Indonesian Journal of Biomedical Sciences Volume 7, Number 1, January-June 2013: 1-6 Print-ISSN: 2085-4773, E-ISSN: 2302-2906.


1Kaur, A., and 2Singh, A.

1Assistant Professor at Departement of Physiology, M. M Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Mullana, Ambala, India. 2Assistant Professor at Departement of E. N. T., M. M Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Mullana, Ambala, India

ABSTRACT and facial pain are common complaints. In many cases, patients are referred to an otolaryngologist to determine if head pain is sinus related. In the absence of other nasal or sinus symptoms, some rhinogenic headaches can be overlooked or misdiagnosed. A complete history and thorough ENT examination, including nasal endoscopy with or without coronal CT scans is key to the correct diagnosis.1 resulting from disease of the nose or paranasal sinuses are usually associated with symptoms (congestion, fullness, discharge, obstruction) that point to the site of origin. Occasionally, however nasal or sinus disease can be manifested solely as headache. Key words: Headache; Sinusitis; FESS.

INTRODUCTION Patients with chronic headache pain often Headache is nearly a universal human present to a variety of specialists, including their experience. The lifetime incidence of headache is primary care physician, neurologist, dentist, estimated to be at least 90%. Moskowitz has otolaryngologist and even psychiatrist. They present described headache as the symptom produced by the to otolaryngologist because they or their physician nervous system when it perceives threat and as such is believe the headache to be related to underlying sinus considered part of the protective physiology of the pathology. The primary focus of the otolaryngologist nervous system. When the cause of headache is a is to exclude this possibility. The diagnosis of headache definable underlying pathologic process, the headache secondary to acute-sinusitis can be relatively is diagnosed as a secondary headache. Causes straightforward. Diagnosing headache related to include metabolic, infectious, inflammatory, chronic sinus disease can be much more difficult traumatic, neoplastic, immunologic, endocrinologic depending on patients presentation.4 This article will and vascular entities. help us in understanding and refresh our knowledge When no clear pathologic condition can be regarding headache and sinusitis. identified, headache is considered to be a manifestation of a primary headache syndrome. The DISCUSSION common primary headache disorders as defined by The knowledge of the presence of the paranasal the International Headache Society, are , sinuses dates back to early mankind as well as probable migraine, tension type and cluster attempts to treat their disease. In ancient times, the headache.2 paranasal sinuses, were thought to be a system of The term ‘sinusitis’ refers to a group of disorders hollow spaces through which mucus produced by characterized by inflammation of the mucosa of the brain was drained. Leonardo da Vinci in Milano in paranasal sinuses. Because the inflammation nearly 1489 was the first to prepare and draw anatomical always also involves the nose, it is now generally specimens of the paranasal sinuses. Highmore N in accepted that ‘rhinosinusitis’ is the preferred term to England in 1651, presented the first detailed describe the inflammation of the nose and paranasal description and drawing of the maxillary sinus and 3 sinuses. hence it is named Highmore’s antrum. Drake J. and Cooper W in England in 1707 reported that in some Correspondence: Kaur, A. cases ozaena was due to suppuration in the maxillary Departement of Physiology, M. M Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Mullana, Ambala, India sinus and could be cured by extraction of a tooth and Email: [email protected] opening the sinus via the alveolus.

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Indonesian Journal of Biomedical Sciences Volume 7, Number 1, January-June 2013: 1-6 Print-ISSN: 2085-4773, E-ISSN: 2302-2906. Caldwell GW in New York in 1893 published his mucosa. It mediates pain impulses to the cortex via method, opening the canine fossa wall, removal of the afferent C-fibers.12 mucous membrane and opening a window in the Sinus infections are much less common today lateral wall of inferior nasal meatus.5 than they were in the pre-antibiotic era, but they still Hippocrates was the first to describe lesions that are over diagnosed. Acute sinusitis, a relatively obstruct the nasal passages. Andreas Vesalius uncommon cause of headache is the result of described the maxillary, frontal and sphenoid sinuses. infection of one or more of the cranial sinuses. Acute Siebenmann was apparently the first to recommend sinusitis usually is characterized by purulent discharge supranasal antrostomy in the middle meatus which is in the nasal passages and a pain profile determined by now fashionable again.6 The maxillary sinus has been site of infection. Sinusitis is over diagnosed as a cause the focus of surgical attention from the 17th century of headache because of the belief that pain over the onwards largely as a result of its size and accessibility, sinuses must be related to the sinuses. Paradoxically, initially reinforced by plain X-ray.7 sinus disease also tends to be under-diagnosed, as The surgical treatment of chronic inflammatory sphenoid sinus infection frequently is missed.13 frontal sinus disease over the past century has varied Headache associated with acute sinusitis is a well between intranasal and external procedures. recognized entity, the diagnosis is easily made due to However, a single approach that will lead to relief of the associated nasal and sinus symptoms. However, symptoms, eradication of disease with preservation of the phenomenon of referred headache from chronic function, and a minimum of deformity has not yet sinusitis or intranasal abnormalities or both without been attained.8 upper respiratory symptoms is not well understood[14]. From the otolaryngologist’s point of view, there Headache can be caused by a multitude of factors, but are multiple causes for the frequent symptoms of experienced physicians accustomed to treating facial and head pain, headaches due to ear disease, patients with headache are adept at making an pain extending to the ear region, with special regard accurate diagnosis. Occasionally, however a patient to “referred otalgia” involving the cranial nerves V, IX, has an unusual presentation of headache or facial X, facial pain due to temporomandibular dysfunction, pain.15 rhinological causes of facial and head pain, including There is a frequent coincidence of headache and post-traumatic trigeminal and “facial sinusitis. In acute sinusitis, the localization of the sympathalgies”, the syndrome of the elongated styloid headache can yield good diagnostic clues, while process.9 chronic inflammations do not offer reliable diagnostic Recent studies have demonstrated that a indications. Further characteristics of rhinogenous neuropeptide (substance P) is likely to be a mediator headache are typical periodicity during the day, of pain arising in the nose or paranasal sinuses.10 occasional distributions of sensitivity in a specific Headache due to pressure on nasal mucosa of cutaneous area and certain typical pressure points in anatomical variations, nasal polyps or mucosal the facial region.16 swelling in the absence of inflammation of the Nasal signs and symptoms commonly accompany paranasal sinuses is a clinical entity that has gained cephalgia in some headache syndromes. Head pain wide acceptance. In the absence of any other associated with sinusitis is also fairly well recognized. identifiable etiological factors, intranasal mucosal However, referred cephalgia of rhinogenic origin in contact must be kept in mind as a cause of the absence of sinonasal symptoms is poorly headache.11 understood.17 Headache can be of sinugenic origin even if this Long neglected as a clinical entity, sinus cause may not be suspected from the case history. headache has become a common complaint of Endoscopy of the lateral wall with rigid cold light patients with facial pain. Although pain is associated endoscopes in combination with polytomography or with some sinus disease, many experts feel the computed tomography usually will reveal the magnitude and instances of sinus headache have been underlying causes hidden from the unaided eye, the exaggerated to the public.18 Intranasal and sinus operating microscope and standard X-ray disease may result in disabling head and facial pain examination. Small lesions in the lesser cells of the and serious complications. Awareness of the ethmoid complex may give rise to headaches, symptoms of acute and chronic sinusitis and their especially when located in key areas of the ethmoid various presentations will enhance diagnostic accuracy infundibulum or frontal recess. and improve patient outcome. It is important to The neuropeptides recently were newly remember that nasal mucosa is under autonomic identified as a group of mediator besides the control. Sinus symptomatology, whether from neurotransmitter noradrenaline and acetylcholine. anatomic abnormality or chronic inflammation, may Substance P is one of the most important occur with and will typically be exacerbated by neuropeptides that we can identify in human nasal increased parasympathetic outflow or reduced sympathetic tone.19 2 and

Indonesian Journal of Biomedical Sciences Volume 7, Number 1, January-June 2013: 1-6 Print-ISSN: 2085-4773, E-ISSN: 2302-2906. Evaluation of the paranasal sinuses and nasal middle ear, orbital contents, salivary glands, cervical cavity in patients with headache and or facial pain spine and craniofacial periostium. must include a thorough medical and social history, Specific pattern of referral of pain are common, with close attention to the pattern and character of for example from the temporomandibular joint and the pain, a thorough physical examination that muscles of mastication, radiation is to the ear, cheek includes a palpation and nasal endoscopy and imaging and temple, from the tonsillar fossa and supraglottic studies such as CT scan and magnetic resonance larynx to the middle ear and from the maxillary sinus imaging.20 Some patients with facial pain are to the maxillary teeth, whereas pain from the undergoing endoscopic sinus surgery in the mistaken sphenoid is more often referred to the vertex or belief that rhinosinusitis is the cause of their facial occiput and of course, angina is sometimes referred to pain. All surgeons dealing with facial pain should be the jaw. familiar with non-sinonasal diagnosis.21 Contact point headaches are caused by contact between the nasal Pathophysiology septum and the lateral nasal wall by a mechanism of Multiple mechanisms resulting in excitation of referred pain involving the trigeminal nerve. nociceptive neurons (i.e., generating the perception of A retrospective chart review was performed on pain) are partially understood. One common patients who underwent septoplasty and sinus surgery mechanism is sustained muscle contraction resulting for headache. The total number of patients who opted in . Another common scenario is for surgery was 23. These patients underwent surgical vasodilatation of intracranial arteries stimulating intervention in order to relieve the contact points. trigeminal sensory pathways, which release vasoactive Postoperatively, 83% no longer complained of peptides that increase the pain response. headache, while 8% had significant relief.22 An inflammatory mechanism is thought to be Headaches secondary to sinonasal anatomic responsible when neuropeptides such as substance P abnormalities continue to remain a difficult entity to are released with mucosal inflammation. diagnose and to manage. A study conducted to Direct nerve pressure may induce nociceptor analyze the outcome of care for 34 patients who activity, as seen in foraminal stenosis. Many agents presented with headaches as one of their primary that result in vasodilatation can trigger headache sinonasal complaints and were subsequently found to including hypoxia, carbon monoxide, caffeine have contact points between the nasal septum and withdrawal, acute alcohol withdrawal, oral one or more turbinates on nasal endoscopy. After contraceptives and hypoglycemia.26 surgery, reduction in intensity and frequency of headaches was experienced in 91% and 85% of the History taking in Facial Pain patients respectively.23 In common with many areas of medicine, the key Some migraine and cluster headaches may be to a correct diagnosis in patients with facial pain is triggered by stimulation of intranasal contact points taking an accurate history. In making a diagnosis it is via the trigeminovascular system. The craniofacial helpful to classify facial pain into broad categories, region is the most common location in which pain namely rhinological pain, dental pain, vascular pain, drives patients to seek medical attention.24 , pain caused by tumors, mid-facial segment pain and atypical facial pain. Innervations for Pain Where is the pain and does it radiate anywhere? Nociceptors serve as the sense organs in which Is the pain continuous or intermittent? noxious stimuli create a response that excites afferent Character of the pain? nerve fibres that provide the brain with information What precipitates or is associated with the pain? about location, intensity, quality and duration of the What relieves the pain? response.24 What effect does the pain have on daily life? Neurochemicals responsible for the excitation The majority of patients who present to an include serotonin and substance P as well as other otorhinolaryngologist with facial pain and headaches neurotransmitters. These afferent fibers are carried believe they have sinus trouble.27 to the central nervous system in cranial nerves V, IX, X, XI and the first three cervical nerves. Classification Pain sensitive innervation of facial structures is Understanding headache and facial pain is extensive, whereas intracranial pain sensation is essential to facilitate diagnosis and treatment. To this limited to specific structures. The extra-cranial tissues end, definitions and features of clinical syndromes innervated for pain sensation include the muscles of were organized by the International Headache Society the head and neck, the scalp and facial skin, sinonasal (IHS). mucosa and perichondrium, temporomandibular joint This classification, with inclusion of diagnostic synovium and capsule, tooth pulp, the external and criteria for headaches, cranial neuralgias and facial pain, was created in 1988 and has facilitated the 3 and

Indonesian Journal of Biomedical Sciences Volume 7, Number 1, January-June 2013: 1-6 Print-ISSN: 2085-4773, E-ISSN: 2302-2906. diagnostic approach and management of craniofacial Analgesics pain across many medical fields.28,76 Ergotamine Caffiene Table-1: International Headache Society Classification Narcotics of Headache and Facial Pain26 Headache with extracranial infection Migraine type Viral Without aura (common migraine) Bacterial With aura (classic migraine) Headache from metabolic disorder With prolonged aura (complicated migraine) Hypoxia Ophthalmoplegic High-altitude headache Retinal Sleep apnea headache Tension type Hypoglycemia Episodic (muscle contraction headache) Headache or facial pain associated with craniofacial Chronic (chronic daily headache) disorder Oromandibular dysfunction (myofascial pain Cranial disorder dysfunction syndrome) (temporomandibular joint pain Osteomyelitis dysfunction syndrome) Multiple myeloma Cluster (Horton’s cephalalgia) Paget’s disease Post-traumatic headache Cervical spine disorder (cervicogenic headache) Vascular intracranial disorder Eye disorder Transient ischemic attack-associated headache Acute glaucoma Intracranial hematoma Refractive errors Subarachnoid hemorrhage Sinonasal disorder Unruptured aneurysm Acute sinus headache Giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis) Rhinogenic headache Carotid or vertebral artery pain Odontomandibular disorder Dissection Periodontitis Carotidynia Pulpitis Cerebral venous thrombosis Glossitis (burning mouth syndrome) Acute arterial hypertension Temporomandibular joint disease Pheochromocytoma Cranial neuralgia Malignant hypertension (accelerated) Compression of cranial nerve or cervical root 1, 2 or 3 Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia Inflammation of cranial nerves Non-vascular intracranial disorder Acute herpes zoster Benign intracranial hypertension (pseudo tumor Chronic cerebri) Tolosa-Hunt syndrome Post-lumbar puncture headache Gradenigo’s syndrome Cerebrospinal fluid fistula headache (tic douloureux) Intracranial infection Idiopathic Meningitis Compression of trigeminal ganglion Brain abscess Vascular Subdural empyema Tumor Intracranial neoplasm Cholesteatoma Headache from substance exposure or withdrawal Aneurysm Acute exposure Nitrate or nitrite-induced headache (hotdog Glossopharyngeal neuralgia headache) Occipital neuralgia Monosodium glutamate-induced headache (Chinese Anesthesia dolorosa restaurant syndrome) Postsurgical after trigeminal rhizotomy Carbon monoxide-induced headache Unclassifiable pain (atypical facial pain) Alcohol-induced headache Chronic exposure Sinonasal disorders are a frequent source of Ergotamine-induced headache headaches but are probably accredited by the Analgesics abuse headache population as a whole. However, frontal headache Oral contraceptives use and facial pain are two of the three major symptoms Acute withdrawal suggesting the presence of sinusitis, the other being Alcohol () purulent nasal drainage. Acute sinusitis is a leading Chronic withdrawal cause of facial pain, second only to dental disorders. 4 and

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