Situation of Polling Stations Police and Crime Commissioner Election
This document was classified as: OFFICIAL Police and Crime Commissioner Election Situation of polling stations Police area name: Durham Police Area Voting area name: Darlington Voting Area No. of polling Situation of polling station Description of persons entitled station to vote 1 West Park Academy, Alderman Leach Drive, BFA(D)-1 to BFA(D)-869 Darlington 1 West Park Academy, Alderman Leach Drive, BFA(S)-1 to BFA(S)-16 Darlington 1 West Park Academy, Alderman Leach Drive, BFB-1 to BFB-1605 Darlington 2 Darlington Railway Athletic Club (Snooker BFC-1 to BFC-2472 Room), Brinkburn Road, Darlington 3 King William Street Community Centre, King BLA-1 to BLA-975 William Street, Darlington 3 King William Street Community Centre, King BLB-1 to BLB-1246 William Street, Darlington 4 St. John`s Church of England Academy, Fenby BLC-1 to BLC-1427 Avenue, Darlington 4 St. John`s Church of England Academy, Fenby BLD-1 to BLD-980 Avenue, Darlington 5 Cockerton Library, Woodland Road, Darlington CKA-1 to CKA-2089 6 Mount Pleasant Primary School (`Little CKB-1 to CKB-1492 Learners`), Newton Lane, Darlington, (Entrance at Rear) 7 The Redeemed Christian Church of God, CKC-1 to CKC-1192 Eggleston View (Beside Wyvern Academy), Darlington 8 Sports Pavilion, Abbey Road Sports Field, COA-1 to COA-1481/1 Abbey Road, Darlington 8 Sports Pavilion, Abbey Road Sports Field, COB-1 to COB-1058 Abbey Road, Darlington 8 Sports Pavilion, Abbey Road Sports Field, COC-1 to COC-863 Abbey Road, Darlington 9 Geneva Road Evangelical Baptist Church Hall, EAA-1 to EAA-1086/1 Geneva Road, Darlington 10 Firthmoor Community Centre, Burnside Road, EAB-1 to EAB-2191 Darlington 11 Pilmoor Green Community Centre, West Moor EAC-1 to EAC-1646 Road, Darlington 12 Heighington Village Hall, Heighington HCA-1 to HCA-2036 13 Walworth Castle Hotel, Walworth HCB-1 to HCB-61 13 Walworth Castle Hotel, Walworth HCE-1 to HCE-33 13 Walworth Castle Hotel, Walworth HCF-1 to HCF-90 14 Summerhouse Village Hall, Summerhouse HCC-1 to HCC-48 14 Summerhouse Village Hall, Summerhouse HCD-1 to HCD-81 15 St.
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