1937 Association of British Members of the Swiss Alpine Club Mmm- Mmmm 1937 Officers: President: C
I ■S ?*#* '; iSi. THE ASSOCIATION OF ‘ SSjsltS/' -ij&i BRITISH MEMBERS ' or THK IP SWISS ALPINE CLUB (Established 1909) President: W„ C. T. LEHMANN, ESQ. msm Vice-Presidents: H. G. Pulling. Dr. H. L. R. Dent. A. E. W. Mason. W. M. Roberts, O.B.E. Brigadier-General The Hon. C. G. Bruce, C.B., M.V.O. Sir William Ellis, G.B.E. A. N. Andrews. ■ CONTENTS: Committee and Officers. Report, Accounts and Balance Sheet for 1936. How to belong to Swiss Alpine Club, &c. Club Notes. Annual Dinner. Catalogue of Books in the Library. Objects and Rules of Association. List of Members of Association and Addresses. List of Hon. Members. Kindred Clubs and some Sections of S.A.C. Hon. Treasurer: C. T. LEHMANN 28, Monument Street, E.C.3. Hon. Secretaries: M N. CLARKE and F. W. CAVEY. Club Room: Room No. 121, Hotel Great Central, N.W.l. 1937 Association of British Members of the Swiss Alpine Club mmm- mmMm 1937 Officers: President: C. T. Lehmann, ‘AC.’ (Diablerets) 1937. Vice-Presidents: H. G. Pulling, ‘AC.’ (Diablerets) 1914. A. E. W. Mason, ‘AC.’ (Geneva), President, 1912-1922, V.P.. 1923. Db. H. L. R. Dent, ‘AC.’ (Diablerets) President, 1923-1926, V.P., 1913-1922, and 1927. Bbigadieh-Genebal The Hon. C. G. Bruce, C.B., M.V.O., ‘AC.’, (Monte Rosa), President. 1927-1930, V.P., 1922-1926 and 1931. W. M. Roberts, O.B.E., ‘AC.’ (Oberhasli), Hon. Secretary, 1923-1930, President, 1931-1933, V.P., 1934. Sib William Ellis. G.B.E., ‘AC.’ (Bern) 1936.
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