The Whole (New) World in a Cup
Renaissance 4/2018 - 1 Vanessa Sigalas The Whole (New) World in a Cu The !"heneu#$s Narwhal-and-%&or' Cu Vanessa Sigalas The Whole (New) World in a Cup (uns""e)"e*de 4/2018 - 2 Vanessa Sigalas The Whole (New) World in a Cu The !"heneu#$s Narwhal-and-%&or' Cu The cup was #ounted 1e"ween 1670 and 1674 in !ugsburg 1' Hieronymus 3riester, who 1eca#e #aster in 1649.2 The silver #ounting is richly studded with recious and se#i-precious stones, including "urquoises, garne"s, a#e"hysts and e#eralds. The 1owl and 6oo" are carved out o6 narwhal "usk, "he ste# 6igures out o6 ivory. While "he carving style suggests "he loca"ion o6 roduc"ion, "he #a"erials used have signi6icant 1earing on "he co# le) icono- gra hy o6 the piece* The 0rou o6 "he >8#1racing Cou les? 3 %n 1974, ivory e) ert Christian Theuerkauf6 identified a large group o6 vessels with (indred #o"ifs and using similar #a"erials;4 a" least six"een cups 1elonging "o "ha" group show an e#1racing love couple as ste# (6ig. 2)*5 Aut o6 "he whole group only 6our o"her cups are 1elieved "o 6ea"ure ele#ents carved out o6 narwhal "usk*6 The #ajorit' are o6 slightly chea er #a"erials: +ig* 1 ivory or rhinoceros horn. !ll o6 "he cups show "o Covered cup, c* 1670–74, South 0er#an, ossi1ly !ugsburg, #ounts 1y 2ieronymus 3riester (0er#an, #aster in 1649, died 1697) grea"er or lesser degree similar 6rieCes with sea %vor', narwhal, sil&er-gil", recious and se#i recious stones Wadswor"h !"heneum Museum o6 !r", 2ar"6ord, CT* 0i6" in #e#or' crea"ures and e)o"ic animals and 6all 1ac( on a cer- o6 Mae Cadwell Ro&ensk' 1' e)change, The !nna Rosalie 5ansfield, "ain clear-cut re ertoire o6 co# osition and stylistic 0i6" 1' e)change, 0i6" o6 5iss Mar' C* Bar"on 1' e)change, The 7 8uro ean 9ecora"i&e !r"s 3urchase +und, and "he 9ouglas Trac' "' es.
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