for Al SB*dy$td» 1-0010

VOLUME LXXXII NO. 47 RED BANK. N. J., WBMMDAY. OCTOBER 21. 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Bare Huge Copper Wire Nation Awaits Theft Operation in Bay shore Court Ruling reported mot they have and a widespread "plrati In Steel Strike mtt Last of Hannan lag the theft of "fhoanaai of (AP) - Aa swious aatfcM wattsd today for if oMavs a weak" la copper from fadsnl Judas to dadda If a Tatt-Hartley lajoacttoa wffl ba osad a bars* owned by tha UJ. Quintuplets Dies to aad dM IMay oatkwrlde stsal strika. Court is sdMdalad b» Metela aad Reftatag Co., Car- tent The bargee an anchored w • * vaaattis aaemiag. awl VAfPBCaMR HsrV BULLETIN Evaa If aa lajuacttoa is granted aa aad of tba strika oeald ba AecordtagtoCapt. Raymond T. Murder Trial delayed by a» appaaL Tba coart Waning, detective SAN ANIUMO, Tea. (APV- Jury Is Still Baby Dt the hat sarvtver af aha oouM — but would aot hava to Basin atey tba taJuaeUoa wblla an The atetel firm *et BUT aha miiskaj appeal waa acted upon. chored ia the bay. Is Incomplete MS to Ml tons of «.. * • « Tbs FREEHOLD - Many wen The win is burned aa tbs bargee ANTOWq, Tw. (AP) - Offer bat few wan Ia to mdt off the raJteteautatta. ^ m ^ Docters i cattdaadoatyalaa aad attoadsats foBgbt to- aa far lor a day to preserve thh e UUff e of tbs at at h tefca^at Strata ^^m^^^^^^^ ^4 ^ .I,* police aaid. trial Jury, ailscttoa lone nay survivor or cjeutu] Studied The metal is add at aa as*- rtuch taitad bata Moaday. girts bora ban yesterday to aa anted price of So* a tan. Of Air Pore* Ueeteaaaf s wife. P»O«RESS —ThU [% an aarial view of work kataaj dwta an tba Raal laak H«wiiitf Aeeordiag to Capt lar. Pear of the teyttte girls, bora Aiilkofify IIHITS on fha Vrajtrsiaja* wanstmajtion #f tna 40 iMiTs« ajallsjsl M#ajtaj#iMajry Keansburg Told menu firm has reported f SI U. S. District Judge Herbert * died wim m hours Tarraca," startad latt manth. Tha araa Is waundad ranajMy by THNII and Swmat "thousands of doDan" a they objected to capital of their birth. Bidder's Plan . Sorg took the case tinder ad- from the operation*. They wan the eaUdrea of First Art. and Wait tarajan PI. ' visement after Hitrri"! to srgu- Capt Walling said that P. U Chutes O. Haass*,. ».. aad Would Be Boon nwatt by both ddas for nearly thefts wen brought" to Ms de- i tba death paaalty for ff-yaaMM wifa. CecsUa. al- M hours. Pnakkmt Eisenhow- partment's attention several Da—trio Laveglio, Ksaaafaurg. dy tba aaotbar of two amtll Ike, Herter KEANSBURO — The Borough er ordered the Justice Depart- weeks ago. Ha believes that tba WHO is caargea wn ma boys. Officials Gathering Council last aigbt agreed to sit to seek the injunction. thefts hava base occurring dace of Hubert Aimer last June IS m "Van wanted a girt." the down with blest Port Authority The eteetworken union aad tf last winter. Mlddletowa. toads, pretty mother told the To Iron Out officials nest week to discuss tha steal companies were named de- Last aigbt police confiscated At 3: M p. a. yesterday the jur- crewcut father. "Now you have sale of M lots border- fendants ia the case. The mil a M-foot power boat with aa esttjors Ust bad baaa eahsasted aad To Discuss Rt. 35lag Waackaaek Creak. firms represent almost N par mated $!.«• m copper icouaty Jialja Joba C. Obodaao Bat baby B, so deHgaated to Summit Talk SHREWSBURY — State and Tba meeting was set for cent of the nation's ateat pro* ordered Sheriff Ira E. Wofeott la order of birth, died at p. m.. Oct ». dacbon capacity. °"capt. Waning said that tba suptom prospective jurors from WASHINGTON (AP) — Pres- federal npnasatatlves an meet- an occunriag during the an auUUary bat of 71 at «:« a. m. Baby K died at Idsat Eiaaabowar and Sacratary Tibet Vote lag (Ms annas with tba A prespactiva purchaser, Mer- 1 1 algftt aad that tba boats ara laad- p aad baby c at II * » of State Christian A. Herter maat Sfciswabur/ Community Asaoda- rick Cross. Newark, has entered Jat'sS ™ """^ " •=£••••^adbabyCatltp,m. a bad of f7MM tor the property, iag atong the Bayabora. aspedal- Ml ttd tNO WOflMBa Tba births, a 41 arillfea-axaa at tha White Houaa today to die- tfon aad borough offidals to dis- iyta Port Moamoatb aad BaV Due Today In which has been under Port Au- m Ike American Ho- rarity. CUM differing Allied views ea cuss, me proposed widening of ford. tel. TIM total Jury wffl number 1< thority Jurisdiction dace ML third sat of ajdataplats hi U* when aad how to talk with Soviet Rt *. Tha conference la in OM petiOB waa qaaattaad last tad States medical history aad Premier NUdta S. Khrushchev. Assembly Aeeordiag to Borough Manager night ha said, but ao charge Lavegtto U being dafaadad by a Shadowbraok. . Bernard Blum, a large boat wwddba oa|y tba 47tb ia an raoardad aa- Herter was scheduled to give a (AP) -The te try have baaa prafarrad so tar. lit eoart^petatodattorBsy, Richard d TTheb y baalaaada motel an among the Ceusial Aasaaablbl y bdd f it oat of tha tmall operators a £ tari MidAt prematen. aad residents has projects planned by Mr. Cross. this racket," Capt Wafcmg aaid. FraBCb-Weat German reaction to veto today oa TPjat, aa Baby A wslgbsd I Eisenhower's proposal for an At- active lathe fight tehave Mr. Blum aaid tba development Aceordias to tha captaia. feHea am fMamJawsaawal 1 sparkad sharp East-Waat ax- Assistant Attorney General Had ate summit msiting ia Paris of tba anas as proposed by Mr. hava tha aamaa af a «M Rad Baaar Mayor George A. Gray George c Doub told Judge Serf Eatontown Cl _ many Asian CrosC s woulld bo a "boon to tbs » - _-__ amiaawalewaktt' ask 1 pound II suaeaa. aad E11 that X9,ett workers have baaa MBS WRO wt% BWWtt m Uoaacaa.BabyD.mai The vote wW KamK HenBmg. chairman idled by tha strika ia addrttoa to oration. Ha said met* proof la Third Party tba Western bud- a+tfowa dl approved aa the half million striken. He saU needed bafora arratta caa bt ~ dto aa a atop oa of SUN trami saval unempkqrmsat would caatmue In Sets Rally If the strike ooatiauas. Ho Youths Plead BAXONffMrrt — Tbs "Sack a strike la aa ef WM rishte of the pnbnc. We No Defense arf ken by vtetae ef n iragn In Entries *M ff ^*i BVaaBwai **

"I Jam said tots of prayaa. such charges to hope they ten eBay the fears of Aden aeetrels ... •• yootkyM M appaariag, craacraaxax t and Harter appear- Aither J. OaUbsrg. dte aa. avsasatwkaadMflylac aavlgator *oU raaortors that back- sMta having Ike ioa's fsaeral ciiiniil. argued the asaaOaddMana-aftor tbai first aaty dtoi^My tefts would iron out this ectabatvei. govsramsnt has ae facts to aa> Tbay ara Aathoay trapitsal. is. wWch An anpttcattoa had bean mutt put |ggj iMam^^BaA—ajm ikaa* djBkak sj#ehwnwa, The State Highway Depa "***• •" ^"^iBB^asBlaBBBl lawBBT QaW awssTaaw) of Laightoa Am. Rod Baak, aad wtthia the aert few fBaaB^t&wafMaY faBBMaWwal to the stats for fUJMJIto com- tha watMtemg of (be ftoaald R. Huff. II, of N Fraada i k oa For- It, airawabary. to wtdsa Rt M, He told Jwaja Sorg: aa Brand St. to aat Ava to Port Haamiwfk Ava. Aeeordiag to Asatataat Press- Army RIF ta Alao tocludsd en Total cast Is asUnMtod at IU, i Uatmaa, tha tan rVas- bad baaa cbargad with braaktag A tetoUAaa's Bar. fhrawa- Still Pending ddentian of TttMt by Ava. »*of bary Towaaaap. April II. aad tab- MONMOVm - The Mploma^Madwrltiaa aaid each ggravate ne cold laawT sBB? ff _SHnwaalwB> Tka» BMha SfSAm^ HywoukK recetvad by tba highway Army a IM-workar a parley would set a date for a Nsv. I Also iadudad In Man from IT Church St. to ~ aBBBiflABBBB^BBB^BBftMM waa .fajjmdl aad Herbte's CHtes Service Its- ' ~ "We have baaa asked to believe is tha wkleatag of bWn St was lodged by Frank Hon. Uacraft Anril II. aad tekJag Today, fhra momths tettr the Wast waate to that It is an right for the a 1 stretch of Rt Backer, a local tavern owner. It Una worth Ms. rtsctfcm baa aot keen oonaj BH » Immediately aauth of tba Rt Mayor J J. Oravaay aaid Huff she waa charged with ba Invoked aa* •# CUnN OVl. Da OauMa ia kaowa to be bika- »M traffic drde in breeUai Safe the D. aad H. Palat Hartley law. said an Arsny spabM t tn praposid KhiWB* Tbh) will provide to as to tba Akkoac Store, Bad Beak. May It and trot Dlvidee, An ABC The aacttea af *e T-H ksw taking til BttU i *jhf t-Mttcattsa Is HUB In a latter to Mil SMMa>H BOvmTO al. haaaad*. bafan tbara ara 1M lass M * Nov. IT. bars M a tag ttalr Camp David tafta that Mayor White saM. tt aaw ae- waWSttkl tka> BBBla^aal dBBl oomes appareat that It Is vttsfly Bed Bank, has alsadad aot ajauj Ashs Tea* Veto aacaasary that you jsisaasHj be- to taktag part aYsB mree lad- Ia hopes DaOeaas that a i . _ dat Attted rights"la MM Mil Wlw M 1 Barha would at GOP Head ted by A. Henry effect ef waakialag i BfMMMa VH «W 1 ABM foothoM than. Replies To Herbert W. KM. tt, BAMTAM TOWIIIIi — Mrs. Tba November date for the Al- ef _ a change la Resignation

Oct. tl» rabbary •MP VaWnC M ajMtWaWttT anf ^ftflM Raal rapraaaatod by CMbaa T. ^ _ ^ s^j #B»-«Jw — — ^ AA aa^M -aaSA-. ^ ^^^^r^m mU Ml •Mai MM K WM fMMK nWsnanwM Mfl aUBwISWf •rTMBOld WH w9 MssV* N 1 for Rt » MGrfLANDS - PaMca today HaaM Cantor aj MOOSS. wM ba Almost-Bride ^^^_ ^i —m^ tanawaw) g^_^0_e^»^M_o^B—m|HW jajBaa^^^al BhwalahwlSkahflJalI aBaT t^aaal waaawLi ^ _ ah^^MiV IkaaBaV waaaBBh dWfa^kSMaafjItean* dtasanwaaanlnwandh nwanwl AdiahwBi Baawntl VJaJ • 4SF1VW wBlBBBj ^THal BsaWaBlTJIBaaTv VajaBJajaVHIaPV Waa* •aBBVaN WBBBI ^2^£Wj2 Convicte d Of Safety Check on 700 Trucks iSSAtli Toting VF •UCTON. Md. (AP) - A New f-Aj^gtu t^_^a__ A ahwaan^aauuVi awaadl ^^A. IMslv# MW • OTVOTM BBBV MwP finds 25% With Defecto edaf aarrymgs ea te ma eaaa ef *e rductont hlsbnltoManto

ua Tha saantor ssJi be would ask hi OM wwtoddT • tract- Sea. Warm Hay (D- WaBBBBl nTanwanlfffaBHtBl awff ftawas fl^pj^te ft nwaawB aMsnwant The almost! VrBBB vBa^njBjBs^wgnwj ^s^ajwe ** aanpaaj^* ^ ujaaasBjajaj aajaajaaaj *^wj n^asaj wPo^wRBeaa' v* ajassaso BaaMpaaaaB pMakahawaahebaWi laa . M IMS MMfft K. M N. J., Tbj) latorateU u He I t WIVJI MI .«• imnii eaot at them bad It If taaaaaak las "The (vtetatJeue) run from M Msrylaad a S." said Robert I ~ M They wan asttyms for me II mmm ftB«aka-4ai_t ttakhaha Wavawal ftkaJai ef me ICC te t •JBPV RfSRwIT WlPll WVJtVvl wBHIl ef thi t ed and the sheriff of tha PMST FlAMt TO "PIT TNI TUNNanV*-* T«N •abar Amadao Tttta did s dauhti tslw I ed te bs te the oaurthaaee, came t aa tbs rue police aarraeki awv took only « ilnajkt fsN when this «lfa4aa«.au«o »aalad up to Swnoof TMNMI In U •swtiff MSfit MM riww Jsrssy _ with trucks teak the live* of M Tnatoa Slate •ottevt. Ceried an Aoreear by If* inventor, MOUHOA Taylor of Lonfvlew, With., II sutherHlee have filed a dsumer ed aft •» read. It landed at nearby Uoen alraort at an alrstana. Taylor lh*n took off wlnaji, "u"9 the woman and ha la ate* The IOC caaaot arrest but caa Into me tKam kenlnd and drava te tunnel en way to o tsorti ear •hew In fatten. Teite 14-11 hnidiiig for th*m s ramasuli direct eWsadlng trurks off the rear n» me nut The truck's t who drove (h# rar, Ales /aliM highways until repairs' are made, hrskN were found defective, «har§ad regular 10-tant tell for trln under harbor. |AP Wlrephetel Amy Vi II (HMNI. U. of Uceen City. N. J. Oct. tl 1«9 RED BANK RECISTER New Policy Steel Strike (Coatfnasd) Attacks Board Taken h Discussed against sa set legal ia Itself — tka courts to issue injunctions Kof C On Land Option ate right to strike. MRS. JANE I. ORR By CD Unit MIDDLETOWN-Mrt. Jane S. FREEHOLD — The Township said the strike kt Bond Issue Botrd of Education voted last PAIR HAVEN — Ths Civil De- Orr. 77, of Middletown-New Moa- night to take an optiop on a 22- fense sad Disaster Control Beard eadsre. He said tas mouth Rd., died yetterday after TRENTON (AP) — The execu- acre tract for future school needs last night aaaouacsd new poll- long ittaess. aacrataty of the Greater n the northwest section of the das aimed at femr pubHc "alert" Hartley te get the aUUs kscs. She was born In Kllburse, Scot- Council of Churches to- township. drills sad wider public partidpa- land, "daughter of tha tola John day accused the Roman Catholic 1 The property is owned by Mrs. Uoa in Ma safety program- to said ha strongly su- and Margaret MacDonald Shaw. Church of seeking to sabotage a Harold C. DuBois and is on the tl o, «««lc ate- Mn. Orr came to the United SM.MO.000 college construction States SS years ago. and lived boad issue. northeast corner of Pond and Wa- ed quickiy by negotiations if me terworks Rds., north of Lake Top- Interestad rssidsats. the board government peUboa lor an •> ben the past IS yean. She wu Rev. Garnett E'. Phibbt, execu- anemus. The ten-month option said, may take part la civil de- junct-oa is deniefl. member of Daughters of Sco- tive secretary of the council of tent* staff meetings to be bald calls for a selling price of 11,500 Under tne terms of the Talt- >a. Elizabeth. Protestsnt churches, Issued a per acre. st I to *3t p. m. on. the th'rd Surviving an two daughters. Statement attacking a pamphlet Tuesday sack aseath la ths An.iaruey law tos woman couw Mrs. Herbert Schulstsdt. with Issued by the Knights of Colum- Hugh Oakley, chairmen of the je.kap.p t la tne taiUs tor W days. property committee, said the whom she lived, and Mn. Stan- boat Roman Catholic laymen's so- Robert A. Matthews, dtractor. . of IJJ South Bridge politics out of college education ristown, to assist in planning. sud creation in the French capital. Ths twe-piac* blsck «s.d whit* tweed witfrt, unit is to advise effectiv»vae pro- But he said the real issue now is woutd oniy give las public a view Ave.. who died Saturday m Moa- which It called "Faubourg Ssint.Honere," featitrss • collar «f black waif far. tection for each home sad fan- "one of keeping sectarian relig- Mothers of Troop 110 tty against atomic fallout. Mr. of bow mt uMiviuuti workan mouth Medical Center, were haM ious power out of our state public Matthews said. Ideas and help of isel aoout uva dispute. yetterdsy in the Worden Funsral educational system, and the Hope to Raise $300 Perfume Pervade* residents would bs ospsciaJly The ladutlry a taat offer — re-Home. Rev. Isaac C. Rottenbarg. church's hand out of the public LINCROFT-The Mother's Aux- Mrs. Patterson Marshall Buried useful la this program, bs added. jectea by tne union over ue pastor of New Shrewsbury Rt- tax treasury." iliary of Boy Scout Troop 110 Grand Central John M. Cain. Matt CD staff •veea-ena — woum nave given ormed Church, officiated. Burial He said many Protestant met last week at the home of -Uaase member, explained the functions worsen aa induauy-asuinataM At-was in Fair View Cemetery. and educational leaders withheld Mrs. Connie Lyford, Mlddletown- Wins Contest lackers la Graad At Arlington of four CD Instruments that cent hourly pacsage increase Bearers were Amory P. Osbora, protests when a Catholic-backed Lincroft Rd. to arrange to raise Mrs. Edward S. Patterson, 193 Termiaal wHt ssea atari WASHINGTON (AP) - Gen. ure rosntgen gamma-ray contain- miring toe Ufa of a three-year Thomas E. Davison, Oifford W. bill was passed by the Legisla. $300 to send one scout to the Patterson Ave., Shrewsbury, at the drep George C. Marshall rests today nation. Hs also showed a film on contract, Worsen were earning Stiles, James Woleott, Jr.. Fraak tare this year to allow, stste National Jamboree at Colorado lapped more than MO entrants in ef a eala. oa a Virginia hillside overlooking atomic fallout protecUoa. This aa average of *JU an hour be- Klngsland and Charles Van- scholarship* to private colleges. Springs, Colo., for two weeka in the "Discovery Days'' sales pro- The lacker eempaay plaas te Washington, where he served so film will be available to tha tore tne itrika startad. Brackle. He said they hoped then that theJuly. motion in Red Bank. use a eisaarlw that will sqatrt long aa a man of war and a schools. Masonic services wen haM Mon- Shoppers completed by spotting A meeting of toe union's 170- Catholic Church would back the One of the projects discussed "fresh, oatdesray arena" la man of peace. On Oct. 31, CD-uniformed aux- mamoer wage policy committee day night in the funeral home. bond Issue. was a cake sale, which will be misplaced items in windows of the leakers each tlate the cola* iliary police will assist at in its «• SEA BRIGHT —-•„»»- A high re„- NEW YORK (AP) — The stock Making yesterday's tour were the judges for the contest. weighed about 120 nounds. The Marshall Man that helped Eu- raod," designed, among other wtoo torra. HiMi todMtted ha qulem mass wu offered yetter- market yesterday look its worst Paul Krebs. president of the Entries were judged on neat- Hannana were childhood sweet- rope recover from the effects of thiags to Improve the cultural would have preferred to see the da.y in "Hol ~y ~Cross Catholic dive in a month as pessimism state CIO Council; Louis P. Mar- ness, legibility, and exactness of hearts at a Catholic school in war. He died Friday at 71 after aspects of tht Rsd Bank area. assembly astablish a UN commit- Churchc . Rumson. for Claude J. over prospects of a lea* diet of dante, president of the state Fed- Taylor. Tex., before their mar* a long Illness. aloa to seek restoration of coodi- Minaldi, U. of 4 Church St. who answer. Francis J, Bolduc. uuot inac tanneo otfon laso, steel depressed the major indus- eration of Labor, AFL, andexecutive vice president of the riag* there Sept. 7. IK). for tha shop hs ea Shadowbrook died Friday in ms horns. Rev. trials. James NesUtt, president of the when China exercised only nom- Chamber, said many entrants Have > Seas Rd. William Edmaa. curate, offld- The small makers of compact Independent Unions of New Jer-had correct answers, but tht Wa- inal sovereignty over Tibet. ated. Beann were Charles Dili- cars, American Motor* and sey. ning shoppers had more detailed The couple has two sons, Rob- one. George Dougherty, George Studebaker-Packerd, were on A November referendum will descriptions of the misplaced ert, 5. Pat, 4. They had spent Supreme Court Denies Harvey, Herbert Fowler, Ray- the upside and paced the market, decide whether S66,MO.0O0 should items. more than two years in laoan Asks Review mong Hdiker and Charles Ellen- successfully withstanding a late be used by the state for the ex- before returning to the United Writ in Tregoff Case berger. The Fint Aid Squad am- selling wave which hammered pansion of eight state-supported States Aug. 1, 1959. LOS ANGELES (AP) — Thebulance and a tire truck from the down blue chips to their lows for colleges. The three had previous- Fitting, Cutting, Hannan told reporters he and Of Ordinance Stats Supreme Court hu declin- Fin Co. of the Sea Bright Mr, and Mn. Nell Meytn. 2 ed to Intervene ia ths Carols the day. ly endorsed the idea. Setting Demonstration his wife both had hoped for a Maplewood Ave.. Keansburg, son. SHREWSBURY - Tht Plan- Fin Department carried the flow- Based on the fall In the Associ- In addition to Rutgers, the RARITAN TOWNSHIP - Fit- girl this time, and when he walk- yesterday. ning Board has been asked to Tregoff cast. en to Mt Olivet Cemetery. Tht review tha borough's taMMsioa tofflMV aVtQQaH Satt wNt lOVOT ated Press average, the quoted group visited the Newark Col ing. cutting and sewing from a ed into hit wife's hospital room Mr. end Mn. Randolph Dan- Wordsa Funeral Home, Rod ittern will be demonstrated at aafter the births, she smiled at him ordlaaacs with sa eye to Dr. R. Bernard Flack, are ac-Bank, wu la charge of burial. value of stocks listed on the Newlege of Engineering and Mont- iels, 1IT River St., Red Bank, strengthening road requirements. York Stock Exchange fell by anclatr Stale College. The union- meeting of the Woman's Club and said, "Well, you wanted a ton, yesterday. cused of kHUag Fiach't estranged ists represent more than S00.M0 American Home Department in girl and now you've got five." Mayor Bernard B. White told wife Barbara last July It. EDWARD M. HESUN estimated $2,100,000,100. Rlverview Hsapttal Borough Council last night ha The Supreme Court yesterday Of 1.200 issues traded, M4 ad-members of organized labor in the home of Mrs. Gerard T. He said he klued her for each HARRISON - Edward M. Hes- the state. Remsen, Jr., Carriage Rd., Hazo-f ths newlv born quints. Mr. snd Mn. Edward Rebbein. had asked for tbt study. speat several houn studying Miss vanced and (27 declined. There "I believe that we are a little Tregofrs request for a writ of n. 52. of 214 Manor Ave., died ware 17 new highs for the year let, tomorrow at 1:30 p. m. Physicians said the babies' col 912 Hsrrit Ave., Union Beach, Sunday In the Veterans Adminis- Mrs. Remsen. chairman, taidjor and breathim were good but son, yesterday. behind in our specifications for prohibition which would have pre- and 37 new lows. Campfirr Girl* roads." the mayor said. vented her trial oa a murder tration Hospital. East Orange, Mrs: George R. Schneider, tlfth th»t thev h«H not had a chaace Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baumu. after a long Illness. NEW YORK To Aid Patirnls to develop fully. charge- The court then aaaoaaced. «\Cr Iml district American Home' chsir 273 Laurence Pkwy.. Laurence His brother is George E. Hes- RARITAN TOWNSHIP - man. will lead the discussion and The world's onlv living quints without comment, that it would Mama El lonra * I, Harbor, son. yesterday. Rood rsouirtmtats la aeigh- act issue such a writ. Ua of Keansburg. AH Rxlue - Mis hospital project and a group trip demonstration. Mrs. John laztet- are the Dillftenti* of Buenos Mr. and Mn. Patsy Epoelto. borlag muaidtalinea are "a lot AlUs i.'p Kalaar Al were discussed at a meeting of Mr. Hcslin wu bora is Kearay ants I**) Kcnnacou ta will supply material. Aires, Argentina, who celebrated Rt. Tl, Matawaa, soa. yesterday. men stringent than ours," as Miss Tregoffs attorney. Rob- and had lived in Harrison most AllUd Ch lsuia Kuavara the Takonya Campflre Girls in A aewing ctntest for members their 16th birthday last July IS. art A. Nteb. Jr., sought the ATOM Strt U'tlKraast, sa .12 Mr. and Mn. Robert WUkiae. of his life. He wu a guard at M1,|L»hig1> Ci.1 he home of Mrs. Edward Barth, of the club, in conjuneition with The Dionne quints, probably the Coaadlwoous Mrs. Lois Mac-writ oaaa grounds that his clisat's e wu Aim Ckti lmvi^n Part i' US Hyert Mill Rd., Colt's Nock, sos. AMua 2« Ii/»h Val Inn 14 Roland PI., Hailtt. a statewide contest, will be held world's most publicized, survtv- Mahoa Joke said the would in- civil fa^fcaal Wtft Vatfattftid WhaM the RCA plant there Am Alriin yesterday. M to r 1 ta WoriWoridd «HM Val Rlt I'! March S. 1M0. Details of the con- • a.2! " Am Hrk 8h «SlLo( Olaaa Chrittine Loptro. pretident, ed for M years, until Emilia Dl- Mr. and Mn. Anthony Lepn. vestigate ths possiblUues of kv she was called to testify War "!II with the Army la Europe Am car/aan STSLIb Me N * 1 test will be announced. «. Am < conducted the business meeting onne died at 20 In MM. 91 Branch Ave., Red Bank, soa. stalliag a ttrest light oa Syca- Mr. Flack at his prsMmtaary aad wu awarded tha BraaaBreams Ar- Am "•I a ra» M'.i.iaa a My Any member of the club may more Ave. near Sunaybsak Dr. hsariag. Miss Tregoff was am* Am Motora «7, forWa lnr 35 and announced that the girls will yesterday. as a member ot a Am Knitlt «!'. I.UIMI Sll participate in t project to aupply attend American Home Depart' Mayor White said at hsd hadad as she stopped from the wit- Am m