East West University Center for Research and Training East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT) promotes academic and applied research for creation and dissemination of new knowledge. With this goal the Center is dedicated to developing the research potentialities of faculty members of the East West University. In this effort EWUCRT provides generous financial grants to support faculty re- search and training on research methodology, publications of research reports and journals and sharing of research results with academia, researchers and policy makers. To facilitate dissemination and exchange of knowledge EWUCRT organizes seminars and symposiums. I ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tureen Afroz* *Tureen Afroz was a former professor of the department of Law at East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. II Message from East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT) Working Paper is a routine publication of EWUCRT. This is a preliminary research report published after its review by at least two experts in the field. Thereafter, it is circulated to a wider audience of readers including students, faculty and specialists in the field for comments. EWUCRT earnestly requests comments from the readers of the report and share those with us electronically using e-mail id:
[email protected]. Your comments will provide valuable inputs to further improvement of the quality of the report before it is considered for publica- tion as research monograph by EWUCRT. The views expressed in this report are those of the author and not necessarily