Paul Simon Concert in Israel
Paul Simon concert in Israel So…I hesitated down to the last moment about Paul Simon, 6 p.m. on Thursday evening in Jerusalem, and in the end took the advice of Jill, one of our bright young interns at the Palestine-Israel Journal, “to fly on the seat of my pants”, which I gather means, “go by instinct.” My torn instinct led exhausted me to stay in Jerusalem to hear Dr. Hans-Gert Pottering, former president of the European Parliament talk about “The Arab Spring and the New Middle East”, together with three other German colleagues, at the nearby Konrad Adenauer Conference Center at Mishkenot Sha’ananim. The event itself was quite fascinating, as was the networking at the post- event reception, though it was a little unnerving to hear four Germans speaking in Jerusalem in German (of course with simultaneous translation into Hebrew and English). I was told that the fact that Chancellor Merkel was allowed to address the Knesset in German broke the ice about Germans speaking German in Israel. But of course, I simultaneously wondered what I had missed at the Paul Simon concert, and carefully read all the reviews. From the playlist of 22 songs, I see that he avoided singing his masterpiece, “Bridge Over Troubled Waters,” maybe because Garfunkle wasn’t there with his golden voice. He also chose not to sing “Homeward Bound,” “I am a Rock,” “El Condor Pasa” (“I’d rather be a hammer than a nail”), and many other Simon & Garfunkle classics. Gideon Levy on the front page of Haaretz wrote about how it reminded him of his youth, and the soundtrack of his youth.
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