Updated 3.12.20


To Members of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants:

Pursuant to Sections and 6.1.5 of the bylaws, the following report of the Nominations Committee is submitted.

Michael J. Buddendeck General Counsel & Secretary December 18, 2021

The Nominations Committee hereby proposes the following nominees as Officers, members of the AICPA/Public Accounting Professional Unit Board of Directors, members of AICPA Council-at- Large, elected members of AICPA Council, members of the AICPA Joint Trial Board and members of the AICPA Peer Review Board. Upon election, the candidates will serve in the positions indicated from the Spring Council Meeting, May 24-26, 2021 in Washington, DC until the Spring Council Meeting in 2022, 2023 or 2024 as indicated in the report, or until their successors shall be elected:

Chairman of the Board: The Committee affirmed the nomination of the following as Chairman of the Board of the Institute for 2021-2022:

Bill Pirolli, Rhode Island

Vice Chairman of the Board: The Committee nominated the following as Vice Chairman of the Board of the Institute for 2021-2022:

Anoop N. Mehta, Maryland

Board of Directors: The Committee nominated the following for election as members of the Board of Directors for three-year terms ending in 2024:

Jonyce Bullock, Utah Ebonie Jackson, Ohio Beth Leonard, Minnesota Andrew (Andy) Mintzer, Matt Snow, North Carolina

Council Members-At-Large: The Committee nominated the following as Council Members-at- Large for three-year terms ending in 2024:

Angela Ho, New Jersey


Updated 3.12.20

Brent Forbush, Jackson Day, New York Jessica McClain, Maryland Melisa Galasso, North Carolina Stephen Mankowski, Pennsylvania Wallace Gregory, South Carolina

The Committee will nominate the Officers, Board of Directors and Council Members-at- Large at the Spring Council Meeting, May 24-26, 2021 in Washington, DC. No nominations from the floor will be recognized. However, independent nominations may be made by any 20 members of Council if filed with the Secretary by January 24, 2021, which is four months prior to the Spring Council Meeting. The individuals will begin serving May 2021.

Directly Elected Members of Council: After consideration of the recommendations submitted by the state CPA societies, the Committee nominated the following members, from 26 jurisdictions as directly elected members of Council. Upon election, nominees will serve three-volunteer year terms commencing 2021 and ending in 2024:

State Name(s) Alabama James Carroll Dennis Sherrin Arizona Mike Allen Jared Van Arsdale California Charlotte D. Wall Cory James Stigile Jolene N Fraser James K Wallace Kathryn Ann Johnson Colorado Sharon Lassar Connecticut Susan Martinelli Kristin A. Bivona Eduardo Duarte Georgia Victoria M. Barry “Torie” George Thomas Harrison “Tom” Illinois Brent Baccus Brian Blaha Mary Fuller Jonathan Hauser Indiana Thomas D. Wadelton Iowa Dwayne Vande Krol Kansas Chad Allen


Updated 3.12.20

Louisiana Gina Rachel Maryland Samantha Bowling Massachusetts Robert S. Miller John D. Geraci John Micalizzi Minnesota Benjamin Ellingson Missouri Rachel Dwiggins New Jersey Edward Guttenplan Alan Sobel New York Rumbidzai N. Bwerinofa-Petrozzello Steven Morse Tracey Niemotko Ita Rahilly North Carolina Shawana T. Hudson Jared Korver Pennsylvania Jill E. Gilbert Matthew D. Melinson Rhode Island Patricia Thompson South Carolina Robert Tilton Anita Hamilton Sheila Enriquez Bill Schneider Lei Testa Virginia Mike L. Wagner Anne Hagen Washington Sara Bailey Richard Mackey West Virginia Brian Wadsworth

* Jared Korver of North Carolina will be filling the remainder of George Beckwith Elected Council member seat from May 2021 – May 2022; John Micalizzi of Massachusetts will be filing the remainder of Mark Nichol Elected Council member seat from May 2021 – May 2022; and Brian Wadsworth of West Virginia will be filling the remainder of David Hill Elected Council member seat from May 2021 – May 2022.

The Committee will also nominate Directly Elected Members of Council at the Spring Council Meeting in 2021. Pursuant to the bylaws, balloting for directly elected Council members in any state where vacancies shall arise will occur only if a contest for one or more seats develops as a result of submission of independent nominations to the Secretary by five percent (5%) but in no event less than any 20 Institute members in the state at least four months prior to May 24, 2021. In the absence of any contest, all such Council nominations will be declared elected by the


Updated 3.12.20

Secretary and they will assume office May 2021.

Joint Trial Board: The Committee nominated the following members to serve on the Joint Trial Board for three-year terms ending in 2024:

Jacqueline F. Matthew, Nevada Patricia Katebini, Maryland

In addition, the following members, having successfully served their first three-year term, are nominated for re-appointment for an additional three-year term on the Joint Trial Board:

Rachael Bertrandt, Arizona Aaron Bloom, Maryland Elisabeth da Silva, Massachusetts Edward Friel, Pennsylvania Sharon Gubinsky, Maryland Angela Miratsky-Figas, Missouri Clinton McGrath, Louisiana Natasha Novikov, Florida

Peer Review Board: The Committee nominated the following members to fill four vacancies on the AICPA Peer Review Board.

Michael Fawley, Georgia Amy Pitter, Massachusetts Michael Sibley, Florida George Victor, New York

NASBA has requested Liz Gantnier be appointed for an additional year with a term ending May 2022.

Additionally, the following member is being nominated as KPMG’s representative for a three- year term ending in 2024:

Stephen Hicks, New York

Respectfully submitted,

AICPA Nominations Committee Members:

Paul Curth, Connecticut Holly Hawk, South Carolina


Updated 3.12.20

Steve Knebel, Texas Gail McIntyre, New York Eboni Moss, Florida Lindsay Stevenson, South Dakota Jennifer Ziegler, California