batting Cages, Billiards, Bills, Biking, Book Shops, Bowling, Bread, Bugs, Busses, Churches, City Hall, Cleaning, Clothing, Community Chest, Computers, Computer Networking, Concerts, Crime, Department Stores, Day Trips, Doctors, Do-it-yourself, Driver's License, Earthquakes, Et Cetera, Fast Food, Facsimile, Film and Developing, Fish, Furniture and Household Goods, Futons, Gambling, Game Rooms, Garbage, Gas, Gifts, Hair, Hiking/Camping, History, Homesickness, Horseback Riding, Immigration, Immunization, Insurance, Japanese, Jogging, Karaoke, Kerosene, Keys, Laundry, Libraries, Lost and Found, Love Hotels, Magazines, Mail, Martial Arts, Movie Theater, Museums, Music, Newspapers, Onsen, Pizza, Restaurants, Scholarships, Shoes, Sightseeing in Odawara, Skiing, Sports/Fitness Centers, Sports Equipment, Sumo, Supermarkets, Taxes, Taxis, Telephone, Television, Tennis, Theater, Trains, Travel, Video Rental, Water Sports, Zoos VI.
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