Palaeontologia Electronica

Ataxioceras (Ataxioceras) lopeztichae Cantú-Chapa, 1991: Updating the systematic and palaeobiogeographic interpretation

Luis Moliner, Federico Olóriz, and Ana Bertha Villaseñor


Common, recurrent and pervasive homeomorphism makes precise biostratigra- phy crucial for correct interpretations of Lower ataxioceratin ammonites (e.g., Ataxioceras Fontannes, 1879 and Ataxioceras [Schneidia] Atrops, 1982) on the basis of analyzing complete specimens. Ataxioceras is not conclusively known even in epicontinental, Submediterranean areas since the majority of nominal species were erected during pioneer times for ammonite systematics and biostratigraphy, and updated information is really limited. Reports of Ataxioceras from Mexico reveal that the material is not conclusive for accepting these records as real occurrences, which is corroborated by hundreds of specimens retrieved from outcrops sampled bed-by-bed during the last two decades. The potential occurrence of Ataxioceras in Mexico is approached through the analysis of the single, complete, in-volume preserved speci- men illustrated as Ataxioceras (Ataxioceras) lopeztichae sp. nov. by Cantú-Chapa, 1991, and the revision of its systematic and palaeobiogeographic meaning is made. The precise analysis of shell morphology, ribbing and peristomal structure has been supported with complementary comparisons with involute morpho-species of Ataxioc- eras and Schneidia. Reinterpretation of the Mexican type as Schneidia lopeztichai (Cantú-Chapa) of a latest Platynota to earliest Hypselocyclum age is promoted, and favoured its occurrence in relation with colonization events under Hispanic Corridor influence. A potential western colonization by Early Kimmeridgian ataxioceratins via the Panthalassa Ocean is not supported by reported records of assumed Ataxioceras from north-easternmost Gondwana and terrane complexes accreted to the eastern- most Asian Block since they refer to unidentified homeomorphs.

Luis Moliner. ENSAYA Laboratory, Aneto nº 8, Cuarte de Huerva, Zaragoza, 50410, Spain, [email protected] Federico Olóriz. University of Granada, Department of Stratigraphy and Paleontology, Av. Fuentenueva s/ n, Granada, 18071, Spain, [email protected] (corresponding author) Ana Bertha Villaseñor. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Geología, Departamento de Paleontología, Cd. México, 04510, Mexico, [email protected]

Keywords: Ammonites; systematics; paleobiogeography; Kimmeridgian; Mexico

Submission: 17 August 2015. Acceptance: 16 May 2016.

Moliner, Luis, Olóriz, Federico, and Villaseñor, Ana Bertha. 2016. Ataxioceras (Ataxioceras) lopeztichae Cantú-Chapa, 1991: Updating the systematic and palaeobiogeographic interpretation. Palaeontologia Electronica 19.2.19A: 1-16

Copyright: Palaeontological Association July 2016 MOLINER, OLÓRIZ, & VILLASEÑOR: AMMONITES, KIMMERIDGIAN, MEXICO

INTRODUCTION USA Reports of Lower Kimmeridgian ataxioceratin ammonites in Mexico are known from northeast- ern, central-east and southern Mexico based on Coah. subsurface material retrieved from bore holes, and samples gathered from both outcrops and sections analyzed bed-by-bed (e.g., Cantú-Chapa, 1969, Zac. GULF OF MEXICO SLP 1971, 1979, 1984, 1991, 1992, 2001; Villaseñor, 1991; Villaseñor et al., 2000; López-Caballero, PACIFIC OCEAN 2009; Jiménez-López, 2011; Villaseñor et al., Ver. 2012, 2014, 2015) . Interpretations in these reports Oax. include: (i) thickness variations among 5 and 235 m for the stratigraphic interval containing the alluded ammonites, at least for eastern Mexico; (ii) FIGURE 1. Map of Mexico with approximate locations biostratigraphic interpretations in terms of the “Uni- for reported records of Lower Kimmeridgian ataxiocera- dad or Zona con Ataxioceras” and then of the tin ammonites mentioned in text, with reference to Mex- “Schneidia Assemblage”, but references to infor- ican states. Light brown (Oaxaca state). Black star mal biostratigraphic intervals have been also con- (town of Tlaxiaco at the surroundings of which Schnei- sidered; (iii) assumed scarce and inconclusive, dia lopeztichai [Cantú-Chapa] was found). Red dots controversial occurrence of raseniid ammonites; (north-to-south surface records reported and illustrated (iv) increasing reference to the occurrence of by López-Caballero, 2009 from Coahuila; Villaseñor, Schneidia; (v) correlation with biostratigraphic 1991 and Villaseñor et al., 2000, 2015 from Zacatecas; scales for southern Submediterranean Europe, Cantú-Chapa, 1984 and Jiménez-López, 2011 from San mainly pointing to imprecise intervals of the Platy- Luis Potosí; and Cantú-Chapa, 1991 from Oaxaca). Green triangle (subsurface record reported and illus- nota and Hypselocyclum zones; and (vi) alternative trated from Veracruz by Cantú-Chapa, 2001). Purple paleobiogeographic interpretations about Mexican square (subsurface records reported without illustration Lower Kimmeridgian ataxioceratins. by Cantú-Chapa, 1969, 1971). Except for Cantú-Chapa (1992), a throrough revision of these reports can be found in Villaseñor et al. (2015), who were focused on the analysis of graphic interval recorded from a subsurface core, 267 ataxioceratins recorded bed-by-bed from a 11 and is too incomplete and poorly preserved to be m thick section in north-central Mexico (Figure 1). conclusively interpreted. The material illustrated by Cantú-Chapa (1992, pl. The present paper revises the status of Atax- 1, figs. 1, 3, 6, 9, 10, 14 and 19) is composed of ioceras (Ataxioceras) lopeztichae Cantú-Chapa, incomplete ammonite specimens and fragments 1991, the single, illustrated specimen of complete that represent a material affected, at least in part, Lower Kimmeridgian ataxioceratin ammonite pre- by sample diameter when gathered from borehole served in volume from Mexico−Villaseñor et al., cores–all pictured specimens except those in fig- 2015, fig. 5) illustrated a single phragmocone pre- ures 14 and 19, which have no indication to have served in volume among slightly more than 300 been recorded as subsurface samples. The specimens analyzed. According to Cantú-Chapa reported ammonites are Ataxioceras (Schneidia) (1991, p. 20), the type is housed in the author’s sp. (ibid., pl. 1, figs. 1, 3), Lithacosphinctes sp. collection with label Ac-1003. Unfortunately, no (ibid., pl. 1, fig. 6), Ataxioceras (Ataxioceras) aff. success was obtained with an institutional petition subinvolutum (Siemiradski; recte Siemiradzki) to analyze the specimen or to have a plaster cast (ibid., pl. 1 fig. 9), Rasenia aff. (Rasenioides) sp. on March 12, 2014, hence only indirect, computer (ibid., pl. 1, fig. 10), Ataxioceras (Parataxioceras) image-analysis of the type under study was avail- sp. (ibid., fig. 14), and Ataxioceras (Ataxioceras) able for this revision (Figure 2). In order to proceed sp. (ibid., pl. 1, fig. 19). All these ammonites were with additional, comparative analyses with Lower interpreted to belong to the “Zona con Ataxioc- Kimmeridgian European ataxioceratins, measure- eras”. Incompleteness and/or poor preservation of ments were obtained from papers of the different these ammonites only allow to approach their inter- authors, or they were directly gathered from mea- pretation as ataxioceratins. Among these ammo- surements made on their illustrations (see below) nites, Rasenia aff. (Rasenioides) sp. (ibid., pl. 1, to support bivariate plots included in this paper. fig. 10) is an isolate record from a 5 m thick strati- There were identified cases in which some devia-


FIGURE 2. 1 - Type of Ataxioceras (Ataxioceras) lopeztichae as illustrated by Cantú-Chapa (1991), and re-interpreted as Schneidia lopeztichai (Cantú-Chapa); reproduced with permission of the Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológi- cas. 2 - Ribbing pattern of Schneidia lopeztichai (Cantú-Chapa) obtained from computer image–analysis showing sculpture relief according to the degree of shading (dark to light for higher to lower relief) and white for inter-ribs and depressed spaces. tions became apparent among the data provided in (Cantú-Chapa, 1991), which was proposed on the text by the given authors and those obtained from basis of the type here revised. their illustrations, as well as illustrations for which Remarks on Ataxioceras (Ataxioceras) no scale and/or no measurements were provided lopeztichae sp. nov. Cantú-Chapa, 1991 (e.g., in some of the old papers mentioned through- out this paper). This limitation with data obtained Ataxioceras (Ataxioceras) lopeztichae was from illustrations was surpassed by using U/D erected by Cantú-Chapa (1991) without indication ratios (i.e., the size of the umbilicus vs. shell size, of the precise stratigraphic level of provenance. measured in millimetres) for evaluation of coiling Thus, the interpretation made by this author of the degrees; maximal fluctuations greater than 3-5% in specimen he analyzed was necessarily limited to the obtained values are indicated. the analysis of shell features, such as sculpture Given that the most recent information about and coiling, and no details about the state of pres- Mexican ataxioceratins was obtained from material ervation were given. Shell measurements in Cantú- preserved as crushed inner casts of more or less Chapa (1991, p. 18) gave 10.8 cm for shell size, incomplete specimens and fragments collected 2.4 cm for the size of the umbilicus, and 0.22% bed-by-bed, and focused on interpretations at the (recte 22%) for the coiling degree. Concerning the population level, precise biostratigraphy, and eval- sculpture, Cantú-Chapa (op. cit.) assumed the uation of the correlation potential (Villaseñor et al., occurrence of real polyplocoid ribs (“el tipo de cos- 2015), the special interest recognized for reviewing tillas corresponde a una forma evolucionada del the Cantú-Chapa’s type is twofold: (i) to analyze denominado costillaje poliplocoide…la primera the single, complete ataxioceratin ammonites bifurcación se efectúa hacia la mitad de los flancos reported from the lowermost Kimmeridgian hori- y la segunda, en el tercio externo”; cf. Cantú- zons documented in Mexico, allowing a precise Chapa, 1991, p. 18; sic). Cantú-Chapa (1991, p. study of the adult stage in order to clarify its sys- 18) rightly identified the occurrence of lappets, but tematic interpretation; and (ii) to evaluate the he did not use this feature for his interpretation at hypothesis of colonization of Mexican seas being the genus level. achieved by “paleo-Pacific” ataxioceratins across a Based on computer image-analysis after digi- southern passage early during Kimmeridgian times tize figure 2 in Cantú-Chapa (1991), and the expe- rience on ammonite preservation in the lowermost


Kimmeridgian deposits overlying Zuloaga carbon- irregular ribbing in which true polyplocoid ribs ates and lateral equivalents in Mexico (e.g., Olóriz seems to be rare (see below). The latter contrasts et al., 1997; Villaseñor et al., 2015), we assume with that stated by Geyer (1961, p. 57) when typify- inner cast preservation for the specimen described ing Atax. (Atax.) subinvolutum Siemiradzki, but it by Cantú-Chapa (1991). It is well known that inner- was in accordance with the ribbing pattern illus- cast preservation in siltstones commonly forces trated by this author (Geyer, 1961, fig. 70-71). It is some degree of sculpture smoothing—i.e., ribs’ worth mentioning that the alluded specimen of smoothing in the case under consideration. Atax. (Atax.) subinvolutum Siemiradzki illustrated In order to characterize the ribbing pattern in by Geyer (1961, p. 12, fig. 2) was reinterpreted by the specimen gathered from SW Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca, Atrops (1982) and included in Atax. hypselocyclum in a way as precise as possible, we proceeded with Fontannes, together with the holotype of Atax. sub- careful analysis of the digitized figure 2 in Cantú- involutum Siemiradzki illustrated by Geyer (1961, Chapa (1991) under computer image-analysis. Our pl. 12, fig. 1; see also Schlegelmich, 1994, pl. 32, results show neither clear points of rib-connection fig. 1; and precise comments later in text). The lat- (“division”) at the mid flank and on, or close to, the ter is also more evolute (U/D 31-33%) and shows a umbilical edge, nor real polyplocoid ribs. In con- ribbing style that seems to be less irregular than it trast, a rather irregular ribbing was revealed in is in Atax. (Atax.) lopeztichae (Cantú-Chapa, which fasciculate-like ribs (“costulation subfas- 1991). Moliner (2009) reinterpreted the specimen ciculée” in Atrops, 1982) and palmate-like ribs of Atax. (Atax.) subinvolutum Siemiradzki illus- (“diversipartite-fascipartite rippenspaltung” Geyer, trated by Geyer (1961, pl. 12, fig. 2) as a macro- 1961; “côte palmée” Atrops, 1982 and Hantzper- conchiate specimen of Ataxioceras lothari (Oppel) gue, 1989; “division fasciculée” Hantzpergue, morph. lothari Oppel (substitution of the name 1989) are typical, together with common and irreg- hypselocyclum by priority). In addition, a more evo- ularly developed intercalatory ribs (Figure 2.1-2). lute specimen (U/D 33%) illustrated by Geyer The obtained ribbing index, considered as the (1961, pl. 10, fig. 6) as Atax. (Atax.) subinvolutum number of peripheral, secondary ribs per ten peri- Siemiradzki was later reinterpreted as Atax. umbilical, primary ones (see Geyer, 1961; Atrops, (Schneidia) lussasense by Atrops (1982). 1982; Moliner, 2009; among others), was high Cantú-Chapa (1991, p. 19) interpreted Atax. (7.1). hypselocyclum Fontannes in Atrops (1982) as It is a well-known fact that phenotype conver- being more evolute and finely sculptured that his gence (homeomorphism) among Lower Kimmerid- Atax. (Atax.) lopeztichae. gian ataxioceratins forces potential misinter- In conclusion, Atax. (Atax.) lopeztichae Cantú- pretations of specimens collected without precise Chapa was compared by Cantú-Chapa (1991) with biostratigraphic control. This applies to genera and/ specimens that were previously reinterpreted by or subgenera such as Schneidia and Ataxioceras Atrops (1982) as Atax. (Atax.) hypselocyclum Fon- collected from horizons close to the Platynota/ tannes (= Atax. lothari [Oppel] morph. lothari Hypselocyclum zone boundary and from the upper Oppel, macroconch in Moliner, 2009) and Ataxioc- Hypselocyclum Zone, respectively (cf. Atrops, eras (Schneidia) lussasense, a taxon in which 1982; Moliner, 2009), as well as to other epiconti- Atrops (1982) included several species of Ataxioc- nental records of ataxioceratin ammonites of Kim- eras erected by Siemiradzki (1898) and Schneid meridgian age (e.g., Hantzpergue, 1989; Moliner (1944). Hence, this case shows how the phenotype and Olóriz, 2010). of Atax. (Atax.) lopeztichae Cantú-Chapa can be Cantú-Chapa (1991, p. 19) recognized mor- considered morphologically comparable to, and dif- phological affinity between his specimen of Atax. ficult to distinguish of, taxa belonging to different (Atax.) lopeztichae and the European Atax. (Atax.) stratigraphic horizons within the Lower Kimmeridg- subinvolutum Siemiradzki illustrated by Geyer ian, uppermost Platynota to Hypselocyclum zones. (1961, pl. 12, fig. 2). Their morphological affinity In an earlier paper, Cantú-Chapa (1969) was mainly stated in terms of the coiling degree reported, without illustration, Ataxioceras (Ataxioc- since the primary ribs were considered to be eras) aff. subinvolutum (Siemiradzki) and Ataxioc- coarser and more numerous in the Mexican speci- eras guentheri (Oppel)–written as Atax. (Atax.) aff. men. In fact, the specimen illustrated by Geyer (op. quenther (Oppel)–obtained from subsurface cores cit) is clearly more evolute (U/D 31%) than Atax. in Poza Rica, Veracruz. These two European spe- (Atax.) lopeztichae Cantú-Chapa (U/D 22% in cies were later interpreted as Atax. (Schneidia) lus- Cantú-Chapa, 1991, p. 18), and shows a rather sasense, at least in part (Atrops, 1982).


We assume the well-known fact that the lack more irregular and less crowded ribbing where of precise biostratigraphy poses serious limitations “doubles bifurcations sont realisées de façon très for any interpretation of ammonites at the genus diverse” (Atrops, 1982, p. 178, 180). Both the coil- and/or species level when the analysis is based on ing degree and the ribs' crowding in the Wegele’s mere morphological grounds. type are within the range shown in Figure 4 for specimens of Schneidia lussasense Atrops with A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ATAXIOCERAS coiling values close to the average but less (ATAX.) LOPEZTICHAE CANTÚ-CHAPA, 1991 crowded ribbed. AND MORPHOLOGICALLY RELATED LOWER Specimens interpreted as Atax. (Atax.) guen- KIMMERIDGIAN SPECIES OF ATAXIOCERATIN theri (Oppel) in Geyer (1961, pl. 12, figs. 5 to 7). AMMONITES Specimens interpreted as Atax. (Atax.) guentheri (Oppel) in Geyer have a calculated coiling degree A comparative analysis of Atax. (Atax.) lopez- of at least 25-36% (which does not differ signifi- tichae Cantú-Chapa with morphologically close cantly from the range of values given by Geyer, taxa can be approached through evaluation of 1961), and only those specimens developing com- selected traits in several “species” of rather invo- mon, shallow constrictions (e.g., Geyer, 1961, pl. lute Ataxioceras illustrated by authors such as 12, fig. 5) show irregular ribbing that resembles Wegele (1929), Schneid (1944), Geyer (1961), that recorded in the greater sized specimen of Atrops (1982), and Schlegelmich (1994), and the Atax. (Atax.) lopeztichae described by Cantú- most recent revision of Lower Kimmeridgian atax- Chapa (1991). Some specimens assigned to the ioceratins provided by Moliner (2009). Bivariate Oppel’s species and illustrated by Geyer (1961, pl. plots of primary rib curves (UR) vs. shell diameter 12, figs. 6 and 7) show lower whorl height and (D), and the number of primary ribs (UR) vs. coiling clearly more evolute shells (U/D 26% up to ca. degree (U/D) are shown in Figures 3 and 4. 36%). The specimen illustrated by Geyer (1961, pl. Remarks on European specimens originally 1, fig. 5) shows high values of coiling degree (U/D interpreted as belonging to the genus 28.5-31.5%), lesser degree of weakening or Ataxioceras and collected without indication of smoothing of the sculpture at the mid-flank, and intra-biozone level biostratigraphy neither subpolyplocoid nor palmate ribs occur but some polyplocoid-like rib occurs in the outer whorl Ataxioceras guentheri (Oppel) in Wegele (1929, preserved. Some of the specimens illustrated by pl. 8 [12], fig. 6). When compared with Ataxioceras Geyer (1961) have more or less common, shallow (Atax.) lopeztichae Cantú-Chapa shows similar but to deeper, large constrictions, and a more or less more crowded, irregular ribbing with obscure points irregular ribbing in which polyplocoid ribs could be for rib connections between the umbilical edge and better represented than subpolyplocoid ribs (e.g., the mid-flank, and is more evolute (calculated U/D Geyer, 1961, pl. 12, fig. 5). Moreover, in the speci- 26-26.7% and U/H 0.628; no measurements were mens illustrated by Geyer (1961, pl. 12, figs. 6 and included in Wegele, 1929). Although a potential 7) there are traces of incipient to accentuate weak- polyplocoid rib seems to be preserved on the last ening or smoothing of the sculpture towards the quarter of the outer whorl preserved (body cham- mid-flank, respectively. All these specimens were ber?), sculpture weakening or smoothing just reinterpreted as Atax. (Schneidia) lussasense by below the mid-flank makes difficult the precise Atrops (1982, p. 177-181) based on the compari- interpretation of rib connections (“divisions”). son with ataxioceratins collected bed-by-bed in SE Based on comparisons made with ataxioceratins France, but this author included a wrong citation of collected bed-by-bed in SE France, Atrops (1982) their illustrations in the synonymy list. Both the coil- interpreted the mentioned specimen as Ataxioc- ing degree and the ribs’ crowding in the Geyer’s eras (Schneidia) lussasense, a new species of the types place within the range shown in Figure 4 for subgenus he erected. This author gave special Schneidia lussasense Atrops. Morphological simi- mention to the fact that subpolyplocoid ribs were larity is closer with specimens showing coiling progressively longer, higher on the flank during the degrees between average and extremely high U/D later ontogeny. Hence, these ribs resulted “rappe- values, and ribs’ crowding between average and lant…côtes polyploïdes” (Atrops, 1982, p. 177). slightly lower values. However, this author also reported real polyplocoid Selected “species” of genus Ataxioceras ribs in the subgroup of Atax. (Schneidia) lussa- erected by Schneid. Among types described in sense Atrops showing a more crowded ribbing, as pioneer monographies, Schneid’s “species” of well as their occurrence in the subgroup with a


UR 70

60 9

50 30 30 31 3431 31 29 34 29 40 3 26 35 31 35 16 16 16 35 33 9 16 3317 35 26 27 33 28 35 30 22 27 16 32 * 24 23 22 6 3 32 23 36 24 22 24 20 14 20 24 1 20 36 14

25 25


0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 D (mm)

1 Atax. barbatum Schneid, 1944, pl. 10, fig. 1 25 Sch. lopeztichai (Cantú-Chapa, 1991) 3 Atax. didymoides Schneid, 1944, pl. 5, fig. 11 26 Sch. lussasense Atrops, 1982, F.S.L. 188 023 6 Atax. pulchellum Schneid, 1944, pl. 11 fig 7 27 Sch. lussasense Atrops, 1982, F.S.L. 188 268 9 Atax. semistriatum Schneid, 1944, pl.1, fig. 9 28 Sch. lussasense Atrops, 1982, F.S.L. 188 269 14 Atax. validum Schneid, 1944, pl. 11, fig. 5 29 Sch. lussasense Atrops, 1982, F.S.L. 188 270 16 A. (A.) guentheri in Geyer, 1961, pl. 1, fig. 5 30 Sch. lussasense Atrops, 1982, F.S.L. 188 271 17* A. (A.) guentheri in Geyer , 1961, pl. 12, fig. 5 31 Sch. lussasense Atrops, 1982, F.S.L. 225 805 32 Sch. lussasense Atrops, 1982, F.S.L. 225 842 20 A. (A.) involutum in Geyer, 1961, pl. 6, fig. 5 33 Sch. lussasense Atrops, 1982, F.S.L. 225 847 22 A. (A.) subinvolutum in Geyer, 1961, pl. 10, fig 6 34 Sch. lussasense Atrops, 1982, F.S.L. 226 278 23 A. (A.) subinvolutum in Geyer, 1961, pl. 12, fig. 1 35 Sch. lussasense Atrops, 1982, F.S.L. 227 386 24 A. (A.) subinvolutum in Geyer, 1961, pl. 12, fig. 2 36 Sch. lussasense Atrops, 1982, F.S.L. 225 872

FIGURE 3. Bivariate plot of ribbing curves for Schneidia lussasense (Atrops, 1982), Schneidia lopeztichai (Cantú- Chapa, 1991) and involute “species” assigned to genus Ataxioceras by Wegele (1929), Schneid (1944), and Geyer (1961). Mainly phragmocones of nominal “species” of Ataxioceras, revised or not after their original interpretation (green). Taxa synonymous of Schneidia lussasense according to Atrops, 1982 (blue). Schneidia lopeztichai (Cantú- Chapa) (red). Schneidia lussasense from SE France in Atrops, 1982 (orange). Note less number of nominal species than in Figure 4 because of unidentified precise data about shell diameter. Dubious interpretation for small specimen below 40-50 mm (*). See text for comparative analyses.


genus Ataxioceras such as semistriatum, didy- than average crowded ribbed variants of Schneidia moides and tentaculatum in Schneid (1944) also lussasense Atrops in Figure 4. correspond to shells with relatively involute coiling, All these three “species” erected by Schneid and sculpture more or less comparable to that (1944) were also reinterpreted as Atax. (Schneidia) observed in Atax. (Atax.) lopeztichae Cantú- lussasense by Atrops (1982), based on the com- Chapa. parison with ataxioceratins collected bed-by-bed in Atax. semistriatum and Atax. aff. semistriatum SE France. in Schneid (1944, pl. 1, fig. 11; pl. 1, fig. 12), show Schlegelmich (1994) provided a valuable re- calculated U/D 27% and U/H 0.62, and U/D 25- illustration of old types of ataxioceratins, among 30% and U/H 0.86, respectively. These values con- other ammonites collected from southern trast with the single value of U/D 22.5% obtained Germany. As could be expected for such a large from data given by Schneid (1944). These speci- revision, this author rather restricted his interpreta- mens are more evolute and crowded ribbed than tions to morphology, without paying special atten- the type described by Cantú-Chapa (1991), without tion to the incidence of homeomorphism in development of real polyplocoid ribs. Atax. semis- ammonite taxonomy and systematics. Hence, the triatum in Schneid (1944, pl. 1, fig. 10), showing mere occurrence of polyplocoid ribs determined his calculated U/D 22-25% and U/H 0.48-0.50, has a interpretation of genus Ataxioceras. Schlegelmich coiling degree comparable to that obtained from (1994) included all microconchs of Lower Kimme- the original illustration of Atax. (Atax.) lopeztichae ridgian ataxioceratins in the subgenus Parataxioc- Cantú-Chapa, ranging from similar to slightly eras. Therefore, he did not consider the subgenus higher values than those reported by Cantú-Chapa Schneidia Atrops, and reported Atax. (Schneidia) (1991, p. 18: U/D 22%). However, the whorl height lussasense Atrops as Atax. (Parataxioceras) lussa- is higher, and developed much more crowded, fine sense Atrops. ribbing in which some irregular “divisions” and nar- Some evaluations made by Schlegelmich row constrictions occur on the outer whorl pre- (1994) on mainly involute specimens interpreted as served. All these specimens of Atax. semistriatum Ataxioceras by Schneid (1944) and Geyer (1961) Schneid were interpreted as Atax. (Schneidia) lus- are of interest for the case under study. Thus, Atax- sasense by Atrops (1982). Their coiling degrees ioceras pulchellum Schneid was interpreted by range throughout those shown for Schneidia lussa- Schlegelmich (1994) with lesser variability than it sense Atrops in Figure 4, while the ribs’ crowding was envisaged by Geyer (1961). Schlegelmich extends between values lower to slightly above the (1994) excluded constricted variants (e.g., Geyer, average for this species. 1961, pl. 11, fig. 6 = Atax. [Schneidia] lussasense Ataxioceras didymoides Schneid (1944, pl. 5, in Atrops, 1982) and his interpretation resulted fig. 11) shows irregular, comparable rib “divisions” more in accordance with the types illustrated by but it is clearly more evolute (calculated U/D 28- Schneid (1944, pl. 11, figs. 7-8). The illustrations 31%; data in Schneid, 1944 indicate U/D 38% for provided by Schneid (1944) show two phragmo- the specimen he illustrated in pl.5, fig. 10), and cones with a more crowded ribbing than it is in developed large, shallow constrictions. The coiling Atax. (Atax.) lopeztichae Cantú-Chapa. According degree corresponds to evolute variants of Schnei- to data in Schneid (1944, p. 37), the shell size is dia lussasense Atrops here (Figure 4), while the similar to that in Atax. (Atax.) lopeztichae Cantú- ribs' crowding places well centred to slightly below Chapa, as well as the coiling degree (23% accord- average values within the range shown in Figure 4. ing to Schneid, 1944, but 23-26% obtained from his In Ataxioceras tentaculatum Schneid (1944, illustration). Moreover, the ribbing pattern includes pl. 12, fig 3), the calculated coiling degree (U/D 30- some rib structuring very similar to that shown in 31%) is within the range obtained from data given the Cantú-Chapa's species, including the weaken- by Schneid (1944) revealing a clearly more evolute ing or smoothing below the mid-flank. The two shell than it is in the Cantú-Chapa’s type. The irreg- phragmocones illustrated by Schneid (1944) are ular ribbing shows some rib “divisions” which are placed among the more tightly coiled variants, with comparable to those observed in Atax. (Atax.) crowded ribs slightly low than average, within the lopeztichae Cantú-Chapa, but the sculpture in range shown in Figure 4 for Schneidia lussasense Atax. tentaculatum Schneid is sharper and stiffer, Atrops. They most probably represent macro- with more crowded primary ribs. Both the coiling conchs and cannot be conclusively interpreted as degree and the ribs’ crowding in Atax. tentaculatum belonging to Ataxioceras or Schneidia. The speci- Schneid correspond to evolute and slightly less men of Ataxioceras pulchellum illustrated by Geyer


UR 60

50 30 30 34 31 31 29

40 29 34 26 9 31 12 35 3516 16 33 12 17 * 33 35 12 2627 8 9 10 33 28 8 1811 21 3 35 7 7 6 2 2 30 13 32 26 10 618 21 3 22 21 4 4 23 22 23 17 18 23 32 22 19 5 19 22 15 15 1 24 24 20 24 2020 20 24 14 14 25 25 25


0 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 U/D 1 Atax. barbatum Schneid, 1944, pl. 10, fig. 1 2 Atax. barbatum Schneid, 1944, pl. 10, fig. 2 3 Atax. didymoides Schneid, 1944, pl. 5, fig. 11 4 Atax. excellens Schneid, 1944, pl.11, fig 3 5 Atax. guentheri in Wegele, 1929, pl. 8, fig. 6 6 Atax. pulchellum Schneid, 1944, pl. 11 fig 7 25 Sch. lopeztichai (Cantú-Chapa, 1991) 7 Atax. pulchellum Schneid, 1944, pl. 11 fig. 8 26 Sch. lussasense Atrops, 1982, F.S.L. 188 023 8 Atax. scitulum Schneid, 1944, pl. 1, fig. 13 27 Sch. lussasense Atrops, 1982, F.S.L. 188 268 9 Atax. semistriatum Schneid, 1944, pl.1, fig. 9 28 Sch. lussasense Atrops, 1982, F.S.L. 188 269 10 Atax. semistriatum Schneid, 1944, pl. 1, fig. 10 29 Sch. lussasense Atrops, 1982, F.S.L. 188 270 11 Atax. semistriatum Schneid, 1944, pl. 1, fig. 11 30 Sch. lussasense Atrops, 1982, F.S.L. 188 271 12 Atax. aff. semistriatum Schneid, 1944, pl. 1, fig. 12 31 Sch. lussasense Atrops, 1982, F.S.L. 225 805 13 Atax. tentaculatum Schneid, 1944, pl. 12, fig. 3 32 Sch. lussasense Atrops, 1982, F.S.L. 225 842 14 Atax. validum Schneid, 1944, pl. 11, fig. 5 33 Sch. lussasense Atrops, 1982, F.S.L. 225 847 15 Atax. validum Schneid, 1944, pl. 11, fig. 4 34 Sch. lussasense Atrops, 1982, F.S.L. 226 278 16 A. (A.) guentheri in Geyer, 1961, pl 1, fig. 5 * 35 Sch. lussasense Atrops, 1982, F.S.L. 227 386 17 A. (A.) guentheri in Geyer , 1961, pl. 12, fig. 5 18 A. (A.) guentheri in Geyer, 1961, pl. 12, fig. 6 19 A. (A.) guentheri in Geyer, 1961, pl. 12, fig. 7 20 A. (A.) involutum in Geyer, 1961, pl. 6, fig. 5 21 A. (A.) pulchellum in Geyer, 1961, pl. 11, fig. 6 22 A. (A.) subinvolutum in Geyer, 1961, pl. 10, fig 6 23 A. (A.) subinvolutum in Geyer, 1961, pl. 12, fig. 1 24 A. (A.) subinvolutum in Geyer, 1961, pl. 12, fig. 2

FIGURE 4. Bivariate plot of primary ribs' crowding vs. coiling degree for Schneidia lussasense (Atrops, 1982; ammo- nite species in his synonymy list included), Schneidia lopeztichai (Cantú-Chapa, 1991), and involute “species” assigned to genus Ataxioceras by Wegele (1929), Schneid (1944), and Geyer (1961). Colours and asterisk as in Fig- ure 3. Original measurements separated up to 3%-5% from those obtained from the illustrations of the specimens referred (squares). See text for comparative analyses.


(1961, pl. 11, fig. 6) was considered synonymous higher than they are in the Cantú-Chapa’s type, the of Atax. (Schneidia) lussasense by Atrops (1982), ribs’ crowding is similar to slightly higher, and their and is well placed within the range for specimens primary ribs are shorter and reinforced on the outer of Schneidia lussasense Atrops with relatively whorl preserved. averaged values of coiling and lesser crowded ribs, In Ataxioceras barbatum Schneid (1944, p. as it is shown in Figure 4. 37, pl. 10, fig. 1-2), the author gave three series of Schlegelmich (1994) considered Atax. scitu- measurements. These indicate D 165 mm, U lum Schneid, Atax. validum Schneid, Atax. barba- (24.2%), U/H (0.588), W/H (0.632), H (41.2%), W tum Schneid, and Atax. (Atax.) involutum Geyer to (26%); D 143 mm, U (22.3%), U/H (0.533), W/H be interrelated species. (0.583), H (41.9%), W (24.4%); and D 75 mm, U In Ataxioceras scitulum Schneid (1944, p. 8, (21.3%), U/H (0.457), W/H (0.571), H (46.6%), W pl. 1, fig.13), the author gave a single series of (26.6%). The coiling degree obtained from measurements indicating D 82 mm, U 21.9%, U/H Schneid’s illustrations ranges from 25 to 28%.The 0.473, W/H 0.657, H 46.3%, W 30.4%. The speci- two illustrated specimens show sculpture weaken- men illustrated could be easily interpreted as an ing (smoothing?) increased with shell size, a trait involute Schneidia (U/D 23-24% according to data which is accentuated in the greater one (phragmo- obtained from Schneid’s illustration). In accordance cone). The smaller specimen (Schneid, 1944, pl. with the data in Schneid (op. cit), scitulum has a 10, fig.2) corresponds to a juvenile of Schneidia slightly smaller and wider shell than Atax. (Atax.) with well-developed constrictions, as indicated by lopeztichae Cantú-Chapa, and shows a similar its morphological similarity with the specimen of coiling degree. Its ribbing is much crowded, without Atax. tentaculatum illustrated by Schneid (1944, pl. relevant weakening or smoothing of the mid-flank 12, fig. 3), which was reinterpreted as Atax. sculpture, except for the outermost one-fourth of (Schneidia) lussasense by Atrops (1982; but writ- the outer whorl preserved. Noteworthy, on the ten as tentaculum by this author). According to outer whorl is the occurrence of subpolyplocoid to measurements in Schneid (1944), the “species” irregular and fasciculate-palmate-like ribs slightly barbatum could reach shell sizes greater than reinforced on the umbilical edge. The better pre- Atax. (Atax.) lopeztichae Cantú-Chapa, but would served phragmocone illustrated by Schneid is realize similar coiling degrees and whorl sections placed within the range of specimens with tighter with flanks of comparable height in shells sizes coiling and average rib’s crowding shown in Figure between 75 mm and 143 mm. Concerning the style 4 for Schneidia lussasense Atrops, but incomplete of ribbing, descriptions in Schneid (1944, p. 38) preservation precludes its conclusive interpretation point to fasciculate-palmate-like ribs. The small as belonging to Ataxioceras or Schneidia. specimen illustrated by Schneid (1944, pl. 10, fig. In Ataxioceras validum Schneid (1944, p. 36, 2) shows a coiling degree of 26-28% and only the pl. 11, fig. 4-6), the author gave two series of mea- irregular ribbing that usually anticipates later ribs' surements indicating D 113 mm, U (21.2%), U/H complexity at greater shell size. The greater one (0.452), W/H (0.603), H (46.9%), W (28.3%); and D (Schneid, 1944, pl. 10, fig. 1; Schneidia macro- 102 mm, U (18.6%), U/H (0.475), W/H (0.8), H conch or incomplete Ataxioceras?) shows an (39.2%), W (31.3%). The three illustrated phrag- eroded flank with preservation of peripheral ribs, a mocones agree with rather involute Schneidia-like single, relatively shallow constriction with promi- shells, especially the smaller one. Their sculpture nent adapertural margin, and short primary ribs shows subpolyplocoid ribs on the outer whorls, and reinforced on the umbilical edge. As well as other rib weakening or smoothing with more or less real- specimens of Schneid’s “species” interpreted as ized fasciculate-palmate-like structures on the last belonging to Ataxioceras, coiling and ribs' crowding whorl preserved. No typical polyplocoid ribs seem in the “species” barbatum Schneid agrees with val- to be developed. These specimens correspond to ues close to the average within the range shown shells, slightly more involute and with slightly wider for Schneidia lussasense Atrops in Figure 4. The flanks than shown in Atax. (Atax.) lopeztichae “species” barbatum was interpreted by Geyer Cantú-Chapa. However, the coiling degrees (1961) as potentially synonymous of Ataxioceras obtained from Schneid’s and Cantú-Chapa’s illus- (Atax.) hypselocyclum (Fontannes). trations could be closer (U/D 21%-24%). The Ataxioceras (Ataxioceras) involutum Geyer flanks in the phragmocones slightly larger than 100 (1961, p. 61-62; pl. 6, fig. 5). The author gave a mm (Schneid, 1944, pl. 11, figs. 4-5 = macro- single series of measurements indicating D 80 mm conchs of Schneidia or Ataxioceras?) are slightly and U/D 20%, with a ribbing index of 6.6 at 60 mm


and 8 at 80 mm of shell diameter. Geyer (1961) regular, strong, polyplocoid ribbing, an observation reported polyplocoid and diversipartite rather than which agrees with the ribbing pattern he depicted subpolyplocoid ribs. However, data from his illus- in his fig. 71. This author also noted the occurrence tration indicate a slightly looser coiling (22-23.5%) of some constrictions, but he did not made compar- and the polyplocoid-like ribs identifiable on the isons with any other species of Ataxioceras he phragmocone (i.e., at the rear half of the outer studied. As previously stated, Atrops (1982, p. 177) whorl in Geyer, 1961, pl. 6, fig. 5) show primaries reinterpreted the specimen illustrated by Geyer shorter than they are in typical polyplocoid ribs. (1961, pl. 10, fig. 6) as Atax. (Schneidia) lussa- The latter is more evident on the body chamber sense, while the specimens illustrated by Geyer where fasciculate-palmate-like ribs seems to be (1961, pl. 12, figs. 1 and 2) were reinterpreted as missing due to subtle weakening or smoothing of Atax. (Atax.) hypselocyclum hypselocyclum (Fon- the sculpture on the mid-flank. Geyer (1961) recog- tannes), with some doubts (Atrops, 1982, p. 254). nized the above commented Atax. guentheri The large phragmocones illustrated by Geyer (Oppel) and Atax. pulchellum Schneid as related (1961, pl. 12, figs. 1 and 2) most probably repre- forms, which were interpreted as Atax. (Schneidia) sent macroconchiate specimens, which agrees lussasense by Atrops (1982). According to the rib- with the interpretation made by Atrops, who consid- bing pattern depicted by Geyer (1961, p. 64), the ered Atax. (Atax.) hypselocyclum hypselocyclum irregularity of the sculpture in Atax. (Atax.) involu- (Fontannes) as a macroconch from the Lower Kim- tum is similar to that in Atax. (Atax.) lopeztichae meridgian, Hypselocyclum Zone. Unfortunately, Cantú-Chapa before the prevalence of fasciculate- Atrops (1982) did not give more precise comments palmate ribs in the adoral half of the incomplete about the status of Atax. (Atax.) subinvolutum outer whorl of the former. According to data in (Siemiradzki) after his revision. Schlegelmich Geyer (1961), Atax. (Atax.) involutum n. sp. (U/D (1994, p. 80) interpreted Atax. (Atax.) subinvolutum 20%) realized a coiling degree tighter than was (Siemiradzki) as close to Atax. prominens Schneid originally described for Atax. (Atax.) lopeztichae (1944, pl. 2, figs. 5 and 6), which is a species rarely Cantú-Chapa (U/D 22%), but the difference in the cited and not analyzed by Schlegelmich (1994). On preserved shell diameters makes this datum some- the basis of the information available, Atax. (Atax.) thing inconclusive. The limited weakening of the subinvolutum (Siemiradzki) is not conclusively sculpture close to the mid flank in Atax. (Atax.) known, and while the specimen illustrated by involutum Geyer could relate to the combination of Geyer (1961, pl. 10, fig. 6) can be interpreted as its relative smaller shell size (unfinished growth?) Schneidia, the two phragmocones illustrated in as well as to the incompleteness of the preserved Geyer (1961, pl. 12, figs. 1 and 2) only can be shell in the single specimen described up to date. interpreted as macroconchs without any precise The primary ribs in Atax. (Atax.) involutum Geyer assignation at the genus level. are slightly more crowded and more delicately rein- Remarks on morphologically similar Lower forced than they are in Atax. (Atax.) lopeztichae Kimmeridgian ataxioceratinae collected bed- Cantú-Chapa. Atax. (Atax.) involutum Geyer by-bed in southern Europe, with indication of places closely below the lowermost range of coiling intra-biozone level biostratigraphy. and ribs' crowding of Schneidia lussasense Atrops (Figure 4). The species erected by Geyer (1961) Atrops (1982) erected and illustrated a new most probably represents a microconchiate microconchiate subgenus, Ataxioceras Schneidia rather than Ataxioceras, but the absence (Schneidia), based on bed-by-bed sampling of the of peristome impedes a conclusive interpretation. uppermost Platynota and lowermost Hypselocy- Ataxioceras (Ataxioceras) subinvolutum clum zones in SE France. This author interpreted (Siemiradzki) was illustrated by Geyer (1961, p. dimorphism at the subgenus level being the subge- 56-57; pl. 10, fig. 6, pl. 12, figs. 1 and 2). This nera Schneidia and Parataxioceras the micro- author gave a series of measurements indicating conchs of his subgenus Ataxioceras s. str., which coiling degrees of and 30%-33% for shell diame- was interpreted as the corresponding macroconch ters between 92 and 110 mm, and 30%-39% from (Atrops, 1982, p. 263). Moreover, Atrops (1982) shells greater than 120 mm. Thus, the specimens recognized that «Ces sous-genres liés au dimor- measured by Geyer (1961) indicate more evolute phisme n'ont pas la même valeur que les sous- shells at shell sizes equivalent to that mentioned by genres phylogénétiques» (Atrops, 1982, p. 43). Cantú-Chapa (1991) for his Ataxioceras (Atax.) Typically, his new subgenus Ataxioceras lopeztichae. Geyer (1961, p. 56) emphasized a (Schneidia) shows wide and short lappets (Figure


5 4

1 2 3

6 7 8 9

11 10 12

13 14

FIGURE 5. Adapertural structures in microconchiate Schneidia, Ataxioceras and Parataxioceras drafted from differ- ent authors as indicated: 1 - Schneidia lussasense Atrops (= Ataxioceras [Atax.] subinvolutum [Siemiradzki] in Geyer, 1961, pl 10, fig. 6). 2 - Schneidia lussasense (= Atax. [Schn.] lussasense in Atrops, 1982, pl. 21, fig. 6). 3 - Schneidia lopeztichai (=Atax. [Atax.] lopeztichae in Cantú-Chapa, 1991, fig. 2). 4 - Atax. lothari (Oppel) morphotype lothari Oppel [m] (Moliner, 2009, fig. 2.5 d). 5 - Atax. (Parataxioceras) hyppolytense (Atrops, 1982, pl. 7, fig. 7). 6 - Atax. (Paratax.) hyppolytense (Atrops, 1982, pl. 8, fig. 6). 7 - Atax. (Paratax.) lothari lothari (Oppel) (Atrops, 1982, pl. 42, fig.4). 8 - Atax. (Paratax.) pseudolothari ( Geyer, 1961, pl. 16, fig. 6). 9 - Atax. (Paratax.) evolutum (Atrops, 1982, pl.4, fig. 5). 10 - Atax. (Paratax.) planulatum (Quenstedt) (Geyer, 1961, pl. 14, fig. 2). 11 - Atax. (Paratax.) planulatum (Quenstedt) (Atrops, 1982, pl. 43, fig. 6). 12 - Atax. (Paratax.) oppeli (Geyer, 1961, pl. 16, fig. 5). 13 - Atax. (Paratax.) oppeli (Geyer, 1961, pl. 14, fig. 2). 14 - Atax. (Paratax.) pseudoeffrenatum Wegele (Geyer, 1961, pl. 16, fig. 1).

5.1-3). In the youngest species Ataxioceras morphological groupings based on ribbing features (Schneidia) lussasense recorded from the lower- seem to have no direct, close relationship with coil- most Hypselocyclum Zone, Atrops (1982) clearly ing (e.g., Atrops, 1982, pl. 21, figs. 1 and 3), which separated two phenotype groupings showing more ranges from 26% to 34% and 37%, respectively in crowded, fine ribbing and less crowded and these specimens collected in SE France. Hence, stronger ribbing, respectively. In contrast, these Atrops (1982, p. 181) envisaged a large intra-spe-


cies, phenotype variability for his Atax. (Schneidia) Atrops (1982) reported the occurrence of speci- lussasense. Except for differences in the peristome mens with simple adoral margins within his group- and the shell size, the more evolute variants of the ing of Atax. (Schneidia) lussasense showing microconchiate, lappeted Atax. (Schneidia) lussa- irregular ribbing (Atrops, 1982, p. 180, pl. 33, fig. sense Atrops could be difficult to separate from 3), the possibility exists for the occurrence of some macroconchs of ataxioceratins of a slightly micro- and macroconchs within the material inter- older, or even of the same, age (e.g., Atax. [Atax.] preted as Ataxioceras (Schneidia) lussasense by striatellum Schneid in Atrops, 1982, which is Atrops (1982). Whatever the case, Schneidia lus- restricted to the uppermost Platynota Zone, but its sasense Atrops seems to be missing in the eastern relatives are found also in the lower part of the Iberian Chain according to Moliner (2009). As well Hypselocyclum Zone; cf. Atrops, 1982, p. 232). In as reported by Atrops for SE France, the ataxiocer- addition, the involute variants would be difficult to atins collected bed-by-bed by Moliner (2009) from separate from smaller shells of the younger macro- the Platynota and Lothari (= Hypselocyclum) zones conch Atax. (Atax.) hypselocyclum semistriatum in the eastern Iberian Chain demonstrated the (Schneid) (in Atrops, 1982, which is restricted to occurrence of homeomorphism at both the genus the upper part of the Hypselocyclum Zone = Atax- and species levels. In addition, Moliner (2009) ioceras lothari Oppel chrono-morphotype semistri- identified phenotype deviations with respect to spe- atum Schneid [M] in Moliner, 2009). Older and cies identified in SE France, and cases of ende- more typical species of Atax. (Schneidia), collected mism in the material he analyzed from another from the upper part of the Platynota Zone in SE epicontinental but comparatively more inland sea France, clearly separate from the Atax. (Atax.) that it presumably was northwards in southern lopeztichae Cantú-Chapa in shell morphology and France. sculpture, but show the same type of lappets (Fig- In the case of Schneidia Atrops (emend. ure 5.3). As shown in Figure 4, specimens of Atax. Moliner, 2009), a microconch with wide but short (Schneidia) lussasense collected from southern lappets (Figure 5.1-2), the differential interpretation France by Atrops (1982) were more crowded of dimorphism favoured by Atrops (1982) and ribbed than the old “species” this author interpreted Moliner (2009) can be summarized as follows: (i) as synonymous and collected from more inland Atrops (1982, p. 263) proposed the corresponding seas corresponding to northern and middle Fran- macroconch in the subgenus Ataxioceras conia, Swabia and northern Switzerland (Wegele, (Ataxioceras), which shows simple peristome and 1929; Schneid, 1944; Geyer, 1961). Site effects would have another complementary microconchi- expressed in terms of reaction norms could be ate counterpart in his subgenus Ataxioceras responsible for such a phenotype difference. (Parataxioceras) with long, spatulate lappets (Fig- Moliner (2009) investigated Lower Kimmeridg- ure 5.5-14); and (ii) Moliner (2009, p. 168) inter- ian ataxioceratins in the eastern Iberian Chain or preted Schneidia as a separate genus in which he Range (NE Spain) based on a bed-by-bed sam- identified the wide but short lappets, and the mac- pling, and provided precise data from a large col- roconchs counterparts in those specimens of this lection including Schneidia, the new subgenus genus that showed simple adoral margins. The erected by Atrops (1982) just commented. In the interpretation proposed by Moliner (2009) confirms revision of the ataxioceratin taxa made by Moliner statements made by Atrops (1982) "… de penser (2009), this author re-interpreted Schneidia at the qu'il existe des "espèces biologiques" plus vastes genus level. This author favoured palaeobiological que celles que nous avons reconnues" (Atrops, coherence in his interpretations at the species level 1982, p. 41), and "… à une époque ou la tendance joining dimorphic couples (micro– and macro- est au regroupement des dimorphes au sein d'une conchs) within each given nominal species. Hence, même espèce" (Atrops, 1982, p. 263), and rein- Moliner (2009) reported the occurrence of Schnei- forces the updated trend towards the option for dia Atrops (emend. Moliner, 2009), and identified approaching more palaeobiologically grounded dimorphs (macro- and microconchs) joined in the interpretations. corresponding nominal species and genus. This According to Moliner (2009), Ataxioceras author confirmed the occurrence of rather wide but microconchs collected from the eastern Iberian short lappets as being the typical peristome for Chain show relatively long, narrow lappets, which microconch specimens of Schneidia Atrops contrast with the rather wide and short lappets (emend. Moliner, 2009), as first noted by Atrops which are typical in Schneidia microconchs (Figure (1982) for the French material he studied. Since 5.1-4).


REMARKS ON SYSTEMATICS AND BIO- the Platynota Zone in Mexico, which could corre- CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY spond with unfavourable conditions for ammonites, at least in north-central Mexico where ammonite On the basis of the information available, the records are rare. In addition, and on the basis of following combination of features in microconchs the comparative analysis made of Schneidia lopez- supports the genus level separation of Schneidia tichai (Cantú-Chapa), we interpret that the speci- and Ataxioceras: (1) different adapertural struc- men reported by Cantú-Chapa (1991) from tures (short, wide lappets are typical in Schneidia southern Mexico (Oaxaca) presumably indicates vs. longer and narrow ones characterize Ataxioc- stratigraphic horizons corresponding to the upper- eras); (2) differential origin for subpolyplocoid and most Platynota Zone or, most probably, to the low- the less common polyplocoid-like ribs (complex rib ermost part of the Hypselocyclum Zone in the connections–“divisions”–related to crowded ribbing Secondary Standard Scale for Kimmeridgian bio- in Schneidia vs. typical polyplocoid ribs unrelated chronostratigraphy in Europe. Although the possi- to ribs’ crowding in Ataxioceras); and (3) different bility has been assumed for the local variation in course for primary ribs towards the aperture on the the registered last occurrence of the Schneidia outermost whorl (i.e., variable, progressive length- Assemblage in Mexico (e.g., Villaseñor et al., ening of primary ribs in Schneidia vs. the opposite 2015), new ammonite records based on bed-by- trend in Ataxioceras). bed sampling are necessary before a conclusive In accordance, and taken into account the age-interpretation can be made about the precise combination of ribbing pattern and peristome Atax- biostratigraphic range of Schneidia lopeztichai ioceras (Ataxioceras) lopeztichae Cantú-Chapa is (Cantú-Chapa). here reinterpreted as belonging to genus Schnei- dia. Following nomenclatural rules for species PALAEOBIOGEOGRAPHIC REMARKS names in the ICZN article 31.1.2, the species name is changed to lopeztichai. Palaeobiogeographic interpretations of Late As commented above, no precise strati- Jurassic ammonites from Mexico have been graphic datum was available to Cantú-Chapa largely reported since Burckhardt’s times, with vari- (1991) for the single, isolate specimen he studied, able preference for a Panthalassian or a west- which is here reinterpreted as Schneidia lopezti- Tethyan provenance for colonizers (compare chai (Cantú-Chapa). In addition, no species of peri- Cantú-Chapa, 1991 and Olóriz et al., 1990), but sphinctoids were reported by Burckhardt (1930, p. some proposals envisaging Mexican seas as dis- 91) when mentioned “Sutneria (groupe de S. platy- persal centres were also made (e.g., Arkell, 1956; nota Rein.)” from the “barranca du Rio Vinasco” in Jeletzky, 1984). Oxfordian perisphinctoids of Huyacocotla, Veracruz, E Mexico, and the authors Cuban and Tethyan affinity are exclusively known failed to record Sutneria from levels containing from SE Mexico (López-Palomino et al., 2006; Vil- Schneidia in Mexico (Villaseñor et al., 2000, 2012; laseñor et al., 2012; and research in progress). 2015). Also of interest is the well-known fact that According to previous interpretations made by the the record of Sutneria platynota (Reinecke) varies authors on Late Jurassic ammonites from Mexico regionally, diminishing towards the top of the Platy- and related occurrences of Tethyan forms (Olóriz, nota Zone in NE Spain (Moliner, 2009; Moliner and 1987, 1992; Olóriz et al., 1990, 2000, 2010; Olóriz Olóriz, 2009) and southern Germany (Ziegler, and Villaseñor, 1999, 2006; Villaseñor and Olóriz, 1983; Schairer, 2000; Schick, 2000), but seems to 2004, 2010; Villaseñor et al., 2002, 2003, 2004, show a reversal trend in SE France (Atrops, 1982) 2011), the first occurrence of ataxioceratins ammo- and NE Switzerland (Moor, 2009). It is clear that nites above Zuloaga carbonates and lateral equiv- sedimentological and ecostratigraphic analyses alents in Mexican areas would be linked to are necessary before a conclusive interpretation is transgressive effects related to the drowning of the reached about differences in local/regional biostra- Zuloaga shelf-system early during Kimmeridgian tigraphic ranges. However, this information is not times. This drowning was most probably forced by available at present and could only be obtained regional, geodynamic events of plate readjustment through developing a specific research program resulting in major depositional and palaeoenviron- throughout these European regions. Taking into mental changes affecting north-central Mexico, the account all the available information, we envisage northern rim of the Gulf of Mexico Basin and the possibility for rare records, if any, of Sutneria related Caribbean areas (e.g., Olóriz et al., 2003; platynota (Reinecke) in the upper-to-uppermost Cobiella and Olóriz, 2010; and references therein). part of the stratigraphic interval corresponding to In the resulting new palaeoenvironmental scenario


forced by block tectonics and tectono-eustatic range interpreted for Schneidia lopeztichai (Cantú- interactions, source areas for ataxioceratins— Chapa), which cannot be conclusive given the sin- Tethyan derived colonizers—would be the outer- gle, isolate specimen known up to date and the lim- most sectors of shelves connecting epioceanic itations related to lacking information about seaways between the north- and south-American associated ammonites in Mexico. plates with the Hispanic Corridor. As demonstrated by the authors (Olóriz, 1992; Olóriz and Villaseñor, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1999; Olóriz et al., 1990, 2000; Villaseñor et al., The present research was made within the 2003, 2011), colonization of epicontinental, inland context of Project CGL2012-39835 MINECO, seas on Mexican areas promoted phenotype devi- Spain, and the Project PAPIIT IN105311-3, UNAM. ations and endemism in Late Jurassic ammonites, Mexico. The authors thanks to the editors of the among which Schneidia lopeztichai (Cantú-Chapa) Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas for per- represents another example. mission to reproduce original illustrations. This In addition, no records of true Ataxioceras are contribution benefited from comments and sugges- known from outcrops belonging to palaeomargins tions made by editors and two anonymous review- included neither in the surroundings of the present- ers. day Pacific Ocean nor in India since they are dis- tinct homeomorphs of inconclusively known and REFERENCES variable age (Villaseñor et al., 2014, 2015). Based on the palaeogeographic and palaeobiogeographic Arkell, W. J. 1956. Jurassic Geology of the World. Oliver information available, to envisage an eastern Pan- and Boyd Ltd. Edinburgh-London. thalassian—i.e., “palaeo-Pacific”—origin for Atrops, F. 1982. La sous−Famillie des Ataxioceratinae explaining the occurrence of the Lower Kimmeridg- () dans le Kimméridgien inférieur de ian ataxioceratin ammonites investigated in Mexico Sud−Est de la France: systématique, évolution, chro- nostratigraphie des genres Orthosphinctes et Atax- (e.g., Cantú-Chapa, 1991; Villaseñor et al., 2015 ioceras. Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie and references therein) is highly hypothetical and Lyon, 83:1-463. therefore this hypothesis is disfavoured against the Burckhardt, C. 1930. Etude synthétique sur le alternative one (see above) based on the known Mésozoique Mexicain. Mémoire Societé Paléon- cases of colonization events via the Hispanic Corri- tologique Suisse, 49, 50:1-280. dor. Cantú-Chapa, A. 1969. Estratigrafía del Jurásico Medio– Superior del subsuelo de Poza Rica, Veracruz (Área CONCLUDING REMARKS de Soledad–Miquetla). Revista del Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, 1(1):3-9. Taken into account the information available, Cantú-Chapa, A. 1971. La Serie Huasteca (Jurásico the ammonite taxon Ataxioceras (Ataxioceras) Medio–Superior) del centro este de México. Revista lopeztichae, erected by Cantú-Chapa (1991), is del Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo, 3(2):17-40. reinterpret as Schneidia lopeztichai (Cantú-Chapa) Cantú-Chapa, A. 1979. Bioestratigrafía de la Serie Huas- based on: (1) the lack of well-developed real polyp- teca (Jurásico Medio y Superior) en el subsuelo de locoid ribs; (2) the occurrence of irregular, obscure Poza Rica, Veracruz. Revista del Instituto Mexicano rib-connections (“divisions”) in Schneidia (e.g., del Petróleo, 11:14-24. Atax. [Schn.] aff. elmii and Atax. [Schn.] lussa- Cantú-Chapa, A. 1984. El Jurásico Superior de Tamán, San Luis Potosí, Este de México, p. 207-212. In Per- sense in Atrops, 1982); (3) the limited occurrence rilliat, M.C. (ed.), Memoria del 3er Congreso Latino- of polyplocoid ribs in Schneidia Atrops; (4) the americano de Paleontología, México, Universidad occurrence of a similar, high ribbing index at equiv- Nacional Autónoma de México, México. alent shell diameters in the youngest populations Cantú-Chapa, A. 1991. Ataxioceras (Ataxioceras) lopez- of genus Schneidia (e.g., 7.5 in lussasense, tichae sp. nov., amonoideo del Kimeridgiano inferior Atrops, 1982, and 7.1 in lopeztichae Cantú- de Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca, sur de México. Revista de la Chapa–recte lopeztichai); (5) the occurrence of Sociedad Mexicana de Paleontología, 4:17-21. Schneidia-type lappets in the species lopeztichae Cantú-Chapa, A. 1992. El Kimeridgiano Inferior del sub- Cantú-Chapa (recte lopeztichai); (6) the very rare, suelo en el Este de México. Revista Mexicana del even dubious, record of potential Ataxioceras Petróleo, 334:30-35. between the top of the Zuloaga carbonates, and Cantú-Chapa, A. 2001. Mexico as the western margin of Pangea based on biogeographic evidence from the lateral equivalents, and the first occurrence of to the Lower Jurassic, p. 1-27. In Bartolini, genus in the sections investigated in Mex- C., Buffler, R.T., and Cantú-Chapa, A. (eds.), The ico; and (7) the precise biochronostratigraphic western Gulf of Mexico Basin: Tectonics, sedimen-


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