Arxiv:2108.13008V1 [Math.RT] 30 Aug 2021 Oi Nrpeetto Hoyadrltdaes N Fteimpor the of Sp One Vector from Areas
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SEMIORTHOGONAL DECOMPOSITION VIA CATEGORICAL ACTION YOU-HUNG HSU Abstract. We show that the categorical action of the shifted q = 0 affine algebra can be used to construct semiorthogonal decomposition on the weight categories. The key observation is that the Kapranov exceptional collection can be interpreted as convolutions of Fourier-Mukai kernels by using the categorical action. This result also gives us information about the higher categorical structures (natural transformations) between certain functors in the categorical action. 1. Introduction 1.1. Overview of semiorthogonal decompostions. Let X be a smooth complex projective vari- ety. The bounded derived category of coherent sheaves, denoted by Db(X), is an essential invariant of X. One fundamental method to study the structure of Db(X) is via semiorthogonal decomposition, which divides a triangulated category into simpler pieces. One way to produce a semiorthogonal decomposition is from an exceptional collection. The sim- plest example is Beilinson’s collection for complex projective space Pn [Be], which is later generalized to Grassmannians and type A partial flag varieties by Kapranov [Kap85], [Kap88] and Kuznetsov- Polishchuk [KP] for isotropic partial flag varieties. Another important semiorthogonal decomposition comes from the study of how Db(X) behave under basic (birational) geometric operations, e.g., smooth blow-ups and projective bundles [O], and standard flips and flops [BO]. The above studies suggest the close connection between the minimal model program and semiorthogonal decompositions. We refer to [Kaw] for a survey and [Oka] for a concrete example. There are other methods to construct semiorthogonal decompositions, e.g., homological projective duality. For a more detailed overview and many other examples, we refer to Kuznetsov’s ICM address [Ku1]. 1.2. Categorical actions. During the past decade, categorification has been an active research topic in representation theory and related areas. One of the important questions is lifting the representations of Lie algebras/quantum groups from vector spaces to categories. Such notion is called the categorical actions. Initiating from the work of Chuang-Rouquier [CR] for the sl2-categorification, people have ex- arXiv:2108.13008v1 [math.RT] 30 Aug 2021 tensively studied the categorical actions of sl2 or Uq(sl2) in several flavours. In particular, Cautis- Kamnitzer-Licata [CKL1] introduced the notion of geometric categorical sl2 action in the setting of bounded derived categories of coherent sheaves. Later they [CLK2] used the geometric categorical sl2 action to construct the derived equivalence between derived categories of coherent sheaves on cotangent bundles to complementary Grassmannians. The lifting of representations to categorical level also rises other questions. For the categorical action of semisimple or Kac-Moody Lie algebra g, usually one assigns to each weight space V (λ) 2020 Mathematics Subject Classification. 14M15, 18N25, 18G80. Key words and phrases. Derived category, semiorthogonal decomposition, Kapranov exceptional collection, categorification. 1 2 YOU-HUNG HSU an additive category C(λ) and to generators ei, fi of g one assigns functors Ei : C(λ) → C(λ + αi), Fi : C(λ + αi) → C(λ) respectively. These functors are then required to satisfy certain relations analogous to those in g. For example, when g = sl2 the relation (ef − fe)|V (λ) = λIdV (λ) becomes EF ∼ FE ⊕λ |C(λ) = |C(λ) IdC(λ) if λ ≥ 0, (1.1) similarly for λ ≤ 0. M The equation (1.1) is an isomorphism between functors. Understanding the natural trans- formations between the functors in (1.1) is a central problem in the categorification of Lie al- gebras/quantum groups or higher representation theory. Moreover, the natural transformations should ideally induce the isomorphism in (1.1). One answer to such problem is given by Chuang- Rouquier [CR] for the Lie algebra sl2 and later generalized to (simply-laced) Kac-Moody algebras g by Khovanov-Lauda [KL1], [KL2], [KL3] and Rouquier [R]. 1.3. Main results. In [Hsu], the author defined an algebra called the shifted q = 0 affine algebra, denoted by U˙0,N (Lsln), and give a definition of its categorical action. Then he proved that there is a categorical action of the shifted q = 0 affine algebra on the bounded derived categories of coherent sheaves on partial flag varieties. In this article, we try to relate the notion of semiorthogonal decomposition to the categorical action of U˙0,N (Lsln). The idea comes from the observation that the Kapranov exceptional collection can be thought of as convolutions of Fourier-Mukai kernels via the categorical action of U˙0,N (Lsln). We restrict to the sl2 case here and refer to the main text for the general case. Consider the Grassmannians G(k,N) of k-dimensional subspaces in a fixed N-dimensional vector space CN . Let ˙ b G us recall the action of U0,N (Lsl2) on k D ( (k,N)). The generators er1(k,N−k), fs1(k,N−k) act on Db(G(k,N)) by the following correspondence diagram k L L k−1 1 N−k Fl(k − 1, k)= {0 ⊂ V ′ ⊂ V ⊂ CN } ✐ ❯❯ ✐✐✐✐ ❯❯❯❯ p1 ✐✐✐ ❯❯❯p2 ✐✐✐ ❯❯❯❯ ✐✐✐✐ ❯❯❯❯ t✐✐✐✐ ❯❯* G(k,N) G(k − 1,N) ′ where p1, p2 are the natural projections. Denoting V, V to be the tautological bundles on Fl(k−1, k) of rank k, k −1 respectively, then there is a natural line bundle V/V′ on Fl(k −1, k). The generators b G er1(k,N−k) act on k D ( (k,N)) by lifting to the following functors E ∗ ′ r b G b G rL1(k,N−k) := p2∗(p1 ⊗ (V/V ) ): D ( (k,N)) → D ( (k − 1,N)) and similarly for the lift of fs1(k,N−k) to Fs1(k,N−k). We refer to Section 3 for more details. b We recall that the Kapranov exceptional collection for D (G(k,N)) is given by {SλV}, where V is the tautological rank k bundle and Sλ is the Schur functor associated to partitions λ = (λ1, ..., λk) with 0 ≤ λk ≤ ... ≤ λ1 ≤ N − k. See Theorem 2.18 for a variant for partial flag varieties. b We can view SλV as an object in D (G(0,N) × G(k,N)). Since the functors Er1(k,N−k) and Fs1(k,N−k) are Fourier-Mukai transformations with kernels Er1(k,N−k) and Fs1(k,N−k), respectively, by a relative version of Borel-Weil-Bott theorem we have S ∼ b G G λV = Fλ1 ∗ ... ∗Fλk 1(0,N) ∈ D ( (0,N) × (k,N)) (1.2) where λ = (λ1, ..., λk) with 0 ≤ λk ≤ ... ≤ λ1 ≤ N − k. We consider the triangulated category Hom(Db(G(0,N)), Db(G(k,N))) whose objects are functors b R1(0,N) given by Fourier-Mukai kernels in D (G(0,N) × G(k,N)) and morphisms between the functors R1(0,N) are morphisms between their kernels. SEMIORTHOGONAL DECOMPOSITION VIA CATEGORICAL ACTION 3 From (1.2) we know that Fλ1 ∗ ... ∗Fλk 1(0,N) is the kernel for the functor F F F b G b G λ1(0,N) := λ1 ... λk 1(0,N) ∈ Ob(Hom(D ( (0,N)), D ( (k,N)))), b since {SλV} is an exceptional collection for D (G(0,N) × G(k,N)) we can conclude that {Fλ1(0,N)} is an exceptional collection in Hom(Db(G(0,N)), Db(G(k,N))). Thus it is natural to ask the following question Question : Given a categorical U˙0,N (Lsl2) (or U˙0,N (Lsln)) action K. Do the functors F F F λ1(0,N) := λ1 ... λk 1(0,N) ∈ Hom(K(0,N), K(k,N)), λ ∈ P (N − k, k) form an exceptional collection in the triangulated category Hom(K(0,N), K(k,N))? Here P (N−k, k) is the set of λ = (λ1, ..., λk) with 0 ≤ λk ≤ ... ≤ λ1 ≤ N − k. It turns out that the answer is affirmative except that the condition for each functor Fλ1(0,N) to be exceptional should modify a bit. More precisely, we have the following result. Proposition 1.1. (Proposition 4.1 and 4.5) The functors {Fλ1(0,N)}λ∈P (N−k,k) satisfy the following properties (1) Each functor is exceptional-like, more precisely ∼ Hom(Fλ1(0,N), Fλ1(0,N)) = Hom(1(0,N), 1(0,N)) (2) Semiorthogonal property ∼ Hom(Fλ1(0,N), Fλ′ 1(0,N)) = 0 ′ ′ ′ if λ = (λ1, ..., λk) <l λ = (λ1, ..., λk) where <l is the lexicographical order. b ∼ Remark 1.2. When the weight categories are K(k,N−k)= D (G(k,N)), we have Hom(1(0,N), 1(0,N)) = C. This recovers the property that {Fλ1(0,N)} are exceptional in the geometric setting. In particular, the first property (1) implies that we have the following corollary. Corollary 1.3. (Corollary 4.2 and 4.6) Given λ = (λ1, ..., λk) with 0 ≤ λk ≤ ... ≤ λ1 ≤ N − k, the functor Fλ1(0,N) ∈ Hom(K(0,N), K(k,N − k)) is fully faithful. Since we know that an exceptional collection in a triangulated category can give rise to a semiorthogonal decomposition, by Proposition 1.1 and Corollary 1.3 we have the following main result of this article. Theorem 1.4. (Theorem 4.3 and 4.7) Given a categorical U˙0,N (Lsl2) action K. Define Kλ(k,N − k) := hFλ1(0,N)(K(0,N))i to be the minimal full triangulated subcategories of K(k,N −k) generated by the class of objects which are the essential images of Fλ1(0,N). Then we have the following semiorthogonal decomposition K(k,N − k)= hA, Kλ(k,N − k)iλ∈P (N−k,k) ⊥ where A := hKλ(k,N − k)iλ∈P (N−k,k).