Sloan Privacy Bibliography
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Sloan Privacy Bibliography John Abowd, Ian Schmutte, William Sexton, Lars Vilhuber April 22, 2019 Key References Background 13 U.S. Code (1954). USC: Title 13 - Census Act. url: 44 U.S. Code (2002). Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Ef- ficency Act. Pub. L. 107-347, title V, Dec. 17, 2002, 116 Stat. 2962 ( 44 U.S.C. 3501 note). url: http : / / www . law . cornell . edu / topn / confidential_information_protection_and_statistical_efficiency_ act_of_2002. Abowd, John M. and Ian M. Schmutte (2019). \An Economic Analysis of Pri- vacy Protection and Statistical Accuracy as Social Choices". In: American Economic Review 109.1, pp. 171{202. doi: 10.1257/aer.20170627. Dwork, Cynthia and Aaron Roth (2014). \The Algorithmic Foundations of Differential Privacy". In: Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Com- puter Science 9.3-4, pp. 211{407. issn: 1551-305X. doi: 10.1561/0400000042. url: trends-in-theoretical-computer-science/TCS-042. Harvard Data Privacy Lab (2018). 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