Name: Terence J Land




Q2:4 Section two(b) - Site proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Support

Q18 [If you support this proposal, please explain your reasons for this] It is immedietly adjacent to existing extractions, provision is planned for temporary traverse of the site and when extraction is complet the area is to be reinstated.

Q22 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: John Edwards




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q7 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Health and safety wrt environment, particularly wrt young and old. Roads cannot cope with traffic now so additional HGVs is daft.

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] Locate no where near schools/houses with suitable road access that avoids adding to already huge congestion

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q19:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q20:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q38:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] My first statement covers all clauses. Name: Renton Righelato

Role: President

Organisation: Ornithological Club


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Q2:6 Section four: Further comments

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] No view either way

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] These comments refer to restoration following extraction on the land near Spencer's Wood to the west of Basinstoke Road. There is potential for creating a substantial nett gain in biodiversity by restoring all or a large part of the site as wetland nature reserve. (1) The site is close to the epicentre of the nationally significant lower Kennet Nightingale (red list) population, whose preferred habitat is scrub surrounding water bodies on old gravel workings. Creation of suitable habitat would encourage growth of this threatened population. (2) Creation of reed-beds and marshy areas would provide habitat for a wide range of other scarce and charismatic bird species and much other wildlife. The Berkshire Ornithological Club, which holds an extensive database of birds in the county, collaborates with developers and landowners on conservation work of this type. Name: Nicolas Ginder




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This would damage local environment, pollute air and the river loddon and put more traffic on the already congested basingstoke road. Name: Miao Wang




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This would damage local environment, pollute air and the river loddon and put more traffic on the already congested basingstoke road. Name: Beth hocking




Q2:6 Section four: Further comments

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] This proposed site is too close to areas where small children will be occupying most of their days; this can affect people with lung issues and generally is a detriment to health. Should vehicles also deviate from the basingstoke road and use Lambs lane or Back lane this poses a safety issue as the road in its current state is barely large enough for two way traffic which causes congestion issues around school mornings and afternoons. The proposal is ludicrous and should be rejected as a suitable area for A gravel guarry. Name: Helen Coulter




Q2:2 Section one - Sand & Gravel Area of Search

Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Q2:6 Section four: Further comments

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] Withdrawal of the proposal

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] Helen Coulter Dear Sirs OBJECTION to Proposed Gravel Quarry I am writing to OBJECT to the proposed Spencers Wood Gravel Quarry. The proposal is in appropriate on multiple grounds. The proposed site is on the edge of two small, quiet rural villages and will impact on all members of the communities and the environment: • Air quality will be compromised – gravel particles will travel and will affect not only the communities in general, but will affect several provisions for young children and also those for the elderly. The gravel dust generated will impact the health of everyone and the environment. • Increased and inappropriate traffic – the proposed access route via the Basingstoke Road is inappropriate and impractical. The road is poor quality, narrow and already is unable to cope with the local traffic. Large lorries will make the situation even worse, add to congestion, pollution and road erosion. This will also be dangerous for pedestrians who use the narrow pavements to walk between Spencers Wood and – the only option for those without transport as the bus services have been greatly reduced. • Flooding – risk of flooding in this area is a real issue. This is a Flood Zone – completely inappropriate for development of any type. • Environment & Ecology – This area is farmland with footpaths. It is also adjacent to a Site of Special Scientific interest – any development of this site will have a real environmental impact. • Ecology – This farmland is home to several protected species – these will not be able to sustain living in a gravel quarry development. • Archaeological – There are various important archaeological erections in this area; development of the site will be detrimental to this ‘Area of High Archaeological Potential’. This site is totally inappropriate for any development; a gravel quarry is ludicrous. There are too many houses proposed in Berkshire – 15,000; a gravel quarry will add to the destruction of this whole area. I OBJECT to this proposal. Yours faithfully Helen Coulter Name: Sarah Akram




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] We don’t want this! It’s a small quiet area full of families, elderly and young children and you’re going to build a quarry?! I absolutely whole heartedly object to this proposal!

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] We do not want it in our area!! The infrastructure re roads can not support this. The noise pollution and actual pollution - these are small villages - we can not accept this!

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q19:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate Q19:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q20:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q20:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q20:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q22 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q23 [What change are you seeking?] As my reasons before!!

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q37:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q38:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q38:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q38:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q39 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] As my reasons before!!

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q41 [What change are you seeking?] As my reasons before!! Name: Coral mitchell




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] No

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q19:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q22 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: J Beasant




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Steven Laflin




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate Name: Mr. Colin Glenister




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The increase of heavy haulage traffic travelling through Spencers Wood. Name: Sylvia Spink




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] There is already a plan to build 15,000 houses in Grazeley which will significantly increase traffic levels in the area of Basingstoke Road. This area is already very congested especially at peak rush hour and this proposal will increase the volume of traffic and pollution still further. There are several schools and doctors surgeries in the vicinity and the risk to the health of local residents is unacceptable if this scheme were to go ahead. Name: Thomas Sloan




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q7 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This project is not necessary for our infrastructure and does not lend itself to sustainable development. As such there is no requirement for this infrastructure in the locality and thus it can only be considered to have failed the positively prepared test.

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] No

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Is not a required asset for the locality and so fails the test of being positively prepared. Ripping up a large piece of greenfield land also does not meet criteria regarding sustainable development.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q19:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q20:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q21 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] No requirement for a gravel pit and it doesn’t lend itself to sustainable development.

Q22 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] No view either way Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] This will bring untold disruption to the local area both increasing noise, pollution and traffic. It is remarkable that a plan of this scale was ever considered for an area so close to a primary school. The area does not have the necessary infrastructure to support the amount of additional heavy load vehicles required by the site. Destroying an area of greenfield land on the outside of a beautiful village is both environmentally and culturally unsustainable. Name: Sam labban




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] For it to be cancelled

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q19:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q22 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes Name: Mark Robinson




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q19:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate Name: JULIAN J BERROW




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test Name: Clive Norfolk




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I strongly believe that the proposed location of a gravel pit on the land west of Basingstoke Road does not in any way meet the test of soundness related to the impact of the proposal on the growing neighbourhood. The proposed location fails the test for the following reasons and faces very strong local opposition: Air quality - gravel and sand extraction is proven to have a detrimental impact on the air quality in the surrounding area. The proposed location is very close to a growing residential area and is in very close proximity to schools, nurseries and play areas. THis would have a negative impact on the wellbeing of children in particular but also the local population in general. The traffic impact, an increase in HGV and other vehicle movements, caused by the operation of the works at the proposed site would materially impact the local roads and accute congestion issues the area already faces. Flooding - the proposed site is within an area of flood risk, clearly an unacceptable location for the proposed works Environmental impact - the proposed location is close to a rural area and would impact on a local SSSI Ecology - The site is currently farmland, and is home to protected species including barn owls, red kites and great rested newts. There is also numerous other species that would be impacted. Name: S.Matthews




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Inappropriate setting.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Darren Houldcroft




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q6:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q7 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The challenge on effectiveness is self explanatory - there is no implementation plan at all. The currently proposed strategy has clearly not considered all possible alternatives and is a reaction to the rejection (and subsequent withdrawal of) the Bridge Farm application.Furthermore consultation is being rushed through in inappropriately short timescales (spanning a school holiday period no less) and hence the communities most affected will have limited time to review and respond. Duty to Cooperate conversations haven't been had with neighboring authorities (according to the consultation document), and assumptions have been made about the response they are likely to receive.... assumptions which haven't been validated. There is mention of the Aggregate survey taking place later this year - surely it would also be prudent to wait until that has been completed? With Regards to the Spencer's Wood site proposal: Traffic and local flooding factors seem not to have been properly taken into account; neither has the surrounding area, with a school,a nursery and a busy wedding venue all within the likely dust fall area and only given cursory mention - the SA/SEA Judgement is green even though the school is within 370m! Several statements within the proposal are clearly unsupportable - for example, 3.19 - cumulative impacts could easily be considered by simple reference to existing quarrying activities elsewhere in the borough, it is frankly absurd to say there is not enough information available to begin that consideration now. Likewise the statement that "The change in HGV traffic on the SRN would be less than 1%" is not supported by published evidence, and even cursory knowledge of local traffic is sufficient to confidently say this is out by an order of magnitude. Others have been overtaken by recent events - "No flood events in last 20 years", was anyone present during the last week?! the south end of the site was significantly underwater.

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] The Spencers Wood site needs to be removed from consideration. Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] See previous comments

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Support

Q18 [If you support this proposal, please explain your reasons for this] It is the logical candidate, being an extension of existing quarrying activities

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q38:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q39 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] New operators *should* be judged based on a lack of track record; to do otherwise is foolish (it is inevitable that a new operator will experience "teething issues" when establishing their processes and this needs to be taken into account).

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q41 [What change are you seeking?] New operators *should* be judged based on a lack of track record Name: chris barkus




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] An utterly ridiculous proposal, much like the recently rejected quarry in . Numerous points of contention include the roads being both too narrow and too winding for the amount of huge vehicles that would be travelling up and down them every day, this junction would be extremelly dangerous with the bends on this road. The already congested traffic from the thousands of extra houses built locally with little to no improvement to local roads. The sites locallity to the river Loddon, we cannot continue to build sites near rivers and not expect them to flood! The environment and ecology; this area of land is home to a wide variety of species of plants and animals, all which will be lost if this goes ahead. The air quality for local residents; Lambs Lane primary school is so close to this site, as well as a number of houses and numerous business units. We already have hundreds of thousands of deaths each year in the UK due to air quality, let's not add to this! On a to this proposed site, if this were to go ahead would mean we would probably have to move house at huge cost. And finally the local businesses that would be impacted, particularly The Mill House, which puts on parties, weddings etc. which i'm sure people won't want to book there if there is a quarry next door! Name: Charles Spicer




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The deleterious effect of air quality with particular reference to the proximity of Lambs Lane Primary School. Name: Christophe & Karen,Henry and Oliver Wright




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] Does not meet Air Quality,Traffic ,Flooding,Environmental,Ecology and Archaeological requirements of the area.The B3349 is not a suitable access road.Road to narrow for HGV's turning ,ill thought out.Current HGV's turning cause risk of fatal accidents .The area is a flood plain categorised as flood zones 2 and 3 not suitable for quarrying.The River Loddon is a site of Special Scientific interest.The area is a site for protected species,Barn Owl, Red Kite,Great crested Newts.Water Voles on Loddon banks.The deteriorating in Air quality is an increasingly populated area is unacceptable.Please register this as my objection to the proposed gravel extraction site. Name: Sarah Labban




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Increase air pollution, noise pollution. Increased traffic - it already takes me half an hour every morning to get from to j11 round about traffic lights!!! the lambs lane school and - we don’t want our small countryside spoiled, but more importantly, we don’t want our health affected!!! I whole heartedly object to this proposal!

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes Name: Shoaib Akram




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Increase air pollution, noise pollution. Increased traffic - it already takes me half an hour every morning to get from to j11 round about traffic lights!!! the lambs lane school and - we don’t want our small countryside spoiled, but more importantly, we don’t want our health affected!!! I whole heartedly object to this proposal!

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes Name: peter donald cleaver




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] It will increase air pollution near school. It will have serious impact on ecology of many sorts with its proximity to the river Lodden. It will be an eyesore in a very rural location. The increase of HGV traffic on an already busy narrow road will be dangerous. The location is totally unsuitable in an already overwhelmed area of rural Berkshire. Name: Mr Chris O'Connell




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I strongly object to this proposal for several reasons. 1. Proposed site proximity to Spencers Wood village, Lambs Lane primary school and the River Loddon causing noise disturbance, safety risk to school children and local residents 2. The prospect of hundreds of daily movements of large trucks through the village on the Basingstoke Road which is unsuitable for vehicles of their size and is already very congested at peak commuter times. 3. Potential damage to the local environment particularly the River Loddon and it's natural wildlife. 4. The site is subject to flooding and has twice in the last two weeks. Name: S Collingwood




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I do not believe proportionate evidence has been gathered appropriately. The impact of increased heavy goods traffic passing through Spencers Wood village via the Basingstoke Road to J11 is a safety risk, particularly for nearby recent housing developments where the roadside pathways are very narrow and inadequately close in proximity to traffic. This is a serious safety concern that is not included or justified and is a material concern for me and my family. In my view it would be highly likely that a loss of life due to increased heavy goods traffic and pedestrians on the Basingstoke Road. The impact on air quality to local residents appears poorly considered, particularly for residents living on or near the Warrens Croft development. Where the government is sensitive to air quality from particulates, this proposed development is counter to such considerations. Flooding in the local area is a frequent problem impacting main and side roads around Spencers Wood, Swallowfield and Grazeley. This proposal does not adequately consider the regularity and impact of flooding impacting local residents. As parts of the site is already categorised as Flood Zone 2 and 3a, it is not appropriate or suitable for quarrying. Environmentally, the area proposed is adjacent to SSSI and already flagged as posing a risk to water quality impacting local residents. Ecologically, the site is home to protected species and is also an area of High Archaeological Potential, which may directly impact the heritage of the area and nearby monuments and listed buildings. Name: Helen Sturdy




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Proximity to lambs lane school. Noise and pollution levels. Proximity to river Loddon and protected species including Loddon pondweed, otters, possibly greater crested newts, barn owls, bats, red kites etc. The site is on a flood plain and has flooded twice this year already. Removal of topsoil and gravel will exacerbate flooding in the surrounding area. The road is not suitable for HGV vehicles as it is narrow, already very busy and often collapses in the vicinity of the site (it has to be filled and resurfaced again in the last month). Removal of a visual amenity which would join two villages (Swallowfield and Spencer’s wood). 3 schools and preschools and 2 outdoor play areas are within 1km of the site, the nearest being 370 m away. The noise and air pollution would prevent outdoor activities. Site of archaeological interest with WW2 pillboxes. Ancient woodland which is sensitive to change in air quality. The river Loddon forms a wildlife corridor allowing animals to travel safely across the area and forage for food.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Gordon sturdy




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air pollution and noise pollution. There are 3 schools/preschools in close proximity, lambs land school being under 400m away. There also 2 outdoor play areas. SSI: the river Loddon runs alongside the proposed site. It is home to protected species such as otters, Loddon pondweed and possibly greater crested newts. These are sensitive to pollution. There are also badgers, bats, red kites and barn owls in the area. The river forms a wildlife corridor allowing animals to move around safely and forage for food. Removal of a visual amenity which forms a gap between the villages of Swallowfield and Spencer’s wood. The road is not suitable for HGV vehicles. It is narrow and busy. It regular collapses into large potholes and has to be repaired and that is with the current traffic load. The land is on a flood plain. Removing any gravel would exacerbate the already heavy flooding in the surrounding area. This is a site of archaeological interest which holds remnants of a chain of defences from WW2. Sncieyeoodlsnd ehich is senditive to changes in air quality.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Lee Atkins




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I was until 2015 a long term resident of Swallowfield, Chaired the Swallowfield Parish Flood Group set up after the devastating flooding in 2007 and became a member of Swallowfield Fishing Club in 1995, I remain a committee member of this club. My objections are based upon my first hand knowledge of the proposed site, it's importance to the bio diversity and ecological balance of the Loddon and Blackwater river catchments and the significant physical risks such an activity would present to the local residents and downstream communities too. Swallowfield Fishing Club have undertake substantial habitat improvement works to it's waters which start within 50 meters of the downstream boundary of the proposed works. These works have involved consented in stream habitat improvements involving the establishment of spawning reds and off line flood attenuation pools and leats for the encouragement of fish refuge points and natural breeding points. The Loddon catchment is considered to be under severe stress due to the existing permitted developments in the area already. Otters are present along our banks and we find spraints (otter faeces) and tracks all along our downstream banks, we regularly site nesting barn owls working the wide flood plain fields adjacent to our two river fisheries on the Loddon and Blackwater. Water quality is massively important to us and we have records in the near history of one of our angling members catching a sea trout from the Loddon, this is highly significant to have such a salmonid choosing to occupy these waters and makes the future of salmon running these waters a possibility albeit remote. These waters adjacent to the proposed site are therefore highly sensitive too the arrival of any new sediment or "fines" which are a by product of quarrying and extraction, either airborne local particulate or run off via road connected to river drains. In respect to the flood risk during construction there presents a real risk of adding to the high risk nature of this site, there will inevitably be several thousand square meters of hardscaping, roadways and equipment pads required in what is ciurrently an absorbent and open to air natural series of open fields which for some time the adjacent farmer has farmed sensitively with knowledge of the flood risks which inappropriate uses may bring to the farm itself and local residents. I have been involved with the commercial review of the acquisition of a commercial gravel extraction license in British Columbia, Canada. The ecological bar is set extremely high there and would not have received consent for this proposed site given it's proximity to a number of schools and early year groups in each of the abutting villages. some years ago was involved in an accident on the Basingstoke Road outside the site, I myself have narrowly avoided several incidents on this stretch of road which I consider to be a high risk road, the thought of introducing large visibility obscure vehicles to an already too narrow road is more than concerning. Cyclists using this stretch of road prevent safe vehicle passage due to double white lines for some distance, the introduction of slow moving laden 50tonne lorries will again add significantly to the existing risk profile of this particular road. I would be grateful if you can acknowledge this submission and keep me fully informed of the consultations progress. Lee Atkins

Name: Jill O'Connell




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I wish to strongly objet to the propised site for the following reasons: 1. Increase of HGV traffic on the already saturated Basingstoke Road attempting to access the M4. 2. Proximity of site to Lambs Lamb Primary school, Owls Nursery and Warrens Croft paly area. 3. Effect on air quality in general, but particularly on the schools. 4. Ecological effects on the surrounding area and in particular the River Loddon, which has flooded twice in the last two weeks. Name: lee brown




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] it will harm local wildlife. there is a primary school within 300metres of the proposed site. it will increase lorry traffic on an unsuitable, narrow road. The river Loddon, which is within metres of the proposed site, could become polluted, there has been recent activity there. Name: Carole Roberts



Responses: Name: Neill Smith




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q7 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The area is adjacent to the River Loddon SSI, which would be destroyed by the quarry, along with other wildlife such as Otters, Red Kites, Barn Owls. The site is beautiful open British countryside, the loss of this view would impact the whole area. The border of the site is less than 400metres from Lambs Lane Primary school, and the dust will cause health problems for the children. The border of the site is less than 300 metres , and due to the dust.

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] No

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The area is a beautiful part of the English countryside. The development would cause unacceptable dangerous traffic increases on the Basingstoke Road.

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q19:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q20:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q38:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy Name: Mr Paul Mcnelly




Q2:2 Section one - Sand & Gravel Area of Search

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q7 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am not only objecting to the test of soundness, I am objecting to the whole process of a sand and gravel pit in the Spencer's wood and Swallowfield area. The impact it's going to bring on the environment the air quality the traffic increase of lorries thundering down the Basingstoke Road chucking mud all over the road coming from there wheels. The southern edge of the site is a risk to flooding which in my view is not a suitable location for quarrying. Also l want to mention the Ecology of things such as the wild life around that area which will slowly disappear if this proposal goes ahead.

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] The change I am seeking is for this proposal not to go ahead at all. Name: T W Trinder




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am objecting to this proposal for the following reasons: 1. Air Pollution - The proposed site less than 400 metres from Lambs Lane Primary School which will be contaminated by particulates in the air which could impact children's breathing 2. Flooding - The southern edge of the site alongside River Loddon is categorized as Flood Risk zones 2 and 3a and has been subject to flooding following Storms Ciara and Dennis during the past month. 3.Environment - The southern boundary of the site abuts the River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest 4.Infrastructure - Vehicular access is proposed via the B3349 (Basingstoke Road) which is totally unsuitable for the volume of HGV traffic which would be using the site 5. Visual Amenity - the proposed site fills the "Gap" between the two settlements of Spencers Wood and Swallowfield which is contrary to current building regulations I would be grateful if these comments could be considered as part of your consultation Name: Sara Creech




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This proposal will have a detrimental impact on air quality in the surrounding area (which includes a primary school, a nursery and a play area in close proximity), the HGV traffic it will generate will be substantial, creating dirt, noise and inconvenience for local residents along what is already a congested route and last but not least, the southern area of the proposed site is at risk of flooding (categorised as Flood zones 2 and 3a) so an unsuitable location for quarrying. Name: Malcolm Ward




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This proposal will create an unacceptably high volume of HGV traffic, causing air and noise pollution as well as disruption and inconvenience to local residents. Siting a quarry in this area will also undoubtedly have a detrimental impact as regards flood risk. Name: Geoffrey Blick




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate Name: sandra cleaver




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Vast increase in HGV traffic on minor road. Air pollution from site machinery close to schools etc. Bottom end of site close to river so therefore huge environmental risk to wild life and fish. Unsightly works in lovely rural area between two villages. Name: Rachael Taylor




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air pollution; there are 3 schools and also play areas within 1km of the site, one being within 370m; the River Lodden has protected species including otters, Lodden pondweed, possibly greater crested newts; also on the site are badgers, barn owls, red kites; the River Lodden forms a wildlife corridor to enable animals to travel safely across the area; the site has ancient woodland which is sensitive to air pollution; it also has a WWII pill box which is part of a defence chain across the area hence of historical interest; the road is not suitable for HGV vehicles, it is too narrow and already busy and collapses into potholes regularly; the field is a visual amenity and forms a green corridor between the villages of Swallowfield and Spencers Wood. Name: Beverley Marshall-Smith




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: D W Oakley




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Site is very close to schools and will have a great environmental impact on these schools and housing in the locality by spreading particulates and fine dust into the air. Many lorry movements will be required to move the material from the site onto already crowded local and narrow roads.We already have flooding in the area and being next to the river this will also impact on the river quality and the various animals and fish that inhabit the location. Name: P A Oakley




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] There will be a detrimental affect on the environment and ecology of the area. At present the site is home to protected species such as great crested newts and water voles live on the banks of the Loddon. The air quality of the surrounding area will be adversely affected and will impact on the nearby primary school. There will also be a significant visual change to the area and further increase in the traffic travelling on narrow and busy roads. Name: chris partridge




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy Name: Sian Allen




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Q2:6 Section four: Further comments

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposal is not consistent with achieving sustainable development. Not justified, suitable alternatives to this rural area have not been exhausted. Not consistent with national policy as the development is not sustainable. Not met the effectiveness test as cross-boundary strategy not met.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] Air Quality: studies suggest sand and gravel have a detrimental impact on health. Three schools are within 600m (one only 350m away) and a further pre-school and play area also close by. No regard for our children’s health. Traffic: roads already at a stand-still at the best of time. The road is rural and narrow, not suitable for HGV traffic whatsoever. Flooding: Swallowfield has recently been on a high flood alert and this proposal will exacerbate the situation. The area is categorised as Flood zones 2 and 3a, it is therefore not a suitable site. Environment and ecology: the river Loddon is an SSSI and the Loddon Pondweed is very sensitive to changes in conditions. The proposed site is farmland and home to protected species. Historic site: quarrying would have a direct impact on the proposed area, it is an Area of High Archeological significance. Name: Andrew Taylor




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Proposed inclusion on to the Joint Minerals & Waste plan – Land west of Basingstoke road (B3349) – Spencers wood / Swallowfield To whom to may concern, I wish to strongly object to this proposed addition to the minerals and waste plan on the grounds of a number of planning considerations listed below: • Previous geologic surveys conducted suggest the site is not commercially viable with a gravel seam of up to 1 meter rather the required 4 to 6 meters to make the site viable. Substantial local disturbance for a site which does not justify gravel extraction on the basis of the gravel present. • The plans are inconsistent with the Highways planning policy insufficient access to the site. Based on previous studies for similar sites in the local area, 250 LGV’s and therefore 500 LGV’s movements per day would be required to operate the site. To access the proposed site via the B3349, which as double white centre lines would require an illegal manoeuvre for LCV’s; if going north bound they would need to cross the double white lines, stop and go against the flow of traffic on a twisty country road. This manoeuvre multiplied by 500 vehicle movements is highly dangerous (note fatalities cause by US armed forces driving on the wrong carriageway) and would cause havoc for the local traffic trying to go to local schools and access junction 11 of the M4 alike. • Fine particles created by the Gravel pit operation potentially causing respiratory conditions and no doubt carcinogenic, particularly among the vulnerable, children, elderly and those predisposed to such conditions. Lambs Lane Primary school is 370m of the border the site and within the recognised 400m exclusion zone, furthermore, there are a number of children’s educational intuitions within 750 metres. • The site is within a Flood zone 2 and 3a and locally known to flood on a regular basis being adjacent to the Loddon river; unnatural mass disturbance caused by gravel extraction will only adversely add to this phenomenon. • The site is adjacent to the Loddon River which is a site of special scientific interest, with the rare presence of Loddon pondweed which requires extremely clean water to flourish. • The river acts as a movement corridor for the varied rare species in the local area. The gravel pit would block this corridor deterring movement up and down stream with a detrimental effect on the local rare species. • This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between Spencers wood and Swallowfield, further urbanisation will lead to the creation of a conurbation between , Spencers wood, Swallowfield and Riseley which is to be avoided for the physical and mental wellbeing of the occupants of these villages. • The site is of archaeological interests which include the presence of WWII pillbox, anti-tank ditch and a number of listed buildings within the vicinity. On the grounds listed above I would vehemently urge all those with authority to reject the inclusion of this site into the Minerals and Waste plan for the borough at the earliest possible opportunity. Name: Michelle Taylor




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Proposed inclusion on to the Joint Minerals & Waste plan – Land west of Basingstoke road (B3349) – Spencers wood / Swallowfield To whom to may concern, I wish to strongly object to this proposed addition to the minerals and waste plan on the grounds of a number of planning considerations listed below: • Previous geologic surveys conducted suggest the site is not commercially viable with a gravel seam of up to 1 meter rather the required 4 to 6 meters to make the site viable. Substantial local disturbance for a site which does not justify gravel extraction on the basis of the gravel present. • The plans are inconsistent with the Highways planning policy insufficient access to the site. Based on previous studies for similar sites in the local area, 250 LGV’s and therefore 500 LGV’s movements per day would be required to operate the site. To access the proposed site via the B3349, which as double white centre lines would require an illegal manoeuvre for LCV’s; if going north bound they would need to cross the double white lines, stop and go against the flow of traffic on a twisty country road. This manoeuvre multiplied by 500 vehicle movements is highly dangerous (note fatalities cause by US armed forces driving on the wrong carriageway) and would cause havoc for the local traffic trying to go to local schools and access junction 11 of the M4 alike. • Fine particles created by the Gravel pit operation potentially causing respiratory conditions and no doubt carcinogenic, particularly among the vulnerable, children, elderly and those predisposed to such conditions. Lambs Lane Primary school is 370m of the border the site and within the recognised 400m exclusion zone, furthermore, there are a number of children’s educational intuitions within 750 metres. • The site is within a Flood zone 2 and 3a and locally known to flood on a regular basis being adjacent to the Loddon river; unnatural mass disturbance caused by gravel extraction will only adversely add to this phenomenon. • The site is adjacent to the Loddon River which is a site of special scientific interest, with the rare presence of Loddon pondweed which requires extremely clean water to flourish. • The river acts as a movement corridor for the varied rare species in the local area. The gravel pit would block this corridor deterring movement up and down stream with a detrimental effect on the local rare species. • This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between Spencers wood and Swallowfield, further urbanisation will lead to the creation of a conurbation between Three Mile Cross, Spencers wood, Swallowfield and Riseley which is to be avoided for the physical and mental wellbeing of the occupants of these villages. • The site is of archaeological interests which include the presence of WWII pillbox, anti-tank ditch and a number of listed buildings within the vicinity. On the grounds listed above I would vehemently urge all those with authority to reject the inclusion of this site into the Minerals and Waste plan for the borough at the earliest possible opportunity. Name: Chloe Taylor




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Proposed inclusion on to the Joint Minerals & Waste plan – Land west of Basingstoke road (B3349) – Spencers wood / Swallowfield To whom to may concern, I wish to strongly object to this proposed addition to the minerals and waste plan on the grounds of a number of planning considerations listed below: • Previous geologic surveys conducted suggest the site is not commercially viable with a gravel seam of up to 1 meter rather the required 4 to 6 meters to make the site viable. Substantial local disturbance for a site which does not justify gravel extraction on the basis of the gravel present. • The plans are inconsistent with the Highways planning policy insufficient access to the site. Based on previous studies for similar sites in the local area, 250 LGV’s and therefore 500 LGV’s movements per day would be required to operate the site. To access the proposed site via the B3349, which as double white centre lines would require an illegal manoeuvre for LCV’s; if going north bound they would need to cross the double white lines, stop and go against the flow of traffic on a twisty country road. This manoeuvre multiplied by 500 vehicle movements is highly dangerous (note fatalities cause by US armed forces driving on the wrong carriageway) and would cause havoc for the local traffic trying to go to local schools and access junction 11 of the M4 alike. • Fine particles created by the Gravel pit operation potentially causing respiratory conditions and no doubt carcinogenic, particularly among the vulnerable, children, elderly and those predisposed to such conditions. Lambs Lane Primary school is 370m of the border the site and within the recognised 400m exclusion zone, furthermore, there are a number of children’s educational intuitions within 750 metres. • The site is within a Flood zone 2 and 3a and locally known to flood on a regular basis being adjacent to the Loddon river; unnatural mass disturbance caused by gravel extraction will only adversely add to this phenomenon. • The site is adjacent to the Loddon River which is a site of special scientific interest, with the rare presence of Loddon pondweed which requires extremely clean water to flourish. • The river acts as a movement corridor for the varied rare species in the local area. The gravel pit would block this corridor deterring movement up and down stream with a detrimental effect on the local rare species. • This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between Spencers wood and Swallowfield, further urbanisation will lead to the creation of a conurbation between Three Mile Cross, Spencers wood, Swallowfield and Riseley which is to be avoided for the physical and mental wellbeing of the occupants of these villages. • The site is of archaeological interests which include the presence of WWII pillbox, anti-tank ditch and a number of listed buildings within the vicinity. On the grounds listed above I would vehemently urge all those with authority to reject the inclusion of this site into the Minerals and Waste plan for the borough at the earliest possible opportunity. Name: Rachael Taylor




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Proposed inclusion on to the Joint Minerals & Waste plan – Land west of Basingstoke road (B3349) – Spencers wood / Swallowfield To whom to may concern, I wish to strongly object to this proposed addition to the minerals and waste plan on the grounds of a number of planning considerations listed below: • Previous geologic surveys conducted suggest the site is not commercially viable with a gravel seam of up to 1 meter rather the required 4 to 6 meters to make the site viable. Substantial local disturbance for a site which does not justify gravel extraction on the basis of the gravel present. • The plans are inconsistent with the Highways planning policy insufficient access to the site. Based on previous studies for similar sites in the local area, 250 LGV’s and therefore 500 LGV’s movements per day would be required to operate the site. To access the proposed site via the B3349, which as double white centre lines would require an illegal manoeuvre for LCV’s; if going north bound they would need to cross the double white lines, stop and go against the flow of traffic on a twisty country road. This manoeuvre multiplied by 500 vehicle movements is highly dangerous (note fatalities cause by US armed forces driving on the wrong carriageway) and would cause havoc for the local traffic trying to go to local schools and access junction 11 of the M4 alike. • Fine particles created by the Gravel pit operation potentially causing respiratory conditions and no doubt carcinogenic, particularly among the vulnerable, children, elderly and those predisposed to such conditions. Lambs Lane Primary school is 370m of the border the site and within the recognised 400m exclusion zone, furthermore, there are a number of children’s educational intuitions within 750 metres. • The site is within a Flood zone 2 and 3a and locally known to flood on a regular basis being adjacent to the Loddon river; unnatural mass disturbance caused by gravel extraction will only adversely add to this phenomenon. • The site is adjacent to the Loddon River which is a site of special scientific interest, with the rare presence of Loddon pondweed which requires extremely clean water to flourish. • The river acts as a movement corridor for the varied rare species in the local area. The gravel pit would block this corridor deterring movement up and down stream with a detrimental effect on the local rare species. • This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between Spencers wood and Swallowfield, further urbanisation will lead to the creation of a conurbation between Three Mile Cross, Spencers wood, Swallowfield and Riseley which is to be avoided for the physical and mental wellbeing of the occupants of these villages. • The site is of archaeological interests which include the presence of WWII pillbox, anti-tank ditch and a number of listed buildings within the vicinity. On the grounds listed above I would vehemently urge all those with authority to reject the inclusion of this site into the Minerals and Waste plan for the borough at the earliest possible opportunity. Name: subhash sharma




Q2:2 Section one - Sand & Gravel Area of Search

Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Q2:4 Section two(b) - Site proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry

Q2:5 Section three: Past Operator Performance Policy

Q2:6 Section four: Further comments

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] No

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q19:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q37:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q38:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q38:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test Q38:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q38:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] Air Quality will go down and this site is just 370 m away from the lamb's lane primary school. wise owl's nursery is just 550 m away and particles can and will travel to these locations. Traffic will get affected in a big way and the roads are not designed for HGVs. This is a flood-prone area and we have had so many flood warnings recently. this is only going to compound the issue. the other issues are environmental damage, ecological damage, and archaeological damage Name: Chris Knight




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This proposal presents unacceptable levels of danger to the local environment. The local infrastructure is already struggling to cope and this would bring unprescedented misery to the area. A local borehole search on the British Geological Survey website shows that there it is very unlikely to be viable anyway. The uncertainty this proposal brings should be stopped as soon as possible. Name: Lucy Knight




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I have to cross the road to . I find it quite scary anyway with the bad traffic but with this gravel quarry it would make it much much worse with 250+ lorry's going in and out. We often go for walks but there is no way I would be able to do that beside the river any more.I cannot believe that the council would allow this to happen.Please don't allow this! Name: Andrew Martin




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Overall the proposed site would have a detrimental impact upon the local area with loss of countryside, additional traffic on already congested roads, further contribute to poor air quality, local residents already having a close proximity to the M4 and the A33 therefore the site proposed would increase pollution of air quality. Proposed site too close to Primary School, Nursery and children's play area. Destruction of habitats and wildlife Reducing quality of life for local people Traffic implications including: Increased risk to children when arriving and departing from school HGVs using the surrounding roads which are mostly inappropriate for larger vehicles Current congestion, the local road system is already under increasing pressure from local traffic Name: Charles and Pailthorpe




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] 1. It is recognised that there is an increased demand for mineral aggregates as stated in the Central & Eastern Berkshire Authorities, Joint Minerals & Waste Plan, Local Aggregate Assessment, December 2018 Section 6.2. 2. Hazards of dust: a. Dust particulate matter varies in size and large particles tend to settle quickly but smaller particles may be more harmful and carry great distances. If the fine particulate matter is less than 10 microns in diameter then this can be inhaled and considered to be toxic. There is now incontrovertible evidence that these tiny particulates increase the risk of hypertension ( cardiopulmonary disease, asthma ( ), bronchitis, emphysema and potentially premature death in those with pre-existing conditions. The elderly and the very young are most affected which is particularly relevant to the Lambs Lane primary school on the north side of the field. b. Smith et al. reported that air pollution in London adversely affects foetal growth. c. In 2005 the World Health Organization document on Air Quality Guidelines which clearly states the increased risk to health. d. Dust increases corrosion and may harm vegetation and the local fauna. 3. Traffic congestion: a. The current infrastructure of the road network south of Junction 11 and the Shinfield ‘Black Boy Pub’ roundabout is seriously congested throughout most of the day. With housing developments in Riseley and the proposed plan for Grazeley, traffic will increase hugely. To then add a large number of HGVs travelling up and down the Basingstoke Road to Junction 11 would make the traffic unbearable. Riding a bicycle safely would be impossible and the risk to children walking home on pathways from the primary school increases. b. Any increases in traffic could result in additional risks of accidents which would increase traffic load across the entire local network. The prolonged time for travel would increase traffic born pollutants into the residential areas exponentially raising health risk. c. There is no information as to the output of the proposed Quarry but on past experience in other areas it is likely to be 500,000 tons per year. Assuming the quarry operates five days per week for 50 weeks in the year this would mean 2000 tonnes of gravel or sand leaving the site each working day. A standard dumper truck capacity is around 20 tonnes so it follows that 100 loaded lorries will be leaving the site and 100mg was returning. This means 200 extra lorry movements on the Basingstoke Road each working day. Crossing the road in the built-up area will become more dangerous. 4. Noise: a. A gravel quarry will inevitably produce noise. The informative report prepared in 2008 for the UK Mineral Industry Research Organisation by academics at the Universities of Nottingham and Leeds commenting on noises and dust from quarrying: Reducing the Environmental Effect of Aggregate Quarrying has stated that the noise levels encountered from many quarries are second only to that produced by jet engines at airports. b. It is estimated that this noise level can be expected to reach distances of between 1 to 4 km from the quarry. c. There is evidence that exposure to environmental noise is associated with increased risk of hypertension, heart attack and stroke 5. Impact on the landscape and the natural environment: a. Risk of flooding: i. It is difficult to estimate the increased risk of flooding to the river Loddon but intuitively as that land is on the north side of the river it would potentially change the water table in such a way that flooding would increase further along the river in Swallowfield. ii. In a previous application to the Council the following statement is relevant to the current proposal - No development shall take place until a detailed design of the surface water drainage system to serve the site, demonstrating that surface water runoff will not exacerbate existing flood risk, nor pose an unacceptable risk to the quality of groundwater or surface water, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. iii. The slope of the field may be challenging for the developers and the change in the water table may cause collapse of the north side riverbank. iv. Impurities from the gravel extraction will inevitably leach into the river and could cause effects down-river. v. The risk of flooding would have negative effects on any wildlife in the area, driving out local deer, otters and badgers and have a negative effect on any bird breeding. The noise factor would also affect the fauna. vi. The effects on the water table may have unpredictable consequences on any adjacent vegetation. vii. The site is on prime agricultural land which is the best left as it is. Name: Ulrika von Post




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q7 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I’m against the proposed waste and mineral plan for Central and Eastern Berkshire - Joint Minerals & Waste Plan. There are many reasons why the plan is not sound. National Planning policy (NPPF) paragraph 182 introduces the ‘agent of change principle’ and requires that: Planning policies and decisions should ensure that new development can be integrated effectively with existing businesses and community facilities (such as places of worship, pubs, music venues and sports clubs). Existing businesses and facilities should not have unreasonable restrictions placed on them as a result of development permitted after they were established. Where the operation of an existing business or community facility could have a significant adverse effect on new development (including changes of use) in its vicinity, the applicant (or ‘agent of change’) should be required to provide suitable mitigation before the development has been completed The current site known as “Land West of Basingstoke Road” is next to a wedding venue and restaurant which is unlikely to survive once the gravel extraction starts. More concerning is the closeness of the site to Lambs Lane Primary school and residential housing. In fact I believe the school is within 370m of the site which is within the air pollution range of a gravel site. The noise level expected from the site are also higher than the recommended levels for suburban homes, which highlights the unsuitability of the location. The estimated increase in traffic and congestion are further examples of the adverse effect of the site on the community. Spencer’s Wood and the surrounding areas have seen a high increase in developments in the last couple of years with significant impact on traffic volumes. Peak journeys on Basingstoke road now takes 30 min rather than estimated 5 min. The site is located on a small country road leading either through the villages of Riseley or Spencer’s Wood. An increase in large trucks on this road would also see an increased risk of accidents as Basingstoke road is the main road for school children and their parents as they make their way to Lambs Lane School. Needless to say a quarry would have irreversible negative impact on the environment and ecology of the area with the site running along a river with rare vegetation such as pond weed and newts. Otters, hedgehogs and bats are also frequently spotted in the area. In summary the plan is not consistent with national policy nor positively prepared and the quarry is not a sustainable option for the area.

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] Densely populated areas with pristine British country side are not suitable for gravel extraction.The plan should be removed. Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I’m against the proposed waste and mineral plan for Central and Eastern Berkshire - Joint Minerals & Waste Plan. There are many reasons why the plan is not sound. National Planning policy (NPPF) paragraph 182 introduces the ‘agent of change principle’ and requires that: Planning policies and decisions should ensure that new development can be integrated effectively with existing businesses and community facilities (such as places of worship, pubs, music venues and sports clubs). Existing businesses and facilities should not have unreasonable restrictions placed on them as a result of development permitted after they were established. Where the operation of an existing business or community facility could have a significant adverse effect on new development (including changes of use) in its vicinity, the applicant (or ‘agent of change’) should be required to provide suitable mitigation before the development has been completed. The current site known as “Land West of Basingstoke Road” is next to a wedding venue and restaurant which is unlikely to survive once the gravel extraction starts. More concerning is the closeness of the site to Lambs Lane Primary school and residential housing. In fact I believe the school is within 370m of the site which is within the air pollution range of a gravel site. The noise level expected from the site are also higher than the recommended levels for suburban homes, which highlights the unsuitability of the location. The estimated increase in traffic and congestion are further examples of the adverse effect of the site on the community. Spencer’s Wood and the surrounding areas have seen a high increase in developments in the last couple of years with significant impact on traffic volumes. Peak journeys on Basingstoke road now takes 30 min rather than estimated 5min. The site is located on a small country road leading either through Riseley or Spencer’s Wood. An increase in large trucks on this road would also see an increased risk of accidents as Basingstoke road is the main road for school children and their parents as they make their way to Lambs Lane School. Needless to say a quarry would have irreversible negative impact on the environment and ecology of the area with the site running along a river with rare vegetation such as pond weed and newts. Otters, hedgehogs and bats are also frequently spotted in the area. In summary the plan is not consistent with national policy nor positively prepared and the quarry is not a sustainable option for the area.

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] No view either way

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] No view either way

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] It is completely bonkers to believe that quarries and suburban life go hand in hand. It is simply not sustainable and the impact on residents health and environment is too great. Name: Rahaf elgonaid




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q6:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] No

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q19:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q19:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q20:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q20:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q20:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q20:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q22 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q37:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q37:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q38:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q38:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q38:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q38:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] This is an appalling proposal as it would impact on the residents of the area severely in many aspects including health, finances and stress. This will cause severe traffic disruption in addition to the terrible state it’s already in with the explosion of new housing developments without any improvement in the infrastructure ! The council cannot continue this irresponsible behaviour allowing endless deterioration in the area as well as surrounding neighbourhoods. The pollution impact will also be extensive and this is a cause for concern for people . The concept of having lorries/HGVs in constant flow in the area is also a safety concern for the local children who play or ride their bike in the area. This is atrocious but I wonder if the council will listen or we are just being humoured to complete complicated paperwork with very difficult technical terms in order to be seen to have consulted the public. I’m disgusted by this process in itself. Name: David Parsons




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Operation of the site would involve HGV access via the Basingstoke Road which is already overused due to the excessive and ongoing residential construction. Name: Adam Doshi




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This area is already overdeveloped and this plan would remove crucial green space and have an severe impact from the Basingstoke Road and the path along the Loddon from both a visual and environmental point of view. Name: Elizabeth Gibbs




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Our roads are already in a poor state locally and significant additional lorry movement on a daily basis will further destroy the roads. We have seen all our local fields and open walks built on, which generates a significant amount of additional traffic. We therefore do NOT need additional lorry traffic congesting the local roads. We know that quarrying will destroy the local environment, will pollute the river Loddon and affect trees and other plants and animals. One of the most important detrimental effects will be to Lambs Lane Primary School and the local air quality Name: Paul Gibbs




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I object very strongly to this proposal. Amongst other things, I believe the increased road traffic, the noise and dust on the adjacent environments including Lambs Lane School and the River Loddon will be detrimental to our existing amenities, whether visual or otherwise. I am equally fearful that the local wildlife, birds, and natural vegetation will all suffer. I do hope this proposal is rejected. Name: Brian Wood




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The site proposal for Spencers Wood fails to meet the test of soundness and should be excluded from the Joint Mineral and Waste Plan for the following reasons:- 1. Pollution Vehicles Air quality : will vary according to the weather with more photochemical smog in summer, if as predicted summers get warmer, and between late autumn and early spring insufficient daylight to warm the air thus pollutants will remain lower to the ground or fixed in fog and mist which is prevalent along the proposed site. It is well known that Diesel emissions contain harmful SO2, and PM 2.5 (Silent Killer), as well as particulates around 0.01 – 0.08 microns which can penetrate lungs tissue causing acute and chronic health problems. Various UK regulations do not appear to keep up with EU requirements or concept of Climate Emergency and thus easy for a developer to select and comply with a favourable set of outdated ‘standards’ that do not meet current scientific findings or World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines regarding pollution;sequ ence=1. Existing traffic congestion points around Spencers Wood, Three Mile Cross and Shinfield will be compounded by extra gravel lorries emitting noxious exhausts adding to current problems. Pollution From Site Air Quality: Silica is a natural substance found in varying amounts in most rocks, sand and clay. Sandstone contains more than 70% silica. The open cast operation of mineral extraction will have a consequential impact of dirt and dust particles becoming airborne. A 2017 report produced for Alberta Transportation Canada, describes the risks to human health from crystalline silica exposure caused by quarry operations. SWCRR_Human_Health_Risks_Crystalline_Silica.PDF It quotes the International Agency for Research on Cancer, who list crystalline silica as a Group 1 (i.e. human) carcinogen that Silica dust produced by quarrying evidently brings a clear risk to residents living in the vicinity. Respiratory exposure to crystalline silica can have a range of effects, including: • Increased susceptibility to respiratory diseases, including bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, tuberculosis, and lung cancer • Increased risk of autoimmune diseases, such as scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus , kidney disease and lesions Silica dust less than 10 μm can stay airborne long enough to travel up to 1 km beyond the quarry itself. Thus potential for drifting across to dwellings around the site including the villages and Lambs Lane school. 2. Pollution Noise: Vehicles Additional HGVs will increase vehicle exhaust noise and further weaken and reduce the life of road surface thereby increasing costs for WBC council tax payers as a 4 axle, 12 ton lorry carrying a 20 ton load has a ‘damage factor’ of 16,384 compared to a 2 ton car of just 2. Pollution Noise : Site Residents endure intrusive noises at varying dB levels from the surrounding construction sites and increased traffic and varies according to weather conditions and wind direction. Site noise from excavation machinery and reversing vehicle warnings resonate and heard from significant distances. Intermittent noise is just as injurious as continual noise. 3. Additional Environmental Impact Loss of wildlife habitat despite promises to restore the land after completion the fact is for the duration of workings the habitat to wildlife is destroyed and lost forever. Where will the displaced wildlife go? Impact on flood plain Flood Risk Water supply Integrity Significant water usage in the treatment of Sand and Gravel. Where is this additional water being sourced and what impact will it have on water supplies?. Waste Water discharge - Contamination Risk where will the water be discharged after being used for the cleansing process and if that water will be mixed with chemicals to neutralise the effects of that treatment. In Fill of Quarry -Contamination Risk indications are that building materials will be used to infill the quarry yet most of the materials used in the building industry are not in themselves inert containing many impurities. What is the method of containment of infill materials being adopted to prevent leaching into surrounding areas? 4. Safety HGV movements through the villages and to and from site onto the B3349 adjacent to the Mill House Hotel, at such a narrow point will be dangerous as lorries will have to cross into the opposite lanes when accessing/leaving the site. 5. Exercise good governance of site. CEMEX fails to demonstrate effective governance at their Bramshill Quarry adjacent to A327/ B3016 Coopers Hill making road conditions hazardous year round with mud, dirt and gravel on highway and verges further compounded by a small number of speeding lorry drivers along the A327. Hants County Council seem unable to enforce compliance how will WBC? Name: Daphne Mullins




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Name: Lewis Tennent




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road Name: H TENNENT




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate Name: Faith Ramsay




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: There has been shown to be an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. There are also many country lanes and dog walks nearby which will also be affected by air borne particles Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside) which would be what this proposal would result in. However, the World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Having this raised noise level in a residential area is not therefore safe. Traffic: This proposal would significantly increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. This road is already used as a 'rat run' to avoid the increasingly congested A33. Additional traffic on this road has been caused by additional housing in Three Mile Cross, Shinfield, and Riseley such that areas of the road are breaking up with significant numbers of potholes, The structure of the road and the nearby bridge cannot withstand constant HGV traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath which is regularly used by walkers, families and dog walkers Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. As someone whose house has already been subject to flooding in 2007, causing over £70,000 of damage raising the flood risk further seems against local and national policy. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. To adversely affect this area would cause irreparable damage to the ecology and wildlife, from which it may never recover. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. Name: Jill Pudney




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: There has been shown to be an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. There are also many country lanes and dog walks nearby which are used by a lot of people that will also be affected by air borne particles Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside) which would be what this proposal would result in. However, the World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Having this raised noise level in a residential area is not therefore safe. Traffic: This proposal would significantly increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. This road is already used as a 'rat run' to avoid the increasingly congested A33. Additional traffic on this road has been caused by additional housing in Three Mile Cross, Shinfield, Arborfield and Riseley such that areas of the road are breaking up with significant numbers of potholes, The structure of the road and the nearby bridge cannot withstand constant HGV traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath which is regularly used by walkers, families and dog walkers Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. As someone whose house has already been subject to flooding in 2007, causing over £70,000 of damage raising the flood risk further seems against local and national policy. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. To adversely affect this area would cause irreparable damage to the ecology and wildlife, from which it may never recover. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. Name: Stuart Munro




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees .Intermediate -sized particles may travel up to 400m Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside).The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road , which is a narrow ,twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield,Swallowfield and Riseley . This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well used public footpath Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in existing built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otters spraint has been recorded, and the re are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line.Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few oated sites in Berkshire. A completely inappropriate suggestion for this countryside. Name: Kelly Williams




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I object to this on the following grounds: Diminishing air Quality will have detrimental effects on local residents /nursery school Children / wildlife /habitats The narrow country roads getting out of the will cause congestion and be dangerous - already the old Basingstoke road and Hyde end road are struggling to cope with size and quantities of vehicles. At present the individual villages have a distinction between them due to the land proposed - urbanising it in the down Of a gravel pit and what is left afterwards destroys this important distinction . The fields proposed are prone to flooding and should not be considered for gravel extraction or building on as taking more natural drainage away from an area prone to Flooding enhances the risk of this or nearby areas including residential and businesses to be susceptible to flooding. The balance Of the local ecology is very important and at the edge of this proposed site is the loddon which is home to a variety of wildlife/living habitat: barn owls that are protected : loddon pond weed which is susceptible to small Changes are just a couple of example which would be threatened by any change in the local environment.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: mike ramsay




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. Name: Linda Carroll




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Traffic congestion in the area of the proposed site is currently an issue. This proposal would add to this situation. The B3349 is a minor road with many twists, turns and limited overtaking opportunities, in fact HGVs find it difficult to keep within the boundaries of the carriageway. The narrow pavements leave pedestrians vulnerable to passing traffic particularly from passing HGVs. It would be less safe for students attending Lambs Lane primary school to walk to school, an activity promoted by the country to improve fitness and reduce traffic. The traffic congestion on the A33, particularly during the morning and evening rush hour leads to what can only be described as a 'car park'. Additional traffic will effectively cut of our access to the M4. The reduction in air quality caused by the increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites and the dust caused by quarrying is a concern for health effects as small particles can be breathed in. Larger particles can damage property and foliage. The close proximity of children's educational facilities is of particular concern when even intermediate sized particles can travel up to 400 metres. Further health issues for the local community can be caused by the increase in noise pollution. In the UK currently flooding has become a real issue and anything which could add to this situation in an area should be avoided. The proposed quarry site is currently prone to flooding and it is obvious that any hard standing areas, that will obviously be required at the site, will reduce land available for absorption and increase the likelihood of flooding in areas along the River Loddon. Future changes to the natural drainage system are currently unknown and impossible to predict. The southern edge of the proposed site borders the River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest, a very sensitive ecosystem acting as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife which includes protected species of Great Crested Newts, Barn Owls and Red Kites. Wildlife living in the area include water voles, badgers and otters. The Loddon Pondweed is sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants so could be affected. A well used public footpath borders the site. The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. The proposed site is a belt of green farmland separating Shinfield, Three Mile Cross, Spencer's Wood, Swallowfield and Riseley. It is important to maintain this to retain the individual character of the villages. Name: Jane Hall




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy Name: Rodney Carroll




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] In the UK currently flooding has become a real issue and anything which could add to this situation in an area should be avoided. The proposed quarry site is currently prone to flooding and it is obvious that any hard standing areas, that will obviously be required at the site, will reduce land available for absorption and increase the likelihood of flooding in areas along the River Loddon. Future changes to the natural drainage system are currently unknown and impossible to predict. The southern edge of the proposed site borders the River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest, a very sensitive ecosystem acting as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife which includes protected species of Great Crested Newts, Barn Owls and Red Kites. Wildlife living in the area include water voles, badgers, and otters. The Loddon Pondweed in the river is sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants so could be affected by the proposed works. A well used public footpath also borders the site. Traffic congestion in the area of the proposed site is currently an issue and this proposal would make the situation worse. The B3349 is a minor road with many twists, turns and limited overtaking opportunities, in fact HGVs find it difficult to keep within the boundaries of the carriageway. The narrow pavements leave pedestrians vulnerable to passing traffic particularly from passing HGVs. This could make it more dangerous for the young students attending Lambs Lane primary school to walk to school, an activity promoted by the country to improve fitness and reduce traffic. The traffic congestion on the A33, particularly during the morning and evening rush hour causing significant traffic delays and other proposed development will make this worse. Additional traffic from this development which could be hundreds of trips a day will effectively cut of our access to the M4. The reduction in air quality caused by the increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites and the dust caused by quarrying is a concern for health effects as small particles can be breathed in. Larger particles can damage property and foliage. The close proximity of children's educational facilities is of particular concern when even intermediate sized particles can travel up to 400 metres. Further health issues for the local community can be caused by the increase in noise pollution. The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti- tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. The proposed site is also a belt of green farmland separating Shinfield, Three Mile Cross, Spencer's Wood, Swallowfield and Riseley. It is important to maintain this to retain the individual character of the local villages. Name: Pauline Knight




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] the proposed site and know it would be the wrong place to have large lorries coming in/out onto such a dangerous road. .People don't stick to the speed limit and can go up to 60-70 mph and that is no exaggeration. The Swallowfield bends are notorious and it would be an accident waiting to happen.The noise,dust and pollution is a factor too. Name: Colin James




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Villages - we don't want further urbanization Traffic - roads aren't designed for the HGV's and there is already too much traffic on Basingstoke road Noise - noise polution will exceed the average UK countryside levels

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: sian laflin




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] close to local and ever growing housing. Main road through village extra lorries would cause chaos. mess caused by extraction would affect local community. Close to local primary school. Name: Ian Skeet




Q2:2 Section one - Sand & Gravel Area of Search

Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q7 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I’m against the proposed waste and mineral plan for Central and Eastern Berkshire - Joint Minerals & Waste Plan. There are many reasons why the plan is not sound. National Planning policy (NPPF) paragraph 182 introduces the ‘agent of change principle’ and requires that: Planning policies and decisions should ensure that new development can be integrated effectively with existing businesses and community facilities (such as places of worship, pubs, music venues and sports clubs). Existing businesses and facilities should not have unreasonable restrictions placed on them as a result of development permitted after they were established. Where the operation of an existing business or community facility could have a significant adverse effect on new development (including changes of use) in its vicinity, the applicant (or ‘agent of change’) should be required to provide suitable mitigation before the development has been completed. The current site known as “Land West of Basingstoke Road” is next to a wedding venue and restaurant which is unlikely to survive once the gravel extraction starts. More concerning is the closeness of the site to Lambs Lane Primary school and residential housing. In fact I believe the school is within 370m of the site which is within the air pollution range of a gravel site. The noise level expected from the site are also higher than the recommended levels for suburban homes, which highlights the unsuitability of the location. The estimated increase in traffic and congestion are further examples of the adverse effect of the site on the community. Spencer’s Wood and the surrounding areas have seen a high increase in developments in the last couple of years with significant impact on traffic volumes. Peak journeys on Basingstoke road now takes 30 min rather than estimated 5min. The site is located on a small country road leading either through Riseley or Spencer’s Wood. An increase in large trucks on this road would also see an increased risk of accidents as Basingstoke road is the main road for school children and their parents as they make their way to Lambs Lane School. Needless to say a quarry would have irreversible negative impact on the environment and ecology of the area with the site running along a river with rare vegetation such as pond weed and newts. Otters, hedgehogs and bats are also frequently spotted in the area. In summary the plan is not consistent with national policy nor positively prepared and the quarry is not a sustainable option for the area.

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes Q9 [What change are you seeking?] There should be no gravel extraction in suburban areas as explained in my objection above

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I’m against the proposed waste and mineral plan for Central and Eastern Berkshire - Joint Minerals & Waste Plan. There are many reasons why the plan is not sound. National Planning policy (NPPF) paragraph 182 introduces the ‘agent of change principle’ and requires that: Planning policies and decisions should ensure that new development can be integrated effectively with existing businesses and community facilities (such as places of worship, pubs, music venues and sports clubs). Existing businesses and facilities should not have unreasonable restrictions placed on them as a result of development permitted after they were established. Where the operation of an existing business or community facility could have a significant adverse effect on new development (including changes of use) in its vicinity, the applicant (or ‘agent of change’) should be required to provide suitable mitigation before the development has been completed. The current site known as “Land West of Basingstoke Road” is next to a wedding venue and restaurant which is unlikely to survive once the gravel extraction starts. More concerning is the closeness of the site to Lambs Lane Primary school and residential housing. In fact I believe the school is within 370m of the site which is within the air pollution range of a gravel site. The noise level expected from the site are also higher than the recommended levels for suburban homes, which highlights the unsuitability of the location. The estimated increase in traffic and congestion are further examples of the adverse effect of the site on the community. Spencer’s Wood and the surrounding areas have seen a high increase in developments in the last couple of years with significant impact on traffic volumes. Peak journeys on Basingstoke road now takes 30 min rather than estimated 5min. The site is located on a small country road leading either through Riseley or Spencer’s Wood. An increase in large trucks on this road would also see an increased risk of accidents as Basingstoke road is the main road for school children and their parents as they make their way to Lambs Lane School. Needless to say a quarry would have irreversible negative impact on the environment and ecology of the area with the site running along a river with rare vegetation such as pond weed and newts. Otters, hedgehogs and bats are also frequently spotted in the area. In summary the plan is not consistent with national policy nor positively prepared and the quarry is not a sustainable option for the area. Name: Christine Mary ROBINSON




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] 1.There are 3 schools for children under 12 in the vicinity, the particulates not only from sand and gravel extraction but also increased volume of HGV vehicles in the area could adversely effect the health of some of the children attending these schools. 2. The volume of traffic on the B3349 is already very high, with severe congestion not only at peak times with traffic accessing the M4. The proposed access onto the B3349 for the HGVs would entail them having to cross the central double white line, therefore obstructing traffic coming from the other direction. The road is totally unsuitable for these types of vehicles, the road is twisting and narrow and only has one single narrow pavement which is used regularily by pedestrian walking between Spencer's Wood and Swallowfield. 4. The southern edge of the site is classified as flood zone 2 and 3a, once roads and hard landscaping is laid this will increase the possibility of more flooding as there will be nowhere for the excess water to drain. Name: Isla Beecham




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy Name: Mr Michael Bunn




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Impact on air quality. Creating health problems for local residents including the young and vulnerable. The proposed quarry is too close to schools and nurseries (Lambs Lane Primary School is within 370 metres. Given the area is currently undergoing mass house building the Council would be failing in it’s duty of care for residents by allowing a polluting industry to be established adjacent to a residential area and schooling. Secondly, the pollution would be magnified by the increase in heavy goods vehicles constantly whipping up the dust on ajoining roads. Finally, the road network in this area is already at capacity on e already agreed housing is taken into account and would not be able to cope with either the increase in traffic, nor the wear and tear that quarry vehicles would impose on roads designed for lighter vehicles. Authorities need to decide to ensure gravel extraction is conducted away from residential areas. There is little point in attempting to cut back on diesel vehicles to then push aggressive, abrasive minerals into the air in residential areas. Name: Janice Thomas




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] In my opinion the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness on several counts: 1. Traffic. The proposed access to the site from the B3349 is totally unsuitable. The road has double white lines and can be quite dangerous with the bends so getting both in and out of the site would not only increase the traffic, but be a danger to the current usage of this relatively busy main road. It would cause major congestion throughout the day. It is also not clear as to how lorries could get out to turn left to go to the M4 without crossing over the double white lines onto the unsuspecting traffic travelling South. To add traffic lights to enable to them to do so would be qually dangerous on a bendy road. 2)Noise: There would be constant noise during the day causing major disturbance not only to those properties adjacent to the fields but to a far wider population in the adjoining villages. 3) Air quality: There is evidence that the dust from the excavations could travel as far as the local primary schools and hence be a serious concern to the health of the pupils and staff. And, of course, to anyone else living in close proximity. It could lead to the closer of the family run hotel, The Mill House, as how could they expect people to visit, especially in the summer when they hold weddings in the marquee. The noise would also mean that they could no longer carry out their long standing business that they have built up over many years. As well as the above my understanding is that the depth of minerals that could be extracted is minimal and far less than would be worth the while of setting up to do so. And, finally, this country site is home to a wide variety of wildlife, both birds and animals. These should be protected at all costs. I feel very strongly that a stop must be put to taking this proposal any further. Name: Tracy Langlands




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: there will inevitably be dust pollution, which is not acceptable particularly given this site is very close to schools and pre-schools; Noise: as above, the site is too close to schools and pre- schools so will cause disruption and health risk; Traffic: heavy vehicles will use the narrow and twisting access road which is not appropriate for this type of use, and will be a danger to oncoming traffic at the narrowest points, and to pedestrians using the narrow footpath; Villages: this development will effectively create a link to the distinct villages currently separated by a valuable green belt, which will spoil the character of the area; the site is currently surrounded by a footpath that is used frequently by residents; Flooding: this area is already prone to flooding, and this development will increase flood risk; Ecology: this area is a sensitive ecosystem that is already under pressure from recent developments, and this development will further threaten wildlife and flora; Archaeology: the site is too close to listed buildings and a scheduled monument, and is in an area of High Archaeological Potential. Name: Christopher Bebbington




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Bringing disruption to local community ..added pollution....Increased heavy traffic on infrastructure not worthy of taking it ....increased flood risk....excessive noise....and all too line people's pockets that dont live or contribute to this area

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] Consideration for those that live and pay to live here .....the ecology and wildlife and the continuous tipping up the countryside for profit Name: Dr Hilary Fraser




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] 1. Quarrying on this site will have a detrimental impact on the air quality in the surrounding area. The site is 370 m away from Lambs Lane Primary School, which means it is highly likely that particles from the site will be deposited over the school, affecting the health of pupils and staff. There are two further facilities for young children in the area - Wise Owls Nursery, which is 550m away, and Swallowfield pre-school, which is 750 m away, and a play area for local children which is 600m away. 2. There would be a significant increase in heavy vehicle traffic on to the B3349 Basingstoke Road. This road is narrow, with many bends, and a dangerous junction with Back Lane , just north of the site, where sightlines are poor. Heavy vehicles would be moving through Spencers Wood and Three Mile Cross, where traffic is already causing problems with congestion and safety. 3. Flooding is a regular problem in the area, and the southern edge of the proposed quarrying area is classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. The likely impact of quarrying activity on the site would be to increase the possibility of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, affecting properties in an area already at risk of flooding. 4. The ecological impact of quarrying would be detrimental to wildlife and plant life associated with the river and the surrounding area. There is a strong possibility that toxins could enter the river and cause pollution. A public footpath runs along the southern edge of the proposed site, which is used by local walkers ( ). 5. To allow quarrying on this site would be to allow the introduction of an industrial process into an area of farmland which acts, in effect, as a green belt. The rural character of the area, which is already under threat, would be lost, to the detriment of the health and well-being of all the residents of Swallowfield, Spencers Wood and surrounding settlements. Name: Wendy Bailey




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am worried about the effect this will have on the distinction between the villages surrounding the site plus the area is prone to flooding and further roadways etc will increase this risk. In addition there will be increased traffic and this more noise. Name: Brian Bailey




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposal of building a gravel pit will create more traffic congestion in an area that can ill afford it, together with increased traffic noise and noise pollution from the quarry itself. It will also require more roadways to accommodate the increased traffic in an area that is prone to flooding therefore increasing this risk to the surrounding villages. Name: Clare Goldstone




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q6:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q6:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q6:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q7 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I objected to the Farley Farm Gravel Extraction plans and my objections here are the same. This is a health risk that is too close to local schools and community and cannot be supported bybthe let me cal infrastructure. Please see final comments

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] I want this proposal to be fully rejected

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I objected to the Farley Farm Gravel Extraction plans and my objections here are the same. This is a health risk that is too close to local schools and community and cannot be supported bybthe let me cal infrastructure. Please see final comments

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] I want this proposal to be fully rejected

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q19:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q19:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q20:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q20:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q20:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q20:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q21 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I objected to the Farley Farm Gravel Extraction plans and my objections here are the same. This is a health risk that is too close to local schools and community and cannot be supported bybthe let me cal infrastructure. Please see also see final comments

Q22 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q23 [What change are you seeking?] I want this proposal to be fully rejected

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q37:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q38:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q38:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q38:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test Q38:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q39 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I objected to the Farley Farm Gravel Extraction plans and my objections here are the same. This is a health risk that is too close to local schools and community and cannot be supported bybthe let me cal infrastructure. Please see final comments

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q41 [What change are you seeking?] I want this proposal to be fully rejected

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire Name: Marni Goldstone




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q6:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q6:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q6:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q7 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I objected to the Farley Farm plans and my view my have not changed we do not want this health hazard near our schools or local communities

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] I want the proposal to be fully rejected

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I objected to the Farley Farm plans and my view my have not changed we do not want this health hazard near our schools or local communities

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] I want this proposal fully rejected

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q19:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q19:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q20:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q20:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q20:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q20:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q21 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I objected to the Farley Farm plans and my view my have not changed we do not want this health hazard near our schools or local communities

Q22 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q23 [What change are you seeking?] I want this proposal to be fully rejected

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q37:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q38:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q38:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q38:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q38:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy Q39 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I objected to the Farley Farm plans and my view my have not changed we do not want this health hazard near our schools or local communities

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q41 [What change are you seeking?] I want this proposal to be fully rejected

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. Name: Steve Goldstone




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q6:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q6:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q6:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q7 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] We didnt want a Gravel Extraction (Farley Farm) in Shinfield and we don't want one in Spencers wood for all of thr same reasons

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] I want this proposal to be fully rejected

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] We didnt want a Gravel Extraction (Farley Farm) in Shinfield and we don't want one in Spencers wood for all of thr same reasons

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] I want this proposal to be fully rejected

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q19:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q19:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q20:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q20:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q20:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q20:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q21 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] We didnt want a Gravel Extraction (Farley Farm) in Shinfield and we don't want one in Spencers wood for all of thr same reasons

Q22 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q23 [What change are you seeking?] I want this proposal to be fully rejected

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q37:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q38:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q38:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q38:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q38:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy Q39 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] We didnt want a Gravel Extraction (Farley Farm) in Shinfield and we don't want one in Spencers wood for all of thr same reasons

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q41 [What change are you seeking?] I want this proposal to be fully rejected

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. Name: Stephen McCrory




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This is an area of outstanding beauty. Very close to a school with a road system which would be unsuitable for the large number of heavy lorry movements. Name: J. Stam




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate Name: Crystal Harrison




Q2:2 Section one - Sand & Gravel Area of Search

Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Q2:6 Section four: Further comments

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q7 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Locations that are currently being put forward are residential areas and no tests are being taken into account of the damage that will be inflicted on the communities, wildlife and people in the areas being affected negatively.

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] Seek gravel extraction locations outside of residential areas!

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Objecting under the following reasons: Too close to residential properties and schools, no consideration for the impact to people’s health that can be caused by the extraction Will cause damage to the flood areas, too close to river Loddon and the flooding caused by rainfall in the area will flood and impact more houses. No consideration or evidence provided to the ensure welfare of the local wildlife and too much damage to natural green space The route from the proposed site to local motorway cannot take any additional traffic, also this will impact and cause issues to roads and walkways with mud and debris falling from the trucks, these routes are used by children walking to school and will cause this to be more hazardous and harm. The proposed site is located right next to a hotel/restaurant and will destroy the business and area.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] Only locations not in residential areas should be located for possible extraction. Stop and reject any proposals for gravel extraction in residential areas.

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] Stop allowing proposed sites in residential areas! Do better research into the impact to the area eg flood planes, wildlife, impact to peoples health, no sites near schools! Name: William Stam




Q2:2 Section one - Sand & Gravel Area of Search

Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] No

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Andrew Dicker




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am sick and tired of the damage to our local archeology - WW2 pillbox - ongoing damage to our local ecology and RIDICULOUS constant urbanisation of your local area. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Name: Jeffrey Oakes




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The air quality will be compromised by an increase in suspended particulate matter which is a danger to health and this proposed site is very close to Lambs Lane Primary School, residential property and a children's play area. The proposal would increase traffic congestion to the B3349 which is a narrow twisting road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. Traffic is already often gridlocked through Spencers Wood and more heavy goods vehicles accessing the A33 will cause further problems as this road is already overwhelmed at peak times. Name: Neil ellison




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The surrounding area is has and continues to be developed beyond recognition, we all are so fed up with construction traffic in our once quiet villages. Our roads have not been upgraded to handle normal traffic let alone numerous heavy earth moving lorries. This area has suffered enough without the addition of this proposed gravel extraction. Not to mention the local air quality which is undoubtedly going to suffer. The fact borough council seem oblivious to the effects all this developing is having on once small villages just goes to prove that they are just interested in all the financial gain that comes with over developing. I strongly object to ANYMORE development be it housing gravel site or anything else.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Gillian Oakes




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This site is too close to a primary school, residential properties and a children's play area. With the increase in suspended particulate matter this definitely represents a danger to health. The quarry entrance would be onto the B3349 - this is a narrow winding country lane with a double white line and single narrow pavement and it would be dangerous to add more HGVs through the bottleneck that Spencers Wood has now become. The B3349 cannot cope with the existing level of traffic and this additional HGV traffic would cause further problems, especially for young children and families walking home from school. Name: mrsminter




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] toonnearloddoncourtparkhomesfortheelderly Name: Mr I Mayoh




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I object because of impacts on increase in volume and unsuitability of traffic due to inadequate road infrastructure for this type of activity. Also, I object due to the impacts from noise and air pollution that will be generated. Name: Nicola Benham




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] 1) air quality - the quarry will produce dust particles that can be breathed in. This is detrimental to health. A primary school is only 350m away, plus a nursery, play area and preschool. Putting a gravel out in this location shows a complete disregard for the health and safety of the community's children. 2) quarries will increase noise pollution. Guidance for this site says noise levels will be 55db with temporary levels of 70db.The WHO defines 55db as a level which can cause health issues for a community. 3) this site will increase traffic congestion from hgvs on the Basingstoke road, which is not only irresponsible in terms of air pollution but could also endanger pedestrians. It is impossible for a large vehicle to join the b3349 towards the m4 without crossing the double white lines into the busy oncoming traffic, thus increasing the likelihood of collisions. 4) the site is prone to flooding (southern edge of site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a). By adding inevitable hardscaping and roadways for the quarry, the area's ability to absorb water will be compromised, thus increasing flooding elsewhere along the river Loddon, including built up areas. 5) the river Loddon site of special scientific interest runs along the southern edge of this site. This is a very sensitive ecosystem and acts as a movement corridor for various protected species, such as barn owls, red kites and Great crested newts. 6) the site is also an area of high archaeological potential. Building a quarry here shows a disregard for the history of this community. There is a ww2 pillbox and antitank ditch on the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along a historic defence line.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Denise Grant




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The air quality is bad enough in this area if you are an asthma sufferer it would be unbearable and possibly life threatening. Certainly quality of life will be affected. The traffic will increase and it will be back to when we had no bypass and the lorries thundering up and down the Basingstoke Rd, as I feel that this would be a backward step! and it is already at breaking point. There will be an increase of noise pollution and I feel it would cause health issues. We are already losing our appeal as a village as it is getting bigger and bigger we do not want to be one big town! There is enough flooding already and it will only get worse if this gravel pit goes ahead

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] Do not build this gravel pit Name: Christopher Benham




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] which is very close to the proposed site. I have a number of objections to the proposed plan. Air quality - dust from sites like this are detrimental to air quality. Lambs Lane Primary School which is less 400m from the site. This is a completely unacceptable risk to the health of the children attending. isn't much further away and Noise/traffic - this is a very quiet area and we do not want this spoiled with noise from operating the quarry or increased number of HGVs on the roads (adding to what is already a busy road the Basingstoke Road). Ecological - there are many protected species who live in/around the river loddon to the south of the proposed site including barn owls, red kites and great crested newts. All would undoubtedly be negatively effected by the quarry's operations. Historical - the proposed site encompasses a WW2 pillbox and anti tank ditch which form part of a defence line extending out to near where we live (I have recently visited another pill box which is here and it is important they are conserved). It is likely these would be destroyed/damaged by quarry operations.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Jan G Matthews




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This proposed site is one with a mass of natural ecology. There is already enough air polution from the growing housing and associated vehicles without having large HGV diesel lorries moving day in and day out. The Basinstoke Road B3349 is suffering from the increase in traffic with wear and tear within the fabric even after recent pot hole filling and sections of resurfacing. The extra noise will harm the local area which again is already being affected from the A33 bypass and the ever increasing amount of traffic. The B3349 is also very narrow in carriage way and with very narrow pavements which also are not continuous. The potential flooding that could result from destroying the natural flood plain of the area is a large threat to housing and roads around the River Loddon. This is not a sensible site to consider for a gravel pit extraction site. Name: Anthony Simpson




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I wish to object to this application for the following reasons: 1. Traffic – There is already a traffic problem in this area and the addition of this gravel plant dramatically increases the number of lorries in the area. The B3349 Basingstoke Road and other roads in this area (such as Hyde End Road) simply could not handle this type of traffic. The B3349 Basingstoke Road is a long, windy road and is far too narrow for trucks to pass safely. It is already too busy and regularly has traffic jams in Spencers Wood and up towards the A33 junction in Three Mile Cross which is the link to the M4 motorway. If the plan is to get to Junction 11 of the M4 using this route then it is simply not an option as this would cause gridlock in the area. Travelling south on the B3349 Basingstoke Road is an even longer stretch of narrow, twisting road which mean going through the village of Riseley. Again, this would lead to busy junctions that simply could not cater for this traffic. For these reasons alone it should be clear that this application is a non-starter and is obviously inappropriate for this area. 2. Air Quality - The addition of such a plant would create a lot of dust in the area which would significantly affect the health and quality of life of local residents. This is of particular concern as there is a local school, a children’s nursey, a pre-school and a play area nearby and this would contribute to respiratory problems in young children. 3. Wildlife - The size and scale of this application would have a detrimental effect on local wildlife in the area. This includes protected species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites, and Great Crested newts. Badgers and Water Voles are known to live in the area and Sea Trout have been identified in the water. 4. Character – This particular area is a good example of the character of the local area. Spencers Wood, Three Mile Cross, Riseley and Shinfield have undergone a massive change in recent years which has resulted in a huge increase in housing in the area. It is clear that no more development should take place as the area cannot handle it and we must keep our remaining farmland. This proposal is against the character of the area and does not meet with our local core policy. 5. Noise Pollution - The size and scale of this application would cause significant noise pollution in what is a residential area. 6. Size - The size and scale of this application is completely inappropriate for this area and is contrary to many policies in the core strategy and structure plan. The area has seen a significant increase in housing in the last few years and this proposal is far too close to this residential area. It is simply unacceptable to consider risking the health of the local residents (especially children) in this area. This application would have a significant negative effect on this area and I ask that it is refused for the reasons listed above. Name: Mr Liam Matthews




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Adding to the excessive local area noise, machinary and HGV traffic, air pollution, ecology impact on the area, visual eyesore an appalling proposal for this gravel pit siting. HGV lorries moving along a very narrow and busy B3349. Local impact of air dust pollution and HGV diesel fumes on the local primary school in Lambs Lane. Just too close to the local residential areas for safety, noise, and pollution. Name: Kirstie Dunsmoir




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Too close to local school. Residential area.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Mr Alistair Walker




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Having lived here in Spencers Wood for 30 plus years now and bringing up a family we have seen and felt the impact of recent housing development that has blighted our surrounding villages. The thought of this kind of site being suggested just down the road from where we live is worrying to say the least. Our roads have suffered enough in the last years or so with the increase in traffic, poor maintenance and increase of pot holes that are damging to our cars and dangerous to other road users. A gravel pit would mean that the roads would then become congested with HGV's, whose impact on the road's surfaces would be even more damaging plus an increase to the safety of other road users in general. More traffic would also create more noise, and there would be noise pollution generated from the quarrie site itself. The air quality would also be compomised with dust created from any large scale digging which would carry over a large area on the breeze and more so during drier months. The proposed site is an area of natural beauty with a public footpath that runs nearby and is a frequently used route for all manner of exercising pastimes, walking, running etc. Name: Kate Carey




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] 1. Traffic & road quality - none of the pop up developments, proposed Grazely Village development or development planned sites nor do this proposed gravel pit site consider current volume data on journeys travelled by car, lorry & bus routes. I to the M4 itself, travelling along the Old Basingstoke Road often tales 45 minutes during rush hours 7am to 9am. The proposed site would access the main road on a blind corner where the road has double white lines, it would be impossible for a lorry to turn towards the M4 without crossing these lines . The road is bendy and constantly in poor repair. 100s of additional lorry journeys departing and returning to the proposed site would increase congestion, increase damage to the road, increase danger to pedestrians using an already too narrow foot path between the proposed site and Back Lane. The current speed limit is 40mph. Lorries travelling at this speed cause doors & windows to shake. Increased lorry traffic increases risk of damage to local neighbourhood properties and to the 3 listed buildings .near to the site. 2. Noise & Air Quality - The working hours would be Monday to Saturday with noise a constant impact to the local villages. The quarry increases risk that World Health Organisation guidelines decibel limits would regularly be breached causing health issues for local community & any children who attend Lambs Lane School which is only 370m from the proposed site or the play areas and Swallowfield PreSchool which are also nearby. Fine dust particulates may be breathed in by those of us living nearby cause health issues, dust clouds and soiling, larger particulates damage property & trees by staining. These particulates will pollute the river running alongside the proposed site. The Mill House is a wedding venue sited adjacent to the proposed site. What bride would want to hold their wedding or family hold a christening celebration immediately next door to a noisy, dusty and potentially polluting gravel pit. A business, employing local village staff risks going out of business. 3. Villages & Ecology - The proposed land is the current green belt between two settlements, placing a gravel pit or housing in this location would lead to a single large conurbation capturing Swallowfield, Spencers Wood, Shinfield & Three Mile Cross. Planning has already been rejected on Lodden Court Caravan Park for this reason. There are public footpaths bordering the site which also has a wedding venue & a river running alongside the boundary. The river is home to Lodden Pondweed, newts & water voles. I have seen red kites, a barn owl at least 3 species of bat whilst walking these paths. The gravel pit places the river at risk of chemical pollutants which would destroy this sensitive ecosystem. 4. Flooding - The site is prone to flooding every Late Autumn/Winter. Ground water pours off the land at Loddon Court Farm, runs down Lambs Lane like a river before joining the proposed land and going into the river. Flooding here has got worse since 2 housing developments West of Spencers Wood have been built & Lambs Lane a boundary lane has been washed away in places by the sheer force of the water. As this site is currently farmland there is no risk to life or damage to local properties. Placing a gravel pit on this site would disrupt the natural drainage system. creating issues (maybe even for the gravel pit itself if it were there) but would certainly result in ground water being redirected causing flooding in areas further along the River Lodden. Although 2020 has been an extremely wet year, I do have some film footage of the recent issues caused by ground water flooding. Name: Anthony Hockham




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Mining this close to a school will have a major effect on the health of the children with the dust particles that will be emitted into the atmosphere, which is itself a form of pollution. There will be increased noise which will cause health issues within the community. The roads around this area already can’t handle the increased traffic from local over development adding in an increase with lorries will also damage roads, let alone the fact that the local roads are not wide enough for pavements as it stands. I often cycle on these roads and it’s extremely dangerous with the traffic already on the road adding extra lorries and it’s only a matter of time before there’s a death. With the climate as it is these fields act as flood plain, mining this area will only push flooding into local villages and be detrimental to the community.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Ekaterina Hand




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed quarry will cause an increase in air and noise pollution in the area. All the local roads are congested already and this proposal will increase traffic congestion from HGVs travelling to and from the quarry site on Basingstoke Road, around Junction 11 of the M4 and all local roads which are not wide enough to cope with that volume of HGVs. The proposed quarry will be devastating for the local wildlife and ecology. In addition to all those points, proposed site is prone to flooding and will result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Name: William Carey




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] 1. Villages & Ecology - The proposed land is the current green belt between two settlements, placing a gravel pit or housing in this location would lead to a single large conurbation capturing Swallowfield, Spencers Wood, Shinfield & Three Mile Cross. Planning has already been rejected on Lodden Court Caravan Park for this reason. There are public footpaths bordering the site which also has a wedding venue & a river running alongside the boundary. The river is home to Lodden Pondweed, newts & water voles. I have seen red kites, a barn owl at least 3 species of bat whilst walking these paths. The gravel pit places the river at risk of chemical pollutants which would destroy this sensitive ecosystem. 2. Flooding - The site is prone to regular flooding every Late Autumn/Winter. Ground water pours off the land at Loddon Court Farm, runs down Lambs Lane like a river before joining the proposed land and going into the river. Flooding here has got worse since 2 housing developments West of Spencers Wood have been built & Lambs Lane a boundary lane has been washed away in places by the sheer force of the water. As this site is currently farmland there is no risk to life or damage to local properties. Placing a gravel pit on this site would disrupt the natural drainage system. creating issues (maybe even for the gravel pit itself if it were there) but would certainly result in ground water being redirected causing flooding in areas further along the River Lodden 3. Noise & Air Quality - The working hours would be Monday to Saturday with noise a constant impact to the local villages. The quarry increases risk that World Health Organisation guidelines decibel limits would regularly be breached causing health issues for local community & any children who attend Lambs Lane School which is only 370m from the proposed site or the play areas and Swallowfield PreSchool which are also nearby. Fine dust particulates may be breathed in by those of us living nearby cause health issues, dust clouds and soiling, larger particulates damage property & trees by staining. These particulates will pollute the river running alongside the proposed site. The Mill House is a wedding venue sited adjacent to the proposed site. What bride would want to hold their wedding or family hold a christening celebration immediately next door to a noisy, dusty and potentially polluting gravel pit. A business, employing local village staff risks going out of business. 4.Traffic & road quality - none of the pop up developments, proposed Grazely Village development or development planned sites nor do this proposed gravel pit site consider current volume data on journeys travelled by car, lorry & bus routes. I to the M4 itself, travelling along the Old Basingstoke Road often tales 45 minutes during rush hours 7am to 9am. The proposed site would access the main road on a blind corner where the road has double white lines, it would be impossible for a lorry to turn towards the M4 without crossing these lines . The road is bendy and constantly in poor repair. 100s of additional lorry journeys departing and returning to the proposed site would increase congestion, increase damage to the road, increase danger to pedestrians using an already too narrow foot path between the proposed site and Back Lane. The current speed limit is 40mph. Lorries travelling at this speed cause doors & windows to shake. Increased lorry traffic increases risk of damage to local neighbourhood properties and to the 3 listed buildings .near to the site. Name: Alexander Hand




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed quarry will be devastating for the local wildlife and will cause harm for all the animals living in the the River Loddon and nearby fields. It will increase air and noise pollution in the area. The proposed quarry will increase traffic congestion from HGVs travelling to and from the quarry site on Basingstoke Road, around Junction 11 of the M4 and all local roads which are not wide enough to cope with that volume of HGVs. The proposed quarry site is prone to flooding and will result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Name: Philip Hand




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed quarry will cause an increase in air and noise pollution in the area. All the local roads are congested already and this proposal will increase traffic congestion from HGVs travelling to and from the quarry site on Basingstoke Road, around Junction 11 of the M4 and all local roads which are not wide enough to cope with that volume of HGVs. The proposed quarry will be devastating for the local wildlife and ecology. In addition to all those points, proposed site is prone to flooding and will result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Name: Michelle Noble




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Increased noise pollution in a small village, significant impact to local businesses and schools. Increased traffic and reduced air quality. There are huge housing developments in this area and no changes to infrastructure, this will create an extreme impact on the local community with increased traffic in an already over populated village.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] Reject the planning proposal Name: Andrew Jones




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Detrimental impact to air quality in proximity to schools and nurseries. Increase in noise, traffic congestion, impacts to local ecology / archeology and increased likelihood of flooding.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] To site the quarry elsewhere or not at all Name: Jeanette Jones




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Laura Sargent




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air quality: Increase in suspended particles of dust, which can travel farther than the distance of the local primary school, Lambs Lane, which is 370m away from the site. Concern over deposits of dust in the surrounding area, including residential homes/gardens. Loss of countryside: There is a walking path on the edge of the perimeter that is used regularly, part of the attraction of which is the green field adjoining it. This will also impact local business, with The Mill House adjoining the field and footpath. It would also see the loss of green space between the villages of Spencers Wood and Swallowfield. Noise: Increase in noise will adversely impact the local community, both residential and business. Environment: The River Loddon runs right next to the site, which is an area of Special Scientific Interest and home to a variety of wildlife. I understand there are protected species inhabiting the area, which would be significantly disturbed as a result of the planned activities. Traffic: The Basingstoke Road is already significantly affected by traffic, with long queues at morning rush hour seeing a 2 minute drive turn into a 30 minute drive. Additional HGV traffic will only add to this issue, as well as damaging the road surfaces. The HGVs will struggle to navigate the twisting country road that is narrow and has sharp bends between the proposed site and Lambs Lane. Flooding: The River Loddon is prone to flooding in certain areas, including at Swallowfield, and with the absence of plants on the field and additional hard surfaces for HGVs to drive on, the likelihood is that increased surface water will drain into the Loddon and may increase flood risk elsewhere along the River. Name: Ingrid Tennent




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The infrastructure of the area cannot even cope with existing traffic and the roads are in a deplorable state at present. This could cause serious additional flooding which is prevalent in the adjoining area and villages already. This would affect the street scenes and be detrimental to the Ecological and archaelogical qualities of the area. Name: H TENNENT




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The roads cannot take extra traffic and anyone not believing this can travel on these roads, especially between 7.30 and 9.30 am, when it will probably take you 30-40 minutes to get from this site to Junction 11 of the M4. Local Planning developments are being refused because of unsustainable infrastructure so it is important that permission for this quarry is not allowed as it would cause total chaos, and also wreck the roads which are already full of potholes. It would have an impact on the ecology of the area, with the river Loddon and its sensitive ecosystem, including red kites, great crested newts and barn owls. The archeological potential of the area would also be endangered if this scheme was to go ahead. Name: Paul Wheeler




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] There are residential properties adjacent and the gravel extraction site will detrimentally affect air quality, noise and traffic intensity. The site itself is prone to flooding and the impact of the site, hardscaping and roads will add to the probability of flooding elsewhere in the area in ways which today cannot be predicted or mitigated against.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Richard Aspin




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Objecting based on the following: 1) Reduction in air quality - particularly as this is a residential area with a number of schools nearby. 2) Ecological - disturbance and harm to wildlife, including protected species. 3) Flooding -the area proposed is at risk of flooding and works would reduce the capacity for water absorbtion. 4) Traffic - large vehicles are already causing problems in the area (road damage and accident risk) & the proposed routes are not suitable for increased HGV flow. There is also no guarantee that lorries will stick to the proposed routes to the risk will spread to other local roads too. 5) Villages - the area has already been subject to huge development volumes and change recently. There is no more capacity for development, either commercial or residential, without losing any remaining notion that the villages exist anymore. The site also borders a well used public footpath. 6) Noise - The site would undoubtedly be very noisy in what is a country village setting. This would have a negative impact on the quality of life of residents. Name: Ashar Siddiqui




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I object to Swallowfiled Gravel Pit proposal because: a) The dust partcile from the quarry will pollute the air and will definitely travel to the area where we live. Warren croft play area which is only 500-600m away from the pit. Not to mention Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away from the site. These particles can cause detrimental health effets. b) The proposal will increase traffic congestion on an anlready busy B3349 as the number of HGVs will increase. This will not only create more congestion but will also increase pollution on our country side. c) Basingstoke Rd has just been repaired because of massive pot holes on the whole section starting from Church Lane junction all the way South to Swallofield Street. I submitted a problem report to Wokingham Council # W205553 start of Jan and they have mended few parts of the Road. Now just imagine more traffic on this Road and that too mainly HGVs will cause further damage to our Roads. d) Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. We moved from Reading centre to Spencers wood five years back to avoid noise and for a peaceful village surrounding. I own my property in this area and settled. Please don't make me relocate. Thanks Name: Timothy Lancaster




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q6:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q6:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q6:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q7 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] It does not the Test of Soundness on the basis of its overall detriment to the local area and communities nearby. In particular, the infrastructure is not in place to support the proposal and the pollution resulting from the proposal would cause unjustifiable health issues for those nearby.

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] No

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] See previous comments

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q19:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q20:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q20:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q20:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q20:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q21 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] See previous comments

Q22 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q38:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q38:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q38:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q38:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q39 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] See previous comments

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Debora Rochfort




Q2:2 Section one - Sand & Gravel Area of Search

Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q6:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q6:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q6:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] No

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Emma Parsons




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The gravel pit is totally unsuitable for the proposed area. There are schools so close and the noise and air quality is a potential threat to our children. We cannot have this happen Name: Tracey Bull




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This proposal would add significantly more lorries to an already crowded and noisy Basingstoke Road, at all times of the day and night. Name: Nigel Bull




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This idea is frightening. The already congested Basingstoke road which is thunderously busy already and in poor condition, is neither wide enough nor strong enough. The impact on those living nearby is of noise pollution and also muck, dirt and particles polluting the atmosphere. In recent years with the astronomic amount of houses having been built in the vicinity, in no way should this proposal go ahead. The area is already over populated and over congested with traffic. Name: Simon Phillips




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] No

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Name: Mrs Angela Glenister




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The increase of heavy haulage traffic through Spencers Wood, would increase the dangers of using the Basingstoke Road. The previous scheme at Shinfield would be more suitable, due to the completion of the Shinfield bypass, which can handle the expected increase in trafffic. Name: peter welland



Responses: Name: Michael Dick




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am writing in objection to the proposed Gravel Pit on the land west of Basingstoke Road on the following grounds: 1) Loss of local villages: The gravel pit would create an effective continuous urbanisation south of Reading. It would link through from Three Mile Cross – Spencers Wood – Swallowfield. This would destroy the individuality of the villages which is such an important feature of this part of rural Berkshire. 2) Visual Amenity: Linked to the loss of the village entity that the Pit would result in is the loss of the important visual amenity that the land provides. The area is bounded by Lambs Lane and footpaths that link Spencers Wood and Swallowfield. I use this footpath to walk to and from Swallowfield and greatly enjoy the countryside and open air. The Pit would destroy this amenity and the wellbeing benefits it creates. 3) Air Quality: within 400m of the proposed put location and believe there will be a significant deterioration in air quality as a result of the development. I understand particles created by the workings can be breathed in with detrimental health effects. 4) Traffic Increase: The B3349 is already very congested with a high volume of HGVs. The addition of the significant volume of HGVs the pit would generate will add further to the traffic volumes. In addition will be the impact of turning onto and off the B3349 to access and egress the site. There is also the safety risk from the large vehicles on the road bends by the Pit site potentially crossing the white lines. 5) Noise: The Pit will create additional noise that will have a hugely detrimental impact on our property. I understand that noise levels could be up to 70dB which is significantly above average background noise levels for UK countryside. 6) Ecology: The River Loddon on the south side of the proposed Pit is part of a Site of Special Scientific Interest. Many protected species live in the SSSI and will be severely impacted by the works. This includes otters that local anglers have seen signs of. Gravel workings would also affect the SSSI beyond the Pit area as it forms a corridor that the fauna uses. This would be interfered with by the quarrying operations. The area also supports migrating birdlife, for example redwing and fieldfare, which would be detrimentally impacted. 7) Flooding: The south edge of the site is classified as Flood Zone 2 and 3a. The quarry workings - roadways etc. – would add to the local flooding by the River Loddon as run off would be soaked up in the fields area. This is likely to have detrimental impact on local area including the footpaths. Name: June Salisbury




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am writing in objection to the proposed Gravel Pit on the land west of Basingstoke Road on the following grounds: 1) Loss of local villages: The gravel pit would create an effective continuous urbanisation south of Reading. It would link through from Three Mile Cross – Spencers Wood – Swallowfield. This would destroy the individuality of the villages which is such an important feature of this part of rural Berkshire. 2) Visual Amenity: Linked to the loss of the village entity that the Pit would result in is the loss of the important visual amenity that the land provides. The area is bounded by Lambs Lane and footpaths that link Spencers Wood and Swallowfield. I use this footpath to walk to and from Swallowfield and greatly enjoy the countryside and open air. The Pit would destroy this amenity and the wellbeing benefits it creates. 3) Air Quality: within 400m of the proposed put location and believe there will be a significant deterioration in air quality as a result of the development. I understand particles created by the workings can be breathed in with detrimental health effects. 4) Traffic Increase: The B3349 is already very congested with a high volume of HGVs. The addition of the significant volume of HGVs the pit would generate will add further to the traffic volumes. In addition will be the impact of turning onto and off the B3349 to access and egress the site. There is also the safety risk from the large vehicles on the road bends by the Pit site potentially crossing the white lines. 5) Noise: The Pit will create additional noise that will have a hugely detrimental impact on our property. I understand that noise levels could be up to 70dB which is significantly above average background noise levels for UK countryside. 6) Ecology: The River Loddon on the south side of the proposed Pit is part of a Site of Special Scientific Interest. Many protected species live in the SSSI and will be severely impacted by the works. This includes otters that local anglers have seen signs of. Gravel workings would also affect the SSSI beyond the Pit area as it forms a corridor that the fauna uses. This would be interfered with by the quarrying operations. The area also supports migrating birdlife, for example redwing and fieldfare, which would be detrimentally impacted. 7) Flooding: The south edge of the site is classified as Flood Zone 2 and 3a. The quarry workings - roadways etc. – would add to the local flooding by the River Loddon as run off would be soaked up in the fields area. This is likely to have detrimental impact on local area including the footpaths. Name: Alex Marsh




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I wish to object to the proposed plans for Gravel extraction in Swallowfield. . . I am extremely concerned about these plans as I fear they will have a significant detrimental effect on the noise pollution, air quality and traffic in the area. In addition, the area is already extremely prone to flooding, and the increased development and potential unknown impacts on the area's natural drainage could cause a potentially significant increase to the likelihood and severity of flooding in the area. To give a little more detail, due to the amount of traffic on the Basingstoke Road in the morning, which sees traffic jams from the M4 roundabout all the way back to the other side of Spencer's Wood. I also encounter similar issues, in which a journey into Reading train station can often take up to an hour, instead of the usual 15 minutes. There is a chronic lack of infrastructure in this area already, and additional heavy development of this sort can only make this worse. Regarding air quality and noise pollution: there are numerous schools and nurseries in the immediate vicinity of the proposed site, and I am genuinely horrified at the potentially impact suspended particles in the air caused by gravel and sand extraction could cause on young developing children, . There are numerous other areas of concern, not least the impact of heavy goods vehicles and the damage that would likely be caused to roads that are already in poor repair. Whilst I understand the need for such works, I would hope that it would be possible to find a location to use for this sort of extraction that is not in such horrifically close proximity to residential areas with a large number of young children, and would implore the planning officers to rule against this application. Many thanks, Alex. Name: JUSTIN ROBERTSON




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] within half a mile of this proposed site. They're young lungs already have to put up with the increase in traffic that Wokingham has put upon them with 7,400 new houses in recent years, the M4 being in close proximity and more recently, the 'Reading stack', where incoming Heathrow traffic queues to land. Adding further pollution to their life's - after families, like ours, moved out to the countryside to be away from the pollution of major towns and cities is criminal. The traffic in the area is beyond critical most of the time. It is so bad in fact, that the level of road rage is noticeably increasing over time. I fear it is only a matter of time before it ends in a serious injury or worse. The roads are simply not capable of carrying any more traffic. The location is completely inappropriate. It already takes many residents 40 MINUTES to get to J11 of the motorway in the morning (it is ONE MILE AWAY!!). Adding full sized aggregate lorries into the mix is completely unacceptable and asking for trouble. We are a residential village in Spencer's Wood, not an industrial center. Name: Darren Staniforth




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: sand and gravel pits increase dust and suspended particles in the atmosphere, for a wide area surrounding an extraction site. . We feel that an extraction site, close to our home would exacerbate . There are also schools, a nursery and a play area within half of a mile of the proposed site. Villages: With the extensive house building going on in the Shinfield parish, village distinction is all but gone already. We are no longer sure, where each village in our area ends and the next begins, any more. Once the extraction has taken place, we can imagine that there will be a clamour, by building companies, to use the filled land for yet more housing, which will lead to further deterioration of our village system and create the beginnings of a conurbation. How long before this is drawn into Reading, with building taking place either side of the M4 junction, from here? Flooding: The area in question, for the quarry site is already prone to flooding. The additional roads required for the quarry and any building work that is attempted on the site, once the quarry is filled in, will make the absorption of water, into local courses, even worse. Drainage ditches are already poorly maintained in this area, by Wokingham Borough Council, so run-off is already taking place on the lanes throughout our villages, causing streams to form down lanes and roads, localised flooding and cracking of the road surfaces. Traffic: quarries necessitate large vehicles, to remove the extracted materials. The roads in the proposed area for the extraction site are narrow, twisty and have narrow or no pavements. The road surfaces are already badly maintained by Berkshire County Council, to the point where I find it extremely dangerous to use my bicycle to get around, due to the huge cracks, potholes and displaced manhole covers. These extractor trucks will make the whole situation a lot worse, with their heavy loads, being taken out of the site, numerous times, per day. Even if the trucks are diverted directly on to the A33, this is already a busy road, with regular traffic jams; especially at rush hour. To add slow lumbering lorries to this will make the A33 and M4 junction 11, much worse than it already is. Noise: the quarry itself and moreover the constant heavy traffic, to and from the site, will cause noise pollution, well above the acceptable limits set in law and by WHO. The Basingstoke Road, through Spencers Wood, is already a busy thoroughfare, with constant traffic noise, throughout the day. Ecology: parts of the river Loddon, close to the proposed site are designated as SSI's. I understand that there are protected species, in this area. Our worry is that the disruption caused by noise at the quarry, run-off from the site and the constant heavy traffic will cause irreparable damage to the ecology of the area. Name: Lynda Yu




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I object to this proposal as it would increase traffic congestion on Basingstoke Road and Junction 11 of the M4. The HGVs would have to access the site via the B3349 Basingstoke Road which is a narrow road and would not accommodate a vehicle of that size without affecting on-coming traffic. I have already experienced an accident involving on-coming traffic where my wing mirror was ripped off. . An HGV is 3 or 4 times that size so you can imagine the amount of accidents that would occur. Also the road already has countless pot holes and vehicles that size and weight would cause further damage and eventually destroy the roads completely. Name: Robert Cousins




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The site is adjacent to a school. it is near to houses. the road infrastructure is unsuitable and already under stress. The site is very near the river Loddon and slopes towards the river and run-off will, surely, be unavoidable, with damage to the biodiversity of the water course. Sky larks regularly nest in this field. The area is prone to flooding (I live just downstream, of the river Loddon, from the site and we are constantly at risk of flooding even now. The works will cause unacceptable levels of noise pollution and air pollution for the surrounding houses and schools. Name: Claire Cousins




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Having lived I am very concerned of the impact of this proposal. We already suffer from flooding, which will be exacerbated. There will be additional noise pollution & increase of traffic, not to mention the air pollution, to think of. We also live by the river & worry about the impact on the wildlife. Name: Richard Nye




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air quality, traffic, proximity to schools and homes, destruction of beautiful countryside, NOT WANTED OR NEEDED IN OUR RURAL AREAS. Increase risk of flooding, noise, damage to roads and hedges. Name: Simon Veale




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I can't believe anyone would even begin to consider Swallowfield as a suitable site for a gravel extraction site. But here are just a few reasons why the whole idea should not be allowed to proceed any further. Air Quality: There used to be a small-scale slab-making operation in the village and it caused dust absolutely everywhere. I can't even begin to imagine the impact of a full-sized gravel extraction plant. Not just for the residents, but the children attending Lambs Lane Primary School, Wise Owls Nursery and Swallowfield pre-school, or using Warren’s Croft Play Area. Many of these are even closer to the "scene of the crime" than we were to the slab-making. Noise: Quarries aren't quiet operations. Apparently total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: Very topical is the subject of flooding. Swallowfield has been flooded in various places for pretty much the whole of February and now into March. It seems to get worse every year and was not the "once in every 1000 year event" that we were originally told. The proposed site is, of course, prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. This is already happening with all the other development that we're seeing in the local area. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. Name: Kate Armitage




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. Name: Louis Armitage




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. Name: Andrew Armitage




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. Name: Paul Cobbold




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. Name: Dawn Cobbold




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. Name: Nadene Murugen




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] My concerns are the following: Air quality, I moved out here 2 years ago to get away from the pollution in London Traffic, the roads are already congested and the quality/state of the roads will deteriorate from an already poor state, having HGV's on it constantly Flooding - anything that might cause additional flooding to what we have already experienced is not acceptable Wildlife - impact is a concern Name: Anthony Clipstone




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy





Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Most likely to cause serious environmental damage and increase volume of traffic Name: Shuk Yan Man




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Object due to the increase noise and air pollution in the area

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: John Wilson




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The site is close to 4 schools and nurseries within 370m to 750m. Particulates from the site could cause health risks to these school and those living nearby. Noise from the site could be a problem as it is close to these schools and residential properties and industrial units. The B3349 is already a busy road and frequently potholed due to heavy lorry traffic. As the road is narrow it will be difficult for lorries to turn onto the road without crossing the centre lines. The site would further reduce the gap between separate villages of Swallowfield and Spencer’s wood. The site is on a flood zone and the natural drainage of open land could be reduced if roads and buildings are erected on this site. Runoff water from surrounding villages is already a significant problem for Swallowfield nearby at a lower level. The site adjoins an area of special scientific interest which is sensitive to chemical pollutants. Name: Louisa Whitehurst




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] My Objection is for the following; - The impact of the recent storms has made the risks around development on floodplains a very pertinent subject. If this quarry is allowed to go ahead, the housing in the area will be at increased risk of flooding, especially as this will be in addition to any existing agreed housing developments. - The area itself is admired for its proximity to reading but also rural feel; this is under threat if a quarry is to be established. - I live 3.5 miles from my work across the M4 and already at times it can take me close to an hour to cover this distance. This industry will no doubt increase traffic on the road inclusive of HGVs which will further clog the already over stretched roads into Reading of a morning. - Impact to the environment would be irreversible, wildlife and plantlife will be destroyed. Name: Elaine Jones




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I object for the following reasons: Climate Emergency: This proposol promotes carbon dioxide production. It does not give due consideration to the UK’s commitments to reduce carbon emissions under the Paris Agreement. Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. This would contribute to air quality pollution and noise pollution. It Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Habitat Loss: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. Name: Maureen Jones




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I object for the following reasons: Climate Emergency: Wokingham Borough Council have formally declared a Climiate Emergency. This proposol promotes carbon dioxide production. It does not give due consideration to the UK’s commitments to reduce carbon emissions under the Paris Agreement. Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. This would contribute to air quality pollution and noise pollution. It Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Habitat Loss: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. Name: Daniel Allen




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I object for the following reasons: Climate Emergency: This proposol promotes carbon dioxide production. It does not give due consideration to the UK’s commitments to reduce carbon emissions under the Paris Agreement. Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. This would contribute to air quality pollution and noise pollution. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Habitat Loss: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. Name: Rory Waterer




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed site will adversely affect Air Quality and will be especially bad for the children at Lambs Lane Primary School which borders the site Name: Mark Solomon




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Noise pollution, air pollution from excavation of site. HGV's unsuitable for Basingstoke road, road is too thin and will increase risks of accident. Increased degradation of road from HGV's. Increased traffic Increased risk of flooding Negative impact to ecosystem of River Loddon Name: Emilia Ciarleglio




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Noise pollution, air pollution from excavation of site. HGV's unsuitable for Basingstoke road, road is too thin and will increase risks of accident. Increased degradation of road from HGV's. Increased traffic Increased risk of flooding Negative impact to ecosystem of River Loddon Name: Jeremy Nye




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] " Sheepbridge Court, which is adjacent to the proposed site. Sheepbridge Court contains a Scheduled Ancient Monument (“SAM”) The SAM is a circular moated site and associated earthworks which is seasonally filled with water from the River Lodden which forms the eastern portion of the moat. The moat was constructed between 1250 and 1350 and has silted up over the centuries so that only the eastern portion of the moat is now continuously flowing with water. Outside the moat, on a separate island to the east, are what are considered to be two silted up stew ponds or the remains of a fishpond. These fishponds are completely under water a few times a year during heavy rains when the River Lodden rises and completely covers the fishponds. During heavy rains, rain water from the proposed site flows into the river Lodden carrying soil. In the event of a gravel quarry, the disturbance of the earth by the extraction activity will increase the amount of material carried into the Lodden and carried downstream to the SAM which will accelerate the silting of the remaining portion of the moat, and will accelerate the disappearance of the fishponds as they fill with increased sediments. Clause 194 of the National Planning Policy Framework (Feb 2019), states that “any harm to or loss of… a designated heritage asset (from its alteration or destruction…) should require a clear and convincing justification.” If this proposal is to proceed, it will directly lead to the damage and alteration of the moat and fishponds by accelerating their silting and eventual disappearance by them filling with increased soil runoff from the quarry. As the proposal is contrary to national policy, it fails the Test of Soundness and therefore should be rejected." Name: William Dowling




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Risk of flooding, ecological and environmental damage and harm. Air and noise pollution. Increased traffic of large lorries Name: Sharon Oakes




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I strongly object to the proposed gravel pit in Swallowfield/ Spencers Wood for the following reasons. To start with I feel the air quality will be compromised and this site is very close to a school and pre school establishments. The health of people, young and old with respiratory disease particularly will be compromised. The Gp services are already at full stretch. This area is already overloaded with traffic and the roads are in a shocking state and some, where the amount of potholes are positively dangerous.Exactly what will more excessive HGV traffic do to them? It certainly won’t have a positive effect! There is also the question of flooding. This area is prone to flooding. We have seen in recent weeks the effect it has when flood plains are concreted over. I feel strongly that the ecology and archaeology of the proposed site have not been considered seriously enough. Once areas like this are decimated, wild life doesn’t return and if archaeology architecture is destroyed that is unthinkable. I do feel WBC has a duty of care to the people who live in the area and these types of proposals do not support this.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] I feel there surely are more suitable sites for the gravel pit to be developed. Name: Deborah Dowling




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The traffic to and from the site will be a danger to pedestrians, cause congestion and an increase in vehicle pollution. There will be issues regarding wildlife and flooding. There will be air pollution causing health problems. Name: Alan Harlow




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I do not feel that the soundness tests have been accurately and consistently done Name: Mel Kimber

Role: Supervisor

Organisation: Urban Planters


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Gravel extraction will seriously harm the kingfisher population on the River Loddon SSSI Name: Jane Revell


Organisation: Urban Planters


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Serious disruption to the groundwater on the site will have a bad effect on the River Loddon SSSI Name: Denise Jenkins


Organisation: Urban Planters


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposal will generate a huge amount of dust and noise which will be very disruptive to a lot of local residents that live near the site Name: Colin Saunders


Organisation: Urban Planters


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The B3349 is a very substandard road which is not suitable for the large number of HGV movements on and off the site. It is likely that large lorries will have to swing across the oncoming traffic to join the B3349 Name: Matt Williamson


Organisation: Urban Planters


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This is a totally inappropriate location for gravel extraction due to the very poor highways infrastructure that connects the site to the local road network Name: Denise Bailey




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This will impact on the air quality, increase in road traffic and noise, also an increase of risk of flooding to the area. Also will impact badly on local wild life including protected species and also significant sites of archaeological importance. Name: Roy Cowley


Organisation: Urban Planters


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The prosed site is prone to flooding with the southern part of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. The severe interference with groundwater levels from gravel extraction will make this worse as well as spoiling an important wildlife corridor for important species. Name: Eloise Littlejohn


Organisation: Urban Planters


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed site is far to close to the River Loddon SSSI and its rare Loddon Pondweed. Any threat to this important ecological site should not be allowed. Name: Tina Mault


Organisation: Urban Planters


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed site will adversely affect Air Quality and will be especially bad for the children at Lambs Lane primary school which borders the site Name: Katie Markram


Organisation: Urban Planters


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The site is close to several areas of high Archaeological importance – Beaumy’s Castle and Sheepbridge Court and a WW2 pillbox – gravel must not be extracted from here Name: Nick Burgess


Organisation: Urban Planters


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Sheepbridge Court is one of only a few moated sites in Berkshire – it must not be compromised by this proposal Name: Jake Spain


Organisation: Urban Planters


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The fields and meadows along the River Loddon are important hunting grounds for Barn Owls, so this proposal must not be allowed Name: Paul Whitlam


Organisation: Urban Planters


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] A strong local population of Buzzards use the River Loddon catchment area for their hunting grounds, so a gravel extraction proposal on this site would seriously compromise that Name: Christine McTaggart


Organisation: Urban Planters


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Pippistrelle bats use the proposed site for hunting their food and this important habitat would be lost if gravel is extracted here Name: Dan O'Leary


Organisation: Urban Planters


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Stone Curlews have nested on the site in the past, so an important breeding ground for them could be lost if gravel is taken from the site. The Curlew cannot tolerate any disruption on this scale Name: Nick Ulyatt


Organisation: Urban Planters


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This proposal is complete madness and is a totally inappropriate location for minerals extraction Name: Kerry Woolford


Organisation: Urban Planters


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] These fields are an important green gap between settlements and should not be developed in this way Name: Sam Sutherland


Organisation: Urban Planters


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] At the moment these fields help to keep the villages of Swallowfield and Spencers Wood separated which is important for their identity Name: Cathy Laws




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] It's just 230m at its closest point upwind from Shinfield St Mary's CE Junior school which means for much of the year it will be blowing dust directly towards the school and into our children's lungs. Shinfield Infant and Nursery School isn't much further beyond CEMEX haven't mentioned dust pollution in their air quality reports. They haven't measured traffic pollution particles of PM10 and PM2.5 - these two are the ones small enough to get deep into your lungs and trigger or worsen respiratory diseases. There's also new scientific data which says it is also cancer-causing. The traffic pollution dispersion reports (that's how the pollution spreads in the air) submitted by CEMEX were taken on the two days where the wind was coming from a northerly direction. Around here, that accounts for less than 3% of the time so totally unrepresentative of what's normal.They plan to work between 7am and 6pm Monday to Friday; and 7am till 1 on a Saturday with a caveat that they may work longer due to operational reasons - it will be noisy and dirty They approximate (because very little of their evidence submitted is factual, in many cases it's "we believe", "we estimate" etc) that there will be, on average, 250 lorry movements a day. That's ONE LORRY GOING IN OR OUT OF THE SITE EVERY 2.5 MINUTES. The reality is that this is an average: they will be slower or inactive in the worst weather so will work longer and harder on other days to catch up. The amount of traffic on Hyde End Road is already a concern. They estimate that their activities will last for at least 7 years. By the calculations of what fits in a lorry, they will not have finished in 7 years and CEMEX have form in applying for an extension During the initial site set up, lorries will be using the lane entrance to Burley Lodge (the single track lane almost opposite Croft Gardens on Hyde End Road. These lorries expect to swing across both lanes if turning left out of the site towards Spencers Wood - slow moving lorry, pulling out onto 40mph road. Further habitat destruction and reduction of beautiful green spaces round Shinfield, and impact of pollution on the local SANG which is used by our children for walks. Name: Mrs Diane Garland




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] My concern is that the air quality will be compromised. Dust and particles up to 10 micro/metres are fine enough to breath in and cause health problems. Particles larger than 10 micro/metres can soil properties and trees. Lambs Lane School is very close to the proposed Quarry, and there are several Pre-School and Nuseries all within a short distance. Noise would be a problem and this is a quiet country area which would change. Traffic would increase with HGV's on the Basingstoke Road and would cause congestion and danger to all road users as the road has double white lines. Further urbanization will destroy the unique characters of each village spoiling the green space which give the villages their pleasant boundaries, and semi-rural status. Name: Richard Alan Crowe




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I have lived and have seen a steady erosion of the countryside in the area over the years. I wish to object to the proposal on the following grounds. The order of my objections should not be seen as a priority as all are equally important. 1. Ecology - The River Lodden Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. This is a very sensitive eco system which acts as a corridor for wildlife including Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts which are Protected Species. The River is also home to Loddon Pondweed which is sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. It is known that badgers, deer, monkjack and water voles live in the area and recent records have identified sea trout in the river. 2.Air Quality - Near sand and gravel extraction sites there is a known increase in suspended particulate matter and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling.Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be inhaled and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when deposited onto property and trees - for an example see the A327 at Eversley! Intermediate particles can travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary School is situated only 370 meters away from the proposed site with Wise Owl Nursery 550m, Warren's Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. This is totally unacceptable. 3. Noise - Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. The WHO defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. 4. Traffic - congestion in the area is already at unacceptable levels with the current road system unchanged since prior to the construction of some 1,200+ homes in local Shinfield area. This proposal will increase traffic congestion from HGV's along the Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4 where current traffic levels already exceed the original design specification. Site access is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road which is a narrow twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It will be almost impossible for an HGV to join the B3349 towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into busy on coming traffic. 5. Villages - This belt of green farmland provides a distinctive break between the settlements. Currently it also provides a visual amenity which would be lost if the quarry is developed. Further urbanisation and development would lead to the creation of a singe conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided and the individual character of each village retained. Additionally there is a well used public footpath bordering the site which must be retained as an amenity for recreation for the local inhabitants. 6. Local Archaeology - The site is an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site. This is part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. There are three listed buildings near the site as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. 7. Flooding - The proposed site is, like many other areas along the River Lodden in Shinfield Parish, prone to flooding. The southern edge of the site is classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. The addition of the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will be required to service the quarry will reduce the capacity of the area to absorb the additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Lodden. This will include many of the existing and recently developed areas along with the associated SANGs. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage systems. In summary I believe for the reasons outlined above that this proposal should be rejected as its development would damage the local environment, which is already under pressure, pollute the quality of the air in the area and the waters of the River Lodden and put more traffic onto the Basingstoke Road. Name: Olivia Gellatly




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposal would increase HGV traffic along the Basingstoke Road. Proposed access to the site is very narrow and twisting country road which isn't able to cope with this type of vehicle at volume. I can't see how it would be impossible for such a vehicle not to breach the double white lines on the road when joining the B3340 towards the M4. The Air Quality also greatly worries me as I believe are within 400M travelling distance of intermediate sized particles, how can it be acceptable to expose children to air pollution on this scale. Name: Tom Davies




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I wish to object due to the increased traffic and noise, reduction of air quality and erosion of our village identities. Traffic - dense building in the villages of Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood and Shinfield has placed the local road network, A33, and M4 Jct 11 under extreme pressure. This proposal would increase traffic using the B3349 Basingtoke Road which is already extremely congested, and runs through the heart of our village and therefore unsuitable for regular HGV traffic. Noise - Quarries generate significant noise levels during operation which is not consistent with village life Air quality - the proposed site is in proximity to a local primary school and residential area. Suspended particulate matter and dust creates a risk to the health of residents and our children. Village life - this is green belt farmland and separates the settlements of Spencers Wood from Swallowfield and Riseley. We have already suffered erosion of the distinction between our communities due to over development of housing in the area. Enough is enough. Name: Ian Finlayson




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The river Loddon is an SSSI and runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem and includes protected species such as barn owls, red kites, and great crested newts. There are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water, along with water voles. This is a belt of green farmland which provides distinction between settlements of Spencers Wood and Swallowfield. Otherwise there would be a large conurbation with no individual character to the villages. Lambs Lane school is only 370m from the site, and risk from dust and particulates from the site must be avoided. Name: David Bellerby




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed gravel extraction site is next to a busy, built-up area; this is a ludicrous proposal. The impact on the surrounding area will be severe; gravel extraction is inherently dusty with potentially harmful effects on air quality, particularly in an area close to a number of schools (e.g. Lambs Lane Primary), nursery and pre-school facilities. The B3349 Basingstoke Road is already heavily used (and with some difficulties by existing HGV’s) and the unavoidable increase in lorry movements will make the noise and traffic volume unbearable, particularly for homes along the B3349, as is the case with . Why is the sight of open, undeveloped areas so repugnant to certain factions that they find it necessary to develop or scavenge whatever they can from these green areas? They should be protected and left alone, particularly in an area as developed as the Thames Valley. Surprisingly, I (and I am sure many others living here) enjoy the sight of Red Kites, Barn Owls and species of deer. The River Loddon SSSI is immediately adjacent to the southern boundary of the proposed site; the impact on the existing wildlife will undoubtedly be catastrophic. The proposed gravel extraction facility should be rejected.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Mr R C Austin




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Traffic - this proposal would increase the number of HGVs on the B3349 and at Junction 11 of the M4 Safety – the B3349 is a narrow country road with many blind bends on the hill adjacent to the proposed access to the site. It would be difficult for large vehicles to avoid crossing the double white lines on this road as they exit the site. Air Quality – dust from the site would be detrimental to the health of local residents and pupils of Lambs Lane Primary School, Wise Owls Nursery, Warren’s Croft Play Area and Swallowfield pre-school, which are all close by. Noise – there would be an increase in noise pollution, which can cause health issues if it exceeds 55dB. Flooding – the River Loddon is prone to flooding in the area of the proposed site. Addition of roadways within the site would reduce the natural drainage and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the river, which could be in built up areas. Name: Mrs S. Austin




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality – this proposed site is too close to local schools and nurseries and the dust would be detrimental to the children. Traffic – the B3349 Basingstoke Road is too narrow to take a lot of large vehicles which would have to cross the white lines. Flooding – the proposed site is prone to flooding with the river Loddon nearby. Noise – the noise levels would increase causing distraction to the children in nearby schools. Safety – the extra traffic coming through the village to the M4 would be a danger to the school children walking to Lambs Lane School. Name: Edward Porter




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy Name: Helen McLoughlin




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy Name: Paul Atkins




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I would like to register my objections to the proposed Quarry development on the land west of Basingstoke Road. It would be catastophic for the area due to: - the health risks due to the particulate pollution from the quarry - the further overcrowding of the already congested roads - the noise pollution from the quarry - the further loss of green space in an area where we have already lost too much due to excessive housing development. Name: Vanessa Ward




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] My main concerns are as follows : Air Quality in the area will be impacted as quarry dust generated will travel and can be breathed in. As well as nearby housing being impacted there is a primary school comfortably within the radius that dust particles can travel as well as 2 further nurseries and a play area nearby. How can this be acceptable to impact children’s health? As well as increased traffic congestion from HGVs on the Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4, proposed access to the site via the B3349 Basingstoke Road is simply dangerous. This is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. I cannot see how it would be possible for a large vehicle to easily join the B3349 heading westbound without crossing these white lines. , I’ve also seen first-hand, when Meakins was trading on Lambs Lane, the dis-regard for community and danger created for young children caused by lorry drivers focused on their next delivery rather than their surroundings. Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. One of the reasons I have chosen to live in this area is that it is semi-rural and quieter than living in an urban area. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. It cannot be acceptable for our local councils, who must consider the health and concerns of their residents, to expose this community to sound levels that the World Health Organisation say would cause health issues. As a resident I have seen increased flooding in the area over the last few years, yet building continues with what seems ineffective drainage provision, The proposed site is also prone to flooding; by adding the hardscaping and roadways to create the quarry, this would reduce the area able to absorb additional water which has to go somewhere which will increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon including residents’ home and local businesses. I hope my concerns are taken seriously. Name: Mark Ward




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] My main concerns are as follows : Air Quality in the area will be impacted as quarry dust generated will travel and can be breathed in. As well as nearby housing being impacted there is a primary school comfortably within the radius that dust particles can travel as well as 2 further nurseries and a play area nearby. How can this be acceptable to impact children’s health? As well as increased traffic congestion from HGVs on the Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4, proposed access to the site via the B3349 Basingstoke Road is simply dangerous. This is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. I cannot see how it would be possible for a large vehicle to easily join the B3349 heading westbound without crossing these white lines. , I’ve also seen first-hand, when Meakins was trading on Lambs Lane, the dis-regard for community and danger created for young children caused by lorry drivers focused on their next delivery rather than their surroundings. Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. One of the reasons I have chosen to live in this area is that it is semi-rural and quieter than living in an urban area. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. It cannot be acceptable for our local councils, who must consider the health and concerns of their residents, to expose this community to sound levels that the World Health Organisation say would cause health issues. As a resident I have seen increased flooding in the area over the last few years, yet building continues with what seems ineffective drainage provision, The proposed site is also prone to flooding; by adding the hardscaping and roadways to create the quarry, this would reduce the area able to absorb additional water which has to go somewhere which will increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon including residents’ home and local businesses. I hope my concerns are taken seriously. Name: Annabel Ward




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] My main concerns are as follows : Air Quality in the area will be impacted as quarry dust generated will travel and can be breathed in. As well as nearby housing being impacted there is a primary school comfortably within the radius that dust particles can travel as well as 2 further nurseries and a play area nearby. How can this be acceptable to impact children’s health? As well as increased traffic congestion from HGVs on the Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4, proposed access to the site via the B3349 Basingstoke Road is simply dangerous. This is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. I cannot see how it would be possible for a large vehicle to easily join the B3349 heading westbound without crossing these white lines. , I’ve also seen first-hand, when Meakins was trading on Lambs Lane, the dis-regard for community and danger created for young children caused by lorry drivers focused on their next delivery rather than their surroundings. Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. One of the reasons I have chosen to live in this area is that it is semi-rural and quieter than living in an urban area. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. It cannot be acceptable for our local councils, who must consider the health and concerns of their residents, to expose this community to sound levels that the World Health Organisation say would cause health issues. As a resident I have seen increased flooding in the area over the last few years, yet building continues with what seems ineffective drainage provision, The proposed site is also prone to flooding; by adding the hardscaping and roadways to create the quarry, this would reduce the area able to absorb additional water which has to go somewhere which will increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon including residents’ home and local businesses. I hope my concerns are taken seriously. Name: Susan Nunn




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I object to this because of the increased noise, heavy traffic in this area, also the quality of the air will be detrimental . There is a Primary school, nursery and playschool in this area. There is also a nearby river with wildlife in this area, such as badgers, also protected species . There is also a risk to future flooding in the area if this goes ahead. Flooding has already affected nearby areas. We have already lost too many green fields in this area, and there are listed buildings in this area. Name: Alex Ward




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] My main concerns are as follows : Air Quality in the area will be impacted as quarry dust generated will travel and can be breathed in. As well as nearby housing being impacted there is a primary school comfortably within the radius that dust particles can travel as well as 2 further nurseries and a play area nearby. I attended this primary school for 7 years and don't think it is acceptable to put children’s health at risk for profit. As well as increased traffic congestion from HGVs on the Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4, proposed access to the site via the B3349 Basingstoke Road is simply dangerous. This is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. I cannot see how it would be possible for a large vehicle to easily join the B3349 heading westbound without crossing these white lines. I’ve also seen lorries mount the pavement when Meakins was on Lambs Lane. There is a dis-regard for community and danger created for young children caused by lorry drivers focused on their next delivery rather than their surroundings. Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. It cannot be acceptable for our local councils, who must consider the health and concerns of their residents, to expose this community to sound levels that the World Health Organisation say would cause health issues. As a resident I have seen increased flooding in the area over the last few years, yet building continues with what seems ineffective drainage provision, The proposed site is also prone to flooding; by adding the hardscaping and roadways to create the quarry, this would reduce the area able to absorb additional water which has to go somewhere which will increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon including residents’ home and local businesses. I hope my concerns are taken seriously. Name: Tim Allen




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality. an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, an dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling.Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Intermediate sixed particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, and Wise Owls Nursery 550m. Noise. Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Total noise polution from operations should not exceed 55dB occasional temporary 70dB. Traffic. Increased HGV traffic will enter from the site on the B3349 , they will have to cross the white centre lines to turn towards Reading. This will be dangerous to oncoming traffic. HGV traffic increases danger to Lambs lane school. Flooding The preposed site is prone to flooding, classified as Flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the river Loddon. Ecology. The river Loddon is a site of special interest, which runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for wildlife. These include protected species, Barn Owl, Red Kite and Greater Crested Newt. The river also has Loddon Pondweed, which is sensitive to pullutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area as will as Otter spraint being recorded in the area. There are many sites already in existence that while are not in the near distance offer the sand material needed for local house building. I object strongly to this site as by turning this green belt which forms a space between villages into a gravel pit it would then be turned into a housing estate loosing the greenbelt forever. This I am sure is not lost on the present land owners, who are I am sure looking to profit from the destruction of our lust green land that makes this country so beautiful and we should protect it vigorously. Name: Penny Allen




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality. an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, an dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling.Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Intermediate sixed particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, and Wise Owls Nursery 550m. Noise. Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Total noise polution from operations should not exceed 55dB occasional temporary 70dB. Traffic. Increased HGV traffic will enter from the site on the B3349 , they will have to cross the white centre lines to turn towards Reading. This will be dangerous to oncoming traffic. HGV traffic increases danger to Lambs lane school. Flooding The preposed site is prone to flooding, classified as Flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the river Loddon. Ecology. The river Loddon is a site of special interest, which runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for wildlife. These include protected species, Barn Owl, Red Kite and Greater Crested Newt. The river also has Loddon Pondweed, which is sensitive to pullutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area as will as Otter spraint being recorded in the area. There are many sites already in existence that while are not in the near distance offer the sand material needed for local house building. I object strongly to this site as by turning this green belt which forms a space between villages into a gravel pit it would then be turned into a housing estate loosing the greenbelt forever. This I am sure is not lost on the present land owners, who are I am sure looking to profit from the destruction of our lust green land that makes this country so beautiful and we should protect it vigorously. Name: Susan Doyle




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] There are a number of reasons for my objection: 1) Traffic - This proposal would increase traffic from HGV's on an already congested Basingstoke Road and M4 junction. The proposed location on Basingstoke road is on a narrow part of the road, with a number of bends and double white lines. It would be almost impossible for HGV's to access the site without crossing onto the incorrect side of the road. There is also a single narrow footpath and risk to pedestrians would be increased. 2) Air Quality - There is an increase in particulate matter near extraction sites, these particles can cause health issues. There is a primary school within close proximity to the proposed site which would put lots of children at risk. 3) Noise - This will cause an increase in noise pollution and at a level which may be detrimental to health given the proximity to schools and housing (levels of 55dB is a level which The World Health organisation identifies as a level which can cause health issues for a community. 4) Flooding - The proposed site is prone to flooding. By adding hardscaping and roadways this would reduce the area available to absorb water and risk additional flooding within the local community which is a risk to Swallowfield which regularly suffers from flooding issues. 5) Archaeology - The site is an area of high archaeological potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti- tank ditch within the site, There are 3 listed buildings near the site as well as Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire Name: James Doyle




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] My objection is based on the following grounds: - This area is liable to flooding. The proposal would result in hardscaping which will inevitably result in water going elsewhere and having a knock on impact to the surrounding communities. Swallowfield is known to have regular flooding issues already, this will only compound the problem. - The proposal will increase traffic to the already congested local villages. The Basingstoke Road at the proposed location is very narrow and HGV's on this road will be a big risk to pedestrians and other road users. It will be almost impossible for HGV's to use this road without crossing the double white lines and onto oncoming traffic. - The proposal will create a risk to the local community in particular children at Lambs Lane Primary School. The proposal will result in noise levels above 55dB which Public Health Englad define as a health risk. Dusty air will also be generated which which can have detrimental health effects. The proximity of the site to Lambs Lane Primary school should be a key consideration. - The site also contains a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch which are of archaeological interest. There are three listed buildings near the site along with Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire Name: Natasha Andishi




Q2:2 Section one - Sand & Gravel Area of Search

Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q7 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I moved , because of the construction in preparation for the 2022 FIFA world cup. The health concerns we had for could not be ignored any longer. I left , to come here so could get a better, healthier future, only for a sand and gravel area to move close to our home and . This is NOT acceptable. The fineness of this type of sand has caused 1000's of respiratory illnesses in adults and kids in Qatar for years. With Acute respiratory infections being number 4 on the 2003 report for Top 10 causes of Mortality/Morbidity. The sand becomes so fine that the nasal passage is unable to prevent these from entering into the lungs. 2 out of 3 woman give birth to children that either suffer from Eczema or Asthma. In 2017, Sidra Medical Center for Children in Qatar, published a report regarding health issues created in children related to this type of sand. I didn't make such a big sacrifice to bring . This is not fair.

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] They place this area anywhere far away from homes and schools for a miles. A week ago we had several windy days, even one day would be enough for the sand from this pit to be circulated through our area and have all our kids sick for the coming weeks, if not years.

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I object to this plan because of its impact on air quality. An increase in suspended particulate matter is caused from extraction sites, while dust from a quarry cause particles up to 10 micrometers in diameter to be fine enough to be breathed in and cause detrimental health issues. Intermediate sized particles travel up to 400m, entering homes through doors and windows. We have 4 schools in the direct vicinity, in danger of polluting our childrens air. Name: Dawn Wren




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] the proposal will increase traffic on the Basingstoke road and the surrounding roads. The roads are barely coping with the already increased traffic onto a road that was never meant to be a main road. It is a twisty county road that has vehicles parked on it, a hill and narrow pavements which is not suitable for HGV use as it would be nearly impossible for them to stay on the correct side of the road. Name: Stephanie Jones




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed gravel & sand extraction on the area west of Basingstoke road in Spencers Wood will increase the traffic flow on Basingstoke road & at junction 11 of the M4. The pavement is very narrow along the stretch of Basingstoke road near the proposed site which is already dangerous for pedestrians and will be worse with HGVs. The road is narrow and buses currently cross the central white line into oncoming traffic. HGVs will be worse. The proposed site is also situated on the flood plain of the river Loddon. As I write the area proposed is flooded. The gravel extraction site will exacerbate the flooding that currently occurs & is likely to make flooding worse elsewhere in the area & that directly affects my house which is on the flood plain. The river Loddon runs alongside the proposed site and there is a high likelihood that the Loddon will be affected by pollution. This will have a direct impact on the ecology of the Loddon and surrounding area. There are great crested newts, barn owls, water voles, trout etc. in the Loddon area. Name: Brian Powles




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This proposal will increase the traffic congestion on the Basingstoke Road and Junction 11 of the M4. The proposal for site access has been indicated on the Basingstoke Road. This is a narrow road which has narrow paths, parked cars, hills and bends. It will be almost impossible for a HGV to stay on the correct side of the road. This being the case it will cause more issues on an already busy road that is struggling to cope with the extra cars from recent housing developments. Name: Simon Prince




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Area of natural beauty with a huge variety of wildlife including close proximity to the River Loddon which is home to Loddon Pondweed and sensitive to inputs of chemicals aswell as the damage to the river inhabitants. Severe increase of traffic congestion and associated air pollution from HGVs. Noise and air pollution from the quarry. Name: JULIE PRINCE




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Area of natural beauty with a huge variety of wildlife including close proximity to the River Loddon which is home to Loddon Pondweed and sensitive to inputs of chemicals aswell as the damage to the river inhabitants. Severe increase of traffic congestion and associated air pollution from HGVs. Noise and air pollution from the quarry. Name: Edi Sejdini




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] air quality, noise, traffic, villages, ecology, Name: Christine Porter




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality will be compromised with properties, schools and play area within 370 metres of the site. Noise pollution and obviously increased traffic with large vehicles exiting the site onto a winding B road. Green belt land which distinguishes Spencers Wood from Swallowfield should be maintained. Name: Lawrence Sanchez




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air quality especially as there is a nursey, pre school and primary within 600m of this site. Traffic as the BB3949 is a narrow twisting country road The site provides a seperation between the villages of Swallowfield and Spencers Wood Noise Flooding , especially given the recent floods that the River Blackwater has produced. The development would lead to unknown changes to the natural drainage system Name: Malcolm Herbert Porter




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Noise pollution and increased traffic. HGVs coming out of the site onto the B3349 is dangerous and this site should be protected as a strip of green belt between two villages. Also, air quality will impact the school and play area very close to proposed site. Name: Claire Weir




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The individual character of the villages must be retained. This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross Spencer’s Wood Shinfield Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided and the individual character of the villages must be retained. Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says the total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The WHO defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Jonathon Gray




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed gravel extraction site would lead to a significant increase in local traffic, notably form heavy goods vehicles with an increase in air and noise pollution on an already busy road (Basingstoke Road) where the council should be enacting plans that reduce air and noise pollution, not permitting an increase in them. Additionally, air quality would be adversely affected in the local area from the gravel extraction, that would impact on a children's nursery (Wise Owls) ; I have concerns about the impacts on air quality and noise. Name: Rachel Gray




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed gravel extraction site would lead to a reduction in air quality in the local area from the gravel extraction, that would impact on a children's nursery (Wise Owls) ; I have concerns about the impacts on air quality and noise. Additionally, a large area of farmland/grassland would be removed in an area where new build housing has reduced the number of wildlife habitats significantly; there is now little distinction between areas of Spencers Wood and Swallowfield. Name: Suzanne Madigan




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I object to this site for 3 main reasons: 1) access and traffic to/from the site-the B3349 is a small country road and is already heavily congested with development in the area, at peak times delays of 45 minutes are not unusual, the road does not have the capacity for lorries to/from the quarry. As someone who regularly walks along the road, I would have safety concerns with so many lorries using the road. 2) Flooding, the River Loddon regularly floods in this area, which is getting worse with the development within its flood plain, the quarry will add to the problem and endanger local homes and potentially lives. 3) Ecology- we should not be further damaging the wildlife in and around the Loddon. Name: Graham Prior




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air pollution effecting at least 4 schools in the nearby area, which will undoubtedly cause detrimental health problems. The increase of HGV's on the B3349 would break up an already poorly surface road and the narrowness of the road and pavement is likely to cause a danger to pedestrians. Who would be accountable in a court of law should the plan proceed and people suffer as a result of ignoring these objections ? Name: Susan Porter




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The traffic in the area is already a massive issue which would only worsen with this here. It is also outrageous that people, such as myself, have been lured into buying a new build designed for a family and young children with the possibility of this which would affect the air quality and potentially cause health issues. Flooding is another problematic area here and this would only worsen it. Name: Jane Barnes




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes Name: Kevin Morrison




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Unsuitable due the location within a green belt area of the village. As the proposed site is close to housing there will be an impact on noise and traffic on already busy roads. In addition the effect on air quality has already been proven to make this site unsuitable. Name: Nicola Wells




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Traffic : huge increase in traffic congestion. The road is already unsafe for pedestrians and cyclists, the cars are held up in traffic jams most mornings already. Noise: The quarry would increase the level of noise pollution. It is unsafe for the school next door. Air Quality: The increase in debris and particles in the air would be detrimental to the health of all those who live near to the site. Again the school and the children would be effected and increase levels of asthma and respiratory diseases in the local community. Flooding: This area already floods regularly. There would be an increase in flooding with mud and debris causing additional blockages in the natural water level. Not to mention increased dirt on the roads. Ecology: the local area is already affected by increased house building - the local wildlife would be destroyed with chemicals, diggers and further urbanisation. This means protected species habitats being destroyed for future generations. The area and it's natural flora and fauna will never recover. Name: Steve Killoran




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] There is already considerable over development in this area which has led to significant congestion and now poorly maintained roads. This plan would greatly increase noise, pollution, traffic and the further increased risk of flooding in the surrounding areas. It cannot be in the interests of the local area as it puts the local ecology at significant risk. This plan must be stopped!

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] To cease the desire to cover our land with further buildings and extract vital minerals from the land Name: steve mills




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] concerns over viability of site, concerns over air quality issues resulting and the impact on health to the local community and damaging wildlife and property, the increase in traffic volume in an area which is already struggling with traffic volume as a result of previous developments without sufficient consideration given to infrastructure, the negative impact on the individual characterisation of the local historic village communities and in general the noise pollution and the negative impact on the rural community. Finally this is an area already struggling with flooding issues which this will not help. Name: Anna Piper Nye




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] " Sheepbridge Court, which is adjacent to the proposed site. Sheepbridge Court contains a Scheduled Ancient Monument (“SAM”) The SAM is a circular moated site and associated earthworks which is seasonally filled with water from the River Lodden which forms the eastern portion of the moat. The moat was constructed between 1250 and 1350 and has silted up over the centuries so that only the eastern portion of the moat is now continuously flowing with water. Outside the moat, on a separate island to the east, are what are considered to be two silted up stew ponds or the remains of a fishpond. These fishponds are completely under water a few times a year during heavy rains when the River Lodden rises and completely covers the fishponds. During heavy rains, rain water from the proposed site flows into the river Lodden carrying soil. In the event of a gravel quarry, the disturbance of the earth by the extraction activity will increase the amount of material carried into the Lodden and carried downstream to the SAM which will accelerate the silting of the remaining portion of the moat, and will accelerate the disappearance of the fishponds as they fill with increased sediments. Clause 194 of the National Planning Policy Framework (Feb 2019), states that “any harm to or loss of… a designated heritage asset (from its alteration or destruction…) should require a clear and convincing justification.” If this proposal is to proceed, it will directly lead to the damage and alteration of the moat and fishponds by accelerating their silting and eventual disappearance by them filling with increased soil runoff from the quarry. As the proposal is contrary to national policy, it fails the Test of Soundness and therefore should be rejected." Name: Jeremy Saunders




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposal is not compatible with National Policy for the following reasons: 1. AIR QUALITY Quarrying for sand and gravel will inevitably increase levels of particulates in the air - not only from the quarrying operation itself but also from exhaust fumes and dust from brakes of the large number of vehicles that would need to access the site. This is a special concern in relation to Lambs Lane Primary School – the school playing field is just over 300 metres from the Northern boundary of the site – but the site is also close to the Wise Owls Nursery. More generally increased traffic would impact on the air quality along the B3349 especially affecting pedestrians and users of public transport as well as discouraging people from walking and other healthy exercise. 2. HIGHWAYS Although it is impossible to predict the number of HGVs that would be accessing the site until the size of any deposits are established, if the site were viable it would be likely to result in several hundred additional journeys per day by HGVs along the B3349. In addition to the impact on air quality referred to above this would significantly increase congestion on already-congested roads, especially during the morning and evening commuting periods, causing additional danger to other road-users, especially children and other pedestrians and cyclists. Local roads are already subject to increased traffic due to the new houses being constructed and this will increase further as more houses are completed – especially if the proposed Grazeley Garden Town goes ahead. To further increase this demand would be reckless and unnecessary. Access to the site itself is constricted and the location of bus stops on either side of the road. Any HGV entering from the South would have to swing out into the path of on-coming traffic increasing the risk of accidents to cars and bus-users and adding to delay and congestion. The proposed access to the site is also shared by Footpath 19 and this would present a particular risk to users of the footpath. 3. FLOODING The southern edge of the site adjoins the River Loddon and is categorised as Flood Zone 2 and 3a and, as the recent weather has demonstrated, is subject to flooding. The site is therefore unsuitable for quarrying. 4. ENVIRONMENT The land is currently farmland adjacent to the River Loddon and forms part of the “Green Gap” between Spencers Wood and Swallowfield. At this point the River forms part of the Stanford End Mill and River Loddon SSSI and is notable for Loddon Pondweed, a rare species which is highly sensitive to changes in water quality and is recognised as a BAP Priority Species in the Biodiversity Strategy for the Loddon Valley. As noted above the site is prone to flooding and any leaching of minerals would represent a risk to water quality from run off. As also noted above the site is crossed by Footpath 19, part of a network of footpaths on either side of the A33 which are subject to increasing use, by dog walkers and others, as the villages of Spencers Wood and Three Mile Cross expand and which will come under even greater pressure if the new Grazeley Garden Town is given the go ahead. If the development were to proceed the reduced amenity value would have a direct impact on the development of more healthy lifestyles promoted by Government. It is also likely to negate benefits of establishing SANGs as part of the South of the M4 development, encouraging people to travel, by car, for recreational purposes to other sensitive environments which the SANGs are intended to protect. 5. ECOLOGY In addition to Loddon Pondweed, the River is home to other protected species, including otter, water vole and great crested newt and forms an important wildlife corridor linking the area to the Lodge Wood and Sandford Mill SSSI. As set out in the Biodiversity Strategy, this is an important contribution to preventing habitat fragmentation arising from the expansion of the communities of Spencers Wood, Shinfield and Arborfield and the more developed areas of Lower , and Woodley. Name: Jean Wright




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Concerned with effect on air quality, noise, traffic and flooding. To keep the individual character of the villages and access to the public footpath on the border of the proposed site. Also the ecological threat to wildlife. Name: Mrs Sarah Scotchmer




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The addition of many new houses to Spencers Wood and Shinfield has led to a massive increase in traffic, of which a considerable amount consists of lorries. There are shops and residential properties along the side of the Basingstoke Road in one direction which already create on- road parking issues, and in the other direction, the road twists and winds and is not suitable for lorries. Furthermore, a large number of wildlife habitats have been destroyed by the house building. This proposal will cause further damage. Then there is the issue of flooding in the area. At present, it is able to absorb some of the flood water but an increase in roads etc will make this less possible. Finally, we have been promised that the individuality of the villages will be maintained. A gravel pit between Spencers Wood and Swallowfield will impact on the distinction between the two villages.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] Investigate the possibility of locating the gravel pit nearer to Basingstoke where it could be in an area where it will not disturb existing villages, and lorries could use the A33 bypass to transport the gravel. Name: Kate Mitchell




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] 1. Traffic congestion. Access to the site is very limited with narrow, busy roads (B3349), not suitable for large numbers of HGV vehicles. At present the bus has difficulty passing lorries on the twisting 2 miles of road either side of the site. Access to the site would be very difficult as the road is narrow and visibility poor with bends on the road. 2. Flooding. This area regularly suffers from flooding, and good drainage into the River Loddon is vital to prevent local properties flooding. In 2020 there have been 2 flood warnings in this area and any disturbance of the land through gravel extraction and quarrying will cause the flood risk to increase in adjacent areas along the river. 3. Air quality. Quarries cause air pollution and dust to spread out over the local area, effecting Lambs Lane school, the nursery, houses and local businesses.This will adversely effect the health of local people living, working or studying in the local area. 4. The proposed quarry would damage the existing agricultural area between the villages of Spencers Wood and Swallowfield. These are villages with unique identities. 5. Public footpath. I regularly use the public footpath from Basingstoke Road alongside the Mill House to Kings bridge. This area along the River Loddon is unspoilt countryside with a variety of wildlife, including the Loddon Lily and other protected species.This would be lost if the quarry is sited her. 6. The River Loddon is a beautiful and unpolluted river, full of wildlife and this would be damaged by quarrying on its it leads directly into the Thames, the threat of a pollution incident would have widespread consequences. Name: Thomas Gellatly




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The extra traffic caused by large HGVs would increase congestion and potential danger to me and in an already busy narrow road system through spencers wood. is adjacent to the road many of these HGVs would drive pass and believe the added congestion will cause excessive extra noise disruption and extra pollution. I am concerned that the reduction in potential flood plain would increase the risk of flooding in the Spencers wood area, and specifically my house and garden. I have a and I fear that the increase in fine articulate matter could potentially cause health issues when playing outside. The potential disruption of the ecosystem and loss of species would be devastating to me and as we love to walk in these areas and feel it is crucial to maintain these areas and to support positive effects on these ecosystems wherever possible. Name: Mrs B J Carpenter




Q2:2 Section one - Sand & Gravel Area of Search

Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Q2:6 Section four: Further comments

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q7 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] With a primary school, nursery school play area and pre-school in the immediate vicinity I believe that there will be a detrimental impacet on local air quality from both the extraction operation and the increased traffic in the area. As a local resident living in a village I believe that the area will change from rural to industrial and that there will be a detrimental effect on all residents and the local schools due incread traffic resulting in significant noise and congested roads. The local area has already seen the construction of thousands of new houses. This has been a major disturbance due to degradation in air quality, noise pollution and increased traffic. The area cannot take any more. The site in question is already prone to flooding. excessive local building has already affected the local water table. Extraction in the area will affect local houses and the school.

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] Do not allow extraction to take place on the land west of the Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air pollution Noise pollution More traffic Greater risk of flooding Change from a village to an industrial area We already have thousands of new houses and have lived in a building site for several years. The water table is affected. People have already started to move away - destruction of rural communities Affect on local wildlife Proximity to Loddon Primary school and other pre-schools and play areas

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] Do not extract on the land west of the Basingstoke Road Name: Mike Balbini


Organisation: Shinfield Parish Council


Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] Sand and gravel extraction point should be situated near rail heads so as to remove the product efficiently and with minimal disruption to the locality with regard to traffic.

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposal does not meet the criteria for positively prepared as it does not have sufficient infrastructure surrounding the area resulting in an unjustifiable level of HGV traffic in and out of the site on minor roads. The proposal does not meet the criteria for effectiveness as it cannot be delivered as planned without major disruption to the locality. The access/exit point should be onto the A33 and not minor village road.

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] No view either way

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] No view either way

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] Sand and gravel extraction was proposed last year in the parish on a neighbouring field and was rejected. I hope the same will apply here. We need sand and gravel but that must be available elsewhere and railed in. Name: Warna Masakorala




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This is a small village and cannot take any more development & air pollution with loads more heavy vehicle traffic on small roads. Name: Malika Don




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] These are small villages and cannot take any more development & air pollution with loads more heavy vehicle traffic on small roads. Name: Charles Carwana




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This area has already been turned up and roads broken up over the past years with all the building works that we have had to contend with, the dust ,noise and heavy traffic, Hyde End Road has become a race track for vehicles, passing through and accessing sites, and is still going on in Spencers Wood. Enough is Enough, we now have a job to get out of our own driveways with the extra amount of traffic that there is now. There are quite a few school children around going to and from schools which has also sparked off quite a potentially dangerous situation due to the weight and speed of traffic recently. Name: Bernadette Norris




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This will bring heavy goods vehicles down a narrow road that has no space for this type of vehicle, there is limited footpath and this will be dangerous for all other road users including cyclists. This area is far too close to the local primary school and nursery, the children will not be able to play safely outside as the noise and air pollution will be over the governments own limits . The ecology in the area will also be devastated , we have Red Kites, Badgers , Water Voles, Barn Owls and Great Crested Newts, There is also evidence of Otters and Sea Trout in The Lodden, the natural beauty of this area and wildlife cannot be replaced . If that was not reason enough we have no idea what the effect would be on flooding in the area and also we have precious archaeological sites that would be destroyed. I object most strongly please do not do this Name: Graham Stanley




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Siting of a gravel pit at this location will bring significant disruption to a group of villages that are already beset by creeping urbanisation. I profoundly doubt that it will be possible to successfully mitigate the effects on air quality, noise, flooding, ecology and archaeology. I believe that the potential effects on traffic and use of the B3349 are considerably understated, particularly with regard to the effect of HGVs on traffic, the spreading of mud on the roads and hazards caused by turning vehicles and poor sight lines. Name: Frances Lancaster




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This will increase traffic congestion past my house. Already I have experienced a huge increase in the traffic due to the housing developments and now struggle to get out of my road in the morning. Your proposed access to the site is not a suitable road for large vehicles and will cause a risk to other vehicles and pedestrians. The villages surrounding this pit as already loosing their character and this pit will further lead to this. Name: Derek Norris




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I wish to object to the possible gravel pit, air quality will be very poor caused by dust clouds and dust soiling ,there will also be a risk to health of children and adults as the Lambs lane primary school is less than 400m away at 370m. there are also other sites close by, a nursery and play area and Swallowfield pre school. Traffic and noise will also be a problem with the amount of hgv lorries on the Basingstoke Rd and at junction 11 of the M4. noise pollution should not exceed 55db, the WHO defines 55 db as the level that can cause issues for a community. the area is a green belt of farmland and provides a distinction between the settlements , there is also a well used footpath bordering the site. flooding could also be a major problem the site is prone to flooding, the river Loddon is close by and would lead to additional flooding elsewhere along the river. the river is of scientific interest and runs along the edge of the site ,wildlife would be impacted ,there are protected species such as Barn owls, red kites, and the great crested newts. the river would likely be polluted with chemicals which would upset the Loddon pondweed which grows there. there is also Archaeology on the site, the WW2 pillbox and anti tank ditch, three listed buildings near the site, as well as the scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court ,a moated site. Name: Alan Gaskell




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Traffic. The proposal would increase the level of pollution and congestion on the B3349. The 1% change figure for HGV traffic on this road is not credible. If the quarry goes ahead access should be on to the A33 Southbound with no access to the B3349. Air Quality and Noise There are houses schools and pre-schools within half a kilometre of the proposed site. Particulate matter and dust from the quarry will carry to these buildings as well as noise pollution. Ecology, Archeaology The River Loddon SSSI runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. This sensitive ecosystem and its wildlife will be disrupted by operations at the proposed site. The site is alos one of high Archjeological potential. Flooding. The development of the site with its attendent hard landscaping and roadways will reduce the ability of the site to absorb the regular flooding especially at the Southern Edge classified a s Flood Zone 2 and 3a. Name: Peter McLean




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed area is not acceptable for the increase of HGV traffic either going right toward Riseley or left toward SpencersWood. The B3349 road to Spencers Wood has finally been repaired due to light traffic (Cars, Vans & Tractors) wear & tear. Increased heavy vehicles and frequency will quicken the damage to this road. Width of current road is not acceptable for two way traffic if oncoming vehicle is HGV. Suggestion. The Gravel company pay and build for their own entrance directly on to the A33. Bypassing all villages (Riseley,Spencers Wood, Three mile Cross) Air quality. There are at least three schools/nursery from 400m-750m close to propposed site. Finaly, What is to happen with the site when it no longer produces gravel ? Landfill or wasteland would be even more of an eyesore. Yours, Peter McLean Name: Sue Crabtree




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Traffic: The B3349 is in poor quality and not able to sustain increased HGV traffic. Width and bends of the road are not suitable for HGV or the passing of traffic both ways. Air Quality. There are at least 3 schools/nurserys from 370m-750m from the proposed site. What is to happen to the site when it no longer supplies gravel ? Landfill,wasteland would be the next eyesore. Does the gravel company or Woking Borough Council take financial responsibility for returning the used site back to an acceptable view ? If the Council can confirm this , will this come from local taxpayers ? Name: Lianne Yule




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Firstly, The air quality if this site goes ahead will be greatly affected. The children at Lambs Lane school are so close and will impact those with asthma and other lung problems. We from the site and I am concerned about . The road is also overused at this current time, there is potholes galore, flooding and drainage issues. Adding additional traffic to this road will bring added noise, detoriate the road quality and increase the liklihood of accidents as the lorries are wide and large to avoid. Name: James Bridges




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am objecting due to the reduction of air quality the gravel pit will inevitably bring, whatever the company will say. The dust particles produced from the pit, and a change in wind direction will bring the particles over the nearby villages and schools, will be breathed in and therefore increase the potential for health issues. Lambs Lane primary, Wise Owls Nursery, Warrens Croft Play Area and Swallowfield play area are all within 1km of the proposed extraction site. It is a real shame that local governments continue to think about money instead the residents they represent. I would question where the governors live and has any of the recent planned developments impacted their lives.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: LISA FLATHER




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am concerned about the lives and livelihood people living and working directly near the proposed site for instance The Mill house Hotel who have built their business for many years Who wants to be taking their vows in the wedding marquee to the sound of diggers and dumper trucks in the back ground? Lambs Farm Business Park where approx 200 people work. Many of the businesses there would no longer be able to operate because of precise nature of their work due to dust from a quarry a few yards away. Little needs to be said about those who's homes are backing on to the site or just yards away. I am also extremely concerned about the proximity to the Loddon River. This is a last vestige of natural life in our area. It is a vital corridor for flora and fauna some very rare. Loddon weed, Loddon Lilies, Snakes Head Fritillaries, King Fishers, I have seen these birds regularly at Sheep Bridge and Kings Bridge both at either end of the proposed site. There are trout, barn owls, tawny owls, little owls, bats and many other interrelated species of fish amphibian and insects and OTTERS, there have been reports locally now for a couple of years that there are otters in the Loddon, spraint and fish kills in Swallowfield Park and at Stanford End, one upstream of the site, the other down stream, the obvious conclusion being that these rare mammals pass through the proposed quarry site. I know one person that has seen otter 100 yards from Kings Bridge at the western edge of the proposed site. I need to say that the sheer sadness I feel when I look across these acres now at the view, trees, hedges, sky, open space that we all need and think that it might be gone soon. Why can it not continue to be crop growing land, growing food and consuming carbon at the same time? Why was a vineyard turned down when these fields have been growing barley, wheat, rape and last year beans, for years? Finally, Lambs Lane that runs round half the site is a safe route for the many horse riders in the area. There are five stable yards immediately in the vicinity all of whom have riders that use Lambs Lane in order to keep off the other local roads as much as possible. The livery yards and the related businesses, hay merchants, feed stores, farriers, saddlers, instructors, fencing contractors etc all of whom are very local employers will all fall if the horses are forced away by losing one of the last remaining quiet lanes in the area, that give access to bridle ways. Name: Tessa Costin




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. Name: roland denning




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Name: Wendy Denning




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Name: Gareth Lockwood




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This plan is completely unacceptable, we have already surrender so much green space to development, to allow further development for an industrial purpose shouldn't of even been suggested. Name: David Herries




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Hi, I object to these plans for several reasons as listed: the air quality issues that will arise (particularly with it being so close to local schools), the increase in noise levels, the increased volume of traffic, the increased risk of flooding and the terrible impact it will have on on local ecology around the River Loddon. Name: Julie Herries




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Hi, I object to this because of the air pollution it will cause (particularly being so close to a school), the increased noise levels, the increased traffic in the area, the increased risk of flooding in the area and the devastating impact it would have on the ecology to the River Loddon and surrounding areas. Name: David Mitchell




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air pollution will be increased in an area where there is a concentraction of children. I.e. Lambs Lane School. The immediate area is one of Special Scientific Interest. There are many varieties of rare species that will be affected by pollution, noise and human presence and interference. E.g. The great crested newt and barn owls. Water bourne pollution from chemicals are known to affect the water courses and in this case the River Loddon corridor that has a delicate eco system. The extra heavy traffic movements to and from the gravel extraction site will put pressure on the traffic systems connecting the B3349 Basingstoke Road. One that already suffers from over congestion and degradation of road surfaces, which in-turn increase the risk of accidents and further congestion caused by forced road repair. The gravel extraction site would be inappropriate for the semi-rural nature of the area and would highly affect the nature and character of the surrounding villages. The area already suffers from bad flooding. This would be increased as the site buildings and roads would cause displacement of water. Name: Kartik Hegde




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q6:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q6:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q6:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] Refrain from the gravel extraction proposal. Kindly reject. It will harm the ecological area and the trucks cause huge pollution to residents around

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q19:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q19:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q20:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q20:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q20:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q20:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q37:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q38:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q38:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q38:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q38:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy Name: Janine Scott




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposal site would cause significant traffic risks with HGVs having to use a narrow road not much wider than a country lane, with very limited sight lines for road traffic and the HGVs. This would likely to cause an increase in the risk of serious accidents. The site is also in an area which is part of separation gap between Spencer's wood and Swallowfield which gap should be maintained to protect the individual identity of these villages. The site has special characteristics which mean it is not suitable for the proposed use, including flood risk, SSI with ecological importance for wildlife protected species. The impact of noise, pollution and problems with air quality associated with quarry/gravel extraction would be unacceptably high.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Gareth Rees-John




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air quality will deteriorate significantly. There will be noise pollution both from the site and added lorries. Traffic is already far too great along the Basingstoke Road, this will add more heavy goods vehicles. This will uses green belt between villages. It will impact the ecology of the area in a negative way. It will have archaelogical impact as there are WW2 relics on the site. Name: Rosemary Bowers




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] There will be an increase of heavy loads on an already busy road struggling with traffic There would be an increase of dangerous admissions from these and the gravel extraction itself There would be a release of dangerous particulars into the air. The area has a number of card homes and schools with vulnerable people with needs in terms of their lungs. For children for example the increase in pollution affects the development of their lungs There was another gravel extraction facility rightly rejected in the area, for why another one. Plus why is Hampshire county council appealing for something in Berkshire. If it was something we wanting from them it would get rejected Name: Christopher Paul James Nunn




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Name: Andrew Thomas




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] - Not commercials viable as previous studies indicate insufficient gravel - Insufficient access for the amount of LGV's on what at times cane a busy double white lined road - The fine particle dust created will be in close proximity of Lambs Lane Primary School - Site is on a flood zone - Site is adjacent to the River London a Site of Scientific Interest - The site is currently farmland forming a distinction between Spencer's Wood and Swallowfield - The site is of Archeological interest In view of the above I would recommend rejection of the inclusion on the Mineral and Waste plan. Regards, Andrew Thomas

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: colin talbot




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] 1. Spencers Wood is still a real village that enjoys a degree of rural country side and retains its character. We have lived here for 41 years and that is why we remain. The fields, woods, wild animals and birds are part of our quality of life. The green belt, despite constant development, provides us that protection. Another gravel pit will destroy it. 2. Traffic is already unmanageable. The roads cannot cope with congestion and large industrial vehicles will make life even more difficult and the roads more dangerous. There cannot be a meaningful argument in favour of this where we already suffer from uncontrolled, dangerous traffic flow. 3. The noise level from a new quarry will exceed acceptable levels, probably beyond the WHO 70 db and far above the accepted background noise for British countryside of 29 db. Colin Talbot

Name: Talal Chamsi-Pasha




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] There is a school at the end of Lamb's Lane and it's a very unwise idea to have a gravel pit so close to children's. Coupled with access to the site from around the Mill House Hotel with its tight lanes and white lanes is just ridiculous. I would also point to the potential noise impact. We already have to deal with the spillover of traffic noise from the A33 and with this we would potentially be sandwiched in from both sides. Name: Nazif Mohammed




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Proposed site is unacceptably close to built up/residential area including schools/Nursery and Village and will have significant impact on Air Quality, Noise Pollution and increased traffic congestion on roads that are already congested. Name: Simon Jennings




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Q2:6 Section four: Further comments

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality and Noise in the immediate proximity to a primary school and to local businesses. In particular the 'Tai Chi' school which relies on quiet meditative practice outside for groups throughout the day (09:00 through to 22:00 6 days a week)

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] Air Quality: the Tai Chi practices taught at involve focused breathing practices - often as therapy for people with respiratory conditions. The carefully planted garden is designed to provide a background of flower 'scent' to aid in the meditative practice. Noise: Tai Chi involves both moving meditation as well as quite contemplation - requiring both relaxation and concentration. Acknowledging there is already a low level of background noise from the Basingstoke road, and the business bark next door, it is intermittent and at a very low level. Any increase in this would significantly impact both the teaching and the learning/experience of those attending. Name: Julia Powell




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGV's on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well used public footpath. The proposed site is prone to flooding with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Name: Robert Powell




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGV's on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well used public footpath. The proposed site is prone to flooding with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Name: Alison Brindley




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Too near local school - air pollution a serious hazard. Name: Caroline Cotton




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness Name: Colin Hearn




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Traffic.The increase in traffic would be detrimental to the area. The roads are already broken and cracked with poor foundations which will only get worse. The excess water and sand draining from the lorries will pollute the villages making them filthier than they already are. The exhaust pollution from the trucks will cause health problems especially to COPD and asthma sufferers. There would also be an increase in noise from the extra traffic. There is also the danger extra traffic would bring, children regularly use the pavements to get to local schools, there is sheltered housing with elderly people using the paths and crossing the road, all would be put at greater risk from pollution or accident. Air quality. Lambs Lane School; the proposed site is very close to the school and during summer months when the children are outside the air pollution would be very high and the noise from the workings would impact on the ability of the children to learn. The villages. We already have the prospect of the over development in Grazeley, the destruction of more green land would no doubt lead to further over development of Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood and Swallowfield once the gravel extraction is complete. Once separate villages would then become a single conurbation with no character of their own. The effect of excavation would have serious effects on the whole area. The Loddon is well known for flooding, any excavation could well exacerbate the situation. It would have harmful effects on wildlife, the variety of which we are extremely lucky to have. Such wildlife could easily be wiped out or severely reduced by the works, and it must be remembered that once the extraction has taken place, the land can never be returned to the same state that it was before its destruction. The site is also of great archaeological importance, artifacts from ages past are visible on or near the site, several are listed and are part of the history of the area that must not be destroyed. Such gravel extraction schemes should be countenanced in areas of close proximity to existing populations, they produce pollution by noise, dirt and emissions from plant and machinery, from transport both from those working at the site and transport from the site. There is no way that the site can be beneficial to the area, it can only bring misery to those who live nearby or close to the roads leading to the site. I understand that there is a need for building materials, but not at any cost to the ecology, lives and well being of the neighbourhood be they human, wildlife or flora. The plan must be rejected. Name: Betty Dunk




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Too close to schools and housing also flooding issues as this is a flood plain Traffic issues Name: Jo Stovell




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between villages. Bordering the site is a well used footpath. The proposed site is prone to flooding, it is irresponsible to increase the risk of further flooding in our village. Name: David Bird




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] No

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Dan Turner




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I object for many reasons. The main ones being Air Quality and the increase in pollution and paticulate matter for . Traffic would be horrendous as it is already at bursting point around the area making it unsafe for children getting to and from schools as well as parents trying to avoid heavy traffic congestion. Flooding in this area is challenging and this new infrastructure with its road network reduces the ability for green lands to accommodate the water flows

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Penny Crowe




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] 1. Air Quality - There is a known increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be inhaled and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when deposited onto property and trees - for an example see the A327 at Eversley! Intermediate particles can travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary School is situated only 370 meters away from the proposed site with Wise Owl Nursery 550m, Warren's Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. This is totally unacceptable. 2. Traffic - Congestion in the area is already at unacceptable levels with the current road system unchanged since prior to the construction of some 1,200+ homes in the local Shinfield area. This proposal will increase traffic congestion from HGV's along the Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4 where current traffic levels already exceed the original design specification. Site access is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road which is a narrow twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It will be almost impossible for an HGV to join the B3349 towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into busy oncoming traffic. 3. Village Life - This belt of green farmland provides a distinctive break between the settlements. Currently it also provides a visual amenity which would be lost if the quarry is developed. Further urbanisation and development would lead to the creation of a single conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided and the individual character of each village retained. Additionally there is a well-used public footpath bordering the site which must be retained as an amenity for recreation for the local inhabitants. 4. Noise - Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. The WHO defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. 5. Ecology - The River Lodden Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. This is a very sensitive eco system which acts as a corridor for wildlife, including Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts which are protected species. The River is also home to Loddon Pondweed which is sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. It is known that badgers, deer, monkjack and water voles live in the area and recent records have identified sea trout in the river. All these creatures should be valued and protected. 6. Local Archaeology - The site is an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site. This is part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. There are three listed buildings near the site as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. These should not be interfered with. 7. Flooding - The proposed site is, like many other areas along the River Lodden in Shinfield Parish, prone to flooding. The southern edge of the site is classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. The addition of the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will be required to service the quarry will reduce the capacity of the area to absorb the additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere. Name: Carolyn Lane




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I feel that the proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGV's on the B3349 and up to junction 11 of the of the M4 which is already a problem due to the surrounding newbuild properties. I also object on the basis that there will be an increase in dust particles which can be carried upto 400m Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away and must be taken into consideration as particles upto 10 micrometres can be breathed in and so cause detrimental health effects. Name: Richard Howell




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] It will be bad for the environment, ruin the natural beauty of the area and we do not have the right infrastructure in the area already. The health of thousands of children will be put at risk for no reason. Name: Anouska wesolowski




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I object due to the air quality that will be effected near many schools and nursery’s and houses in the local area. The noise pollution will increase in an area where there are many schools and houses. The traffic and congestion in the reading area would increase when it already is too busy, especially in the morning. There are few areas in three mile cross that can cope with flooding and if this site is hard scaped it will reduce the area able to absorb this additional water.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Jonathan Botting




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The area we live in already experiences heavy traffic from large vehicles around Basingstoke road and J11 of the M4. The road layouts are also not suitable for HGVs and would cause our area many problems. Another issue I have with this is the considerable increase in both noise and air pollution. Our area is a peaceful village on the outside of a large town. This move would destroy the peacefulness of a quiet area outside Reading. I am also extremely concerned how this could be allowed when the environment is already on the brink. This would cause so much pollution and damage to the ecology that it seems negligent to allow this to happen... this must and should not be allowed to happen.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] That these plans are rejected. Name: Emily Jennings




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This area is not suitable to have many large vehicles on the country roads which is located near schools. Also they are proposing to build 15000 houses in this area, at present there is already large volumes of traffic so how are the roads going to cope with all this additional traffic! Have the effect of both of these new proposed projects been considered how it is going to effect the area when going on at the same time? What effect will this have on the environment?

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] That this gets rejected Name: Helen Hogg




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] My reasons for objection are numerous. Not only is the proposed site an area of high archaeological potential, but there is also a site of Special Scientific interest running along side the proposed development area. Also, the proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as a flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding impermeable surface covering in the form of additional buildings, tarmac and hard landscaping, this displaced water that can no longer be absorbed in this natural ground will increase the likelihood of causing flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon - including built up areas. As we have seen in recent months, there is a very real potential of flooding in the local area which is currently being managed by the fallow lands along the river. If we reduce these lands, there will be consequences on the built environments causing more repairs and costs in the long term - which the council will be liable for, not the operators of the gravel pit. The belt of green land at the site provides a break between the villages and provides natural spaces to be enjoyed by residents via the well-used public footpath that borders the proposed site. Removing this green space would impact the appeal of the local villages and effectively create one large, sprawling urbanisation, which would negatively impact land and property values for all parties. This may also impact families moving to the newly built homes in the area, meaning that housing developers may overlook the local area for future opportunities, losing income to the council in the longer term. Equally, increasing the traffic in the area with HGVs and other road users will increase the regularity and severity of damage to the roads (a cost for the local councils to cover) and presents a high level of risk for any users of the B3349 due to the narrow, twisting nature of this road - HGVs would need to cross the central divide of this road to navigate such winding lanes, thereby increasing the possibility of a risk to life for other road and pavement users. Along with the increase in traffic also comes an increase in pollution in the area due to the emissions from such vehicles, but also the dust, mud and noise pollution from these vehicles and the proposed quarry operating will negatively impact the area for residents and visitors. Air quality will also be impacted - not only be increased emissions of HGV vehicles - but also by the increase in particles in the air near the sand and gravel sites, and can be detrimental to health. Larger particles can cause soiling and damage to trees, vehicles and buildings. Many of the medium sized particles can travel some 400m and there is a primary school only 370m away from the proposed site, with other sites used by young children (nursery, playground) only 550-600m away. Depending on the severity of the dust settlement in these areas, you may see people move their families away from the area to a cleaner part of the localities, potentially reducing income for councils in the long run as people leave the area and stop using the local services. Name: Paul Schulz




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I wish to strongly object to this proposed addition to the minerals and waste plan on the grounds of a number of planning considerations listed below: · Previous geologic surveys conducted suggest the site is not commercially viable with a gravel seam of up to 1 meter rather the required 4 to 6 meters to make the site viable. Substantial local disturbance for a site which does not justify gravel extraction on the basis of the gravel present. · The plans are inconsistent with the Highways planning policy insufficient access to the site. Based on previous studies for similar sites in the local area, 250 LGV’s and therefore 500 LGV’s movements per day would be required to operate the site. To access the proposed site via the B3349, which as double white centre lines would require an illegal manoeuvre for LCV’s; if going north bound they would need to cross the double white lines, stop and go against the flow of traffic on a twisty country road. This manoeuvre multiplied by 500 vehicle movements is highly dangerous (note fatalities cause by US armed forces driving on the wrong carriageway) and would cause havoc for the local traffic trying to go to local schools and access junction 11 of the M4 alike. · Fine particles created by the Gravel pit operation potentially causing respiratory conditions and no doubt carcinogenic, particularly among the vulnerable, children, elderly and those predisposed to such conditions. Lambs Lane Primary school is 370m of the border the site and within the recognised 400m exclusion zone, furthermore, there are a number of children’s educational intuitions within 750 metres. · The site is within a Flood zone 2 and 3a and locally known to flood on a regular basis being adjacent to the Loddon river; unnatural mass disturbance caused by gravel extraction will only adversely add to this phenomenon. · The site is adjacent to the Loddon River which is a site of special scientific interest, with the rare presence of Loddon pondweed which requires extremely clean water to flourish. · The river acts as a movement corridor for the varied rare species in the local area. The gravel pit would block this corridor deterring movement up and down stream with a detrimental effect on the local rare species. · This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between Spencers wood and Swallowfield, further urbanisation will lead to the creation of a conurbation between Three Mile Cross, Spencers wood, Swallowfield and Riseley which is to be avoided for the physical and mental wellbeing of the occupants of these villages. · The site is of archaeological interests which include the presence of WWII pillbox, anti-tank ditch and a number of listed buildings within the vicinity. On the grounds listed above I would vehemently urge all those with authority to reject the inclusion of this site into the Minerals and Waste plan for the borough at the earliest possible opportunity. Name: Raymond Phillips




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I have , with the Lambs Lane School from September 2020. Increased dust levels will pose health challenges to the children both in the school environment as well as the dwellings in Spencers Wood. sensitive to levels of noise and any increased levels of noise could have a detrimental impact ( ). Name: James Cooper


Organisation: Lister Wilder Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This proposal is a stupid idea and only increases the amount of urbanisation into one of the few rural pockets left in Wokingham Borough Name: Steve Potter


Organisation: Lister Wilder Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The Loddon catchment area is one of only a few areas left in Wokingham Borough that is unspoilt. There’s too much intrusion into the countryside already without this as well Name: Kelly Breadmore


Organisation: Lister Wilder Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] It’s a very stupid idea to wreck such a nice area of unspoilt farmland in such a sensitive ecological area Name: Richard Aston


Organisation: Lister Wilder Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] How will the gravel company keep control of the groundwater once they have completely disrupted it with so much digging Name: Nick Alder


Organisation: Lister Wilder Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] These fields have a network of springs under them, so how will the gravel company stop polluting elements from getting in to the River Loddon? Name: Roy Hawkins


Organisation: Lister Wilder Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] How on earth will a lot of heavy goods vehicles get onto and off of the B3349 safely when it is such a substandard road? Name: Valter Vincente


Organisation: Lister Wilder Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The B3349 is already over congested and quite often it queues from Junction 11 of the M4 right back into Swallowfield. All the lorries going into and off the site will make that a lot worse Name: Charlie King


Organisation: Lister Wilder Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The fishing in the River Loddon will be spoilt by the major disruption to the groundwater in these fields. That’s a shame as sea trout are making their way up this watercourse. Name: Mathew Allen


Organisation: Lister Wilder Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] As a local resident I’m horrified at this proposal. Our already congested roads will be even more impossible to navigate, the noise and air pollution will be intolerable and a very important ecological site will be severely compromised – who’s bright idea was this? Name: Kathryn Pierce


Organisation: Lister Wilder Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] We moved to the local area a few years ago so that we could enjoy the lovely walk along the footpath by the River Loddon – with this proposal it won’t be worth walking along there any more what with all the noise and dust in the air and heavy machinery working all day long. Name: Jaroslava Kelly




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] To Whoever it may be concern, I visit this area for my exercise lessons every week. During summer months we do exercises outside in the garden at Swallowfield. I am concerned that the air quality will deteriorate together with increasing noise. The roads around this are very narrow and more traffic from trucks would make it more congestive and dangerous to drive on. I also appreciate concerns of local community who live there, that they want to keep their environment preserved and without any more disturbance as possible. In addition, people, environment, habitat of the wildlife should take precedence before profit of the company applying for the gravel quarry. Regards Jaroslava Kelly Name: Roy Lane


Organisation: Lister Wilder Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This is madness and definitely not a good place for this sort of activity. A quiet piece of rural Berkshire wrecked unnecessarily. Name: Julie Jackman


Organisation: Lister Wilder Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This is greed pure and simple. It is nothing but immoral to put a pollutant like that next to a primary school. The kids would be breathing in dirt and their health seriously affected. Name: Terry Pring


Organisation: Lister Wilder Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Instead of a green belt separating villages you’d have an industrial site right in the middle of a single – polluted - conurbation. Name: Martin MacQueen


Organisation: Lister Wilder Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The field floods. What would happen to all that water if the field is used in this way? There would be increased flooding elsewhere, probably over the road, making the Basingstoke Road even worse. If the traffic jams and the potholes don’t make it unusable, the flooding will. Name: Graham Merritt


Organisation: Lister Wilder Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The river is an SSI and the thought of everything from the site draining into it fills me with despair. Name: Martin Elkes


Organisation: Lister Wilder Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The field is on a slope!!!! All the muck will drain down into the river. Name: Denis King


Organisation: Lister Wilder Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Noise, lorries, dirty air. People’s quality of life and their health compromised all the for sake of making a landowner rich. Name: Will King


Organisation: Lister Wilder Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am appalled by the suggestion that this field might be suitable for use as a quarry work. There is a footpath running along the side of the river, which is itself a Site of Special Scientific Interest. The roads cannot cope with the traffic they already carry, let alone the number of heavy vehicles which would be required. Peoples homes and businesses are literally adjacent to the site and would be profoundly negatively impacted by the dust and noise. There is a primary school within 400 meters of the site. Name: Keith Baker


Organisation: Lister Wilder Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] What is the point of the River Loddon being an SSI if this sort of thing can be proposed for its banks? Name: Lee Hatton


Organisation: Lister Wilder Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am very worried about the impact of quarrying on traffic and the environment. I don’t believe that the roads can cope with HGVs and other associated vehicles. The green lung between the villages will be ruined, protected species wiped out, the watercourses polluted and the health of children at Lambs Lane Primary School put at risk. Name: Richard Brown


Organisation: Lister Wilder Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I honestly thought this was a joke when I first heard about it but now I am really worried. There is a school right next to the proposed site and the roads can’t cope with the traffic they get already. The field is right in the middle of two villages, nice residential places that will be wrecked by noise, dust and dirt. Name: Mark Kelly




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I object to the new gravel pit being built due to the dust, noise and environmental impact to the local area. Name: Roger Eccleston




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] TRAFFIC OBJECTION. It is proposed that the site will be accessed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road. This road struggles to cope with the current level of traffic and the recent huge increase of new housing development within a 3-5 mile radius will only exacerbate the situation. The road is WHOLLY UNSUITABLE for use by HGVs - it would be impossible for them to operate safely and stay within their section of carriageway and not stray over the continuous stretch of double white lines that are a feature of this stretch of road. The road has a single VERY NARROW PAVEMENT - it is currently frightening to walk this route due to the closeness of vehicles using this road. It is known locally that wheeling a pram or pushchair along this pavement is too dangerous to consider using, due to the current levels of traffic. FLOODING & ECOLOGY OBJECTION. The proposed site is prone to flooding, indeed it is flooded at this present time. Any development of this site would only decrease the the area of land able to absorb the flood water, thus causing even more flooding problems along the River Loddon, including existing built up areas. The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. Any proposed development would have a severe detrimental effect upon a very sensitive ecosystem. This, in turn, would adversely affect Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts known to inhabit this area Name: Simon Barlow


Organisation: Wycombe District Council


Q2:6 Section four: Further comments

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] Wycombe District Council has no comments to make on this consultation. Please keep us informed of future stages of the development of the Minerals and Waste Local Plan. Name: Chris Leslie




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The effect of this proposal on the adjacent facilities (Lambs Lane School; The Mill House; local houses; Wise Owls nursery; Warrens Croft Play area & Swallowfield pre-school, for example) are unacceptable in terms of air quality and noise. The roads in the area (B3349) are unsuitable for extra heavy traffic -- the road\passes through a sizeable ribbon development of Spencers Wood to the North & Riseley to the South -- the roads in the area are already carrying more traffic than that are designed for. Many pedestrian cross the B3349 to the North as parking is on the oosite side to the majority of shops. Crossing the ropar at present is perilous, increasing the trafic load is unacceptable The effects of the proposal on wildlife seem unacceptable. The significant movement of bodies of water in the Loddon catchment mean that it will be almost impossible to avoid polution of an important resource that flows through the many communities downstream. Changes in this area will almost certainly increase the existing flooding problems which climate change will increase. Name: Jane Freebairn




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The noise and amount of traffic in this area way is far too much considering the narrowness and state of the roads which were never meant to cope with the current quantity let alone what these plans would bring. This whole area is simply being overwhelmed - the character, attractiveness of the village environment is being ruined and will be a lot less pleasant to live in - especially considering how difficult it is already to drive along the current roads. It is becoming much more dangerous. Recent weather has shown just how bad the flooding can be - it is still(10 March) obviously saturated and taking a long time to disperse. Name: Paul Evans




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. Name: Alastair Edwards




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This will have a major impact on local air quality, leading to health problems for residents, and particularly children attending the local Lambs Lane primary school, which is less than 400 metres from the proposed site. Traffic congestion is already increasing substantially because of increased housing density in the area. A quarry would add further to the pressure on local roads, that are not designed for HGV traffic. The noise and pollution from the trucks will simply heap additional misery on local residents, as will the noise from the site itself. Flooding is already a big problem in the area, with the proposed site prone to flooding. The construction of the site will inevitably lead to increased flooding in surrounding areas, including residential areas, and on local roads. The ecology of the local area will be seriously harmed by this proposed development, with many protected species under threat, including barn owls, red kites, great crested newts, otters, badgers, water voles and loddon pondweed. This site will irreparably damage precious wildlife and take away an invaluable part of our countryside.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Ryan Pownall




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] This project should be scrapped. These projects will have detrimental effects on the area and the well being of inhibitants. The combination of poor air quality, additional traffic congestion on our roads which is currently unbearable without more hgv's, noise pollution and the ecological backlash of works carried out on greenbelt land that is prone to flooding.

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] This project should be scrapped. These projects will have detrimental effects on the area and the well being of inhibitants. The combination of poor air quality, additional traffic congestion on our roads which is currently unbearable without more hgv's, noise pollution and the ecological backlash of works carried out on greenbelt land that is prone to flooding.

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q19:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q22 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q23 [What change are you seeking?] This project should be scrapped. These projects will have detrimental effects on the area and the well being of inhibitants. The combination of poor air quality, additional traffic congestion on our roads which is currently unbearable without more hgv's, noise pollution and the ecological backlash of works carried out on greenbelt land that is prone to flooding. Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q41 [What change are you seeking?] This project should be scrapped. These projects will have detrimental effects on the area and the well being of inhibitants. The combination of poor air quality, additional traffic congestion on our roads which is currently unbearable without more hgv's, noise pollution and the ecological backlash of works carried out on greenbelt land that is prone to flooding.

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] This project should be scrapped. These projects will have detrimental effects on the area and the well being of inhibitants. The combination of poor air quality, additional traffic congestion on our roads which is currently unbearable without more hgv's, noise pollution and the ecological backlash of works carried out on greenbelt land that is prone to flooding. Name: Tom Maleczek




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The quarry introduce increased noise and air pollution. I am concerned that the local infrastructure will struggle with the increased traffic associated with a working quarry. But also that the introduction of the quarry will impact the local environment potentially moving flood water (which has been increasing in recent times) and also impacting the natural habitat of wildlife in the area - which is close in proximity to many areas of conservation. Name: K Caruana




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] There are many major concerns, traffic being the obvious one. Although the Basingstoke Road will be used, my concern is that Hyde End Road will be too. All these roads in our village are far too narrow! The dust and pollution this will cause will be unacceptable. Can you make any guarantees health wise? All in all a complete disaster and will ruin our village and surrounding areas.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Simon Phillips




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This proposal would cause an increase in traffic, specially congestion and also noise generated from the quarry. It has also be mentioned to me that it could increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon. Lastly Air quality in the local area, e.g Spencers Wood and Swallowfield will decrease. Name: Ben Joseph Cashley


Organisation: Dicoll Data Storage Solutions


Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] No

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q19:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q20:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Naresh Mehar




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air quality due to dust particles will deteriorate. Increased traffic congestion from HGV's contributing to increased pollution. Name: Sophie Gyamfi




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] There is already significant HGV traffic on Basingstoke Road and surrounding areas. The road is not suitable for this type of traffic and this poses both a safety risk and increased congestion. This is also a built up area and the level of air pollution that would be produced is unacceptable particularly given the sites proximity to schools and nurseries. Name: Jonathan Ruddle




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed site west of Basingstoke Road is totally unsuitable for gravel extraction. The main issue is transport of the extracted sand and gravel as the lorries - thousands of lorry trips - would have to use the B3349 which is a small road going through residential areas. My other concern is the impact that the extraction would have on the ecology of the area which is so close to the River Loddon. Name: David Brown




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as a flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry, it would reduce the area able to absorb additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the river Loddon, including built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. The proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at M4 Junction 11. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road which is narrow, twisting and on a hill which is unsuitable for HGVs as they would inevitably require to cross the central white lines in order to get in and out of the site. There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites and dust from a quarry can cause dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres are fine enough to be breathed in by humans and animals which cause detrimental health issues. Intermediate-sized particles can travel up to 400 metres, well within the proximity of Lambs Lane Primary school with schoolchildren close by at 3 other sites. The river Loddon is a SIte of Special Scientific Interest and runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. A variety of protected species use these clean and clear waters which has a very sensitive ecosystem. The proposed site and the noise and particulate pollution would upset this fine balance. Name: Carmen Pereira de Korchoff




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] It will affect the Air Quality, increase the noise,increase traffic congestion with HGVs, that will destroy the village concept in the area. Name: Walter W. Korchoff




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Larger particles and visible dust will affect the air quality. Heavy trucks will affect the traffic in the area, noise. we will lose the character of the village, that was my principal motive to move to Spencers Wood. I understand that the area has high Archaeological Potential. Name: Robert Sumner




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality. As is repeated consistently in the media, the UK has a massive air quality problem that needs to be addressed. Developing a sand an gravel pit near housing, and in particular less than 1 km from a school, that will add large amounts of particulates to the local air, seems to be totally at odds with addressing a major public health priority. Flooding. The site proposed is in an area prone to flooding. By adding the inevitable hard landscaping and roadways that the site will require will only add to the potential flooding problems for the area. With the effects of climate change that can be expected in the coming years, increasing an areas susceptibility to flooding seems very foolish, when what should be being done is the exact opposite. Noise and Traffic. The site will add noise and traffic pollution to the local area thus reducing the quality of life for the residents living close by. Ecology. The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. Developing a gravel pit can only damage the ecology of the site, which can't be in anybody's interest. Name: Aasha Cowey




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] 1. traffic is already very congested in the local area. I work for and if I do not get out of my house before 7am I struggle - it can often take 45 minutes to just drive the 3-4 miles to get to the M4 Junction 11. In addition the Basingstoke Road is very narrow with lots of bendy stretches - it is already dangerous for cyclists and others and having lots of huge HGV vehicles passing through is not acceptable 2. Air quality is a big concern of mine - I have a and the increase of suspended particulate matter is a concern. the local school. Regardless of whether I find it unacceptable a site would be placed in such close proximity to a school (Lambs Lane Primary School - although this is even closer to some of the local nurseries and play area). 3. Flooding has been an increased problem in the area as more developments have continued to be built. This will have such an impact on the local area being a site prone to flooding, the impact will be on local houses which have suffered enough already in recent years. Name: Robert Cowey




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] 1. traffic is already very congested in the local area. In addition the Basingstoke Road is very narrow with lots of bendy stretches - it is already dangerous for cyclists and others and having lots of huge HGV vehicles passing through is not acceptable 2. Air quality is a big concern of mine - I have a and the increase of suspended particulate matter is a concern. the local school. Regardless of whether I find it unacceptable a site would be placed in such close proximity to a school (Lambs Lane Primary School - although this is even closer to some of the local nurseries and play area). 3. Flooding has been an increased problem in the area as more developments have continued to be built. This will have such an impact on the local area being a site prone to flooding, the impact will be on local houses which have suffered enough already in recent years. Name: HAYDN WEBB




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Heavy plant traffic onto an already busy road net work. destruction of farm land growing food crops. Ecology in crop fields and the Loddon river. Noise and air quality on homes and businesses directly off the proposed site. Namely The Mill House Hotel and Lambs Farm Business Park, a large employer in the area. There are also sola panels across from the proposed site that presumably would be affected by the dust from the quarrying. Name: Chinedu Orji




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] With recent increased developed in the area am deeply concerned of the impact this proposal will have on air quality in the area, flooding and traffic congestion on roads. Name: David Hunt




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This will pollute the local environment with dust, mud and noise and add very heavy traffic close to schools and play areas. The large lorries will be adding to traffic on a road unsuitable for such traffic. It will have a negative impact on the local ecology and archaeology. Although this may benefit the operating company, there will be no benefit to the community.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] This proposal should be cancelled Name: Barbara Cooper




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy Name: Michael Cooper




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy Name: Victoria Cooper




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy Name: Georgia Cooper




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy Name: bradley searle




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This is an absurd idea. The area has already been damaged by multiple housing schemes. This will cause issues with air quality, noise, traffic and will probably cause yet more flooding (due to over development) and we will lose more green spaces. This nonsense has to stop! The road is already dangerous and too busy, this will only get worse with lorries transporting the gravel. Stop taking our green spaces and environment away from us. Name: Catherine Drew




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] 1. Adverse impact on air quality and potential damage to health from the extraction/quarrying and the number of HGV movements required, given too the proximity of schools (e.g. Lambs Lane) and pre- schools (e.g. Wise Owls) to the site. 2. Noise both from the extraction and from the traffic. 3. Poor access from the B3349 to and from the site plus congestion because of the HGV movements involved on what is already a very busy and congested country road. 4. The industrialisation and removal of yet another green gap between villages and the loss of an amenity; the site has a public footpath running alongside the Loddon down to Kingsbridge. 5. The damage to a thriving local business and the employees of that business at the Mill House hotel (who will want to hold their wedding and/or reception in the garden next to an industrial quarry?). 6. The site has a high risk of flooding because of the proximity to the Loddon plus the damage to the ecological systems in and around the site (Loddon pondweed, great crested newts, owls, kites, badgers, otters, fish etc etc). Name: Sade Burgess




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] There are too many schools and houses around her, this will affect the air quality and should be thrown out please. It is therefore not a suitable location for a gravel pit - far too built up! It will have an increase on the traffic PLUS what about the flooding which is already a big issue in Swallowfield already, this would seriously affect the absorbtion of water. Name: Warren Burgess




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Sorry Im not at all happy about this, as a Father for starters - this is massively going to affect the air quality seeing as its so close to houses and schools?! This is a totally inappropriate area for a gravel pit!... not just for people but for all the animals in and around the Loddon river nearby. Plus the actual site is and area of potential archaeological interest with the anti tank ditch and WW2 pillar box etc. Sorry get them to look elsewhere, this was not a good choice of location for a gravel pit was it - come on, we can all see that! Name: Linda Salmon




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate Name: Nicholas Ward




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air qua;itv will be reduced due to dust and particulates. Excessive noise from the lorries coming and going, and extraction. Extra traffic from operating the plant, along narrow country lanes. Urbanisation of the green belt and surrounding villages. Flooding due to changes in infrastructure Affecting the River Loddon, a SSSI area. Name: Katherine O'Sullivan




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, with visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Traffic: There is already significant traffic congestion due to lack of infrastructure and poor planning with the new housing developments around Junction 11 of the M4, along with the main and smaller roads. Additional traffic of HGVs to the site location will cause even more traffic. and stress on road strength and capacity. Villages: Further development of this area would essentially merge Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley into a large suburban area, destroying the villages and communities. Flooding: There is already significant flooding with increased runoff directed into the River Loddon. This would increase flooding even further, damaging houses, public use spaces and the ecology and wildlife of the area. Name: Janet Sanders-Fox




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am objecting for a variety of reasons. Traffic is already getting worse with all the new housing that is going up at the moment, and the roads are already struggling to cope with volume of normal traffic let alone cumbersome quarry vehicles too. Added to that, heavy traffic equates to poor air quality, and a gravel pit, along with the heavy duty vehicles using it, will make the air even worse. There is already a lot of noise pollution, between the M4 and the A33, and the mechanics of a quarry will increase it even further. Too many villages are being swallowed up by housing and it concerns me that a quarry could add to the flooding problems already experienced in places like Swallowfield. Destruction of wildlife habitat concerns me too, and pollution of the waterways. We need to have natural habitats for birds, water voles. Name: Mr NJ Hindle




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] As a local resident I have a number of concerns about this proposal, these include: loss of farmland and the negative impact that will have on both residents and wildlife; increase air pollution in what is becoming and increasingly inhabited area; heavy traffic increasing likelihood of accidents and damage to the roads, increased likelihood of flooding.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] I would like this proposal to be quashed and not to proceed. Name: Kirsty Bedingfield




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I'm concerned about the impact of air quality, noise, traffic and ecology in the area - this is very close to my home and so really against anything which can impact the quality of air. Name: Carolyn Voss




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I object as I believe the proposal is not consistent with national policy

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Catherine Aldworth




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Name: Malcolm Stewart




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed site immediately adjoins an established hotel, residential and commercial properties and is within 400m of Lambs Lane Primary School. It is obvious that the mining of sand and gravel and the resultant damage to the local air quality will seriously affect the lives of everyone located within a kilometre of the site. The associated noise of machinery and the inevitable increased traffic would also adversely affect the local population. Name: Roberta Stewart




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This proposal contravenes so many prnciples of the test of Soundness.It will have serious effects on the quality of air, the level and type of traffic, the flow of river and wood ecology, round and through the site. The most serious of all is the environment and particularly the human environment as the site is centred in the middle of of a primary school, stables, a variety of housing a well loved country hotel and a small business park. Name: Sue Morris




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] 1. Air quality - both the increase in heavy traffic and the very nature of a sand and gravel pit will have a marked negative effect on the air quality in the area. Asthma has increased by 20% in the UK since 2015 ( asthma/) and it is widely accepted that poor air quality is a trigger for asthma attacks with 2/3rds of asthma sufferers stating that poor air quality exacerbates their condition ( In 2015 the South East of the UK, in which Swallowfield sits, had the second highest incidence of asthma in the UK at 687,892 cases ( uk/). It is estimated that asthma costs the NHS £1.1billion per year across the UK and results in at least 3 deaths per day. ( billion-each-year) Given that the south east has the second highest incidence of asthma, it is vital that the resultant cost on NHS services in the area is considered. When these statistics are taken into account it becomes evidently clear that the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness. 2. Flooding - following the recent spell of very inclement weather we have seen an increase in flooding in the local area. This has been exacerbated by the increase in building of domestic properties in the Spencer's Wood/Swallowfield area. Construction of the gravel pit will only make the situation worse due to the hard landscaping required to service the pit. Vast areas of natural drainage are being removed and the area cannot cope with a further decimation of this drainage. The inability of the local landscape to absorb rainwater will result in the water being directed elsewhere along the River Loddon leading to flooding further downstream including built up areas. The extremely high possibility of flooding as a result of this development does not meet the Test of Soundness. 3. Traffic - the development of this site would inevitably lead to increased traffic on Basingstoke Road with the concomitant increase in danger and decrease in air quality. The current traffic issues at Junction 11 of the M4 will be further exacerbated. It currently can take up to 30 mins to access the M4 at this junction at peak periods and increased traffic would only exacerbate this situation. The access road to the site, the B3349, is a very narrow country lane which cannot cope with large construction vehicles. The danger to on-coming traffic must also be considered. The resultant effect on traffic means that the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness 4. Noise - the resultant increase in noise pollution will have a detrimental effect on the surrounding villages and also the wildlife in the area. A study by Cranfield University (Assess the Design of Lorries and Quarries for Aggregate Transport) showed that lorries with 2 and 3 axles both produced a minimum of 80dB when travelling at speeds above 21miles per hour and the faster the speed, the higher the decibel level. suggest 80db is the harmful threshold and anything more than 90dB is harmful to hearing. The potential for regular increased noise levels around the site and through the surrounding villages means that the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness Name: alun payne




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] 1) air quality. There will be an increase in suspended particulate matter near the site which can be fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects, the larger particles can cause damage when they deposit. onto property and trees. also Lams Lane Primary school is only 370m away and Wise Owls Nursery, Warren's Croft play area and Swallowfield pre school are all under 750m away. 2) Noise Pollution caused by the extraction can be a health issue to the community. 3)Increase traffic from HGV's on the Basingstoke Road and Junction 11 on M4..Acess to the site would be almost impossible without crossing double white lines into busy oncoming traffic. 4) The proposed site is prone to flooding ,additional hardscraping and roadways is likely to increase flooding elsewhere along the river Loden and buit up areas. 5) The impact on this green belt of farmland which the settlements of Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Swallofield and Risely. 6)Ecology- the river Lodden is a site of special scientific interest and runs along the southern edge of the proposed site 7) Archaeology- the site is an area of high archaeological potential, with three listed buildings near the site and with WW2 artefacts within the site Name: David Cotton




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Noise - the quarry is likely to exceed the WHO guidelines and there are schools in close proximity Air quality - we already suffer from poor air quality in Spencers Wood and this is evidenced by the deposits on our cars and windows and in the effect on our day to day breathing. Vehicle movements - up to 500 per day are forecast and the Old Basingstoke road cannot even cope with the current traffic levels. Also the road is narrow and there are many businesses alongside and many more commercial vehicles will continually block the carriageway. Access - the access point is at a very narrow and winding part of the road and there will be accidents involving these very heavy lorries. Flooding - the site has flooded this year and as did many other parts of Swallowfield Spencers Wood and Three Mile Cross and this will only exacerbate the situation. Distinction between settlements - these are constantly being eroded and this will encourage applications for infill along the Old Basingstoke road and after the extraction has been done provide an area for redevelopment. This happens to many defunct gravel pits. Name: Caroline Cotton




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed site is on a very narrow road which would increase the traffic congestion from HGVs on the Basingstoke road and at junction 11 of the M4. Access to the proposed site via the B3349 is a very narrow twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single very narrow pavement.It would be impossible for extremely ;large heavy vehicles to join the B3349 heading towards the b3349 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Air Quality will be badly affected by the proposal. It is well documented that there will be an increase in suspended particular matter near sand and gravel extraction sites and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and soiling. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage but intermediate sized particles can travel up to 400 metres away. Lambs lane Primary School is only 370 m away and Wise Owls Nursery is only 400 metres away. Noise . Guidance shows that total noise from quarries should not exceed 55db with occasional temporary levels of 70db. (db 29 is the average background noise for UK background noise) The W.H.O. defines 55db as the level that can cause health issues for a community. This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements villages of Riseley, Swallowfield, Shinfield Spencers Wood and Three Mile Cross. Further urbanisation must be avoided and the very different characters of the villages must be retained. Bordering the site is also a well used public footpath. Flooding The proposed site is prone to flooding with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a.By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways it will reduce the area able to absorb the additional water and increase the likelihood flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon including built up areas. Ecology. The River Loddon Site of Specific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. This is a very sensitive ecosystem which acts as a movement corridor for a variety including for a variety of wildlife including protected species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites Great crested newts.Badgers and water voles are also known to live in the area and there recent sightings of otter spraint and sea trout have been recorded. Archeology Name: David Simpson




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The Basingstoke road is busy, carrying traffic from the settlements of Swallowfield and the ever-growing settlement of Spencers Wood and surrounding settlements to Basingstoke, Reading, the M3 and M4. The road is quite narrow, and carries a considerable number of Heavy Goods Vehicles at present. I frequently cycle along this road, and have to contend with these vehicles. The report contends that the increase in the number of HGVs would amount to only 1%, However, they would pose a significant hazzard, particularly to cyclists, when turning in and out of the site as they will block almost the whole road whilst turning and probably not allow clearence for on-coming or following cyclists. I also, quite often, walk along the footpath from Kings Bridge to Sheep Bridge along the River Loddon. It is unclear from the map as to whether this footpath would still exist, but if it does, the tranquility and ecological importance of this stretch of river would be ruined by the close proximity of gravel extraction works as well of impinging on the air quality. I am a resident of , which is in the area. Although West Berkshire is not officially included in the consultation, is less than 2 miles from the proposed site. Name: Rohil Mohammed




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] It could increase noise pollution and traffic

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Ian Thompson




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I object to this for the following core reasons: 1). Traffic - The area is already suffering from heavy traffic at peak periods throughout the day. This proposal would not only increase HGV traffic on the Basingstoke Road and at J11 of the M4. Access to the site is via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is narrow, twisting country road on a hill with the central double white lines and single narrow pavement. It would be impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Furthermore, this would significantly increase the risk of accidents, particularly with pedestrians which during peak times are school children. 2) Noise - Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that the total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB - 29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside. The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. 3). Air Quality - There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visibility dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and cause detrimental health effects. Larger ones can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees, with intermediate-sized particles that can travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren's Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. 4). Flooding - The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry, it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. 5). Ecology - The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the souther edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kits and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. 6). Villages - This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. 7). Archaeology - The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic deference line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of the very few moated sites in Berkshire. Name: Tuija Veale




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire Name: Oliver Costin-Pratt




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. Name: James Costin-Pratt




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. Name: Mr G F Winter




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I do not consider the proposal to extract sand and gravel from land bound by Lambs Lane to the west and Basingstoke Road (B3349) to the east should be given serious consideration. There are a number of reasons that show the site is not suitable. Not least is the environmentally sensitive location, with a river and footpath at the southern end of the site. Also, the habitat and wildlife in this part of the Loddon Valley should be preserved. Going ahead with a quarry here would upset the resident ecosystems and lead to reduction to the array of currently resident wildlife. The increase to the volume of traffic, particularly of heavy goods vehicle would be on top of the rapidly rising levels seen in recent years. Traffic using the B3349 at high speed is already a big problem, which is why the nearby local school experiences such low numbers of children walking to and from school. The high volume of traffic generated by the twice daily school-run should not be ignored. Flooding at the southern end of the site is an annual event. There is also surface flooding and a higher than normal water table at the northern end from the soakaways of ground and roof rain water from the adjacent business park. This site is unsuitable for sand and gravel extraction. I am grateful to you for reading my reasons for objecting to this proposal. Name: Miss A J Knowler




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] "I strongly object to the proposal to extract sand and gravel from the site adjacent to Basingstoke Road, Swallowfield. The site is not suitable for quarrying for a number of reasons. It is in a high environmentally sensitive location as recognised in the borough’s evolving Local Plan Update. The river Loddon is at the southern end of the site and to quote from the LPU “watercourses are vital to the borough; they provide a range of habitats, act as wildlife corridors and are rich in biodiversity. They form a key aspect of the borough’s ecological network. There are three lowland river valleys across the borough: the Thames, Loddon and Blackwater. They make a significant contribution towards the character of the landscape”. It is in an area that floods and also suffers from surface flooding and highwater table near its boundary with the adjacent business park. It is in an area with an unsuitable road network to adequately deal with existing traffic volumes. Additional traffic generated by the quarry would exacerbate the situation and would add significantly to highway safety risks in the area. This would particularly add to the concern of parents whose children attend the local primary school. It would also reduce air quality in the area. The site is well within the distance that both fine dust particles and larger particles will travel in the direction of the local school. The prevailing wind makes no distinction for who breathes in dust from quarrying. This leaves growing children more exposed to pollutants than adults. Already the air quality monitor at Lambs Lane Primary School shows sharp increases at different times of day, coinciding with the daily school runs and busy periods for lorries and heavy goods vehicles using Back Lane, Lambs Lane and the Basingstoke Road It would inevitably add to noise pollution in an area with a primary school and children’s nursery. It would add too to the dangers to road users in the area which experiences a very high incidences of excessive speed by motorists. It is not a suitable site for the reasons outlined above." Name: Philip Aldworth




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I live very near the proposed site. The proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on the Basingstoke road which is a narrow, twisting country road with central double white lines and a single narrow footpath.where the proposed access to the site would be. It would be very difficult for a large vehicle to join the Basingstoke road heading towards the M4 without crossing the white lines into the oncoming traffic. The air quality would be adversely affected by the increase in suspended particulate matter near the site, affecting the primary school children at Lambs Lane Primary school and the nearby residents. The quarry is expected to produce sound levels that will occasionally reach 70dB which is greater than the level of 55dB that the World Health Organisation defines as the level that can cause health issues for a community and will affect the existing wildlife. Name: Robert Gillespie




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Flooding... Proposed site is prone to flooding. The Southern edge of the site is classified as a Zone 2 and 3a. Roadways and hardscaping on on the site will reduce the areas able to absorb excess rainwater, this is likely to increase the fllod risk elsewhere on the river Loddon, which includes buit up areas. Traffic.. The proposed access via te B3349 is a narrow country road unsuitable for large vehicles Name: Marilyn Ramberose




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Traffic... Access to the proposed site is via the B3349, which is a narrow country lane unsuitable for larger vehicles. Flooding... The site is already in Zone 2 and 3a. Hardsape and roadways etc will reduce the absorption rate of the this area and increase the risk of flooding elsewher ialong the river Loddon, including built up areas. Name: Duncan Hamilton




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This area is key to preventing flooding in Swallowfield and Spencers Wood as it absorbs significant rainfall. Flooding is already an issue here and this Development would make matters worse. The green belt between three settlements would be destroyed rendering the rural nature of the area and the separate settlements into an urban one. Wildlife in the area of the proposed site-including Newts, Otters and Barn Owls- would be adversely affected. The green belt area acts as significant corridor for wildlife movement which would be lost. Noise ,traffic and air pollution would all increased and this development and its attendant pollution levels would would be out of character with his rural area.. HGV traffic is already significantly increased locally with significant housing developments, road construction and a new bio digester facility all increasing heavy and local traffic levels in a rural area. The B3394 and its many feederroads are already in poor condition and failing to cope. Several local school and playgroups are close to the site and this development would increase particulate and dust pollution, noise pollution and adversely affect road safety for our local children attending . Culturally the development would be damaging to adjacent listed buildings and WW2 defence features within the site. Name: Ian Henderson




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] In the first instance I am staggered that our authorities would consider establishing a gravel extraction site right next to two villages. For many reasons this is a disastrous idea and I outline some of those reasons below: Air Quality: I am very concerned about the effect of a gravel mining operation in our locality. Small particles will be breathed in and may trigger asthmatic or other allergic responses with detrimental effects on the health and others in the vicinity, which includes the local primary school in Lambs Lane. How it can be thought a good idea for local children to breathe in fine dust particles puzzles me! I am further worried about the affect that larger particles will have on the immediate area around an extraction site, covering and damaging local vegetation, footpaths, roads and property, as is evidenced by other extraction sites in the region. The effect of such particles is to turn pleasant country side into highly unattractive, dirty and depressing places. Traffic: A gravel pit would require a significant number of Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) to remove the gravel. The B3349, onto which the site entrance/exit is planned to connect is a narrow, winding road which has double white lines and one, very narrow footpathway. This pathway is the only way that parents can walk children to Lambs Lane School from Swallowfield. I have first- hand experience of seeing a mother pushing a pushchair along the path with a child in tow and being forced to walk onto the road in order to navigate blockages on the footpath caused by growth of hedge vegetation in the summer. The thought of this occurring with numerous HGVs thundering around the bend is a highly worrying one. It is a miracle that no significant such accident has happened yet but with increased HGV traffic on such a narrow road it is only a matter of time. Given the narrow width of the B3349 it is very difficult to see how lorries would be able to leave the site without crossing the central white lines causing problems and danger for on-coming traffic. Noise: Any quarry will increase the local noise pollution. Guidance suggests that noise levels of 70db could be generated from time to time which contrasts shockingly with the average UK background noise for UK countryside of 29db, and the World Health Organisation guide that noise in excess of 55db can cause health issues to a local community. It should be noted that a 3db increase in noise level is a doubling of noise energy so the difference between 55db and 70db is huge. Flooding: The proposed site and areas around the site are low lying areas prone to flooding. The southern edge of the site is classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. Adding the needed hardscaping and roadways that would be needed in a quarry will reduce the area able to absorb flood water and increase the likely effect of flooding in other areas along the River Loddon, including built up areas in Swallowfield and elsewhere. Villages: The belt of green farmland where the gravel pit is proposed is critical to retain the unique identity of the villages of Swallowfield and Spencers Wood. Establishment of the extraction site would lead to the effective merging of the villages and the loss of the separate identities. Name: Suzanne Henderson




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am writing to object to the proposal as I am appalled that our authorities would consider establishing a gravel extraction site right next to two villages. For so many reasons this is a disastrous idea and I would like to outline some of those reasons below: Air Quality: For those who suffer with asthma or other lung conditions, I am very concerned about the effect of a gravel mining operation in our locality. Small particles will be breathed in and may trigger asthmatic or other allergic responses with detrimental effects on the health of people living in the vicinity, which includes the local primary school in Lambs Lane. It is impossible to believe that anyone could think that it is a good idea for local children to breathe in fine dust particles while at school or at play or just living locally! I am further worried about the affect that larger particles will have on the immediate area around an extraction site, covering and damaging local vegetation, footpaths, roads and property, as is evidenced by other extraction sites in the region. The effect of such particles is to turn pleasant countryside into highly unattractive, dirty and depressing places. Traffic: A gravel pit would require a significant number of Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) to remove the gravel. The B3349, onto which the site entrance/exit is planned to connect is a narrow, winding road which has double white lines and one, very narrow footpathway. This pathway is the only way that parents can walk children to Lambs Lane School from Swallowfield. I have first-hand experience of seeing a mother pushing a pushchair along the path with a child in tow and being forced to walk onto the road in order to navigate blockages on the footpath caused by growth of hedge vegetation in the summer. The thought of this occurring with numerous HGVs thundering around the bend is a highly worrying one. It is a miracle that no significant such accident has happened yet but with increased HGV traffic on such a narrow road it is only a matter of time. Given the narrow width of the B3349 it is very difficult to see how lorries would be able to leave the site without crossing the central white lines causing problems and danger for on-coming traffic. The wear and tear to the road surface is also a consideration judging by how the road has deteriorated this winter under normal traffic conditions. Noise: Any quarry will increase the local noise pollution. Guidance suggests that noise levels of 70db could be generated from time to time which contrasts shockingly with the average UK background noise for UK countryside of 29db, and the World Health Organisation guide that noise in excess of 55db can cause health issues to a local community. It should be noted that a 3db increase in noise level is a doubling of noise energy so the difference between 55db and 70db is huge. Flooding: The proposed site and areas around the site are low lying areas prone to flooding. The southern edge of the site is classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. Adding the needed hardscaping and roadways that would be needed in a quarry will reduce the area able to absorb flood water and increase the likely effect of flooding in other areas along the River Loddon, including built up areas in Swallowfield and elsewhere. Villages: The belt of green farmland where the gravel pit is proposed is critical to retain the unique identity of the villages of Swallowfield and Spencers Wood. Establishment of the extraction site would lead to the effective merging of the villages and the loss of the separate identities. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, acting as a movement corridor for many species, some protected, such as Barn owls, Red Kites and Greater Crested newts. Badgers and water voles are living in the area and sea trout have been spotted in the water of the River Loddon, which is home to Loddon Pondweed, a plant very sensitive to chemical pollutants. Otter spraint has been recorded too. Name: Robert Sargent




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] At this particular time the overarching reason for my objection is health and this should be the deciding factor for any responsible body with decision making power. Both with regards to the health of all surrounding residents (including ourselves) and the health of the environment. We should look no further than answering the simple question…Does this site uphold and guarantee the same quality of life and health for residents in the community as well as the local environment or not? If there is even a shadow of doubt with regards to the answer to that question the answer should be not to proceed. The facts are clear on this that the answer is it does not and as such the site should not go ahead. The air quality of the surrounding area will be adversely affect. The facts are that fine particles can be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects and that larger particles will be deposited onto property and trees, with intermediate sized particles able to travel up to 400m. Not only are there residential properties within this radius but also Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away with Wise Owls Nursery 550m away, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m away and Swallowfield pre school 750m away. As a couple that live Lambs Lane Primary school we are concerned about not only our own health but for the health of these children and our future children whose education at this site we would have strongly considered, but whose safety we would not be willing to risk were this site go ahead. The school have strongly objected to this site and as we stand by them by objecting on these grounds. As well as air pollution, noise pollution will increase with the quarry. The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. The guidance on this quarry says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70Db. No body should be overruling the WHO or thinking they have the power to make exceptions to this guidance. On the grounds of noise pollution this site will be detrimental to the health of the community and as such should not go ahead. Spencer’s Wood and the Basingstoke Road simply does not have the infrastructure in place for increased traffic. My commute to Green Park from Spencers Wood can frequently take up to an hour if I leave between 7:15 and 8:30. This is already unacceptable and anything that is going to increase traffic further on this road should be rejected. Also the access to the proposed site is on a twisting country road on a hill and access would not be possible as it stands and would be dangerous. Unable to stand up for themselves the community must stand up for the health of the local environment. The River Loddon is a very sensitive ecosystem and home to much wildlife including protected species such as barn owls, red kites and great crested newts as well as Loddon Pondweed, Badgers and water voles. The Quarry would disrupt this, damage the health of the ecosystem and destroy an area of natural beauty which is one of the selling points of living in this area. We have enjoyed numerous walks along the banks of the Loddon and it is important for the community to have such areas of natural beauty for their health also. The site is also not suitable as it is prone to flooding and if any further proof of this point was needed just look at the impact of the storms earlier this year. Overall I object and urge you to make the decision on health. Ask the simple question, does this site uphold and guarantee the same quality of life and health for residents in the community as well as the local environment or not? The answer for all the reasons above and more is no and therefore I urge you to make the only rational, humane and logical decision to reject this site. Name: Miss A J Kennedy




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] #NAME?

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Richard Kettlewell




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] On being made aware of this proposal we were appalled. It is preposterous, and we feel so strongly that we aim to fight against this all the way. Reasons for our strong objection: 1) Impact on local children. The dust particles from a quarry of this nature will travel 100s of metres. Lambs Lane, a school that is renowned for accepting children with health problems and disabilities, is just 370m away, and children will be forced to breathe in small and medium sized particles from the quarry, as well as having to tolerate their clothes, playground facilities, and classrooms being constantly coated in dust. What impact will this have on the health and well-being of our future generation? In addition, Wise Owls nursery, Warren's Croft play area and Swallowfield pre-school are just 550m, 600m and 750m respectively from the proposed site. These are places of learning and play for the very youngest children in the area, and their lungs, eyes, and ears could be damaged. 2) Noise pollution. The noise generated from the excavation and transportation of gravel from a site so close to schools and houses will far exceed current noise levels, and it seems unthinkable that it won't exceed a guide limit of 55dB with occasional peaks up to 70dB. 3) Risk of road accidents. The proposed entrance to the quarry is on a narrow, windy road, where two cars can only just pass one another in some sections, and where numerous blind bends require careful driving. The road has double white line throughout this whole section and it is impossible for a large lorry to turn without encroaching on oncoming traffic. The risk of enormous lorries turning frequently on such a treacherous section of road will increase the risk of collisions significantly, and could lead to injury and death. 4) Traffic. The intersections of Basingstoke Road and the M4, and A33 and M4, are massively over-consumed. At peak times of the day traffic can queue for over an hour to enter the M4 or travel in to Reading. The addition of large, cumbersome lorries, will worsen this even further, especially as the mini roundabout by Budgens at 3 Mile Cross is not designed for these vehicles. The section of Basingstoke Road that lorries to the quarry will use is prone to potholes and surface erosion. Large, heavy lorries will worsen this, making the roads even more treacherous to navigate. 5) Impact to wildlife. The river section that runs adjacent to the proposed site is a home to Kingfishers. The farmland that will be destroyed to accommodate the quarry is a hunting ground for endangered barn owls. Other animals frequently spotted in the area include Roe Deer, Muntjac Deer, Badgers, Red Kites and Kestrels, and these are all being blighted by the desire to consume every piece of remaining green space in the local area (new estates on both sides of Beech Hill Road, the enormous new housing estates between Shinfield and Spencers Wood, the proposed Grazeley estate and the Back Lane industrial estate). Finally, any industrial work in the local area will impact on the local protected bat and Great Crested Newt populations. 6) Removal of rural identity. Swallowfield, Spencers Wood, Shinfield and Riseley are villages with a proud rural history. Constant addition of new houses and industrial complexes is joining them together, and linking them all with the outskirts of Reading, creating one large urban conurbation and ruining the local identity of the area. 7) Loss of local employment. The Mill House hotel relies on its rural outlook to attract guests and wedding parties. Looking over a gravel quarry, and the inevitable noise and dust pollution, will almost certainly require it to close, removing a longstanding business and successful local employer. The impact of dust, noise and traffic on occupying businesses of the Back Lane industrial units could also cause them to relocate thus removing the opportunity for local employment. 8) Removal of healthy lifestyle options. Penned in as Spencers Wood is by the M4 and A33 there are limited opportunities for walking. One of the few footpaths in the area passes the length of the river and will be destroyed by creation of the quarry. In a time where obesity is plaguing the country, and where children are losing their connection with the outdoors and the wildlife it contains, does it make sense to make it harder for local people to exercise and connect with nature? 9) Increased risk of flooding. The proposed site is prone to flooding, and is classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. Adding the hardstanding and roads required to support the quarry will reduce the absorption of rainfall, further increasing the risk of flooding in an area that has flooded before damaging houses and businesses (Swallowfield 2007 floods, for example) There appears to be no justification for this quarry except to support the building of houses the local area does not need or want. It is the result of sheer greed & should be rejected Name: Deborah Bissett




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed site is very close to a school. The dust that will be created will affect air quality not only to lambs lane School, but also pre school, nursery and play area within the vicinity not to mention all the houses. The traffic will be increased with large vehicles being a danger to children and adults alike. The roads in this area are not suited to accommodate such vehicles. The village is struggling with increase of traffic as it with all new builds being built. Flooding is another issue which is a concern as river loddon is nearby and water will have nowhere to go. The wildlife in the area will also be affected on land and in nearby river. I do wonder how the noise will affect local residents as we are in a fairly rural/countryside area. Noise levels I believe will be above national average, again not acceptable. Why can the gravel pit not be situated in an area that is not near any residential dwellings or causing any health and destruction to environment that as locals appreciate. Walks around this beautiful area will be gone and which must be protected for future generations. Name: Lee Evans




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Noise, traffic and Air Quality. The proposal would would certainly create an increase in noise in the area. Traffic would be hugely impacted, and already is a challenge if vehicles passing on the country lanes. Name: Amanda Kingsbury




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Noise, traffic and Air Quality. The proposal would would certainly create an increase in noise in the area. Traffic would be hugely impacted, and already is a challenge if vehicles passing on the country lanes. Name: Simon TAYLOR




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I have numerous objections: We live in the village of Swallowfield close to the proposed site. We use the B3349 (the road from which access to the site is proposed) as our main route out of the village. This road is already very busy: it I not particularly wide and is in poor condition. The addition of several hundred lorry trips per day will significantly increase wear and tear and risk to other users, as well as traffic jams, increased journey times, local pollution and reduced air quality. Air quality: dust and other particulates from the site, as well as exhaust particle from the lorries, will reduce air quality in the neighbourhood. Noise: both the quarrying operations and the lorry movements will lead to excessive noise levels in the area. Traffic: as noted above, traffic on the B3349 s already high, particularly in morning and evening rush hours and school drop off and collection times. The Three Miles Cross junction and junction 11 of the M4 are already real bottlenecks, and hundreds more lorry trips per day will make the situation much worse. Lorries leaving or accessing the quarry site will almost certainly have to swing across both sides of the road to make to turn. Separation of settlements: this land is part of the green gap between Swallowfield and Spencer's Wood: the quarry would damage that separation. Flooding: part of the site is flood exposed. Removing flood space here could adversely affect other areas close by, including roads and housing. It could also change the natural drainage behaviour of the area. Ecology: River Loddon SSSI is adjacent to the site. Rare animals (including otters, water voles and badgers), birds (including owls and kites), reptiles, fish (sea trout) and flora (Loddon pond weed) could all be badly affected. Archaeology: WW2 constructions are on the site and other listed buildings and scheduled monuments nearby could be affected. Name: Barry Kingsbury




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Noise, traffic and Air Quality. The proposal would would certainly create an increase in noise in the area. Traffic would be hugely impacted, and already is a challenge if vehicles passing on the country lanes. Name: Edward Kingsbury




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Noise, traffic and Air Quality. The proposal would would certainly create an increase in noise in the area. Traffic would be hugely impacted, and already is a challenge if vehicles passing on the country lanes. Name: Grace Kingsbury




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Noise, traffic and Air Quality. The proposal would would certainly create an increase in noise in the area. Traffic would be hugely impacted, and already is a challenge if vehicles passing on the country lanes. Name: Bill Bissett




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q7 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air quality will be compromised as work at the quarry and increased lorry traffic will raise huge amounts of dust. Noise from the quarry work and increased traffic will have detrimental impact to residents in local housing and children at the nearby infant school. The increased lorry traffic will also reduce air quality as exhaust emissions will increase considerably, potentially impacting health to the more vulnerable . Increased traffic will impact surrounding roads.

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] No

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q38:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Jeff Curtis




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: The proposed site of this quarry is in close proximity to roads, homes, businesses including the Mill House Hotel, nurseries and schools. Quarries such as this create a great deal of dust which will coat the surrounding area and adversely affect the air quality for the people who will have to breathe it. In addition the dust will create a mucky sticky slick whenever it rains coating trees, roads, gardens and property. Noise: The noise from the quarry will spoil one of the few quiet areas left in the district. There is also the noise and disruption from the hundreds of lorry movements that will accompany the site. Traffic: The local roads are not suitable for the increase of heavy lorry traffic that would ensue. The lorries will be forced onto the verges when meeting oncoming traffic and will spread muck and stones for miles around. Degradation of remaining countryside: This area is one of the few natural areas left other than the dog toilets euphemistically called SANGS. There is a well used footpath along its southern edge and the area is home to a wide variety of wildlife including birds of prey, skylarks, tree creepers, redwings in winter, and many types of finch to name a few. There may also be otters in the area as well as other small mammals. Flooding: This area abuts the river Lodden. The area is already prey to flooding and any interference with the path of the river can only make matters worse. Pollution of the River Loddon and spoiling of spawning beds. The river is rich in animal and plant life including protected species such as Loddon Pond Weed. The local fishing club has done a lot to renovate the gravel spawning areas in the river and the dust and spillage from a quarry would swamp these with mud and silt and seriously degrade the health of the river. This effect would be felt for miles downstream. In conclusion this is a totally unsuitable area for gravel extraction. The degree of construction in the surrounding area is already putting the local natural environment under great strain. This quarry would be a terrible bane on both old and new residents of the borough affecting the health of local residents and severely degrading the local environment. Name: Henry Curtis




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: The proposed site of this quarry is in close proximity to roads, homes, businesses including the Mill House Hotel, nurseries and schools. Quarries such as this create a great deal of dust which will coat the surrounding area and adversely affect the air quality for the people who will have to breathe it. In addition the dust will create a mucky sticky slick whenever it rains coating trees, roads, gardens and property. Noise: The noise from the quarry will spoil one of the few quiet areas left in the district. There is also the noise and disruption from the hundreds of lorry movements that will accompany the site. Traffic: The local roads are not suitable for the increase of heavy lorry traffic that would ensue. The lorries will be forced onto the verges when meeting oncoming traffic and will spread muck and stones for miles around. Degradation of remaining countryside: This area is one of the few natural areas left other than the dog toilets euphemistically called SANGS. There is a well used footpath along its southern edge and the area is home to a wide variety of wildlife including birds of prey, skylarks, tree creepers, redwings in winter, and many types of finch to name a few. There may also be otters in the area as well as other small mammals. Flooding: This area abuts the river Lodden. The area is already prey to flooding and any interference with the path of the river can only make matters worse. Pollution of the River Loddon and spoiling of spawning beds. The river is rich in animal and plant life including protected species such as Loddon Pond Weed. The local fishing club has done a lot to renovate the gravel spawning areas in the river and the dust and spillage from a quarry would swamp these with mud and silt and seriously degrade the health of the river. This effect would be felt for miles downstream. In conclusion this is a totally unsuitable area for gravel extraction. The degree of construction in the surrounding area is already putting the local natural environment under great strain. This quarry would be a terrible bane on both old and new residents of the borough affecting the health of local residents and severely degrading the local environment. Name: Mr David Maskell




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am writing with my views as to why the proposal to extract sand and gravel from land west of the Basingstoke Road, Swallowfied, Berkshire should not proceed to a full planning application. The site is located between Spencers Wood and Swallowfield and provides a green gap for these settlements. In doing so it safeguards against any further urban sprawl from south of the M4 through the villages of Three Mile Cross and Spencers Wood. It also keeps in check the prospect of Lambs Farm Business Park expanding south towards the Loddon Valley. Without question this is a very sensitive location that should be preserved. The previous land owner discovered the volume of sand and gravel present was small and this is confirmed by the low amount recorded in the call for sites at around 200,000 tonnes. There is a strong argument it is not enough when judged against all the negative environmental impacts of a quarry here. A public footpath present at the southern end of the links up with a popular route for walkers from the heavily developed area to the north of the site giving it a high amenity value. There are already spikes in poor air quality as recorded by a monitor at Lambs Lane School from the general increase in traffic particularly heavy goods vehicles in the area of Back Lane, Lambs Lane and the Basingstoke Road (B3349). The presence of a primary school less than 400 metres from the proposed site would be only a short distance away from the prevailing south/south west winds. The increase in traffic should be judged along with the already rapidly increasing volumes of traffic using the local road network. Highway safety risks are on a rising trajectory and cannot be ignored. Excessive speeding along B3349 is a constant problem and the proposed entrance adjacent to the footpath by Mill House will only make matters worse. For these reasons I do not consider this proposal worthy of progressing to the next stage in the process. Thank you, D MASKELL Name: Mr R L Vaughan




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] "I am opposed to the proposal to extract sand and gravel from land west of Basingstoke Road in Swallowfield Parish. This proposal is opportunistic and does not accord with current national planning policies. It is no coincidence the consultation is being run alongside that of the important Local Plan Update for Wokingham Borough Council. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) section 17 at paragraph 201. b) states: “ensure that there are no unacceptable adverse impacts on the natural and historic environment, human health etc” The site is an Area of High Archaeological Potential. It comprises a world war two pillbox, anti-tank ditch, and nearby a Scheduled Monument at Sheepbridge Court, which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. Human health is a matter of great concern to local residents, particularly those with children attending Lambs Lane Primary School, less than 400 metres away. It is a fact there is an increase in suspended particulates near sand and gravel sites. Small particulate are so fine they can be breathed-in and have detrimental effects on human health, particularly on very young children. Larger particles will cause negative issues for local residents with dust deposits left on buildings, garden plants and clothes left out to dry. The proposal will impact very badly on the amenity value of the area surrounding the site. The proposed site regularly floods where it levels out towards the river Loddon. It also floods and has a very high water table to the north of the site adjacent to the business park. This is due to rainwater run-off from hard standings and building roofs seeping by gravity from the soakaways on the park to the proposed site. The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. A very sensitive ecosystem thrives in this part of the Loddon Valley with a thoroughfare for a range of wildlife. Included are Protected Species: for example, barn owls, red kites, great crested newts and badgers. The health of the Loddon in this area is very good as illustrated by the presence of the Loddon Pondweed, a plant that thrives where there are no chemical pollutants present. At present there is a clear distinction between the settlements in the area namely, Spencers Wood to the north and Swallowfield to the south. This contributes to the landscape character of the district which gives it its own intrinsic character and beauty. In dismissing the appeal to develop land bound by Lambs Lane and the Beech Hill Road in January 2019 (APP/X0360/W/18/3199728) the Inspector referred to the pleasant rural character of the location (approximately 15 metres from the proposed site) in paragraph 24. The road network adjacent and beyond the proposed site is already virtually at capacity. In addition there is a big problem with traffic travelling at excessive speeds along the B3349. The position of the proposed will cause a significant increase to highway safety risks. Thank you for considering these comments." Name: Chris Sargent




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Will increase traffic levels, adverse effect on local wildlife, increased noise and air pollution Name: Jacqueline Rance




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. Name: Frances Sewell




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire. Name: Laura Clarke




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Traffic: it is not clear that the proposal includes acceptable mitigation against increased traffic congestion. The proposal will increase traffic congestion on Basingstoke Road and the M4. Access to the site is via an unsuitable, narrow road and it is not clear that large vehicles will be able to transit to and from the site safely or without causing further disruption. Climate Emergency: this proposal is not consistent with the council's position in declaring a climate emergency and the goal of becoming carbon neutral. Preservation of Green Spaces and Ecology: The River Loddon SSSI runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. The proposal will degrade the local eco-system and negatively impact the movement corridor for a variety of species, including barn owls, red kites, otters and water voles. Name: Katharine Hornett




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The additional large plant traffic will cause even more damage to already bad roads. Also concerns around the size of vehicles travelling on local narrow roads. Loss of more greenspace and wildlife, which is one of the reasons that this area is such a lovely place to live. Risk of additional flooding issues causing unnecessary distress to residents. Name: Matt Bargent




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Clearly will exceed limits and given proximity to local facilities including nursery I strongly object. Also the air quality is of great concern

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Jodie Bargent




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] It will cause excessive noise and air pollution

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Richard Dearing




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Proposed area is between three villages. Major disruption in the local communities including an increased risk to a school pupils and parents. Damage to wildlife habitats. Name: richard iremonger




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] To close to a primary school for a start, and a Nursery. I work to the site in Lambs Farm Business Park and outside a considerable amount through out the year, so heath wise with all the particles, dust and noise pollution it would affect me and my heath personally. The traffic as it is today round this area is bad enough, without adding more misery to these roads. I have lived here all of my life and its such a lovely village. My have lived here for many many years and still lives in the village. It would be a shame to spoil such beautiful countryside and its wildlife habitat. And to top it off I feel very strongly and very sorry for the The Mill House Hotel/Restaurant which is situated right next door as this quarry would jeopardise and may finish their business. The Mill house has been doing weddings throughout the working week for as long as i can remember plus other venues. Would you want to get married next to a quarry with trucks churning up dust. It would be a travesty if it closed, it has played a massive part in the village for decades. Bottom line is, it is not needed and definitely not acceptable in this area of Swallow Field. I totally agree with the objections and back all the complaints being lodged. Name: Claire Hamilton




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I have strong objections to the proposed Swallowfield Gravel pit. The area south of the M4 has already seen massive amounts of development including housing and a biodigester ( and projects are still very much ongoing at an alarming rate). My main concerns are the increase in traffic congestion, especially from lorries, which will cause huge problems along the B3349 and junction 11 of the motorway. The roads are country roads and unsuitable for HGVs. The dust from these lorries and the noise pollution will transform the surrounding countryside and have a detrimental effect on people's physical and mental health. I worry about the proximity to and effects on Lambs Lane Primary School, the Wise Owls Nursery, Warren's Croft Play Area and Swallowfield Pre-School. We are already seeing the effects of urbanisation in the Swallowfield, Spencers Wood, Three Mile Cross and Shinfield areas where the boundaries between the rural villages are disappearing. The local footpaths are being affected too and there is one that borders the proposed site. I am equally concerned about the flooding aspect; removing gravel and building tarmac roads will inevitably cause more flooding. We have only just survived the last few months by the skin of our teeth! Finally, I am concerned for our local natural environment where the ecology is particularly sensitive running alongside the River Loddon. Currently it is home to barn owls, newts and kites and potentially otters, and plants of special scientific interest such as Loddon pondweed. I also understand that this area is a site of High Archaeological potential, being of interest to WW2 artefacts. I hope that my strong objections will carry weight in the final decision. Name: Rita iremonger




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] i strongly object to this quarry. This is beautiful countryside that shouldn't be spoilt. I have lived in this village for over 50 years and family a lot longer. if this gets passed it will cause problems to the local residents, also the passing through traffic, which there is a huge amount passing through already without the need for more, especially large HGV and plant vehicles. I wonder how many accidents/deaths in the future may occur if this opens. Watch this space ? If its of any help with the objection , when the wind blows in a certain direction , i can hear with ease the trains form Grazeley to Mortimer and that is miles away from me, so to have noisy plant machinery actually working non stop all day and if the wind is blowing in the direction i would most certainly hear the machinery. That is just one issue along with the issues of air pollution noise pollution, heavy traffic, the interference with wildlife habitat, and a river that runs alongside the proposed site which may get contaminated waters, and most probably cause long term affect to fish and any water living residence. And not forgetting the poor old Mill house restaurant that has been running venues (weddings, funerals, parties,etc etc) there mid week and weekends for decades., a great asset to the village and its community . This quarry if passed would most definitely affect their business which may cause to much upset and loss of bookings, they most probably would have to close up shop. Now that would be Drastic for something that has been open for many many years. I believe there are a number of reasons why this Quarry should not happen, some i haven't noted but i'm pretty sure people have and i agree with every valid one of them. the kindest of regards. please please, NO TO THE QUARRY. Name: Gorden Lugrin




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy Name: Ikuko Inogushi




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy Name: Robert Richards




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I live in the village and have done so for a very long time. I Feel passionate to object about a proposed Quarry , which is not necessary in this type of area. my reasons are . heavy traffic which it is already congested every day and sometimes tailbacks to the mill house swallowfield. The extra large lorries and plant vehicles and the weight of these would be detrimental to the village and the local roads in and out of swallowfield, damaging. It could pose a threat to the elderly and children who walk to the local surgery in the village and children walking to the primary school which they pass this site as there is no alternative route to take. Dust and fumes from plant machinery over schools and in to the village which is dangerous to the elderly and also children, poor air quality. i am flabbergasted that these such people who for one don't care about the village life and do not even live in and around the surrounding area, a beautiful one at that. Wildlife is another reason for not putting a quarry here, along with The business of the Mill house right on its doorstep, it would finish it, and that would be a sacrilege. no quarry no mess. Name: Martin B Griffin




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Traffic Congestion The location of this site is totally unsuited for heavy vehicles to access via narrow windy roads, which would add to the already heavily congested road system around Junction 11, particularly in view of the building of the Grazeley Garden Town. Air Quality This proposed quarry would issue a large amount of dangerous fine particles into the atmosphere, very close to Lambs Lane school. Noise Pollution All the extraction activity would cause a high increase in noise, above Government recommended limits. Village Location At present the villages of Swallowfield, Riseley, Spencers Wood and Shinfield have a small degree of separation. This Site Proposal has the effect of infilling, thus creating a large conurbation, destroying the character of more than one village. Flooding Due to the effects of Global Warming, all proposed work would increase the likelihood of major flooding by the River Loddon, as these fields are already prone to flooding. Ecology A large number of wildlife species live in this specific area and we must protect them. Name: Lea Griffin




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality I object to this proposal due to the fact that the quarry would be issuing large quantities of dangerous small particles close to Lambs Lane school. Noise Operation of gravel extraction creates noise levels above Government recommended levels. Traffic During extractions a large number of return journeys by heavy vehicles would be accessing the site on narrow roads, close to schools and further congest the roads around Junction 11 of the M4. Villages Each local village needs separation, to avoid one massive conurbation - out of keeping with guidelines. Flooding These fields flood already, so proposed workings would certainly ensure excessive flooding. Ecology A large number of wildlife species occupy the site adjoining the River Loddon. We have a duty to protect them. Name: Mark Duffin




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] air quality - there will be an increase in particulate matter in and around sand and gravel extraction sites. We live close by and the local school that will be in close proximity to the site, reducing their air quality for which is of grave concern for us. Noise - the significant increase in HGV's that will be coming too and leaving from the site will impact the local traffic noise dramatically, Traffic - In addition to noise, the gravel pit will significantly increase the amount of HGV's in and around the area in an area that is already has dangerously over- used roads. Creating the demand for more HGV's would not only impact road safety given they are country and local roads, but it will severely impact traffic levels which are already significantly challenging along Basingstoke Rd up to the M4 juntion 11. I am also concerned about the impact to; the protection of our village, the impact on the local ecology and wildlife and the risk to floooding, all of which are under severe threat and at risk as a result of the extensive development already taking place in the local area. Name: Grace Buckland




Q2:2 Section one - Sand & Gravel Area of Search

Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Q2:4 Section two(b) - Site proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry

Q2:5 Section three: Past Operator Performance Policy

Q2:6 Section four: Further comments

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q6:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q6:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q6:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I’m strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] I’m strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre.

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q19:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q19:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q20:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q20:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q20:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q20:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q21 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I’m strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre.

Q22 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q23 [What change are you seeking?] I’m strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre. Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q37:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q38:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q38:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q38:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q38:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q39 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I’m strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre.

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q41 [What change are you seeking?] I’m strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre.

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] I’m strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre. Name: Neale Buckland




Q2:2 Section one - Sand & Gravel Area of Search

Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Q2:4 Section two(b) - Site proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry

Q2:5 Section three: Past Operator Performance Policy

Q2:6 Section four: Further comments

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q6:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q6:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q6:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q7 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I’m strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre.

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] I’m strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre.

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I’m strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] I’m strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre.

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q19:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q19:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q20:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q20:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q20:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q20:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q21 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I’m strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre.

Q22 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q23 [What change are you seeking?] I strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre.

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q37:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q38:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q38:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q38:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q38:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q39 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre.

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q41 [What change are you seeking?] I strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre.

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] I strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre. Name: Emily Buckland




Q2:2 Section one - Sand & Gravel Area of Search

Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Q2:4 Section two(b) - Site proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry

Q2:5 Section three: Past Operator Performance Policy

Q2:6 Section four: Further comments

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q6:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q6:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q6:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q7 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre.

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] I strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre.

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] I strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre.

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q19:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q19:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q20:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q20:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q20:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q20:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q21 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre.

Q22 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q23 [What change are you seeking?] I strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre.

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q37:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q38:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q38:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q38:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q38:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q39 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre.

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q41 [What change are you seeking?] I strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre.

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] I strongly object building gravel pit in Spencer’s Wood and Shinfield.The site is too close to many homes and local schools. The Basingstoke Road can’t cope with the peak hour traffic as it is. Please don’t use farm lands and green lands when there are not many left in Reading. Please move the gravel pit away from any villages. Use brown field sites such as near A33 near the RE3 recycling centre. Name: MARTIN MOORE




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Very concerned about suitability of local roads to cope with additional vehicle movements. This proposal is highly likely to impact the adjacent SSSI and could have significant impact on the River Loddon downstream a watercourse that is struggling to meet its Water Framework Directive standards. River gravels are already in a very poor condition which is hampering fish recruitment and will thus have a knock on effect on apex predators such as Otters that have been seen within 1km of the site during the past 12 months. The site will also reduce foraging opportunities for the local Barn Owl population, already under increased stress from recent housing developments causing increased disturbance on the local environment. Name: Anthony Pollock




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The amount of Gravel is below economic recovery levels. The site is close to houses, commercial premises and a primary school consequently with additional adverse air quality, noise and disruption resulting from this proposal. Local roads are already congested with am and pm commuter traffic and the additional lorry movements to the M4 would contribute to a worsening of congestion and dust and dirt throughout the area and require significant investment in the local road infrastructure which is not proposed in the supporting documentation. The area is close to the river Loddon with current flooding issues on and arround the site and an adverse consequences for the local ecology. Name: Hilary Pollock




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Increased Traffic congestion from HGV's via Basingstoke Road onto the M4. Narrow access site from the B3349 (Basingstoke Road) which is a country road on a hill with twists and bends. Safety issue - only a narrow footpath that is well used between Spencers Wood and Swallowfield by people walking to the doctors surgery. B3349 is also a narrow road and HGV's joining this road to get onto the M4 would find it impossible not to cross over the white lines to into busy oncoming traffic. Name: stewart Mitchell


Organisation: Grundon


Q2:2 Section one - Sand & Gravel Area of Search

Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Q2:5 Section three: Past Operator Performance Policy

Q2:6 Section four: Further comments

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q6:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q6:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q6:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q7 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The Plan fails to adequately provide sufficient mineral to meet the areas need or make a contribution towards that of the wider area.

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] There should be a fuller search for sites, not to include a site that the BGS maps as having no mineral and the inclusion of the Reading Beds as an area of search to provide for potential building sands. The Reading Beds are a deposit that comprises of clay, silt and sand. This geological description from the BGS sets their order quantitively. So that whilst the potential for sand is rare any potential would be ruled out by the current wording of M4 as the deposit is excluded from the AoS.

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The site is mapped as containing no mineral by the BGS. A site that has no proven mineral should not be put forward as a preferred site, it is premature to put this site for inclusion in any Plan until the mineral aspect has been satisfied.

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q37:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q38:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q38:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q38:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q38:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q39 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed policy on operator performance is setting a test that has no measure and is not a material consideration in decision making. Justice needs to be blind. In a Court of Law the jury is not told of an offenders past offences as it would likely prejudice the current case and render it unlawful. I see no difference here.

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q41 [What change are you seeking?] Removal Name: Kerry Hobbs


Organisation: Slough Borough Council


Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Support

Q4 [If you support this proposal, please explain your reasons for this] The Consultation document therefore defines an ‘Area of Search’ for sand and gravel provision. This includes all of the mineral bearing land to the south of Slough. Policy M4 then states that proposals for sand and gravel extraction will be supported within the Area of Search provided they are needed to maintain the land bank and maximise opportunities of existing infrastructure and available mineral resources.

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] It is not considered that there any objections to the principle of the policy but the wording could be clearer. Also it will be important to maintain and enhance the Colne Valley Way bridle way. This is described as being not very attractive at present with the user hemmed in between two fences. The Council, along with the Colne Valley Park, RBWM and the Buckinghamshire authorities have been examining how the public footpath network and accessibility in the area can be approved as part of the work that has taken place in response to the proposed expansion of Heathrow. As a result we have agreed a Joint Connectivity Statement. This identifies a network of alternatives routes that run along the north and south boundaries of the existing and proposed gravel extraction sites. Some of these new routes could be implemented regardless of whether or not the expansion of the airport takes place. As a result it is suggested that there should be a requirement for the applicant to have to work with the Colne Valley Park and relevant Local Authorities to secure an enhanced bridleway network within the area. Subject to these requirements being met it is considered that this Council has no objections to the proposal to identify the area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry as a site for sand and gravel extraction.

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Support

Q11 [If you support this proposal, please explain your reasons for this] One of these sites is land and west of Basingstoke Road, Spencers Wood which is within the and has the potential to provide sand and gravel. The site does not have any impact on Slough. The council supports identification of land west of Basingstoke road for extraction of sand and gravel as this contributes to meeting the need.

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Support

Q18 [If you support this proposal, please explain your reasons for this] One of these sites is land and west of Basingstoke Road, Spencers Wood which is within the Borough of Wokingham and has the potential to provide sand and gravel. The site does not have any impact on Slough. The council supports identification of land west of Basingstoke road for extraction of sand and gravel as this contributes to meeting the need. The other is an area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry, which is within the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead and has the potential to provide 250,000 tonnes of sand and gravel. The site consists of the existing bridleway between the two quarries. (See Appendix A) Horton Brook quarry is operational and Poyle Quarry has planning permission but has not started. A temporary diversion will have to be provided for the bridleway which forms part of the Colne Valley Way. All sand and gravel would have to be transported by dump truck either to the Poyle Quarry processing plant, which is in Slough, or else to the Horton Brook processing plant to the west. This would result in additional HGV movements on roads within Slough but it is claimed that the magnitude of change on the roads would be negligible. The Plan recognises that a Transport Assessment or Statement will be required and an HGV Routing Agreement will be needed. As a result it is considered that any mitigation measures that may be necessary can be agreed at the planning application stage. It will be important to maintain and enhance the Colne Valley Way bridle way. This is described as being not very attractive at present with the user hemmed in between two fences. The Council, along with the Colne Valley Park, RBWM and the Buckinghamshire authorities have been examining how the public footpath network and accessibility in the area can be approved as part of the work that has taken place in response to the proposed expansion of Heathrow. As a result we have agreed a Joint Connectivity Statement. This identifies a network of alternatives routes that run along the north and south boundaries of the existing and proposed gravel extraction sites. Some of these new routes could be implemented regardless of whether or not the expansion of the airport takes place. As a result it is suggested that there should be a requirement for the applicant to have to work with the Colne Valley Park and relevant Local Authorities to secure an enhanced bridleway network within the area. Subject to these requirements being met it is considered that this Council has no objections to the proposal to identify the area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry as a site for sand and gravel extraction.

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Support

Q36 [If you support this proposal, please explain your reasons for this] A new Policy DM15 is proposed to seek to protect communities near minerals and waste development from any significant adverse effects caused by poor operator performance. This policy has been proposed due to comments received following public consultation and states: Past operator performance 1. Where an applicant or operator has been responsible for an existing or previous minerals or waste development site, an assessment of their operational performance at that existing or previous site will be made. 2. Where issues have been raised about the operation of an existing or previous development site, how the operator or applicant has responded, particularly where there is evidence of any significant adverse effects, will be taken into consideration in decision-making on minerals or waste applications submitted by the same applicant or operator. This is an unusual policy and it is not clear on what basis it is being justified. The only reference to being able to consider past performance in the NPPF is in paragraph 76 which deals with housing permissions not starting. Nevertheless it is considered that the Council should support the proposed policy on Past Operator Performance.

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] No objections subject to the temporary footpath diversion and final layout of the footpath being agreed in consultation with interested parties including the CVP. Name: James Apperley




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] 1. The likelihood of a worsening of air quality from sand and gravel extraction. This could have particularly bad effect on the local school, nursery and pre- school. 2. The likelihood of an increase in noise pollution from both the extraction workings and the associated traffic. 3. The Basingstoke Road is already over trafficked and this would get worse with the construction and operation of the gravel pit. It would also present an increased accident risk from trucks turning into and using a winding road. 4. The proposed site includes a natural area which I, and many others, use for country walks. Name: Ben Burke-Davies




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I wish to object to this proposal because of the impact the site will have on air quality and noise pollution. The proposed site is located near a primary school and residential housing and there has to be an increased risk to health from particulate matter. Given the growing evidence that particulate matter impacts human health it would be odd to place a site which is known to generate particulate matter so close to vulnerable school children and residents. The site will also involve the use of large machinery and heavy trucks increasing noise pollution in what is a semi-rural location, not only impacting residents but local wildlife. The area is home to many types of bird, deer, newts and other animals and the increased noise pollution will fundamentally alter the character of the area with a detrimental impact on local wildlife. The development of the site would increase heavy truck traffic on what is a twisty country road with the risk of traffic accidents with slow turning vehicles into the site. The B3349 is already prone to pothole damage linked to heavy rain and the significant increase in heavy truck traffic would increase damage. I am also concerned about the broader environmental impact of the proposed site. The generation of aggregates is one of the highest carbon emitting activities that can be undertaken and I would expect the Council to have developed a detailed local carbon offsetting plan, consistent with the government's legal commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, before opening a new site. Even better would be to explore more sustainable alternatives to coarse aggregates to reduce emissions. Name: Stuart Barry




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air quality. There will be a significant increase in CO2 and other pollution. Noise. The extraction and road traffic will cause a serious degradation in quality of life for all around, not just in the immediate vicinity but across the county border. Traffic. Recent new estates have increased traffic immensely. Adding dozens of heavy duty vehicles to a small country road will put further undue strain on all local roads, not designed for this type of traffic. National policy must now come under question, especially since the Heathrow expansion has been put into question as not following Paris climat agreement principles. Following the COVID19 outbreak and a potential drop of 15% or more in GDP, this is not the right time to consider this blot on the landscape that may not be needed in any case as demand drops for a considerable period. It would be far better to review the world again at the end of 2020 and put more effort into alternative lifestyles that do no rely on gravel extraction. Name: Eden Murta




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The increased number of HGV using the Basingstoke Road will have a dramatic adverse effect on the quality of life of those living in the proximity of the road due to the noise, dust, vibration, danger to pedestrians. If it goes ahead, no form of mitigation will be possible to remove the misery caused buy the HGV which will serve the quarry. As a cyclist who commutes along this road daily, Riseley to Reading, any increase in the number of HGV will adversely impact on my safety. Name: Bruce Edwards




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Traffic, traffic noise, road capacity and muck on the roads. Name: Geoffrey Graham Woodvine




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] a) Traffic A site entrance on the B3349 would require all of the additional site traffic turning South to pass over an old, narrow, mostly brick built bridge before encountering the 30mph restrictions through the village of Riseley. Turning North, the additional site traffic will encounter the narrow road through Spencers Wood. This road has a multitude of retail, light industrial access points and residential driveways in addition to limited off-road parking. The new UK law making on pavement parking illegal will further restrict the road width, which is also under review for speed limitation to 30mph due to the current high usage from cyclists and cars to buses and articulated lorries. b)Pollution The extraction and transport of gravel will create dust and micro-particle pollution. The wear and tear from excessive road use (tyre wear, brake dust, tarmac erosion) plus an increase in fuel, light and noise pollution will all have a measurable negative impact by increasing pollution in the local environment. c) Environment The proposed location of the extraction site is "in the countryside". This location, in the centre of Spencers Wood, Swallowfield and other close by villages, is home to a diverse array of animal, bird, plant and aquatic life. The countryside provides farming, green spaces, bridle paths, clean air etc. all part of being "in the countryside". Most gravel extraction is achieved in remote areas, not "in the countryside" from a site that has actual boundaries of footpaths, a river, roads, light industry, residential homes and with nearby schools and nurseries all to be affected. I strongly object to the proposal for Spencers Wood Gravel Pit and trust these views will be taken into consideration. Name: Stefanie Spaude


Organisation: Mobile Data Collection Ltd


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am concerned about the noise level causing health issues. Name: Charlotte Anderson




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I strongly object to the proposed plans for a gravel pit in the land west of Basingstoke road for the following reasons: 1) Lambs Lane Primary school is less than 500m away and the decrease in air quality and increased pollution from the dust as well as delivery lorry journeys make this a wholly unsuitable site. 2) This part of the Basingstoke Road, which goes through villages to reach the M4, is not suitable for an increased number of lorries. It has a narrow pavement and the road is not adequate for even the current traffic use, as evidenced by the recent multiple repairs required after the heavy rainfall. 3) The site is prone to flooding, and any development to the site could potentially have knock on flooding affects to properties near by. 4) The River Loddon is a site of specific interest, and many species of wildlife and flora can be found on its banks and in the river. 5) This is a village location and any noise pollution would be unacceptable. 6) The character of the individual villages must be retained. Should this site be developed in any way, it will contribute to the Readingborough that Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Swallowfield and Riseley is already becoming. Name: Mark Anderson




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am concerned for a number of reasons. Air pollution - this will be made far worse by the number of extractors and lorries using the site. This is a rural site next to a primary school and would damage young childrens' health. Traffic. The Basingstoke Road is already extremely busy at times, and it will be dangerous to have large lorries trying to turn onto such a narrow road. Noise. The lorries and extractors will likely make a huge amount of noise which will detrimental to the mental health of local residents. Flooding. Hardscaping and development of the site will likely make flooding a more likely outcome. We only need to think about recent weather to realise this is a very bad idea. Ecology. The area is an important habitat for flora and fauna, and borders the River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest. We should be protecting important ecological areas not digging them up. Name: Stuart Munro


Organisation: Wokingham Borough Council


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] A very large number of my residents have contacted me giving their dismay at this proposal and complete rejection of the idea as this is believed to be, dangerous, air issues at school, large lorries attempting to join the B3349 and there is little or no gravel as surveys previously conducted prove. This is a cherished bit of countryside please leave it that way. Name: Lynn Baker




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] In my opinion this proposal does not meet the test of soundness due to several factors, namely: Air quality - the dust from this quarry would cause detrimental health effects for local residents if breathed in. There is also a school a short distance away where children with asthma could be affected when playing outside. Noise - A quarry would cause an increase in noise pollution. Traffic - This proposal would cause an increase in traffic congestion from HGV's along the already busy Basingstoke Road. Environmental - A quarry would have a detrimental effect on the local wildlife and the River Loddon. The proposed site is already prone to flooding. Name: Daphne Mullins




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Less than 790 metres from Lambs Lane school and the event of travelling particles risking the health of children and staff. Wise Owls Nursery, Warrens Croft Play Area and Swallowfield Nursery all nearby. Problems with lorries turning off a small road near to bends in the road.Also a narrow pavement which could be a risk to people walking to the GP surgery in Swallowfield from spencers Wood. Lorries travelling along Basingstoke Road when parents are walking children and prams down to Lambs Lane School, also people pulling out of local shops with limited visiblity along the road. The proposed site is adjacent to the River Loddon with a risk of flooding. The river is currently unpolluted with fish and reported otters. A sand a gravel pit would affect the river with contamination being taken along to other areas. it also contains Loddon pondweed which would be affected, as would all the other vegetation. The ecology of birds and local wildlife would be affected as they eat the local vegetation and live in the area. There is also a pillbox as well as listed monuments on the site. I am therefore totally opposed to such a prospect. I would also be opposed to houses being built on this land for all the same reasons and because we have had so much building development locally. Name: RENATO FONSECA




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Mainly because of air pollution and noise. I have , and I don't want the air quality to decrease, reducing the quality of life for . We moved to Shinfield looking for a quality life and together with all the residents, I wish the village of Shinfield to remain this lovely, clean and quiet place. Name: Brian Billsberry MBE




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I strongly object to this proposal on the following grounds: Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulates near sand & gravel extraction sites and dust from a quarry can cause dust plumes and soiling over significant areas around the site. Particles up to 10 micrometers in diameter are fine enough to the inhaled and can be detrimental to health. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage to property, trees and flora in general. Intermediate sized particles can travel significant distances. Lambs Lane Primary School is only 370m away and Wise Owls Nursery only 550m away. Both are well within range of the proposed site. Warren;'s Croft Childrens' Play area and Swallowfield pre-school area also in the near vicinity (less than 700m away). Noise: A quarry clearly a very noisy environment generating levels of up to 70dB - typical countryside background noise is only 29dB and, bearing in mind that every 3dB represents a DOUBLING in level, this is very significantly over the guidance level of 55dB. WHO defines 55dB as the level at which health issues will be breated for a community. Traffic: This proposal would significantly increase the number of HGV movements a day, six days a week, on what are essentially country roads that transit through residential areas. There are schools and a day nursery around the site and along the proposed access routes and consequently, a large number of children, as well as other local residents, will be affected by this proposal. - The roads themselves are already overloaded and are unsuitable for such levels of HGV traffic. In many areas they are not wide enough to allow even a car and a lorry, let alone two lorries or a lorry and a bus, to pass without mounting the verge or pavement, which is a safety hazard for both pedestrians and other vehicles. - Infrastructure development has not kept pace with the residential and other developments in the area and as a consequence, traffic levels are already too high, particularly at peak times. Putting a major access road through these residential areas to cope with the HGV traffic would be unacceptable for obvious reasons (these are rural villages not urban developments). - Further, as a rural area, these roads are used by pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders. Placing such high HGV traffic levels onto these roads would place an unacceptable health and safety risk on these existing and legitimate road users. Village Identity: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single conurbation encompassing 3 Mile Cross,Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Risely and Swallowfield. This must be avoided at all costs to retain the individual character of each village. Further, there is a very well used footpath that borders the site. Flood Risk: The proposed site is prone to flooding. the southern edge is classified as zone 2 and 3a. the inevitable hard landscaping associated with the quarry will inevitably exacerbate the flood risk.... increase it in fact - not only in the local area but elsewhere along the River Loddon, including built up areas. Also, the impact on the natural drainage system needs to be considered. Ecology: The River Loddon SSSI, a very sensitive ecosystem and natural wildlife corridor, runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. The river is home to a number of rare and protected species, which your impact statements will confirm. Government Policy: - Berkshire Unitary Authority’s ‘Local Aggregate Assessments’ in 2014 and 2015 concluded that there was already a 11-year land bank for gravel and sharp sand in the area, which brings into question why this application is even being considered? - all the villages mentioned above are already being subjected to very significant developments; to an extent that the character of these villages has been adversely and severely impacted. The infrastructure required to support this excessive level of (over) development has been totally inadequate, indicating that a holistic approach to planning is not being taken. All further development applications should therefore be put on hold until this is addressed and the full impact of all these proposals is assessed and catered for (mitigated). Name: Stephen Lake




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed site would risk sound and air pollution for local schools, in particular Lambs Lane Primary School which is close to the proposed site. Basingstoke Road and other roads in the area such as Beech Hill Road already have a surfeit of heavy goods traffic and this would only be increased, leading to further pollution and increased risk of accidents in a residential area with a large percentage of school age children. Name: Helen Adams




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] My reasons for objection are as follows: Ecology - This area is a site of Special Scientific Interest due to the presence of Barn Owl nests and activity and Great Crested Newts, one of whom I found on my doorstep less than 1/2 mile from the proposed site. It is a delicate ecosystem that is already being decimated by developers and local council. Air quality - It is a well known fact there is an increase in particulate matter near extraction sites. Small particles can be inhaled causing issues for people with respiratory complaints. My , I do not want this site any where near (or the local Primary school and nursery who are less than 1/2km away). Noise and Traffic - Both will increase exponentially on already busy roads who have been in poor condition for some time. Parts of which have been resurfaced but other parts are decaying just with the volume of traffic we currently have. Village boundaries will also be affected by this site as the land proposed currently provides some distance and definition between areas allowing retention of individual village character. The site will also run adjacent with a public footpath and affect people’s leisure activities. Flooding is an issue which has been very prominent recently and the addition of more /extraction of sand and gravel would reduce the lands natural ability to absorb rain waters and maintain a stable water table level. Name: Steve Aurelius




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Increase in Heavy Duty traffic. Not only damage to road structure and verges, but potential for safety issues on this narrow twisting road. Clearly not suitable for this type of increased traffic. Air quality will also deteriorate with the gravel extraction and fine particles into the atmosphere along with the heavy plant machinery and lorries emitting diesel particulates into the air. Not suitable near a primary school. Flooding is another issue to be taken into account as this area is prone to flooding and no development should cause further potential risk. Name: Ms Maria Ottway




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am concerned about this plan for a variety of reasons: I live very close to this land I drive past it daily, a lovely green field which is a beautiful view and provides a break between spencers wood and swallowfield. The land is really close to not only my home but a school and playground... what will happen to the air quality when there are lorries chucking out pollution and dust from the gravel extraction .. this will have a significant impact on mine and childrens' health. I would also ask you to take into account the possibility of increased flooding ... we are seeing lots of problems with flood water locally ... this can only makes things worse I am most concerned about the increased volume of traffic this plan would bring ..the Basingstoke road already has huge issues with lorries trying to pass cars .. I think it is only a matter of time before there will be an accident as cars try to pass the lorries at the shops towards the motorway, or a child will be injured trying to cross the road. The Basingstoke road is not designed for this volume of traffic and all those lorries going through Spencers Wood and Three Mile cross to reach the motorway will be a real problem Overall I just don't believe that this area with extensive housing, and increasing housing, is at all suitable for a gravel extraction site. Please ensure that this area remains farmland and place a gravel site far away from houses and leisure areas Name: Jane Kightley




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed site needs to be maintained as a belt of green between settlements The site supports a sensitive ecosystem and provides an essential corridor for wildlife including barn owls and great crested newts It is a site that is prone to flooding and its development would reduce the area left to absorb the additional water thus leading to floods in adjacent urban areas Both increased noise and traffic would lead to pollution on a scale that is unacceptable Name: Chris Edney




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] 1) Air quality. It is my understanding that this will result in an increase in suspended particulate matter in the air in the area. This can not be acceptable, particularly given the proximity to , Lambs Lane Primary School, but also the proximity to residential housing. 2) Noise. It is also my understand that this quarry would increase the levels of noise pollution. Again, I see this as unacceptable given the proximity to the primary school, Lambs Lane. 3) Traffic. No improvements have been made to the local infrastructure to allow for the recent increases in houses, estimated at 40% increases. There is no way that the local infrastructure, already overloaded, can cope with the addition of a high number of HVGs daily. Also, the roads in the area tend to be quite narrow and already come to a halt when HGVs try to manoeuvre on them. 3) Flooding. The area has struggled in recent years with flooding. With all the additional houses that have been built, the rain water has made many roads impassable during periods of reasonably high rainfall. Adding the quarry to the area would exacerbate this issue and is likely to add to issues with local natural drainage.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: John Fretwell




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I strongly object to the above proposal as I feel it would be detrimental to the quality of life in Spencers Wood as we are already heavily populated with new building sites creating and will create much more traffic and this proposal will only lead to more traffic and congestion on roads not suitable for HGV's. The proposed road B3349 is totally unsuitable due to its twits and turns and narrowness. I have concern that noise levels will exceed 55db which the World Health Organisation defines as levels that can cause health issues for the community, Noise is already an issue because of the amount of traffic we now see through and around Spencers Wood. The affect on air quality that this site can cause as Lambs Lane School is only 370 meters away from the proposed site and this could impact on the health of the young children at this school. Plus the houses within easy reach of the site. Other issues would be flooding, ecology and also archaeology which would also be affected by this proposal. In summing up my objections Spencers should remain as a rural village and not be allowed to become a commercial site Name: Margherita Edney




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air quality - . and we live right near . They would not escape the impact of this gravel pit and I fear for them and fear they will suffer huge health consequences. Not only would we suffer air quality issues but the consequences for us are high noise levels, again constantly for . Traffic, ruin of our living spaces, flooding, ecology and negative impact on archaeology. The biggest scandal is how close this is to primary school. The children of the school will have the consequences 24/7, as the majority live right near the school. Please go away. Name: Jenny Boddington




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am concerned about Flooding, in an area which is already tested several times a year, this site would exacerbate the problem. I am concerned about Traffic, on a road which is an already busy rural road, suffers from heavy queues at peak times tailing back to Spencers Wood from the M4 at J11, and has double white lines at the blind bend proposed for the ingress of lorries - clearly unsuitable for this industrial load. The primary school a few miles away at Grazeley is the only one available to parents from nearby Swallowfield, and the traffic could make that journey more than 35 minutes long. The road is also most dangerous where the footpath is so narrow that parents who have children at the nearby school sometimes have to step into the road so that children can walk alongside them. There was a fatal accident near this bend some years ago when a car taking a child to school at Farley Hill skidded, I fear road soiling may make the road even more dangerous. I am concerned about noise in an area close to 1 school, a nursery school, 2 villages and a site of Scientific Interest with a wide diversity of wildlife and protected species. I am seriously concerned about the impact on this school and the villages from suspended particulate matter, both as a danger to health, in particular for the young children at the school and nursery and for the soiling and staining we have witnessed at other sites in the vicinity which will spread right through both of the nearby villages as cars pass. Name: David Boddington




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Flooding - in this area flooding is already a problem several times a year, this site and any hard landscaping needed would exacerbate the problem. Traffic – this rural road is already far too busy, and suffers from heavy queues at peak times tailing back to Spencers Wood from the M4 at J11. There are double white lines at the dangerous blind bend proposed for the ingress of lorries - clearly unsuitable for this huge industrial load. The primary school a few miles away at Grazeley is now the only choice for new parents from nearby Swallowfield, traffic from this gravel pit will exacerbate a journey which is already more than half an hour. For those who can go to the local school, the footpath along this road is so narrow that parents have to step into the road at some points. Noise – noise from this development will have a detrimental impact on the nearby school and nursery school, both villages and the wide diversity of wildlife and protected species near the river. Air Quality – the suspended particulate matter would be a danger to health, in particular for the young children at the school and nursery in the immediate vicinity and for all the passing traffic, particularly when it is queuing along the road. There will also be considerable soiling and staining as seen at Eversley and this will spread right through both of the nearby villages as cars pass. For these reasons I do not think this proposal does not meet the test of Soundness and should not be allowed to continue to the next stage. Name: Sarah Norris




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Increased traffic congestion of both domestic and HGVs associated with the Gravel Pit.This will increase noise and air pollution - Lambs Lane primary school, Wise Owls Nursery, Warrens Croft play area and Swallowfield pre-school are all less than 750 metres from proposed quarry site. Urbanisation leads to conurbation of 3 Mile Cross, Swallowfield, Spencers Wood and Riseley thereby removing the individual character of the villages. The proposed site is also prone to flooding. If roadways and hardscaping is added it will increase the likelihood of flooding around River Loddon. We also have a rich variety of sensitive wildlife including badgers, water voles, barn owls, red kites which will be affected. River Loddon has Loddon Ponweed which is sensitive to chemical pollutants. Name: Janice Fretwell




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I feel the proposals for the a new gravel pit at Swallowfield is wholly inappropriate. 1. Air quality will impact Lambs Lane School which would be very close, particles of dust could be breathed in by children and teachers which is detrimental to health especially young children. Houses are nearby and this would affect the residents not only their health but dust plumes and dust soiling. There are also two nurserys in the vicinity and at least three play area with play equipment for children to play on nearby. This is with out the affects the HGVs will have on all the nearby roads as they travel to either M4 or M3 impacting further the health of all residents in the area. This area is an area of high archaeological potential. There are three listed building near the site as well as Sheepbridge Court which is one of the very few moated sites in Berkshire, plus Swallowfied Park Estate. Traffic is already a problems with the number of large lorries HGVs that travel the B3349 plus cars. The B3349 is a very hazardous country road narrow and twisting particulary near the proposed site. There is a narrow footpath which as a resident when I walk along this I already feel unsafe with the speed the vehicles travel. The road have become more congested with numerous new housing estates recently built and other sites to be built will only add to this. The quarry would cause an increase in noise pollution. The World Health Organisation defines 55db as the level that can cause health issues for a community. The belt of green farm land acts a break between our two villages which must be preserved. The quarry would impact on the character of both villages destroying it forever. Public right of way borders the site. The quarry would impact on the ecology of the area. Bats are to be found locally as I can testify to having them in our garden yearly in the summer. Standford End Mill River Loddon SSSI runs adjacent to the site. This river actrs as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife including numerous protected species. Ancient woodland is 0.7km from the proposed site and is very sensitive to air quality impact. The site is prone to flooding with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a which in this day and age would impact greatly not just the nearby area but local housing as we have seen this winter with also the impact of climate change. This proposal would decimate the beautiful landscape. Name: Sarah Annan




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air quality - who lives in Swallowfield and attends Traffic - the road quality around that area is already poor and traffic towards Reading is bad, this will only get worse with big lorries and tight turnings Flooding - This year alone that whole area was flooded Name: Chris Annan




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality - Young child in the area, we attend and do not want dust to cause breathing problems Traffic around this area is already poor on small twisty roads Name: Leslie Emptage




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I wish to object to this Planning Application on the grounds that it will cause a corridor of pollution on the Old Basingstoke Road and a plume of pollution emanating from the pit into the direction of the schools and the nearby residential areas. An estimation of the carbon dioxide in the pollution is easily calculated, and has been done in this submission. The diesel particulate matter can also be estimated from some assumptions of the diesel engine’s performance. The pollution can be broken down as follows 1) Emissions from the site’s operational plant. 2) Emissions from the vehicles travelling to and from the site. Emissions of Carbon dioxide from the site's plant will be approximately 1.9 tonnes per day. (This is based on an assumption of 3 engines of approximately 400Hp each and consuming 30 litres of diesel per hour and knowing that each litre of diesel burnt produces 2.64 Kg of CO2). Emissions from the lorries along the route, can be calculated from knowing the distance of 3.7 Km between the site entrance and the M4 junction 11 and that each lorry will consume something like 2.44 litres of fuel over a return journey (typical consumption 33 litres/100Km). This will produce 6.54 Kg of Carbon dioxide per trip. Assuming 200 lorries per day 1.29 tonnes of CO2 pollution is produced daily. The combined operation will produce something like 3190 Kg of CO2 per day and using the fact that 1Kg of CO2 occupies 559 litres of volume (at normal atmospheric temperature and pressure) this evaluates to a pollution bubble of 1783 cubic metres generated daily for the area. However, the percentage CO2 in the atmosphere is 0.04%, and so if we assume and calculate for double the atmospheric pollution, we can estimate the bubble size that will is the result of this pollution. A bubble diameter at double the background atmospheric amount of CO2 (0.08%) will result in a bubble 162 metres in diameter. (1783 metres cube is 100% so it is a simple ration to determine the volume of which this is 0.08%). This will also contain the other pollutants such as particulates of elemental carbon, hydrocarbons, SOx and NOx (acid by products). Dealing with the elemental carbon, using the above “bubble” of 162 metres diameter as an example: No engine is 100% efficient and some fuel will only be partially burnt so producing carbon monoxide and elemental carbon. To do this we know that the estimated fuel usage associated with the site per day is: 1,248 litres (3 engines at 30 litres per hour + 200 trips of aggregate lorries consuming 2.44 litres per trip in our area) Applying a figure of 0.1% of fuel not being burnt within the combustion process will result in 1.248 litres of fuel being produced as black smoke. This can be shown to contain 0.92Kg of elemental carbon (920,000 milligrams) emission-fuels-d_1085.html When this figure is distributed in the sphere of pollution calculated above the elemental carbon released into the air amounts to 0.41mg per metre cubed, when we consider that the safe atmospheric limit is of the order of 0.04 mg per cubic metre then it is 10 times above the acceptable level. Increased CO2 and elemental carbon are known causes of respiratory problems, we should not knowingly introduce these into a residential area especially with schools, businesses, hotels and houses within a few hundred metres of the site boundary. This application must not be allowed to proceed. Name: Stephen Thomas




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] 1. Traffic. The site will be accessed from the B3349 which is a narrow and winding country road. This road has a 40mph speed limit which is an indication of its potentially dangerous status. The road has double lines in its centre due to its narrow and winding nature and visibility is not good, particularly for traffic coming from the North. This is not a suitable place for the entry and exit of multiple HGV's on a daily basis. There would also be a substantial increase in HGV traffic on this road and through the villages of Spencers Wood and Three Mile Cross. 2. Air quality. It would be impossible to process sand and gravel without producing dust even when the site is watered regularly. I to a large building site which is regularly watered but the dust produced on windy, hot days is substantial. The proposed site is very near a primary school and several nursery, pre-school and children's play areas. Some are less than 400m from the site. We should not allow a site which will produce dust which could then be inhaled by children - as well as adults living nearby. 3. Settlement division. This land provides a clear division between the villages of Spencers Wood and Swallowfield. This natural division should not be altered. 4. Flooding. This is an area which is well known for flooding. The site, if developed, will be designed to reduce flooding which will only move the flooding problem further downstream where areas which are already noted for their flooding will only become even more badly affected. This has been more than adequately demonstrated in other parts of the UK in February 2020. We must not add to the problem. 5. Ecology. The site is on the side of the River Loddon which is unspoilt at this point. The southern edge of the site is a Site of Special Scientific Interest. Sand and gravel extraction will undoubtedly cause run-off which will disturb this site and pollute the water with fine silt. This must not be allowed to happen. Name: Hazel Burrows




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am objecting for a number of reasons, I have just moved into the area & nothing regarding this issue was highlighted on the searches requested by the solicitor. The quarry will cause a huge increase in noise pollution, air quality in the area will be largely affected, with extra dust & particles. The traffic levels will increase, with a lot of heavy goods vehicles on small local roads that are already showing signs of wear & tear & are not suitable for large vehicles to safely use. It is important too that there are distinctions between villages, that there is green farmland defining one village from the next rather than leaving them to merge into one whole urbanisation, our villages with their distinct characters need to be protected. This is also an area of conservation, where a variety of wildlife, protected species & non- protected are known to habit, the quarry & the infrastructure that would come along with it would threaten this, as well as diverting floodwater away from an area that already naturally holds an excess of water from the river Loddon. Those are just some of the reasons why I strongly object to the proposal of a gravel pit, I hope that you can take some of these reasons into account when making decisions. Name: Cynthia Thomas




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] 1. Traffic. The site will be accessed from the B3349 Basingstoke Road which is a narrow and winding country road. This road has a 40mph speed limit which is an indication of its potentially dangerous status. The road also has double lines in its centre due to its narrow and winding nature and visibility is not good, particularly for traffic coming from the North. This is not a suitable place for the entry and exit of multiple HGV's on a daily basis. There would also be a substantial increase in HGV traffic on this road and through the villages of Spencers Wood and Three Mile Cross. 2. Air quality. It would be impossible to process sand and gravel without producing dust even when the site is watered regularly. I to a large building site which is regularly watered but the dust produced on windy, hot days is substantial. The proposed site is very near a primary school and several nursery, pre-school and children's play areas. Some are less than 400m from the site. We should not allow a site which will produce dust which could then be inhaled by children - as well as adults living nearby. 3. Settlement division. This land provides a clear division between the villages of Spencers Wood and Swallowfield. This natural division should not be altered. 4. Flooding. This is an area which floods regularly. The site, if developed, may be designed to reduce on-site flooding but this will only move the flooding problem further downstream where areas which are already noted for their flooding will only become even more badly affected. This has been more than adequately demonstrated in other parts of the UK in February 2020. We must not add to the problem. 5. Ecology. The site is on the side of the River Loddon which is unspoilt at this point. The southern edge of the site is a Site of Special Scientific Interest. Sand and gravel extraction will undoubtedly cause run-off which will disturb this site and pollute the water with fine silt. This must not be allowed to happen. Name: Jane Scuffell




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Swallowfield is a village at known high risk of flooding. I have lived here long enough to remember the devastating floods of 2007 and even with the rains this winter, the Blackwater burst its banks and roads within the village were closed due to flooding. With the inevitable hardstanding and extra roads being built with this proposal, this would only increase the risk of more flooding within the village and surrounding areas. Gravel extraction produces the emission of very fine dust particles which can be inhaled and potentially cause health problems. Living within 1km of the proposed site, I would be worried about these effects on myself and but there are also at least three nurseries or schools within 0.5km of the site, with the potential to affect young, vulnerable children. If the proposal goes ahead, this would lead to blurring of the local village boundaries and increased conurbation of the area. The B3349 is a narrow, twisting road with a long stretch of central double white lines. It is not a road which is safe or suitable for lots of large HGV vehicles to use regularly and to be turning onto. Name: Maria Yates




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The site is located next to a primary school - particles of dust produced by the quarrying would pose a huge risk to the health of the children at the school and to local residents. In addition, any children or adults with existing respiratory problems such as asthma would be substantially adversely affected. I am also concerned re the number of HGVs which would be travelling backwards and forwards on the B3349 to and from the M4. This area already suffers from substantial traffic congestion. In addition the B3349 is a narrow country road and is totally unsuitable for such a heavy volume of HGVs

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Corinna Bull




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This is an inappropriate and potentially harmful location for a sand and gravel quarry, and is strongly opposed by local residents. On 19th February over 200 local residents attend a public meeting against the gravel pit, even though there were fewer than two weeks to arrange and publicise the meeting. For those who couldn’t make it in person the event was live-streamed on Facebook. Subsequently, scores of people have volunteered to help deliver over 3,500 leaflets to local households. As a result of the public meeting, there is now an email distribution list of around 160 active residents who are sharing communications against the gravel pit and encouraging others to respond. There are also 242 members of the Facebook Group, "Spencers Wood Gravel Pit - Residents Against". There are a number of reasons this is not a suitable location and is not consistent with National Planning Policy: • Air pollution, both from the quarrying and the additional vehicles. The site is just 370m from Lambs Lane Primary School, 550m from Wise Owls Nursery and 750m from Swallowfield pre-school. • It will contribute significant noise pollution to our quiet village. • Increase in traffic on the already congested Basingstoke Road, not to mention very dangerous access site has been proposed next to the Mill House Hotel. • The site is prone to flooding, and if the is increase hard standing (which is likely with such a development) it will push the water elsewhere possibly increasing flooding elsewhere on the Loddon. • Area is home to a range of species; including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded and there are recent records of sea trout being caught in the River Loddon. • Area of High Archaeological Potential, WW2 Pillbox and nearby scheduled monument of Sheepbridge Court. It is also close to a number of residential dwellings, and will have a detrimental impact on overall quality of life locally. This is not consistent with National Planning Policy on Sustainable Development, and must be rejected. Name: Lynn Marshall




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] 1. TRAFFIC The proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. My understanding is that the access for the lorries would be on the narrow B3349 Basingstoke Road. The road is narrow and twisty and is just wide enough for two cars to pass and would not be suitable for lorries to go in and out safely with enough view of the road both ways. If any traffic had to pull in, wait or try to pass other stationary traffic there would be an accident for lack of view. 2.ECOLOGY Barn Owls, Great Crested Newts and Red Kites inhabited this area. They are protected. The area to the southern edge of the proposed site is of Special scientific interest and these animals use this corridor to move around and building a pit would disturb these birds/fish. In addition Badgers, Sea Trout, Water Voles and Lodden Pondweed are to be found in this area. They are fragile inhabitants at the moment and a building project such as the gravel pit would endanger their progress and growth. 3. AIR QUALITY Much has been said about the danger to air quality of this proposal and the gravel pit is too near to local playgroups and schools. I am of the opinion that the resultant poor air quality would put our children's health in danger as they grow up. 4. NOISE. The WHO defines noise greater than 55db as being of danger to the community. Guidance suggests that this quarry would increase the noise level of the area beyond this limit. 5. FLOODING Flooding is an issue in our area already, due to many new housing estates being built. I feel that more development in terms of a quarry would add to an already difficult situation. 6.VILLAGES. I live in Spencers Wood and like the fact it is referred to as a village. If the quarry proposal should go ahead I feel that the character of our village would be lost and also the character of the villages around me. There would no longer be separate villages but one large conurbation. 7. ARCHAEOLOGY. In the area there are a few articles of archaeology which should be protected. This site would not allow the development of these. Name: James Bull




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I object to the proposal for the development on the Land West of Basingstoke Road (Section two(a)) The proposal does not meet the test of soundness, as it is not consistent with national policy. The proposal for a sand and gravel quarry will have irreversible impact on the local community based on the impacts to; air quality, noise, local communities, traffic, local ecology and local archaeology. The site is also well known to be at risk of flooding. I do not believe the applicant has any intention of developing the land for use as a quarry, but to use permission for development as a quarry as leverage to achieve planning permission for housing. Studies have shown their is little gravel and sand in the ground, raising why an application of this sort would even be made. This is an inappropriate site for development, marking as it does the boundary between the villages of Swallowfield and Spencers Wood, and currently operating as productive Grade 3 farmland. It is close to a a nursery, pre-school, primary school and play area, as well as being the location for a well-used footpath. Development of the site as a quarry would have irreversible detrimental impacts on local communities and nearby residents, who would be significantly impacted by such development. The site is adjacent to a Site of Special Scientific Interest, and acts as a movement corridor for wildlife. Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts have been identified, as well as water vole, badgers and potentially otters. The River Loddon is home to the rare Loddon Pondweed, which is a marker of clean water, and is highly sensitive to chemical inputs into the river. The proposal to develop this site as a sand and gravel quarry is strongly opposed by local residents, as demonstrated by over 200 attending a public meeting against the proposal. It is an inappropriate location, that does not meet the National Planning Policy's presumption towards sustainable development. Name: Katie Munro




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am very nervous for 100 meters from this and . This is also going to destroy the natural habitat and countryside as well as the belt does not meet the test of soundness. Name: Glyn Marshall




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am against this proposal on the grounds of 1. The air quality in our area would be significantly reduced and be of detriment to all. 2. Traffic - there is just too much traffic already in our area. I do not want any more and particularly extra traffic which is huge. 3. Archaeology. I am anxious to preserve the historical interest in this area and know that the proposed development would not allow this to happen. 4. Flooding is a massive concern for everyone in our country, particularly after the flooding disasters in recent weeks all around the country. New house building work in our area has already resulted in additional flooding in this area and therefore more building work would mean more chance of additional severe flooding. 5. Villages. - Spencers Wood where I live is a unique little village with its own character. I love it and know that this building work just near here would start the decline of our village's personality. 6. Noise - would be significantly increased beyond what is acceptable. Guidance given to me at local meetings confirms this. 7. Ecology. We have some protected species including pondweed in the area of the proposed site. Building work would disturb these creatures and perhaps result in them being harmed or leaving the site. Name: Philippa Munro




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] It is ridiculous to consider such a proposal within 200m from a primary school Health hazard Yet again destroying valuable natural habitat of which is being rapidly taken from us from our house

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Fiona ockwell




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality: There is an increase in suspended particulate matter near sand and gravel extraction sites, and dust from a quarry can cause visible dust plumes and dust soiling. Particles up to 10 micrometres in diameter are fine enough to be breathed in and can cause detrimental health effects. Larger particles can cause soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees. Intermediate-sized particles may travel up to 400m. Lambs Lane Primary school is only 370m away, with Wise Owls Nursery 550m, Warren’s Croft Play Area 600m and Swallowfield pre-school 750m. Noise: Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution. Guidance says that total noise from operations should not exceed 55dB, with occasional temporary levels of 70dB. (29dB is the average background noise for UK countryside). The World Health Organisation defines 55dB as the level that can cause health issues for a community. Traffic: This proposal would increase traffic congestion from HGVs on Basingstoke Road and at Junction 11 of the M4. Access to the site is proposed via the B3349 Basingstoke Road, which is a narrow, twisting country road on a hill with central double white lines and a single narrow pavement. It would be almost impossible for a large vehicle to join the B3349 heading towards the M4 without crossing these white lines into the busy oncoming traffic. Villages: This belt of green farmland provides a distinction between the settlements. Further urbanisation would lead to the creation of a single large conurbation covering Three Mile Cross, Spencers Wood, Shinfield, Swallowfield and Riseley. This must be avoided, and the individual character of the villages retained. Bordering the site is a well-used public footpath. Flooding: The proposed site is prone to flooding, with the southern edge of the site classified as flood zone 2 and 3a. By adding the inevitable hardscaping and roadways that will come with a quarry it would reduce the area able to absorb this additional water and increase the likelihood of flooding elsewhere along the River Loddon, including in built up areas. It would also result in unknown changes to the natural drainage system. Ecology: The River Loddon Site of Special Scientific Interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed site. It is a very sensitive ecosystem, which acts as a movement corridor for a variety of wildlife, including Protected Species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed, which is very sensitive to inputs of chemical pollutants. Badgers and water voles are known to live in the area, otter spraint has been recorded, and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology: The site is also an Area of High Archaeological Potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of a pattern of artefacts set along an historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site, as well as the Scheduled Monument of Sheepbridge Court which is one of very few moated sites in Berkshire.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] We do not want this gravel pit! Especially on the doorstep of a primary school! Name: David Howard




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This site is within a few hundred metres of a primary school, and several children’s nurseries. This poses an unacceptable risk to the health of residents. The proposed entrance and exit is onto the Basingstoke road. Not only is this road narrow, it has solid white lines confirming just how dangerous it is to go outside of the single lane. This proposal would allow heavy goods vehicles to use the site all day, creating a risk to life as they would be too large to safely enter and exit the site. The volume of traffic created by this site and its location are also wholly unsuitable. The Basingstoke road heading north towards the M4 is at gridlock every single rush hour, with a journey of 1mile often taking 45mins. This proposal would add a huge level of vehicle traffic into an area that can’t sustain it. The impact on residents is simply too great for this site to even considered for this type of proposal. I also object on the grounds of noise pollution, and the loss of important ecological habitat. The whole area around swallowfield and Spencers Wood has been designated a “strategic development location” by Wokingham council. The inclusion of an extraction site goes against Wokingham’s own local and core planning policy.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Ersagun Kuscu




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] - Adverse effects to air quality: There will be an increase in suspended particulate matter near the sand and gravel extraction sites. This will pose a health hazard for the local population as well as causing soiling and staining damage when they deposit onto property and trees - Noise: Quarries will cause noise pollution in such a splendid countryside. The noise pollution may exceed regulation for UK countryside -Traffic: Traffic in the surrounding villages and also at M4 junction 11 will be expected. Horrendous traffic at M4 Junction 11 will get even worse. -Villages: Character of the nearby villages must be kept. Name: Debra South




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] I object to the quarry for numerous reasons

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] No quarrying

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q19:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q22 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q23 [What change are you seeking?] No quarrying of sand and gravel Name: Emma south




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q16 [What change are you seeking?] No quarrying. I object. Name: David Scott




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] There are a number of reasons why I do not believe that the land at this location does not meet the Test of Soundness. These include: 1. Traffic - the increase in the number of HGV movements cannot be provided by the current access road, which is a small B class road. The road is narrow and has many section of central double white lines to restrict overtaking and reflects the very narrow lanes and the very winding nature of the link between the two adjacent villages. The access into and out od the site will compromise the other road users safety. 2. Noise - this is an unavoidable consequence of a quarry operation. The noise that will be created will cause a hazard to the local community and will impact massively on the local community. 3. Ecology - The area very nearby the proposed site, and along one edge is a SSSi and as such must be protected so as to protect the wide and varied fauna and the ecosystem that it a part of. The River Loddon is close by and itself is a habitat that supports Loddon Pondweed, an indicator of how clean the current watercourse is. The operation of a quarry at this location will compromise this important and sensitive ecosystem. 4. Air Quality - A quarry operation will increase the particulate matter suspended in the air. The very fine nature of the particles being thrown up into the air will spread significantly and cause issues for anyone who inhales them. In addition the deposits of larger particles on trees and plants and property will all cause issues. There are a number of key facilities in the nearby areas that are within the reasonable forecast area of particular deposition and include the nearby school, nursery, pre- schools and play areas. 5.Flooding - the existing site is already susceptible to flood and the quarry works will reduce even more the capacity of the area to absorb and hold water to reduce or prevent flooding on the River Loddon, which is already a high risk area in times of increased rainfall. 6. Urbanisation - a quarry at this location will reduce the separation between the two villages of Spencers Wood and Swallowfield. This is an important farmland which helps to distinguish between the urban areas of the village settlements. 7. Historic and Archaeology - there are a number of historic building or artefacts in the area. The Scheduled monument of Sheepbridge Court is one of only a very small number of moated sites in the county oaf Berkshire and is listed building. Name: Nicholas Sargent




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Unacceptable impacts associated with the proposal:- Traffic - increased congestion in narrow country roads and associated danger in driving heavy lorries through local villages. Pollution/Air Quality - both from increased heavy lorries/stationary traffic and from dust particles associated with extraction activities. Green Belt - further invasion of the green belt policy that is designed to provide open spaces between conurbations including access for recreation (eg public footpaths). Ecology/Environment/Flooding - The area provides refuge for a wide variety of wildlife, potentially including protected species and part of it is classified as flood zone. This type of area is not suitable for high level gravel extraction. Historical interest - The area includes sites of historic interest that should be maintained. Impact on local house pricing from being in an area blighted by the noise and environmental impacts etc outlined above Name: Shirley Sargent




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality - particulate dust close to schools Noise - Excess noise pollution Traffic - congestion on narrow roads, leading to air pollution, and danger of lorries through local villages. Green belt - invasion of areas used to separate building conurbations. Loss of land that provides natural habitat for wildlife and recreation. Flooding - exacerbates risks for local area as part of land is in the flood plane Loss of value to local community - impact on house prices but proposal also provides nothing of value to local community. Name: vera greaves




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I object to the siting of this Gravel Pit on the Basingstoke Road, which will substantial increase the heavy goods traffic on this winding coiutry road through the villages of Spencers Wood, Three Mile Cross, or Riseley, to reach the A33 and beyond. This poses a great danger to the pedestrians/children of these villages with such HGVs taking up more than half the narrow road B3349.and leading to accidents. In addition, the proposed site is environmentally damaging to the air quality of the surrounding villages, will increase noise pollution, will impact upon the flooding of the River Loddon and damage the sensitive ecology of the area. We must preserve this belt of green farmland to protect the few fields between the villages. I would suggest locating this gravel pit near to AWE where there are fewer villages to disrupt and would be nearer to the proposed development at Grazely. siting the Gravel Pit at Swallowfield should be reconsidered and rejected. I object most strongly. Name: Jack Buddell




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] No

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate Name: Adeala Zabair




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am concerned about the impact to air quality being in the and having the same. Also, there is likely to be increased traffic, particularly HGVs and this in a village type location where children don't necessarily have the crossings along long stretches of the road is a worry. Finally, I think that the ecology of the River Loddon will be affected and many protected species of birds will be at risk. Name: A Zabair




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I am concerned about Air Quality and Traffic. Both have a big impact on the health and as we this would only make it worse. On top of this, the traffic at junction 11 is already horrendous and this will only make more congestion and dangerous situations on the road. Name: Christina Daniel




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The traffic is already awful along this road and this would increase it further and make it unsafe for the many children who walk to their village school. and the pollution, noise and extra traffic would make this very unsafe for them to walk there and play outside whilst there. The flooding in this area is already and problem which has increased with all the new builds (my house flooded in 2007 after 100s of years of not flooding- I can put that down to the new buildings and this quarry would cause changes to the natural drainage system. It goes without saying that nature will yet again be bulldozed and destroyed if this goes ahead and I have seen lots of evidence of wildlife when enjoying walks along the public footpath bordering the site. Name: Mrs Rita Shorrock




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed site will increase traffic on the B3349 and at the M4 junction 11. This area is already very busy it is back to how it used to be 35 years ago. Not being able to get out of drive at busy times of the day. Quarries cause an increase in noise pollution and the air quality will be increased . We have enough building in this area with all the new houses being built. Name: MJ & SE Dadds




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q7 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Dear Sirs, The reasons for our objections are as follows: 1. Outside Settlement- the policy is against development in open countryside especially on good quality agricultural land. 2. Not sustainable a. distance from housing b. distance from schools c. distance from supermarkets and retail centres. d. distance from centres of employment. e. distance from sports & recreational facilities - walking areas, sports fields, swimming pool, gym, sports hall etc. 3. Urbanising effect - permanently destroying the valued character of the village of Swallowfield. a. Impact on high density of housing and growing population density. b. abrupt transition from countryside to industrial site. 4. Highways - impact on highways & surrounding area - white deposits from the excavation works on surrounding areas 5. Flooding - effect of surface and groundwater flows on an area already prone to flooding. 6. Negates the purpose of "Open Space" by impact on environment a. as a wildlife haven bordering open countryside and a habitat for Great Crested Newts, various species of bats, owls and heron. b. as a way of softening the transition from built form to open countryside. 7. Ecology - the assessment does not take into account the impact on the local ecology including but not luted to the Great Crested Newt We look forward to your speedy and complete rejection of this proposal. Kind Regards, Martyn & Sarah Dadds

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] Dear Sirs, The reasons for our objections are as follows: 1. Outside Settlement- the policy is against development in open countryside especially on good quality agricultural land. 2. Not sustainable a. distance from housing b. distance from schools c. distance from supermarkets and retail centres. d. distance from centres of employment. e. distance from sports & recreational facilities - walking areas, sports fields, swimming pool, gym, sports hall etc. 3. Urbanising effect - permanently destroying the valued character of the village of Swallowfield. a. Impact on high density of housing and growing population density. b. abrupt transition from countryside to industrial site. 4. Highways - impact on highways & surrounding area - white deposits from the excavation works on surrounding areas 5. Flooding - effect of surface and groundwater flows on an area already prone to flooding. 6. Negates the purpose of "Open Space" by impact on environment a. as a wildlife haven bordering open countryside and a habitat for Great Crested Newts, various species of bats, owls and heron. b. as a way of softening the transition from built form to open countryside. 7. Ecology - the assessment does not take into account the impact on the local ecology including but not luted to the Great Crested Newt We look forward to your speedy and complete rejection of this proposal. Kind Regards, Martyn & Sarah Dadds

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Dear Sirs, The reasons for our objections are as follows: 1. Outside Settlement- the policy is against development in open countryside especially on good quality agricultural land. 2. Not sustainable a. distance from housing b. distance from schools c. distance from supermarkets and retail centres. d. distance from centres of employment. e. distance from sports & recreational facilities - walking areas, sports fields, swimming pool, gym, sports hall etc. 3. Urbanising effect - permanently destroying the valued character of the village of Swallowfield. a. Impact on high density of housing and growing population density. b. abrupt transition from countryside to industrial site. 4. Highways - impact on highways & surrounding area - white deposits from the excavation works on surrounding areas 5. Flooding - effect of surface and groundwater flows on an area already prone to flooding. 6. Negates the purpose of "Open Space" by impact on environment a. as a wildlife haven bordering open countryside and a habitat for Great Crested Newts, various species of bats, owls and heron. b. as a way of softening the transition from built form to open countryside. 7. Ecology - the assessment does not take into account the impact on the local ecology including but not luted to the Great Crested Newt We look forward to your speedy and complete rejection of this proposal. Kind Regards, Martyn & Sarah Dadds

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q19:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q20:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q21 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Dear Sirs, The reasons for our objections are as follows: 1. Outside Settlement- the policy is against development in open countryside especially on good quality agricultural land. 2. Not sustainable a. distance from housing b. distance from schools c. distance from supermarkets and retail centres. d. distance from centres of employment. e. distance from sports & recreational facilities - walking areas, sports fields, swimming pool, gym, sports hall etc. 3. Urbanising effect - permanently destroying the valued character of the village of Swallowfield. a. Impact on high density of housing and growing population density. b. abrupt transition from countryside to industrial site. 4. Highways - impact on highways & surrounding area - white deposits from the excavation works on surrounding areas 5. Flooding - effect of surface and groundwater flows on an area already prone to flooding. 6. Negates the purpose of "Open Space" by impact on environment a. as a wildlife haven bordering open countryside and a habitat for Great Crested Newts, various species of bats, owls and heron. b. as a way of softening the transition from built form to open countryside. 7. Ecology - the assessment does not take into account the impact on the local ecology including but not luted to the Great Crested Newt We look forward to your speedy and complete rejection of this proposal. Kind Regards, Martyn & Sarah Dadds

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q38:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q39 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Dear Sirs, The reasons for our objections are as follows: 1. Outside Settlement- the policy is against development in open countryside especially on good quality agricultural land. 2. Not sustainable a. distance from housing b. distance from schools c. distance from supermarkets and retail centres. d. distance from centres of employment. e. distance from sports & recreational facilities - walking areas, sports fields, swimming pool, gym, sports hall etc. 3. Urbanising effect - permanently destroying the valued character of the village of Swallowfield. a. Impact on high density of housing and growing population density. b. abrupt transition from countryside to industrial site. 4. Highways - impact on highways & surrounding area - white deposits from the excavation works on surrounding areas 5. Flooding - effect of surface and groundwater flows on an area already prone to flooding. 6. Negates the purpose of "Open Space" by impact on environment a. as a wildlife haven bordering open countryside and a habitat for Great Crested Newts, various species of bats, owls and heron. b. as a way of softening the transition from built form to open countryside. 7. Ecology - the assessment does not take into account the impact on the local ecology including but not luted to the Great Crested Newt We look forward to your speedy and complete rejection of this proposal. Kind Regards, Martyn & Sarah Dadds

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q41 [What change are you seeking?] Dear Sirs, The reasons for our objections are as follows: 1. Outside Settlement- the policy is against development in open countryside especially on good quality agricultural land. 2. Not sustainable a. distance from housing b. distance from schools c. distance from supermarkets and retail centres. d. distance from centres of employment. e. distance from sports & recreational facilities - walking areas, sports fields, swimming pool, gym, sports hall etc. 3. Urbanising effect - permanently destroying the valued character of the village of Swallowfield. a. Impact on high density of housing and growing population density. b. abrupt transition from countryside to industrial site. 4. Highways - impact on highways & surrounding area - white deposits from the excavation works on surrounding areas 5. Flooding - effect of surface and groundwater flows on an area already prone to flooding. 6. Negates the purpose of "Open Space" by impact on environment a. as a wildlife haven bordering open countryside and a habitat for Great Crested Newts, various species of bats, owls and heron. b. as a way of softening the transition from built form to open countryside. 7. Ecology - the assessment does not take into account the impact on the local ecology including but not luted to the Great Crested Newt We look forward to your speedy and complete rejection of this proposal. Kind Regards, Martyn & Sarah Dadds

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] Dear Sirs, The reasons for our objections are as follows: 1. Outside Settlement- the policy is against development in open countryside especially on good quality agricultural land. 2. Not sustainable a. distance from housing b. distance from schools c. distance from supermarkets and retail centres. d. distance from centres of employment. e. distance from sports & recreational facilities - walking areas, sports fields, swimming pool, gym, sports hall etc. 3. Urbanising effect - permanently destroying the valued character of the village of Swallowfield. a. Impact on high density of housing and growing population density. b. abrupt transition from countryside to industrial site. 4. Highways - impact on highways & surrounding area - white deposits from the excavation works on surrounding areas 5. Flooding - effect of surface and groundwater flows on an area already prone to flooding. 6. Negates the purpose of "Open Space" by impact on environment a. as a wildlife haven bordering open countryside and a habitat for Great Crested Newts, various species of bats, owls and heron. b. as a way of softening the transition from built form to open countryside. 7. Ecology - the assessment does not take into account the impact on the local ecology including but not luted to the Great Crested Newt We look forward to your speedy and complete rejection of this proposal. Kind Regards, Martyn & Sarah Dadds Name: Louise Doshi




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] I would like to object to this application on 3 core principals: 1) Impact on air quality, any increase in suspended particulate matter and dust from the quarry could be breathed in leading to negative health consequences. This is particularly concerning considering the close proximity of a primary school, pre-school, nursery and children's play area 2)Flooding, this site is already prone to flooding and by increasing the hardscaping and roadways it is likely that flooding elsewhere along the river Loddon would increase, including in built up areas. This would be as a direct result of less ground availability to absorb water. 3) Negative effects on ecology, the river loddon is a site of special scientific interest and runs along this proposed site. Many protected species (including Barn Owls and Red Kites) would very likely be affected by this site as it currently acts as a movement corridor for these protected animals.In addition any additional chemical contamination to the river would likely impact additional species including badgers, water voles and otters. Name: Adrian Pate




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Air Quality - We are concerned about the proximity of the site to local children's educational facilities, including Lambs Lane Primary School, Wise Owls Nursery and Swallowfield pre-school. This is in addition to outdoor play areas, Swallowfield Recreation Ground and the gardens of the high number of houses in close proximity to the site. During the construction of the Langford Park development we found layers of dust on our cars every day and the surrounding road became very dusty which is swirled around by passing vehicles, especially trucks and lorries, despite regular road cleaning. This dust problem currently persists. Narrow lanes with hedgerows in particular have a tendency to trap this dust. Traffic - Access to the site is problematic as it would involve a large number of HGV's either travelling through Spencers Wood village of down country lanes which are unsuitable for the size of such vehicles. One route option involves a bridge with a weight limit that would be exceeded. We use these lanes as cycles routes with . Noise - We believe the site would exceed acceptable levels of noise given its proximity to residential areas and would breach WHO guidelines. Ecology - The River Loddon site of special scientific interest runs along the southern edge of the proposed location. The site is currently farmland and is home to protected species such as barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. The River Loddon itself is home to Loddon Pondweed which is very sensitive to inputs of pollutants. Badgers and Water Voles are known to live in the area, otter sprain has been recorded and there are recent records of sea trout being identified in the water. Archaeology - The site is also an area of high archaeological potential. There is a WW2 pillbox and anti-tank ditch within the site, part of the pattern of artefacts set along a historic defence line. Three listed buildings are near the site as well as the scheduled monument of Sheepbridge Court. Furthermore, during archaeological digs at the Langford Park development nearby a Romano-British field system was discovered revealing the possibility of Roman remains in the wider area. Name: Patricia Booth




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate Name: Charles Raynsford




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The pit is close to high population areas comprising of residential, commercial, leisure and educational establishments. I am therefore greatly concerned about the impact that such a commercial extraction process upon the environment to which all that live or commute within the area will be subjected to. Traffic in the area what with the significant increase in residential houses being built is already excessive, and the roadways leading to the site are small rural roads that are not designed for large heavy lorries. The road is also not particularly well maintained, and significant degradation will occur with sustained use by fully laden trucks. I also object to the proposal on the grounds of issues sustained by both the extraction process and movement of material and the impact that this will have on the area both in the way of Air pollution and Noise. The surrounding area is one of natural beauty, with large areas of farmland dividing rural and semi-rural villages. Existing residential planning developments have already contributed greatly to a changing environment, and I really do not feel that a major excavation process needs to be added to the challenges already facing the local community and wildlife. I therefore strongly object to the proposal. Name: Duncan Reynolds




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This site is not suitable for a quarry. I have lots of concerns but the following two are the main ones; 1. The River Loddon is to close to it and will have all the site spill off running into it. We cannot sacrifice the quality of the river and all the wildlife for a measly amount of sand and gravel. 2. The A33 is just not suitable for all the traffic increases. In my time here I have known of many accidents on this road including fatalities. You would have to install a massive rounds about to have any chance of getting near the level of safety required. Together with road straightening where necessary. It’s a very poor choice to choose this land for a consultation. Please throw it in the bin, thank you.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Colette lawlor




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] There will be increased traffic and increased noise in the community. There will be an increased potential for flooding due to the location the proposed works. In additon, there are protected and listed buildings immediately opposite the site which will suffer damage detrimental to our heritage due to development of this site,

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Teresa Gillett




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] There are many reasons to object to the location of this proposal. I would put traffic as the first reason - it would increase congestion from HGVs on our narrow twisting roads and would be a danger to pedestrians in particular. We also suffer from flooding in this area and the proposed site is a flood zone so would result in further issues along our stretch of the Loddon. Noise and air quality will also be affected and with primary schools, play areas and a dense local population nearby, this could affect the health of the local population. Further urbanisation of our locality is not something residents would encourage and it will also affect the precious ecology of our very sensitive eco systems. This site is totally unsuitable and I would urge you to reconsider your plans. Name: Alex Huntley




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed gravel extraction would increase particulate air pollution and is too close to Lamb's Lane Primary School and preschools. The increase in noise pollution would be a vast increase compared to the existing countryside and is likely to exceed the WHO safe levels for nearby residents. The Traffic through Spencers Wood is already gridlocked during peak periods. The section of Basingstoke Road down which the lorries would travel is twisting and windy and completely unsuited for a regular flow of HGVs. The site is a flood area and it is vital that this is maintained as a flood area in order to protect the large number of newly built houses in the area. The site is forms part of a sensitive ecosystem and a corridor for protected species such as Barn Owls, Red Kites and Great Crested Newts. Name: Peter Mootyen



Responses: Name: Peter Mootyen




Q2:1 I wish to respond to all sections of the consultation

Section 1: Q3 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q5:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q5:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q6:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q6:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q6:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q6:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q7 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Any house close to the Basingstoke road will be living in constant noise and vibrations from the excessive HGVS

Q8 [Are you seeking a change to the proposal?] Yes

Q9 [What change are you seeking?] To reduced the HGVs on Basignstoke Road and enforce , so Route are tracked and fines enforced by the council similar to Somerset COuncil managing HGVS for building sites in HPC to reduce polllution levels in the same levels and have damage to human life,

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection Q12:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Section two (b): Site Proposal: Area between Horton Brook and Poyle Quarry Q17 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q19:1 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not complying with legal requirements / the duty to co-operate

Q19:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q20:1 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The positively prepared test

Q20:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q20:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q20:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] No view either way

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] Object CLearly will damage and bring teh pullution Levels above guidelines for residents in the local area. Will create congestion and cause gridlock . The roads are dmaged with current traffic Levels and will not sustain 500 journeys by HGVs . Please stop this now for community , wildlife and environment, Name: Andrew Ball




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposed mining area is farmland close to a village and is entirely wrong for this mining activity. Dust from the work and the lorries taking the material away will severely impact the village. There may also be a lot of noise pollution too. The only road access is by the B3349 which is a small country lane. As it is, traffic clogs up the lane. it is not suitable for large lorries at all. Surely there must be sites that are not as close to the village? Name: Sarah Mehmi




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] This gravel pit will negatively affect the air quality, of which there are infants/primary schools two preschools, a nursery and play area, all within a close proximity (all within 800m). For such young children, we should not be polluting nearby air. Needless to say this also will affect the air quality of hundreds of residents as there are so many new build properties in the area now. This is not fair to those people with asthma and other underlying respiratory health conditions. The noise and traffic pollution will increase dramatically. I can't figure out how large HGV will even be able to access the site safely for other vehicles.

Q15 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] No Name: Rory Waterer


Organisation: Urban Planters


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposal will seriously impinge upon important local habitat for barn owls Name: Sheila Nelson-Durrant


Organisation: Urban Planters


Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:4 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The test of consistency with national policy

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The proposal will severely interrupt an important wildlife corridor for species such as Otter, Barn Owl and Water Vole.

Name: Jenny Lovell




Q2:3 Section two(a) - Site proposal: Land west of Basingstoke Road

Q2:5 Section three: Past Operator Performance Policy

Q2:6 Section four: Further comments

Section two (a) - Site Proposal: Land West of Basingstoke Road Q10 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q12:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q13:2 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The justification test

Q13:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q14 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] Referring to the Focussed Regulation 18 Consultation document:- The site CEB29 has somehow been assessed as appropriate for inclusion in the consultation, in spite of the facts that (1) the quantity of aggregate it would provide is currently NOT identified, and (2) there are three areas of likely negative impact (Table 3.8). Therefore I do not understand how site CEB29 meets the tests of "justification" and "effectiveness" and the document does not explain this to me in clear and simple terms. The ecological impact alone should negate any potential benefit of such a small extraction site, unidentified though that benefit is, as yet. The noise and vibration from the extraction process and the heavy goods vehicles moving to/from site would inevitably deter/destroy the wildlife in the SSSI – no mitigation measure could prevent the noise or vibration. Some degree of dust would also be inevitable, especially close to the site, and this could easily kill tiny plants such as the rare pondweed in the SSSI. Therefore the existence of such an important SSSI should automatically fail the "justification" test. I also consider the assessment of the local population to have been trivialized, as described at Objective 5 on p43 of the document. What is considered to be the "immediate vicinity"? or a "low" population number? Any reference to such matters have to be quantified before it can be argued that they have been “justified”. While the "Schools" list includes “Meadow View Day Nursery” (actually now called Wise Owls Nursery) it is not mentioned in the "Objective 5 justification" paragraph underneath, even though it is less than 500m from the site boundary: 500m is no distance, yet this does not count as the "immediate vicinity"? There are also 104 dwellings adjacent to the nursery, ie. 500-600m from the site boundary, housing some 150 people mainly aged 65 and over - there is no mention of this anywhere, again suggesting that 500- 600m is somehow not considered to be the "immediate vicinity". This seems unreasonable. Is the assumption that a 500-600m distance guarantees zero impact on health from noise or particulate matter? The entire village of Swallowfield is less than 1 km from the site, and hundreds of Spencers Wood residents are similarly within 1 km to the north; they might all reasonably consider themselves to be in the "immediate vicinity”, but without this expression being defined it cannot be used to argue that the "justification" element of the Test of Soundness has been met.

Section three: Proposed Policy DM15: Past Operator Performance Q35 [Into which of the following categories does your representation fall (Support/No view/Objection)] Objection

Q37:2 [An objection must relate either to the Local Plan not complying with legal requirements, or it not being sound in relation of at least one of the Test of Soundness.] Not meeting the Test of Soundness

Q38:3 [What Test(s) of Soundness do you consider that it fails?] The effectiveness test

Q39 [Please include your comments on how the proposal does not meet the Test of Soundness.] The policy may provide a small benefit, by not granting planning applications to operators who have a poor track record. However, it will do nothing to guarantee the future performance at a site for which planning approval is being sought. This policy appears only to deal with the appointment of an operator, not with monitoring their subsequent performance or enforcing that performance. It will therefore offer little protection to the environment and residents in the vicinity of a new site, unless regulations are enforced better than at present. Financial pressures on operators naturally push them to follow the cheapest course of action, to maximise output and meet targets; if this means breaching regulations, less scrupulous operators will do so if this yields profits in excess of any paltry fines subsequently imposed. Thus a policy that just restricts their prior appointment is of little use. Any breach of regulations should be met by massive fines or even enforced site closure, ie. something so punitive that it outweighs any benefit gained from breaching regulations. This will be the only driver that seriously improves operator performance. Further, I would ONLY support the policy IF it is legally worded so as to ensure that the "applicant or operator" it speaks of includes individuals, not just companies; AND includes consideration of any previous companies with which those individuals were associated. If this is not done, there is nothing stopping unscrupulous companies or individuals trading under a new name. I could not see any explicit provision for this in the wording as it stands.

Q40 [Are you seeking a change to the policy?] Yes

Q41 [What change are you seeking?] It needs to address the issue of enforcement, making it less financially viable for operators to breach regulations. It needs to be legally worded so as to ensure that the "applicant or operator" it speaks of includes individuals, not just companies; and include consideration of any previous companies with which those individuals were associated.

Q42 [Do you have any further comments?] I am uncertain as to the rules concerning flood plains, but the proposed site CEB29 impinges on regions marked as Flood Zone 2 and Flood Zone 3. These areas would flood from the SSSI river catchment and will form part of the area's unique ecology. If barriers were built to prevent the area flooding whilst the site was being excavated, this would change the ecology of the SSSI and be detrimental to the animals, birds and plants that currently inhabit the SSSI and flood plain. It just doesn't make sense to be considering such invasive development of any parcel of land that abuts an SSSI and associated flood plains.