In November of last ycar I published in vol. 2 of the " of India, in Psyche, vol. 5, P. 4z6, a description Burmah, and Ceylon," by De Nic6ville, of a new species of Spalgis Moore, from finds confirmation in the discovery of Kangwe, upon the Ogov River, West Rev. Mr. Good. Mr. Green calls Africa, and gave to it the specific name attention in loc. cir. to the fact that there must have been an error made in I have recently received the larva and assigning to S. epius the larva and chry- chrysalis of the , accompanied by salis which are attributed to that species a note from the collector, Rev. A. C. in Mr. Moore's great work upon the Good, Ph.D., which show-s that we are of Ceylon. That the larva dealing with a species, which is in its of Liphyra brassolis is aphidivorous is habits closely related to our own Feni- an inference of the writer, and is based seca tarquinius Fabr. The creature is upon grounds, which he has fully de- aphidivorous in its larval state, as Mr. tailed in the Canadian entomologist, Good shows. We thus have knowl- vol. I9, P. 6I. Undoubtedly, as we edge of four species of , the come to a fuller knowledge of the habits caterpillars of which are characterized of the Lycaenidae of the tropics of the by carnivorous propensities. They are old world, we shall find that there are Feniseca tarquinius Fabr., several genera besides tlose which have Spalgis epius Westwood, been named that have similar habits. I Liphyra brassolis Westwood, strongly suspect that the larvae of Lach- Spalgis s-signata Holland. nocnema and of Euliphyra mihi, are The life history of Feniseca tarquin- like the larvae of Spalgis and Feniseca ius has been thoroughly worked out by in their food habit. Miss Emily Morton and Mr. W. H. I give upon Plate 4 the figure of the Edwards. The life history of Spalgis larva, the chrysalis, and the imago of epius, as given by Mr. E. E. Green, of Spalgis s-signata, and have also given Pundul-oya, Ceylon, and incorporated a magnified representation of the dorsal 202 PSYCII.E. [January 892. aspect of the chrysalis, which excited leaves on which the larvae were found very naturally the surprise of Mr. Good, abounded. I think that these caterpillars as his note which I append to this brief must have fed upon these white plant account shows. It is worthy of remark lice, for I could not detect that they had that the same strange likeness to a eaten the leaves. Almost all of the human face which is found in S. s-sig- white foreign substance is rubbed of[ nata, is observable in Feniseca tarquin- of the specimen which I inflated, and ius. In the notes sent to Mr. Edwards I regret that I did not succeed better by Miss Morton, and published in the in preserving the specimen just as it Canadian entomologist, vol. 8, p. appeared. The chrysalis is attached to 47, she asks "Have you noticed the the leaf by the back of the head,* and ape's face which the chrysalis shows?" presents to view what mimics in a won- While Mr. Good regrets that he was derful way the face of a man or a chim- unable, in inflating the larval skin, to panzee. Especially do the eyes and preserve the white matter adhering to the well-marked brows overhanging it, there is, nevertheless, a good deal of them present a startling resemblance to it clinging to it. Examined under a the human face. The natives notice powerful microscope this adhering and are surprised at the resemblance as matter is seen to present a peculiar much as I ana. Here is mimicry, but shining appearance, and to thickly to what possible purpose? Or has cover the hairs with minute granula- Dame Nature for once laid aside her tions as if each hair had been dipped in usually practical character and decided some substance like a solution of sugar to amuse herself? I hope I may be or salt, and then had been dried. I able to preserve and send a chrysalis herewith give Mr. Good's notes: intact." January 24th, 89. January 9th, 89. "Today two of No. o have emerged, "Today I stumbled upon the queer- and I am pleased to find that we are est object which I think I ever saw. dealing with a rare . The On the underside of the leaves of a empty shells show nothing of the fragipanni I saw a number of small resemblance to a human or monkey chrysalids which bore a most absurd face of which I have spoken previously. resemblance to a human face. I found I have therefore dried a chrysalis, and a few of the larvae still unchanged. have succeeded well, except that one Their color was dark brownish, but I eye looks a little bloodshot. I hope have inflated one, and that will be better that you can make out the exact appear- than any description. The body was ance of the chrysalis." all covered over with a whitish sub- Mr. Good, when speaking of the "head" in this stance, not a part of the body, and connection, is not employing technically accurate lan- which I took to be the remains of plant guage, but is accommodating his phrase to the appear- ance of the chrysalis. The mode cf attachment is pre. lice with which the underside of the cisely like that to be observed in Feniseca tarquinius. Psyche, ]892, Vo]. 6. P]ate4.. January 89. 203

Laler. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 4" "Fourteen butterflies emerged from Fig. . Spalgis s-signata Holland. the chrysalids, but some of them did Chrysalis enlarged. not disclose the imago, but dried up in Fig. 2. Same. Chrysalis, nat. size. the box, retaining their natural appear- Fig. 3" Same. Larva. ance. I send these in a roll of paper." Fig. 4" Same. Imago.



ORGYIA CANA lr-fy. Edw. Third stage. Head black with a brownish I88I.--tt. Edwards, Papilio, v. I, p. 62. tinge, labrum white; width I.t-I. 3 mm. /gg. Slightly conoidal though almost Body black except on the dorsum of joints 3 spherical, smooth, shiny, opaque white, with and 4 where it is yellowish white with a a faint brownish spot and ring at the flat- black dorsal line, and also a yellowish sub- tened end; diameter ram. The eggs are dorsal spot on joints 9 and IO (anteriorly). laid in a mass on the cocoon of the female Warts all black; hair long, black with pen- moth, fastened together by a slight amount cils of short, plumed, black hairs from the of fi'oth and thickly covered with the faintly subdorsal warts of joint (none on joint 2). brownish down from the body of the moth. There are small, dorsal, black, brush-like The winter is passed in this stage, the little tufts on joints 5 and 6 and a few short tufted larvae hatching in the spring and emerging white hairs on joints 7 and 8. The warts of as mature moths in July and August. There row 2 on joint 9 are a little tinged with is but one brood a year. red. Retractile tubercles red. Length of 1't'1"S[ [arvaol s/are, ttead shining black, larva about 9 rain. labrun a little paler; width o4mm. Body fi'orth stage. Head brownish black, la- ordid purplish black, a dorsal yellowish brun and antennae sordid white; width .7- shade on joints 3, 4 and 9 and a whitish stig- .8 mn. Body greenish black below, gray matal line. "VVarts black, the subdorsal ones on the sides, a black subdorsal and yellow on joint 2, large; hair thin, but several hairs subventral line. Dorsum largely sordid yel- grow frown each wart, black. There are no low; cervical shield, a dorsal line on joints brush-like tufts, hair pencils nor retractile 3 and 4, a shade surrounding the tufts on tubercles, but the places of the latter are in- joints 5-8, and a broad band from joint 9 dicated by a dorsal red spot on joints o and posteriorly to joint I2, all black; joint 13 respectively, not elevated. dark gray. The warts of rows 1-.5 and the Secozd stagre. Ilead brownish black, retractile tubercles are all blood red, concol- shiny width o.7 mm. Body and warts black, orous, except those on joint 2 which are hair thin, bristly and black. The subdorsal black. The plumed pencils on joint 2 are warts on joint z are large, but there are no 2.5 mm. long, and there is now also one on brush tufts nor pencils. The retractile tub- joint I2 dorsally. The brush-like tufts on erclcs are present on joints o and , small, joints 5 and 6 are brown, those on 7 and 8 and colored dull blood red. Thedorsum is white. The other hair is long and black but paler on joints 3, 4 and 9. whitish subventrally. International Journal of Peptides

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