Archbishop James V
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I Population ‘Implosion’ Hits Schools THE I Cardinal Richard Cushing of Bo.ston. ex- Washington — School closings, drop the study questionnaire came from 111 of Burlington, 1,700; Kansas City in Kan ping of cle^'is, mergers, and consolida* . the 156 U.S. diocese. plained the reason pithily: sas. 1,273; Seattle. l.SS'i. tions ail contributed to a ’population im "We have come to an end of the road. plosion’ in Catholic schools across the We can no longer support these institu Erie. 1,802; Mobile-Birmingham, 1.916; ■f All but 11 of the dioceses respond Fall River. 1.071: Bismarck. 1,080; Lafay U.3. in the past two years. ing reported enrollment decreases and tions.” ■r ette, Ind.. 1,565; Helena. 1,774: Alexan A .special study prompted by reports of it was assumed that if the other 45 Superintendents were asked to report on the current annual tuition cost per dria, 1.568; Youngstown, 1,716; L£.fayette, the 'closings, restricted entrance policies dioceses had reported their figures 1., a., 1,504: Kansas City-St. Joseph, 1,600; and other actions revealed that some the overall decrease in the nation pupil in elementary and high schools. Madison. 1,458; Des Moines, 1,575; Joliet. (iO.OOO students were turned away from would have been more than the 216,- Answers varied widely, but the study 1,182; Altoona-Johnstown, 1,588; Rich Catholic schools since 1966. 000 listed. revealed that most parents paid at least mond, 1.153; Austin, 1,486; Springfield. Three-hundred-thirteen schools closed $75 per year for elementary students and 111.. 1.796; New Ulrn. 1.065: Wichita. 1,- completely. 300 others merged, and more One of the predominai;*:. features of close to $300 for a teen-ager in high 257. than 216,000 fewer students attended developments over the past two years, school. Grand Rapids, 2.513; San Francisco. C’atholic schools at the end of this year according to the report, is the merger Only one diocese replying to the 2,419; Davenport, 2.36H; Dubuque, 2,484; than two years ago. movement, especially on the grade school questionnaire charges no tuition. Bisi. Tucson. 2.154; Saginew. 2,000; Columbus,' level. op John King Mussio of Steubenville 2.396; Washington. D C.. 2,243; Scranton, THE SPECIAL study on the situation Of the 318 schools merging, 251 are has maintained a no-tuition policy in 2.610; Rockford. 2.002; Portland. Ore.. polled each of the nation’s Catholic school elementary schools and the remainder are that diocese since 1945, and only re 2.339; St. Cloud. 2.366; Lansing. 3,209. system superintendents. It was conducted high schools. The Archdiocese of Dubuque cently allowed a minimal charge in Santa Fe. 3.446; Allentown, 3,340; through the oHlce of Monsignor James C. took the lead in the merger trend, report grade schools. Harrisburg. 3,450; Bulfalo. 4,000; Brook Donohue, director of the department of ing the merger of 49 rural elementary The following sees reported enrollment lyn. 4.000; Rochester. 4.486; Green Bay. education. United States Catholic Confer schools. decreases of 1.000 or more over the two 4,671; San Antonio. 5.624; Los Angeles. ence. years considered: 5,800; New York. 5.98H; St. Louis, 5,445: Superintendents were asked to com LACK of financial support was cited Denver. 1.000; Sacramento. 1.025; San lx)uisville. 6.000; Newark, 7,033; Boston. pare the number of students in Catholic most frequently as the reason for the Diego. 1.050; Bridgeport. 1,167: Peoria. 7,825; St. Paul and Minneapolis, 8.858: schools in their diocese for the '68 school continuing cutbacks in Catholic school 1.362; Natchez-Juckson. 1.378; Belleville, Galveston-Houston, 2,994, Detroit, 15,- year with the figures for 1966. Responses to systems. One leading American prelate, 1,380; Lincoln, 1.061; Baltimore. 1.919; 941, Chicago. 19.207. Fair Housing Becomes 4 : ■■■■ ‘New’ Law of Nation Washington — Early in 1968, the explain that the new law was still neces Congress ended weeks, of debate by pass sary. ing a civil rights law containing open housing provisions which would ultimate The 1866 law upon which the decision ly cover some 80^ of the nation’s hous was based "is not a comprehensive open ing. housing law,” he said. In contrast with the 1968 lav.', it "deals only with racial But on the last day of its 1967-68 discrimination” and not with religious or term, the U.S. Supreme Court made ethnic discrimination. much of that section of the law irrelevant DENVER when it ruled a 102-year-old law prohi "it does i.ot deal specifically with dis ARCHDIOCESAN crimination in the provision of services or bits all racial discrimination — public or EDITION private — in the sale or rental of real facilities in connection with the sale or estate. rental of a dwelling. It does not prohibit VOL. XLII No. 46 advertising or other representations that Thursday, June 20, 1968 "Just as the Black Codes, enacted after indicate discriminatory preferences. the Civil War to restrict the free exercise "It does not refer explicitly to discrimi of those rights, were substitutes for the nation in financing arrangements or in slave system, so the exclusion of Negroes the provision of brokerage services,” nor St. Dominic’s from white communities became a substi does it contain any enforcement proce tute for the Black Codes.” Justice Potter dures. Stewart wrote in the majority opinion. "It would be a serious mistake to sup Pastor Named WHILE THE decision rendered some pose that (the 1866 law) in any way di Father Wilfred Leuer, O.P.. was ap of the 1968 open housing provisions irre minishes the significance of the law re pointed pastor of St. Dominic’s parish. levant, Stewart went to great pains to cently enacted by Congress.’ Denver, this week by Archbishop James V. Casey. THE REV. ROBINSON Lapp, direc Father Leuer, 36, currently is assigned Inside Story... tor of the Metro Denver Fair Housing as Newman chaplain at Southeast Loui center, said he and other center officials siana college. Hammond. He was or This week’s ’’Register” features a were elated by the decision, although it dained in 196U. I special report from Resurrection City, "doesn’t radically afTect” Colorado because The appointment is efTeciive July 1.. D.C., by Father L. Marvin Read, who the state’s fair housing law is stronger Father Leuer will succeed Father Mi went there to see it like it is — on than the federal statutes. chael T. McNicholas, O.P., as pastor of Pages 2 and S. Si. Dominic’s. Father McNicholas died A new map showing parish bound He pointed out the Supreme Court was June 1, a few days before the 25th an aries in the Denver metropolitan area careful to leave intact state anti-discrim niversary of his ordination, after a short appears on Page 8, in response to ination housing laws, and also noted the illness. considerable demand resulting from ruling "speeds up” the 1968 federal stat 'A Nice Ghetto’ establishment of new Christian com ute by removing the gradual effect — munities in an attempt to meet grow parts of the new federal law were delayed Leo Bond, father of five who led the St. Paul-Minneapolis contingent of ing population demands. as long as two years by Congress, but the Scmma/iy ^u/i26 the Poor P ^ple’a March to Resurrection City, relaxes in front of the Lin Another special feature this week is decision wipes out the provision. coln Memorial to discuss the campaign with Father L. Marvin Read of the a tabloid supplement devoted to help The Denver Archdiocesan Chancery Rev. Lapp said the Supreme Court de reports a total of $115 donated toward ’’Register.” Father Read visited Resurrection City to talk to those taking you make wise decisions in an impor cision also had the effect of removing the part in the attempt to persuade Congress to wage the war on poverty on a seminary burses during the past week. tant area of family Hnance — the care "discriminatory” provision of the n^w fed larger scale. His report appears on Pages 2 and 3. and treatment of your automobile. Donations for the St. Jude Burse were eral law that exempted housing being received from Denver, L.E.M., $5; Denver, sold by the c.vner without listing through H. B.$ $5; a real estate broker. The discrimination Monsignor William Higgins burse, Den in this provision, he said, was against the ver, St. Philomena’s PTA, $100; Denver, Archbishop: Church Must Change brokers. T. W., $5. "We rejoice, because this decision is All offerings toward the various burses likely to be seen historically as a decision are u.sed to educate young men for the Or Follow the Road to Antiquity as important as the 1954 ruling against priesthood. They may be sent direct to i school segregation,” he added. the Archidocesan Chancery, 1536 I./ogan "The voice from the pews seems to be the deprived and the disadvantaged.” keynote address for the five-day confer street. Denver. telling Church leaders that the appropri Archbishop James V. Casey told delegates* ence which opened Monday afternoon at THE CASE was brought by a St. ate attitude of the Church must be one of to the Rocky Mountain Conference on the the Covenant Heights Bible camp near Louis couple, Joseph Lee Jones, a bail commitment to the human pierson, to the Christian World Mission. Estes Park. bondsman, and his wife, Barbara.