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AA,II1.1.7 Aw , II.4.4 AcohJ, II1.4.6 (Aw)>., II.4.8, II.4.F action of a group by Azumaya algebra, III.1.3 automorphisms, II.l.5 Azumaya locus, III. 1. 7 ad, 1.9.12 adjoint action, 1.9.12 baby Verma module, II1.2.2 adjoint form of quantized SB H, II1.4.4 enveloping algebra, 1.6.3 bialgebra, 1.9.7 ad!, 1.9.12 big cell, III.6.5 admissible ordering, 1.12.4 biideal, 1.9.7 admissibly ordered monoid, 1.12.4 block, I.16.1, I.16.2 adT , 1.9.12 block decomposition, I.16.2(2) ad~, 1.9.14 80, II1.3.2 adT) 1.9.14 Borel subalgebra, 1.5.1 adx, 1.5.1 Borel subalgebra of Uq (s[2(k)), 1.3.1 affine algebra, 1.1.14 braid equation, I.10.2 affine algebraic group, 1.9.11(d) braid form of the QYBE, I.10.2 algebraic torus, II. 1. 7 braid group, 1.6.7 algebra with quadratic relations, braid group action on Uq(g), 1.6.7 I.10.4 Bruhat order, III.7.8 alternating bicharacter, 1.12.15 bundle of algebras Amitsur-Levitzki Theorem, I.13.2(2) over maxspec ZQ, II1.4.4 A~,r(k), 1.2.6 Bw,1.6.7 antipode, 1.9.9 Ai(k),1.2.6 canonical element, 1.8.13, 1.8.H Artin algebra, I.16.1 Cartan automorphism, 1.6.4 Artin-Procesi Theorem, IIl.l.4 Cartan matrix, 1.5.1 Artin-Rees properties, II1.9.1 Cartan subalgebra, 1.5.1 Artin-Tate Lemma, 1.13.4 Cartan subalgebra

AR(V), I.10.6 of Uq (s[2(k)), 1.3.1 associated graded module, 1.12.10 Catenarity Theorem, II.9.5 associated graded ring, 1.12.10 , 11.9.1 associative form, II1.4.8 centrally Macaulay ring, II1.8.3 Auslander condition, 1.15.3 central simple algebra, 1.13.3 Auslander-, 1.15.3 character group, 1.9.24, 11.2.5 Auslander-regular ring, 1.15.3 character of a group, II.2.5 342 INDEX

C(M),1.7.2 divided powers, 1.6.7 CM algebra, I.15.4 Dixmier-Moeglin Equivalence, I1.7.9 cy,v, 1.7.2 D)..,p, 1.2.3 coalgebra, 1.9.1 dominant integral weight, 1.5.3 cocommutative coalgebra, 1.9.1 double Bruhat decomposition, cocycle twist, 1.12.16 I11.7.8 Cohen-Macaulay algebra, 1.15.4 D q , I.1.8, 1.1.9, 1.2.3 coideal, 1.9.1, 1.9.15 dual pairing, 1.9.22 coinvariants, I11.4.6 dual projective pair, I11.4.8 comodule, 1.9.15 comodule algebra structure, 1.9.18 eigenspace, 1.4.3 compatible semigroup ordering, eigenvalue, 1.4.3 (t) I I.11.3 Ei ,II .7.2 composition factors of a locally fi- elementary reduction, 1.11.2 nite dimensional module, 1.16.2 essential extension, I11.9.1 comultiplication, 1.9.1 cw , I1.4.4 connected graded algebra, 1.12.7 exhaustive filtration, 1.12.1 convolution, 1.9.4, 1.9.9 E;, I1.4.4 convolution product, 1.9.9 Fadeev-Reshetikhin-Takhtadjan co-opposite Hopf algebra, 1.9.22 construction, 1.10.6 coordinate function, I. 7.2 FH, I11.4.10 coordinate ring of an affine alge- filtered module, I.12.3 braic group, 1.9.11(d) filtered ring, I.12.1 coordinate ring of quantum ma• trices associated with an R• filtration, 1.12.1, 1.12.3, 1.12.5 matrix, 1.10.6 finite dual, 1.9.5 P et) coordinate space, 1.7.2 i ,I11.7.2 coproduct, 1.9.1 fixed ring, I1.2.13 counit, 1.9.1 flip map, 1.9.0, I.10.0

Cq , 1.4.5 Fract A, 1.2.11 Cq (g),1.6.12 Fract R, I1.2.13 Cq(g, L), 1.7.1 free central Frobenius extension, III.10.3 degree, 1.1.11 Frobenius extension, III.4.7 degree with respect to a filtration, FRT construction, 1.10.6 I.12.1, I.12.5 fully Azumaya locus, I11.4.1O degree with respect to a grading, fundamental group, 1.5.4 I.12.7 fundamental weight, 1.5.3 Derk A, III.5.1 Diamond Lemma, 1.11.6 Galois extension, III.4.6 Diamond Lemma approach, 1.1.14 f(g), I11.7.1 discrete filtration, I.12.1, I.12.3 f,(g), III.7.1 INDEX 343

Gaussian q-binomial coefficient, H-ideal, 11.1.8 1.6.1 highest weight, 1.5.3 G(B),1.9.24 highest weight vector, 1.5.3, 1.6.12 Gel'fand-Kirillov conjecture, 1.2.11 Hilbert Basis Theorem for skew Gel'fand-Kirillov dimension, 1.15.4 polynomial rings, 1.1.13 generic maximal ideal, II1.4.9 H-invariant ideal, 11.1.8 g( 1), III.8.3 hit action, 1.9.21(a) GK-Cohen-Macaulay algebra, 1.15.4 homogeneous component, 1.12.7 GK.dim, 1.15.4 homogeneous element, 1.12.7 gl.dim, 1.15.1 homogeneous ideal, 1.12.7 global dimension, 1.15.1 homologically homogeneous ring, good integer, III. 7.9 II1.8.3 grade of a module, 1.15.2 Hopf algebra, 1.9.9 grade of an ideal, II1.8.3 Hopf centre, III.4.1 Graded Goldie Theorem, II.3.4 Hopf dual, 1.9.5 graded ideal, 1.12.7 Hopf ideal, 1.9.9 graded module, 1.12.9 Hopf pairing, 1.9.22 graded ring, 1.12.7 H-orbit, 11.1.5 grading, 1.12.7, 1.12.9 H-prime ideal, II.1.9 gr-artinian ring, II.3.1 H-prime ring, II.1.9 Greg, II1.6.6 H-rational H-prime ideal, II.6.1 gr-Goldie ring, II.3.1 H-simple ring, 11.1.8 gr-, II.3.1 H-spec R, II.1.9 grouplike element, 1.9.24 H -stable ideal, II.1.8 gr-prime ideal, 1.12.7 H -stratification, II.2.1 gr-prime ring, 1.12.7, II.3.1 H-stratum, II.2.1 gr(R), 1.12.10 hull-kernel topology, II.1.1 gr-semiprime ring, II.3.1 hypotheses (H), III.I.l gr-simple ring, II.3.1 (I : H), 11.1.8 inclusion ambiguity, 1.11.4 H, II1.4.4 indecomposable ring, 1.16.1 Hamiltonian curve, II1.5.2 induced grading, 1.12.7 Hamiltonian vector field, III.5.1 inj.dim, 1.15.1 H-eigenspace, II.2.5 injective dimension, 1.15.1 H-eigenvalue, II.2.5 inner T-derivation, II.5.4 H-eigenvector, II.2.5 invariants, III.4.6 height formula, II.9.6 irreducible element, 1.11.2 height of a monomial Mr,k,Q, 1.6.11 (I: T), II.5.7 height of a prime ideal, II.9.1 height of a root lattice element, Jacobson ring, II.7.1O 1.6.11 Jacobson topology, II.I.1 H-finite primitive spectrum, II.8.14 J-adic filtration, 1.12.2( e) 344 INDEX j(M), I.15.2 long root, 1.5.1 j-number, 1.15.2 Lusztig's Conjecture, II1.1O.6 J0ndrup's Theorem, 1.14.1 Lusztig's Hope, II1.10.7 Jw , II.4.3 £(w),1.5.1 II.4.3 J:, Macaulay ring, 1.15.4 Kaplansky's Theorem, 1.13.3 Manin's quantum plane, 1.1.4 k-character, II.2.5 maximal ideal space, II.1.1 K.dim, I.15.4 maximal spectrum, II.1.1 k-form of quantized coordinate ring maximal Z-sequence, III.8.3 of a semisimple group, 1.7.5 max R, 11.1.1 k-form of quantized enveloping alge• maxspec R, 11.1.1 bra, 1.6.3 minimal degree of a PI ring, 1.13.1 Killing form, 1.5.1 M(A), 1.4.2, 1.6.12 Kirillov-Kostant Poisson structure, model approach, 1.1.14 II1.5.5(1 ) module algebra structure, 1.9.18 , 1.15.4 Moeglin-Rentschler-Vonessen Tran- k-torus, II.1.7 sitivity Theorem, II.8.9 K w , II.4.11 monic polynomial identity, I.13.1 Ko(R), III.7.11 morphism of bialgebras, 1.9.7 Ap(kn),1.2.C morphism of coalgebras, 1.9.1 Aq(kn),1.2.c morphism of comodules, 1.9.15 Aq(k2 ), I.1.8 morphism of Hopf algebras, 1.9.9 leading coefficient, 1.1.11 Muller's Theorem, III.9.2 left integral, III.4.7 multilinear polynomial, 1.13.1 Leibniz identity, II1.5.1 multiparameter quantized Weyl al- length-lexicographic ordering, 1.11.3 gebra, 1.2.6 length of a chain of prime ideals, multiparameter quantum affine II.9.1 space, 1.2.1 length of a permutation, 1.2.3 multiparameter quantum determi• length of a Weyl group element, nant, 1.2.3 1.5.1 multiparameter quantum G Ln (k), lexicographic ordering, 1.11.3 1.2.4 linearly independent characters, multiparameter quantum n x n ma• II.2.5 trix algebra, 1.2.2 linked irreducible modules, 1.16.2 multiparameter quantum S Ln (k), linked maximal ideals, I.16.2 1.2.4 locally closed point, II.7.6 multiparameter quantum torus, locally closed prime ideal, II.7.6 1.2.1 locally closed set, II.7.6 multiplicatively antisymmetric ma• locally finite dimensional module, trix, 1.2.1 I.16.2 m(wl' W2), II1.7.8 INDEX 345

Nakayama automorphism, 111.10.3 orbit, 11.1.5 nilpotent subalgebra of Uq(.s[2(k)), OR(Endk(V)), I.10.6 1.3.1 original QYBE, I.10.2 N()"), 1.4.3 OR(Mn(k)), I.10.6 non-degenerate associative form, orthogonal, 11.4.3 111.4.8 orthogonal central idempotents, nondegenerate Hopf pairing, 1.9.22 I.16.1 nonnegative filtration, 1.12.1, 1.12.3 O(SLn(k)),1.9.11(c) normal element, 1.15.4, 11.4.1 O(SL2(k)), I.1.5 normal H-separation, 11.9.15 overlap ambiguity, 1.11.4 normally separated prime spectrum, 11.9.4 partially ordered monoid, 1.12.4 normal modulo an ideal, 11.4.1 partial order on weight lattice, 1.5.3 normal separation, 11.9.4 PBW Theorem for Uq(g), 1.6.8 normal subset of a Hopf algebra, PBW Theorem for Uq(.s[2(k)), 1.3.1 1.9.12 p.dim, 1.15.1 Nullstellensatz over k, 11.7.14 perfect dual pairing, 1.9.22 PI-deg(R),1.13.3 O,(G),1I1.7.1 PI degree, 1.13.3 O,(G)(g),III.7.7 PI Hopf triple, IlI.4.1 O,(SL2(k)),1I1.3.1 PI ring, 1.13.1 O(G), 1.1.2, 1.9.11(d) Poisson algebra, 111.5.1 O(GLn(k)),1.9.11(c) Poisson algebraic group, 111.5.3 O)",p(GLn(k)),1.2.4 Poisson bracket, 111.5.1 O)",p(Mn(k)),1.2.2 Poisson ideal, 1I1.5.D O)",p(SLn(k)),1.2.4 O(Mn(k)),1.9.11(c) Poisson manifold, 111.5.2 O(M2(k)), I.1.5 polycentral ideal, 11.9.1 Oq(G),1.7.5 polynomial identity, 1.13.1 Oq(G)f3,r" 1.8.6 polynomial identity ring, I.13.1 Oq(G)k,1.7.5 polynormal ideal, H.4.1 Oq(GLn(k)),1.2.4 polynormal sequence, 11.4.1 Oq( GL2 (k)), 1.1.10 positive filtration, 1.12.1 Oq(kn),1.2.1 positively graded ring, 1.12.7 Oq(kn),1.2.1 positive root, 1.5.1 Oq(k2), I.1.4 Posner's Theorem, 1.13.3 Oq((p)n),1.2.1 preferred presentation, 11.10.3 Oq((p)n),1.2.1 prime spectrum, 11.1.1 Oq(Mn(k)),1.2.2 primitive central idempotent, 1.16.1 Oq(M2(k)),1.1.7 primitive spectrum, 11.1.1 Oq(PSL2(C)),1.7.7 primJ R, 11.2.1 Oq(SLn(k)),1.2.4 primR,II.1.1 Oq(SL2(k)),1.1.9 projective dimension, 1.15.1 346 INDEX

q-binomial coefficient, 1.6.1 quotient Hopf algebra, 1.9.9 q-binomial theorem, 1.6.1 rank of a semisimple Lie algebra, q-Leibniz Rules, 1.8.4 1.5.1 q-Pascal identity, 1.6.1 rank of an Azumaya algebra, IIL1.4 q-skew derivation, 1.8.4 Rat A, 11.8.8 q-skew polynomial ring, 1.8.4 rational action, 11.2.6 quadratic algebra, I.10.4 rational character, II.2.5 quantization, III.5.4 rational prime ideal, II. 7.4 quantization problem, III.5.4 RatJ A, II.8.8 quantized coordinate algebra of G reduction, 1.11.2 at the root of unity E, IIL7.1 reduction system, 1.11.1 quantized coordinate ring of a regular element, 11.2.13 semisimple group, 1.7.5 regular element of a semisimple quantized enveloping algebra, 1.6.3 group, IIL6.6 quantized enveloping algebra of regular element of g*, IILlO.7 s[n(k),L6.2 regular prime ideal, IIL1.2 quantized enveloping algebra of resolvable ambiguity, I.11.5 s[2(k),L3.1 restricted Hopf algebra, IIL4.4 quantized Serre relations, 1.6.5 restricted Lie algebra, I.13.2(8) quantized Weyl algebra, 1.2.6 restricted quantized enveloping alge- quantum affine n-space, 1.2.1 bra, III.6.4 quantum coadjoint action, III.6.5 R H ,IL2.13 quantum determinant, 1.1.9, 1.2.3 R-matrix, I.10.2 quantum exterior algebra, 1.1.8, R-matrix for objects in Cq(g), 1.8.14 L2.C RM,N,L8.14 quantum Gel'fand-Kirillov conjec- root, 1.5.1 ture, 1.2.11, II.10.4 root lattice, 1.5.3 quantum GLn(k), 1.2.4 root space, 1.5.1 quantum GL2 (k), 1.1.10 root system, 1.5.1 quantum group, 1.1.3 Rosso-Tanisaki form, 1.8.10 quantum Laplace expansions, L2.D Rq (G),III.7.1 quantum minor, L2.D R-symmetric algebra, I.10.5 quantum n x n matrix algebra, 1.2.2 quantum plane, 1.1.4 saturated chain, 11.9.1 quantum SLn(k), 1.2.4 saturated chain condition for prime quantum SL2 (k), 1.1.9 ideals, II.9.1 quantum torus, 1.2.1 semigroup ordering, I.11.3, I.12.4 quantum 2 x 2 determinant, 1.1.9 semisimple action, 11.2.4 quantum 2 x 2 matrix algebra, 1.1.7 semisimple element, 1.5.1 Quantum Yang-Baxter Equation, semisimple Lie algebra, 1.5.1 I.10.2 separable extension, III.4.9 quotient bialgebra, 1.9.7 Serre's presentation, 1.5.5 INDEX 347 short root, I. 5.1 (T,c5)-constant, 1.8.4 simple Lie algebra, I.5.1 (T, 15)-ideal, II.5.4 simple reflection, 1.5.1 (T,c5)-prime ideal, II.5.7 simple root, 1.5.1 T -derivation, 1.1.11 simply connected form of quantized Ti, 1.9.25 enveloping algebra, 1.6.3 T-orbit, 11.1.5 simply laced semisimple Lie algebra, T-prime ideal, II.5.7 1.5.1 TA,1.9.25 singular locus, III.1.8 Tauvel's height formula, 11.9.6 skew-Laurent ring, 1.1.11 tensor algebra, 1.10.4 skew polynomial ring, 1.1.11 Theorem of Frobenius, II1.5.2 Sm, 1.13.1 total degree of a monomial Mr,k,c., spec] R, II.2.1 I.6.11 specR, II.1.1 totally ordered monoid, 1.12.4 Transitivity Theorem, II.8.9 specw Oq(G), II.4.6 SR(V) , 1.10.5 transpose of a linear map, 1.9.3 triangular decomposition, 1.5.1, 1.6.6 StabH(P), 11.1.5 stabilizer, 11.1.5 trivial filtration, 1.12.2(a) trivial grading, 1.12.8(a) stably free module, III. 7.11 trivial module, 1.9.7 standard filtration, 1.12.3 T(V), 1.10.4 standard identity, 1.13.1 t(w),II.4.13 standard Poisson bracket twisted adjoint action, 1.9.14 on O(SL2 (k)), III.5.5(2) twist map, 1.12.16 Stone topology, II.1.1 twist of A by c, 1.12.16 Stratification Theorem, II.2.13 twist of a module, III.2.G strong Artin-Rees property, III.9.1 2-cocyde on a semigroup, I.12.15 strongly graded ring, 1.12.7 type of weight space, 1.6.12 strongly H-rational H-prime ideal, type 1, 1.6.12 II.6.1 type 0", 1.6.12 subcomodule, 1.9.15 subregular element of g*, III.10.7 U, II1.6.4 S(V), 1.10.4 UX ' III.2.4 s(w), II.4.13 UCOP, 1.9.22 Sweedler summation notation, 1.9.2 Ue , III.2.1 symmetric algebra, 1.10.4, II1.10.3 U/·o, III.2.1 symmetric Frobenius extension, uio, II1.2.1 III.4.8 Ue(g), III.6.1 Symp G, II.4.16 Ue(g), III.6.1 symplectic leaf, II1.5.2 Ue(g), II1.6.4 symplectic manifold, III.5.2 Ue(g), III.6.C Sz, III.1.8 Ue(g), III.6.C 348 INDEX

UE(g; M), III.6.1 We!), 11.1.1 UE(g; M), IIL6.C winding automorphism, 1.9.25

UE (S[2(k)), III.2.1 word, 1.11.1 unramified locus, IIL4.9 Xa, IIL5.1 unramified maximal ideal, IIL4.9 Uq(b±), 1.6.2 X(H), 1.9.24, II.2.5 Uq(g), 1.6.3 X(w), II.4.6 Uq(g), 1.6.3 X(wl,w2),III.7.S Uq(g), 1.6.5 Zariski topology, II.1.1 U;j=(g),L6.3 Zb(>'), III.2.2 Ur(g), 1.6.3 Z-filtration, I.12.1 U;;O(g), 1.6.3 Z~o-filtration, I.12.1 Uq(gc), 1.6.3 Z-sequence, IILS.3 Uq(g)k' 1.6.3 ( ),1.1.4 Uq (g LS.11 h" R[x; T, 8], 1.1.11 Uq(g, M), 1.6.3 R[X±l;T]' 1.1.11 Uq(g)~,ry' LS.B [n]q, I.4.C U (n±),L6.2 q [n]t, I.4.C U (s[n(k)),L6.2 q [K; a], I.4.D U;j=(s[n(k)),L6.2 Wi, 1.5.3 Ur(s[n(k)),L6.2 (7)q,L6.1 U;;O(s[n(k)),L6.2 C)t,L6.1 Uq(s[2(k)),L3.1 U;j=(s[2(k)),L3.1 [7]q,L6.1 UfO(s[2(k)),L3.1 [7 L, 1.6.1 UfO(s[2(k)),L3.1 [s]qi!,L6.7 uff, III.4.9 U+(w),L6.S Uo, IIL2.1 f * g, 1.9.4, 1.9.9 AO, 1.9.5 Verma module for Uq(g), 1.6.12 "-,L9.21(a) Verma module for Uq(s[2(k)), 1.4.2 -',L9.21(a) 11.1.1 V(I), r a ,a,b,L11.2 V(>'), 1.6.12 :Slex, 1.11.3 VA,a, 1.6.12 x[p] , I.13.2(S) V(n, ±), 1.4.3 ""7, 1.16.2 weak Artin-Rees property, IIL9.1 H.P, 11.1.5 weight, 1.4.3, 1.6.12 X.l, II.4.3 weighted total degree, I.12.2(d) Vy±(>,).l, II.4.3 weight lattice, 1.5.3 L(i, ±), III.2.2 weight space, 1.4.3, 1.6.12 w M, IIL2.G Weyl group, 1.5.1 (K~i;O), IIL7.2 , Advanced Courses in Mathematics CRM Barcelona Helein. F., Constant Mean CUMrure Surfaces. Department HarmonIC Maps and Imegrable Systems (2001) ISBN 3-7643-6576-5 of Mathematics I Kleiss. H.-o 1 Ulmer Busenhart. H.• TimHependent Research Institute Partial Differential Equations and Their Numetical SoIUIIOO (2001) of Mathematics ISBN 3-7643-6125-5 Poherovlch. 1..The Geometry of the Group of Each year the Eidgenossische SymplectiC Diffeomorphisms (200 1) Technische Hochschule (ETH) ISBN 3·7643-6432·7 at lurich invites a selected Turaev, V_. Introduction to CombjoalOrial TOIsions (2001) ISBN 3-7643·6403·3 group of mathematicians to Tlan. G., Canonical Metrics in Kahler Geometry (2000) give postgraduate seminars in ISBN 3·7643-6194·8 various areas of pure and Le Gall, J.·F _. Spatial8ranthing Processes. ~ndom Soak:es and Panial Differential Equations (1999) applied mathematics. These ISBN 3·7643-6126-3 seminars are directed to an Jost, J ••Nonpositive CuMture, Geometric and Analytic Aspects (1997) audience of many levels and ISBN 3-7643·5736-3 backgrounds. Now some of the Newman. Ch.M., TopICS rn Disonlered Systems (1997) most successful lectures are ISBN 3-7643·5777'() being published for a wider Yor, M•• Some Aspects of Brownian Mooon. Part II: Some Recent Marungale Problems (1997) audience through the Lectures ISBN 3·7643-5717·1 in Mathematics, ETH lurich Carlson. J.F•• Modules and Group Algebras (1996) ISBN 3-7643-538<}-9 series. Uvely and informal in fTeidlin. M .•Markov Processes and Differential Equa\lOns: style, moderate in size and AsymptOtIC Problems (1996) ISBN 3·7643·5392·9 price, these books will appeal Simon. l.. Theorems on Regularity and SIrlgulanty 01 Energy to professionals and students MInImIZing Maps. based on lecture notes by Norbert alike, bringing a quick under• Hungerbiihler (1996) ISBN H643·5397·X standing of some important Holzapfel. R.P.• The Ball and Some HIlbert Problems (1995) areas of current research. ISBN 3-7643·2835-5 Baurnslag. G.. TopICS rn Comb,natorial Group Theory (1993) IS8N 3-7643·2921-1 Giaquinta. M.• Introduction to Regulanty 11'H!ory 101 Nonlinear EllipbC Systems (1993) For orders originating from allover ISBN 3·7643·2879·7 !he world except USA and Canada: Nevanllnna. 0.. CClIlWfgence of IterabonS 101 linear Birkhauser Verlag AG EquatIons (1993) clo Springer GmbH 8. Co ISBN 3·1643·2865·7 Haberstrasse 7. 1>-69126 Heidelberg LeVeque. RJ .. Numerical MeIhod5 101 ConseMbon Laws Fax: ++49/6221 I 345 229 (1992) Second Revised Edition 5th pnnting 199 e-mail: ISBN 3·7643·2713-5 Narasimhan. R.. Compact Riemann Surfaces (1992, 2nd For orders originating in the USA pnntrng 1996) and Canada: ISBN 3-7643-2742-1 Birkhauser Tromba. AJ.. Teadlmiillet Theoty in Riemanoan Geometry. 333 Meadowland Parkway Second Edibon, Baled on lecture noles by lothen Deozlt'f (1992) USA·Secaucus, NJ 07094-2491 ISBN 3·7643·2735-9 Fax: +1 201 348 4033 Unlg. 0. 1 Kn6rrer. H.. Slngularil.1len (1991) e-mail: ISBN 3·7643·2616-6 Boor. C. de. Spllnefun boneo (1990) ISBN 3·7643·2514·3 Monk. J.D.. CardInal FulKlJO/lS on BooIan Algebras (1990)