Report on Sporting Events
Manchester City Council Item 9 Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Committee 16 October 2012 Manchester City Council Report for Resolution Report To: Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Committee – 16 October 2012 Subject: Update on Sports Events, including those related to the Olympics Report of: Deputy Chief Executive (Neighbourhoods) Summary The report provides an update on the programme of sporting events which have happened so far this year, including those related to the Olympics. It also includes the impact these have had on local communities. The report highlights that over 109,000 people have taken part in mass participation sporting events such as the BUPA Great Manchester Run and Skyride and that over 580 volunteers have developed new skills and have been deployed to support the activities. Linked to the events, Manchester secured over £3.9m investment from Sport England’s Olympic Legacy Programme, which represents the largest Olympic legacy investment into Sports facilities anywhere outside games related facilities. In addition, over 27 Olympic Games contracts were secured by Manchester companies and 5 overseas teams based themselves in Manchester generating over £1.2meconomic impact. 175 Manchester schools signed up to Olympic Get Set Education Programme and two Manchester Schools were fortunate enough to participate in Olympic Opening Ceremony in London. Significant benefits were also achieved for Manchester’s tourism economy, over 70,000 people welcomed the Olympic Torch through Manchester and over 1,500 people welcomed the Paralympic Flame to the Olympic Live Site, throughout the Olympic period over 570,000 visitors attended the Manchester Live Site, with over 365,000 people watching the Olympics and 205,000 people watching the Paralympics.
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