Use of Plant Cell Cultures for a Sustainable Production of Innovative Ingredients COSMETICS PLANT CELL CULTURE
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9-2012 English Edition International Journal for Applied Science • Personal Care • Detergents • Specialties D. Schmid, F. Zülli Use of Plant Cell Cultures for a Sustainable Production of Innovative Ingredients COSMETICS PLANT CELL CULTURE D. Schmid, F. Zülli* Use of Plant Cell Cultures for a Sustainable Production of Innovative Ingredients ■ Plant Cell Cultures Instead of entiated plant cells (e.g. leaf cells, fruit in order to adapt to environmental con- Wild Plant Harvesting cells) to undergo de-differentiation and, ditions. In this way, plants can survive under the right stimuli, to regenerate a dormancy periods and regenerate when Plants that survive in high altitude habi- whole plant. Because of their sessile na- the conditions are again optimal. Totipo- tats of the Alps, medicinal herbs from Ti- ture, plants had to adopt this plasticity tency can be used for in vitro propaga- bet or orchids from the Amazonian area tion of plants or for the cultivation of are examples of attractive raw materials undifferentiated plant cells. Plant cell for cosmetic ingredients. These are all cultures can be initiated from nearly all rare plants or plant species that are pro- plant tissues. The tissue material which tected by CITES, the Convention on In- is obtained from the plant to culture is ternational Trade in Endangered Species called an explant. As a kind of wound re- of Wild Fauna and Flora. Harvesting of action, new cells are formed on the cut wild plants is forbidden or not done be- Abstract surfaces of the explant. The cells slowly cause of sustainability reasons. Cultiva- divide to form a colorless cell mass which tion of these plants in fields is in many here is an ongoing trend to is called callus (Fig. 1). These cells have cases not successful. Use of the plant cell de-differentiated into cells that lack the culture technology is the only way to ob- use attractive exotic or rare distinctive features of normal plant cells. tain vegetal raw materials from these Tplants to develop new cos- plants. The technology is mainly applied metic ingredients. On the other for in vitro propagation of plants or for hand, there is an increased aware- the production of complex plant com- ness for sustainable development. pounds used as pharmaceuticals such The plant cell culture technology as the anticancer drug taxol. This diter- penoid can be isolated from the bark of makes it possible to obtain vege- the yew Taxus brevifolia, but 9 tons of tal raw material from endangered bark are needed to obtain 1 kg taxol. It species in a sustainable way. An is therefore mainly produced via plant old apple variety and the UNESCO cell cultures. Several years ago plant cell protected argan tree were used as culture technology started being used in source materials to develop plant Fig. 1 Callus formed by undifferenti- the cosmetic industry. Besides sustain- ated plant cells ability there are also other advantages cell cultures. Extracts of the cul- compared to traditional plant raw mate- tured apple and argan tree cells rials. The use of plant cell cultures allows were found to positively act on Callus cells represent stem cells of the a controlled production independent of isolated adult stem cells of the plant. For high yield production, callus the season and weather influences and epidermis and of the dermis re- cells can be cultured as individual cells there are no risks of contamination from spectively. The results of the cell or small cell clusters in a liquid culture. pesticides. culture assays could be reproduced Mibelle Group Biochemistry uses a flexi- in clinical studies. ble bioreactor-system (Wave-Biotech AG, Tagelswangen, Switzerland) for biomass ■ The Plant Cell Culture Technology production. The cells are cultured in plas- The technology relies on the concept of tic bags of 25 liters volume that are totipotency. It is the capacity of differ- placed on tiltable dishes (Fig. 2). The cells 2 SOFW-Journal | 138 | 9-2012 COSMETICS PLANT CELL CULTURE are cultured in the dark which is why they do not produce chlorophyll pig- ments. Once the sugar in the culture medium is completely metabolized, the cells are harvested and disrupted by high-pressure homogenization. ■ Plant Cell Extracts to Protect the Skin’s Stem Cells Declining regenerative potential at the tissue level is a major contributor to the aging process. Since regeneration de- pends centrally on adult stem cells to supply the new cells required for tissue repair and replacement, any decline in stem cell activity will accelerate the ag- Fig. 2 Flexible bioreactor system for production of plant cells ing process. Adult stem cells are undif- ferentiated cells with a capacity for self- renewal and the potential to develop in- to the different cell types within the tis- adult stem cells are in an un-differenti- genetic regulation of gene expression sue in which they are found. The skin ated state. The degree of cellular differ- depends therefore on the activities of consists of two layers that derive from entiation is regulated by altered gene ex- the modifying enzymes such as methyl- different germ layers. The epidermis is of pression. Modifications of the DNA and transferases, acetyltransferases and de- ectoderm origin and the subjacent der- the histone proteins by methylation and acetylases. The activity of these enzymes mis originates from the mesoderm. Both acetylation, known as epigenetics, are can be regulated by small molecule modu- layers have their own adult stem cells. In used to modulate gene expression. Epi- lators (activators and inhibitors) (3). It is the epidermis, the stem cells reside in the basal layer. Undifferentiated cells in the epidermis can be identified in vivo via la- bel-retention studies enabling detection of slow-cycling cells, and by the expres- sion of specific marker proteins such as alpha6-integrin and CD34 (1). Following asymmetrical division, epidermal stem cells reproduce more rapidly dividing transient amplifying cells, which after a limited number of divisions enter termi- nal differentiation. Recently, the dermal papilla was identified as a niche for der- mal stem cells (2). Cells of the dermal papilla were shown to express the stem cell marker gene Sox2, to self-renew and to migrate into the inter-follicular der- mis where they proliferated and differ- entiated to fibroblast cells, able to re- generate the extracellular matrix (Fig. 3). These dermal stem cells do not grow ad- herent like normal fibroblast cells but grow by forming non-adherent cell ag- gregates (3D spheres). Could extracts of plant cells from select- ed species be used to stimulate the ac- tivity of the adult stem cells in the skin? Both, plant cells cultured in vitro by the Fig. 3 The dermal papilla as niche of dermal stem cells technique described above and human 4 SOFW-Journal | 138 | 9-2012 COSMETICS PLANT CELL CULTURE possible that un-differentiated plant primary keratinocyte cultures. Using these An old apple variety (Uttwiler Spät- cells have per se a favorable set of small enriched cultures, the ability of cosmet- lauber) was chosen to prepare plant stem molecule modulators for adult skin stem ic ingredients to maintain epidermal cells for an epidermal stem cell ingredi- cells and that secondary metabolites of stem cell potential was evaluated. The ent. The Spätlauber apple derives from a selected plant species additionally con- enriched cell population was cultured seedling planted in the middle of the 18th tribute to the positive effect. for different time periods in a medium century. It was especially prized in south- Two active plant cell ingredients were containing the ingredients at various ern Germany and Switzerland for its ex- developed using the described culture concentrations. The epidermal stem cell cellent longevity during storage. The technology and tested for beneficial ef- potential was then evaluated by assess- flesh from an Uttwiler Spätlauber apple fects on isolated epidermal stem cells ing colony forming efficiency (CFE) and/ was used to start the plant cell culture. and dermal stem cells respectively. or the ability to form a pluristratified Treatment of the enriched epidermal epidermis (organogenic potential). For stem cells with an extract from the ap- analysis of CFE, cells are seeded at low ple stem cell culture (INCI: Malus Do- ■ Effect of a Plant Stem Cell density, and then allowed to form mestica Fruit Cell Culture Extract) was Ingredient on Epidermal Stem colonies. Colonies are then counted, and found to stimulate both colony forming Cells the percentage of cells seeded that efficiency (CFE) and organogenic poten- formed colonies (CFE) calculated. This tial. Compared with a control culture, Epidermal stem cells were isolated from percentage gives a direct indication of CFE was increased by up to 100% in the a skin sample using a new technique the number of cells with stem cell po- presence of 0.04% apple stem cell ex- known as Progenitor Cell Targeting (de- tential, as only these undifferentiated tract. Similarly, treatment with the apple veloped by CELLnTEC Advanced Cell Sys- cell types retain the ability to form stem cell extract massively extended the tems). This technique uses specialized colonies. To determine the organogenic age at which epidermal cells were able to culture media to specifically mimic the potential, cells were seeded onto a per- form a 3-dimensional epidermal structure environment of the stem cell niche. FACS meable substrate, then cultured at the in vitro (organogenic potential). A young analysis has demonstrated that this air-liquid interface to encourage the culture of epidermal stem cells (passage method rapidly selects and enriches the establishment of a three dimensional 5) was found to reliably generate a 3D valuable undifferentiated cells found in (multi-layered) epidermal structure. epidermis both in the presence and ab- Fig.