The Politics of Fashion: American Leaders and Image Perception
THE POLITICS OF FASHION: AMERICAN LEADERS AND IMAGE PERCEPTION A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Arts and Science of Georgetown University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Communication, Culture & Technology By Joanna S. Rosholm, B.A. Washington, D.C. April 30, 2009 THE POLITICS OF FASHION: AMERICAN LEADERS AND IMAGE PERCEPTION Joanna S. Rosholm, B.A. Thesis Advisor: Diana M. Owen, Ph. D. Abstract Physical appearance is an important non-verbal communicator for public officials, as they are often in the public eye. As a result, oneʼs fashion and style can affect oneʼs political viability. All politicians are expected to dress in a certain way, a style that former Democratic National Committee Communications Director, Karen Finney, believes “conveys a degree of thoughtfulness and seriousness,” (Personal Interview, 2009). These expectations are merely guidelines to attire that demonstrates the correct balance between masculinity and femininity, between paying attention to detail while appearing effortless, and maintaining oneʼs personal character. Case studies, personal experience, and personal interviews with Karen Finney, Anita Dunn, Peter Kovar, Tim Gunn, and Rochelle Behrens illustrate the importance of what public officials wear. Secretary Hillary Clinton, Governor Sarah Palin, Congressman Barney Frank and Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez are used as examples to demonstrate key points. Among the key findings, it is found that female candidates on the campaign trail continue to struggle with social permission to don casual attire. As well, while it is important to maintain a “gender appropriate” image, Hillary Clinton ii | P a g e demonstrates how women often perform their political roles through their clothing.
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