Online entry via MECHELEN BREED SharSPECIALTIES Pei Royal Belgian Terrier Club K.V. Sint-Rombouts vzw Special St Hubertushond 25/08/2018 Final deadline: 08/08/2018 & 26/08/2018 Entry fees C.A.C. Adult € 10,00 Children < 12 years free C.A.C.I.B. Children < 18 years € 5,00 Prices: Dog € 5,00 Disabled / 60+ € 5,00 1st dog 2nd dog 3rd dog 4th dog couples, groups free intermediary, open, working, champion € 52,00 € 48,00 € 45,00 € 42,00 (only same proprietor) minor puppy € 30,00 puppy € 32,00 junior € 45,00 veteran € 35,00 showhandling € 10,00 A showhandling contest will be organised on both days. There will be a nice reward for each participant. 39ste St.-Romboutstrofee International All-breed Show All questions can be directed to:
[email protected] Please be aware that the list of judges in this document is subject to change. Verantwoordelijke uitgever: Kynologenvereniging Sint-Rombouts vzw - Korte Dreef 5 - 2820 Rijmenam SATURDAY 25/08/2018 - GROUP 2 SUNDAY 26/08/2018 - GROUP 1 Mr. Bailey P.G. (UK): Deutscher Boxer Fawn/Brindle, Rottweiler Mr. Brechtold Peter (AU): Picardische Herdershond, Briard (Berger de Brie) Slate, Briard (Berger de Brie) Fawn/grey, Ciobanesc Romanesc Mioritic, Ciobanesc Romanesc Carpatin, Hvartski Ovcar -Kroatische Herder, Komondor, Polski Owczarek podhalanski - Tatra Sheperd Dog, Mrs. White Amanda (UK): Bullmastiff GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG, BELGIAN SHEPHERD DOG Groenendael, BELGIAN SHEPHERD DOG Laekenois, BELGIAN SHEPHERD DOG Malinois, BELGIAN SHEPHERD Mr. Bond John (IRL): Shar Pei, Dobberman Black/Brown, Miniature Pincher Zwergpinscher Stag red/red Brown/Black & tan, Austrian Pincher, DOG Tervueren, Ioujnorousskaïa Ovtcharka South Russian Sheperd Dog, CZECHOSLOVAKIAN WOLFDOG Affenpincher, Fila Brasileiro, Duitse Pincher Black/Black and tan, Central Asia Sheperd Dog (Sredneasiatskaïa Ovtcharka, Pyrenean Mr.