Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, no. 28 (2001), p. 139-171, 7 pls., 2 figs., 7 tables. Recent and fossil Clinocardiinae (Bivalvia, Cardiidae) of the World. V. Genus Ciliatocardium Kafanov, 1974 (part 1) Alexander I. Kafanov Institute of Marine Biology, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 17 Palchevsky Str., Vladivostok 690041, Russia <
[email protected]> Abstract A taxonomic review of the genus Ciliatocardium Kafanov, 1974. In the modern fauna it is com- posed by C. ciliatum ciliatum (Fabricius. 1780), C. ciliatum nordenskioeldi Kafanov, 1981, C. cilia- tum ochotense Kafanov, 1981, C. ciliatum pubescens (Couthouy, 1838), C. ciliatum tchuktchense Kafanov in Scarlato, 1981 and C. likharevi Kafanov in Scarlato, 1981. Pleistocene C. ciliatum daw- soni (Stimpson, 1863) is known from Arctic coast of North America. C. ciliatum has also two chrono- subspecies: Miocene C. ciliatum maruyamense Kafanov et Savizky, 1982 and Pliocene C. ciliatum chikagawaense (Kotaka, 1950). Key for identification of all Recent and fossil species and subspecies is given. Key words: Bivalvia, Cardiidae, Clinocardiinae, Ciliatocardium, Recent, Cenozoic, Arctic Ocean, North Pacific, North Atlantic Genus Ciliatocardium Kafanov, 1974 Paleocene - Recent; cold and temperate waters of the northern hemisphere: northwestern (south to Kyushu, Ciliatocardium Kafanov, 1974: 1469; Kafanov, 1980: 310. Japan) and northeastern (south to California, U.S.A.) Type-species (OD) : Cardium ciliatum Fabricius, 1780; Pacific; Arctic Ocean and North Atlantic (south to Cape Greenland, Recent. Cod, Massachusetts, U.S.A., Iceland and southern Norway; Shell medium- and small sized or minute, oval-rounded in Pliocene to England). or truncated-trigonal. Radial ribs about 17-52 in number, often widely arranged on the anterior area of external Key to the species and subspecies valve surface.