A's Bruce Maxwell Becomes First MLB Player To Kneel During Anthem

Author : Steven Resnick

The NFL and the NBA has been on the mind of the president of the United States. First tweeting about Colin Kaepernick and Michael Bennett and those who have decided to kneel during the national anthem. Then today tweeting at Stephen Curry regarding the Golden State Warriors not being invited to the white house. Major League has not been one of the sports the president has turned is attention to, until today as catcher Bruce Maxwell became the first MLB player to kneel during the anthem.

Maxwell in a series of tweets said this.

Don't be surprised if you start seeing athletes kneeling in other sports now!! Comments like that coming from our president. WOW! ??????

— Bruce T Maxwell (@bruu_truu13) September 23, 2017

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Yeah I bet he doesn't step to @Kaepernick7 in person and call him and the other protesters a "son of a bitch." Ignorance from our Pres

— Bruce T Maxwell (@bruu_truu13) September 23, 2017


Inequality is being displayed bigger than ever right now as our president shows that freeedom of protest and speech is not allowed..

— Bruce T Maxwell (@bruu_truu13) September 23, 2017


This now has gone from just a BlackLives Matter topic to just complete inequality of any man or woman that wants to stand for Their rights!

— Bruce T Maxwell (@bruu_truu13) September 23, 2017


It's also noted that Maxwell grew up in a military family and he has been supported by MLB and the A's organization.

Here's the statement from MLB " has a longstanding tradition of honoring our nation prior to the start of our games. We also respect that each of our players is an individual with his own background, perspectives and opinions. We believe that our game will continue to bring our fans, their communities and our players together."

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— Oakland A's ???? (@Athletics) September 24, 2017


Bruce Maxwell (@bruu_truu13) on his decision to kneel for tonight's National Anthem:https://t.co/mXBrnopHIv pic.twitter.com/tHeyfoRI96

— A's on NBCS (@NBCSAthletics) September 24, 2017


It has also been reported that he let his teammates know before he kneeled and even took questions. Now the question which MLB player will kneel next?

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