18Tthh November 2015 Self Asses

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18Tthh November 2015 Self Asses SSSccchhhoooooolll ooofff CCChhheeemmmiiissstttrrryyy TTTrrriiinnniiitttyyy CCCooolllllleeegggeee DDDuuubbbllliiinnn,,, ttthhheee UUUnnniiivvveeerrrsssiiitttyyy ooofff DDDuuubbbllliiinnn QQQuuuaaallliiitttyyy RRReeevvviiieeewww 111666ttthhh ––– 111888ttthhh NNNooovvveeemmmbbbeeerrr 222000111555 SSSeeelllfff AAAsssssseeessssssmmmeeennnttt i List of Common Acronyms Acronym ABC Annual Budgetary Cycle ACS American Chemical Society AMBER Advanced Materials & Bioengineering Research AML Advanced Microscopy Laboratory Academic Resource Allocation Model [a mechanism for distributing resources in TCD ARAM that was introduced in 2005 and replaced in 2010 with RGAM] CAO Central Applications Office CAPSL Centre for Academic Practice and Student Learning CDA Career Development Award CDP Career Development Programme CFO Chief Financial Officer CI Cancer Institute CMM Chemistry with Molecular Modelling CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique COID Contract of Indefinite Duration COO Chief Operating Officer CPD Continuous Professional Development CRANN Centre for Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices Centre for Synthetic Chemical Biology [a consortium of chemical researchers from CSCB University College Dublin, TCD and Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland] CSET Centre for Science Engineering & Technology DARE Disability Access Route to Education DCU Dublin City University DoR Director of Research DTLPG Director of Teaching & Learning (Postgraduate) DSC Differential Scanning Calorimetry DubChem Dublin Chemistry Graduate Programme [a joint structured PhD programme between UCD and TCD] DTLUG Director of Teaching & Learning (Undergraduate) E3 Engineering/Energy/Environment Initiative ECTS European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System EI Enterprise Ireland [a government‐funded agency tasked with assisting universities and i SME to commercialise research] ENC Ecole Normale Supérieure EO Executive Officer/Experimental Officer EPA Environmental Protection Agency ERC European Research Council ETH Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich EU H2020 European Union Horizon 2020 programme FEMS Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics & Science FETAC Further Education and Training Awards Council FIS Financial Information System FTE Full‐Time Equivalent FTSE Full‐Time Student Equivalent [1 FTSE equates to 60 ECTS] Higher Education Authority [a government funding agency for universities and other HEA third‐level institutions. Similar in function to the UK’s HEFCE] HEAR Higher Education Access Route HoD Head of Discipline HoS Head of School HR Human Resources HRB Health Research Board IAESTE International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience IIT Bangalore International Institute of Technology in Bangalore Institute of Molecular Medicine [a centre of excellence focused on the rapid IMM translation of bioscience from the lab bench to the patient in the hospital bed] INTEGER Institutional Transformation for Effecting Gender Equality in Research IP Intellectual Property Irish Research Council [a research council that funds research students and IRC postdoctoral researchers based on the quality of individual applicants, mentors and host institutions] ISR Inorganic and Synthetic Materials ITMO Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics JF Junior Freshman [1st year undergraduate student] JS Junior Sophister [3rd year undergraduate student] KPI Key Performance Indicator LEAD Living Equality and Diversity programme MMI Molecular Medicine Ireland MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging ii NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Non‐EU Non‐European N‐PCAM Nanoscience, Physics & Chemistry of Advanced Materials OHs Overheads OIP Overseas Immersion Programme OMB Organic, Medicinal and Biological PDR Postdoctoral researcher PG Postgradaute PI Principal Investigator PIYRA President of Ireland Young Researcher Award PMC Physical, Materials and Computational PNNL Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions [a HEA‐funded College‐based PRTLI research programme that had a strong infrastructural component. It began in the late 1990s and ended in 2010] QQI Quality Qualifications Ireland QS Quacquarelli Symonds QUB Queens University Belfast RCSI Royal College of Surgeons Ireland Research Frontiers Programme [a basic research grant scheme operated by SFI and RFP replaced by PI programme awards] RGAM Recurrent Grant Allocation Mechanism RI Research Institute RIA Royal Irish Academy RM‐KIC Raw Materials Knowledge and Innovation Community RPM Research Programme Manager RPO Research Programme Officer RSC Royal Society of Chemistry SAR Self‐Assessment Report SEO Senior Executive Officer/Senior Experimental Officer SF Senior Freshman [2nd year undergraduate student] Science Foundation Ireland [the primary funding source for research in Ireland with SFI focus on ICT and BioTech. Resourced through the Department of Trade and Industry. Established in 2002] SFI SIRG Science Foundation Ireland Starting Investigator Research Grant SFI TIDA Science Foundation Ireland Technology Innovation Development Award iii SFI ISCA SFI International Scientific Collaboration Award (India/China) SITS Student Information and Timetabling System SNIAM Sami Nasr Institute of Advanced Materials SS Senior Sophister – 4th year undergraduate student SSPC2 Synthesis & Solid State Pharmaceuticals Centre STEM Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics SURE Summer Undergraduate Research Experience SWB Science Without Borders SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats TAP Trinity Access Programme TASSEP Trans‐Atlantic Science Student Exchange Program TBSI Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute Trinity Centre for High Performance Computing [a TCD unit that coordinated TCHPC multidisciplinary efforts in all aspects of high performance computing including infrastructure, technical expertise, code development, training etc.] TCIN Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience TCRAG Trinity Centre for Research in Advanced Geosciences TO Technical Officer TR071 CAO code indicating Trinity’s general science degree course TTMI Trinity Translational Medicine Institute TUM Technical Universität München TY Transition Year (4th year, Secondary School) UCC University College Cork UCD University College Dublin UG Undergraduate URF University Research Fellowship VPN Virtual Private Network WISER Women in Science, Engineering & Research iv List of Appendices Appendix A1 Current staff in the School of Chemistry Full list of external‐reviewers’ recommendations and report from School of Chemistry Review 2007 SWOT Analysis Appendix A2 Curriculum proposal for the undergraduate moderatorship degree programme in Energy Science Appendix A3 2015/16 list of sta ff roles and responsibilities Template used for the School’s workload model Appendix A4 Module content of undergraduate programmes Institutes with which the School has exchange agreements Non‐EU student numbers by course and year Protocol for the deployment of module surveys List of External Examiners by discipline and degree course over the past five years International student satisfaction rates Exam results Revision of experimental chemistry laboratories Revision of practical labs Letter from RSC Appendix A5 Generic/transferable skills provision Listing of DubChem modules offered in 2014/15 Appendix A6 Listing of the School’s current equipment facilities by location Graphical abstracts of the preferred publication selected by each member of the academic staff Appendix A7 Recurrent public expenditure on education 2007‐2012 School of Chemistry’s 2015 Ussher Assistant Professor applications (Chemical Energy Systems and Chemical Education). School of Chemistry’s three‐year staffing submissions Space audit of the School of Chemistry and its PI occupancy Correspondence related to TBSI capital overrun Appendix A9 School representation on College committees Journals/networks for which members of the School are reviewers/editors or assessment panel members Outreach activities v Table of Contents List of Common Acronyms ....................................................................................................................... i List of Appendices ................................................................................................................................... v Section 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Set the context of the School at the time of the Review ........................................................ 1 1.2 Implementation of recommendations from the previous review – closing the loop............. 2 1.3 Process undertaken to complete the SAR document ............................................................. 4 1.4 Key areas the School would like the External Review Team to focus on in this review ......... 5 1.5 School‐led recommendations for consideration by the Review Team ................................... 7 Section 2: Strategic Direction and Planning ............................................................................................ 8 2.1 Outline the mission and strategy of the School as articulated in its Strategic Plan 2015‐2020 ................................................................................................................................................ 8 2.2 Evaluate whether the School is achieving the objectives outlined in its Strategic Plan and how these align with those in the College’s Strategic Plan ...............................................................
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