An Overview of the Applications of Multisets1
Novi Sad J. Math. Vol. 37, No. 2, 2007, 73-92 AN OVERVIEW OF THE APPLICATIONS OF MULTISETS1 D. Singh2, A. M. Ibrahim2, T. Yohanna3 and J. N. Singh4 Abstract. This paper presents a systemization of representation of multisets and basic operations under multisets, and an overview of the applications of multisets in mathematics, computer science and related areas. AMS Mathematics Subject Classi¯cation (2000): 03B65, 03B70, 03B80, 68T50, 91F20 Key words and phrases: Multisets, power multisets, dressed epsilon sym- bol, multiset ordering, Dershowtiz-Mana ordering 1. Introduction A multiset (mset, for short) is an unordered collection of objects (called the elements) in which, unlike a standard (Cantorian) set, elements are allowed to repeat. In other words, an mset is a set to which elements may belong more than once, and hence it is a non-Cantorian set. In this paper, we endeavour to present an overview of basics of multiset and applications. The term multiset, as Knuth ([46], p. 36) notes, was ¯rst suggested by Bruijn in a private communication to him. Owing to its aptness, it has replaced a variety of terms, viz. list, heap, bunch, bag, sample, weighted set, occurrence set, and ¯reset (¯nitely repeated element set) used in di®erent contexts but conveying synonimity with mset. As mentioned earlier, elements are allowed to repeat in an mset (¯nitely in most of the known application areas, albeit in a theoretical development in¯nite multiplicities of elements are also dealt with (see [11], [37], [51], [72] and [30], in particular). The number of copies (([17], P.
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