Table of Contents NIMA is working as a national think tank acting as a repository NATIONAL NEWS 01-08 of maritime information with major focus on; applied research for comprehensive solutions to Pakistan’s maritime issues, taking maritime education initiatives, conserving the history and culture, advocating best maritime practices, raising INTERNATIONAL NEWS 09-19 ABOUT US ABOUT awareness & capacity building, and publishing research of highest international standards. Maritime Trade And Economy 09-11 National Institute of Maritime Affairs (NIMA) is functioning under Bahria University as National Think Tank on Maritime Ports And Shipping 12-13 Affairs as national body, based at Islamabad. National Centre Maritime Safety, Security And Technology 14-16 for Maritime Policy Research (NCMPR) Karachi which was Maritime Environment, Policy And Law 17-19 established in 2007 under the direction of Government of MISSION Pakistan has been placed as a constituent unit of NIMA. The establishment of NIMA was conceived in order to meet the objectives of National Maritime Policy. KASHMIR SEMINAR 20-21 development of the country and the potential of our maritime sectorThe signi�icance are not well of understood maritime indomain Pakistan. in NIMAthe economic engages eminent and renowned researchers to extract concrete policy OPINION ARTICLES 22-27 recommendations. It endeavors continuously to create WORK awareness through seminars, conferences, workshops, writing research papers and other maritime related activities CPEC and recycling zonesa 22-23 challenges of 21st century for Pakistan. Potential Threat of Indo-Pak Nuclear War 23-24 The Status of Indus River 25-26 Jump Start Pakistan’s Shipping Sector 26-27 EMAIL:
[email protected] LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 28 MARITIME WATCH Pakistan’s Premier English Language Monthly Maritime News Digest.