Multipermutations 1.1. Generating Functions
CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at Provided by Elsevier - Publisher Connector JOURNALOF COMBINATORIALTHEORY, Series A 67, 44-71 (1994) The r- Multipermutations SEUNGKYUNG PARK Department of Mathematics, Yonsei University, Seoul 120-749, Korea Communicated by Gian-Carlo Rota Received October 1, 1992 In this paper we study permutations of the multiset {lr, 2r,...,nr}, which generalizes Gesse| and Stanley's work (J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 24 (1978), 24-33) on certain permutations on the multiset {12, 22..... n2}. Various formulas counting the permutations by inversions, descents, left-right minima, and major index are derived. © 1994 AcademicPress, Inc. 1. THE r-MULTIPERMUTATIONS 1.1. Generating Functions A multiset is defined as an ordered pair (S, f) where S is a set and f is a function from S to the set of nonnegative integers. If S = {ml ..... mr}, we write {m f(mD, .... m f(mr)r } for (S, f). Intuitively, a multiset is a set with possibly repeated elements. Let us begin by considering permutations of multisets (S, f), which are words in which each letter belongs to the set S and for each m e S the total number of appearances of m in the word is f(m). Thus 1223231 is a permutation of the multiset {12, 2 3, 32}. In this paper we consider a special set of permutations of the multiset [n](r) = {1 r, ..., nr}, which is defined as follows. DEFINITION 1.1. An r-multipermutation of the set {ml ..... ran} is a permutation al ""am of the multiset {m~ ....
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