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GC(41)/INF/17/Rev.2 1. MEMBER STATES AFGHANISTAN Delegate: Mr. Farid AMIN Acting Resident Representative to the Agency ALBANIA Delegate: Mr. Spiro KOÇI Alternate to the Resident Representative Alternate: Mr. Robert KUSHE Director Institute of Nuclear Physics ALGERIA Delegate: Mr. Toufik DAHMANI Chargé d'Affaires a.i. the Embassy in Vienna Alternates: Mr. Mohamed CHIKOUCHE Consultant Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Mr. Abdelmajid DRAIA Counsellor Alternate to the Resident Representative Mr. Ahmed CHIKOUCHE Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Adviser: Mr. Lyès NAIT-TIGHILT Ministry of Foreign Affairs ARGENTINA Delegate: Mr. Andrés PESCI BOUREL Ambassador to Austria Governor from Argentina on the Agency's Board of Governors Resident Representative to the Agency 1 Alternates: Mr. Dan BENINSON President Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN) Alternate to the Governor Mr. Pedro VILLAGRA DELGADO Minister Director, International Security Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship Alternate to the Governor Mr. Gabriel Julio MAFFEI Minister Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative Mr. Héctor Raúl PELAEZ Counsellor Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative Mr. Eduardo D'AMATO Member of the Board Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN) Mr. Horacio OSUNA Director National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) Alternate to the Governor Advisers: Mr. Juan Manuel TRUEBA Member of the Board Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN) Mr. German Guido LAVALLE Head, Co-operation and Transfer of Technology National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) Mr. Gabriel TERIGI Head, Department for Institutional Relations Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN) Mr. José LOLICH INVAP S.E. Mr. Agustín ARBOR GONZALEZ Counsellor (National Atomic Energy Commission) Adviser to the Governor and to the Resident Representative ARMENIA Delegate: Mr. Ashot VOSKANIAN Ambassador Resident Representative to the Agency Alternates: Mr. Ashot MARTIROSSIAN Head, Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority Mr. Aram GEVORKIAN Head, Department of Atomic Energy 2 Ministry of Energy Mr. Ashot HOVSEPIAN Secretary of the Council on Atomic Energy Safety Mr. Samvel MKRTCHIAN Counsellor Alternate to the Resident Representative Mr. Ashot KOCHARIAN First Secretary Adviser to the Resident Representative Ms. Sossi TATIKIAN Third Secretary Adviser to the Resident Representative AUSTRALIA Delegate: Mr. Lance Louis JOSEPH* Ambassador to Austria Governor from Australia on the Agency’s Board of Governors Resident Representative to the Agency Alternates: Ms. Helen GARNETT Executive Director Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization Alternate to the Governor Ms. Martine D. LETTS Counsellor Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative Mr. Maurice I. RIPLEY* Counsellor (Nuclear) Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative Mr. Steven MC INTOSH* First Secretary Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative Mr. John ROLLAND Director Government and Public Affairs Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization 3 Advisers: Mr. Peter G. SCOTT Third Secretary (Political) Adviser to the Resident Representative Mr. Antonio AMBROSINO Third Secretary (Vice-Consul) Adviser to the Resident Representative Ms. Cherryl LEVINGE Administrative Assistant the Embassy in Austria Ms. Maggie PHILLIPS* Administrative Assistant the Embassy in Austria AUSTRIA Delegate: Mr. Wolfgang SCHÜSSEL Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs Alternates: Mr. Ferdinand MAYRHOFER-GRÜNBÜHEL Ambassador Resident Representative to the Agency Mr. Enno GROSSENDORFER Deputy Director General Federal Chancellery Mr. Thomas HAJNOCZI Minister Plenipotentiary Director Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Willy KEMPEL Alternate to the Resident Representative Mr. Fritz-Werner SCHMIDT Director Federal Chancellery Adviser to the Resident Representative Advisers: Mr. Christian ZEILEISSEN Minister Plenipotentiary Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Adviser to the Resident Representative Mr. Georg POTYKA Minister Plenipotentiary Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Andreas MOLIN Director Federal Chancellery Ms. Margit BRUCK-FRIEDRICH First Secretary Alternate to the Resident Representative 4 Mr. Johannes KRENN Director Federal Chancellery Adviser to the Resident Representative Mr. Daniel WESELKA Federal Chancellery Mr. Johann-Klaus HOHENBERG Federal Chancellery (Consumer Protection) Ms. Maria-Renate WIEDEMANN Federal Chancellery (Consumer Protection) Mr. Josef BEHOFSICS Federal Ministry of the Environment, Youth and Family Mr. Karl KIENZL Environmental Protection Agency Mr. Karl PRUMMER Attaché Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs Adviser to the Resident Representative Mr. Gregor SCHUSTERSCHITZ Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs BANGLADESH Delegate: Mr. A. S. H. K. SADIQUE Minister for Education, Primary and Mass Education Minister for Science and Technology Deputy Heads of Delegation: Mr. S. A. SAMAD Principal Secretary Prime Minister's Office Mr. Iftekhar Ahmed CHOWDHURY Ambassador Resident Representative to the Agency 5 Alternates: Mr. M. Fazlur RAHMAN Secretary-in-Charge Ministry of Science and Technology Mr. M. A. QUAIYUM Chairman Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission Mr. M. A. Wazed MIAH Member (Physics) Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission Mr. Md. Shahidul ISLAM Counsellor Alternate to the Resident Representative Mr. C. S. KARIM Chief Scientific Officer Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission Mr. Md. Abul Hashem SARKER Deputy Technological Adviser Ministry of Science and Technology BELARUS Delegate: Mr. Ivan KENIK Minister for Emergencies of the Republic of Belarus Deputy Delegate: Mr. Valyantsin FISENKA Ambassador to Austria Resident Representative to the Agency Alternates: Mr. Karen AKOPOV Third Secretary International Organizations Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Valyantsina DOGONOVA Head, International Relations Division Ministry of Emergencies Mr. Igar SHALADONAU Third Secretary Adviser to the Resident Representative 6 BELGIUM Delegate: Mr. Michel ADAM Ambassador Governor from Belgium on the Agency's Board of Governors Resident Representative to the Agency Alternates: Ms. Mireille CLAEYS General Counsellor P60 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate to the Governor Mr. Bernard LACROSSE Counsellor of the Vice-Prime Minister and Minister for Economy and Telecommunications Mr. Jean-Paul SAMAIN Director-General Division on Protection against Ionizing Radiation Ministry of Public Health and Environment Mr. Marc PECSTEEN DE BUYTSWERVE* First Secretary Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative Mr. Charles BEETS* Scientific Counsellor Alternate to the Governor Adviser to the Resident Representative Mr. Pierre GOVAERTS Director A.I.B. Vinçotte Nucléaire Mr. J. VANWILDEMEERSCH CEN/SCK Mol. BOLIVIA Delegate: Ms. María Lourdes ESPINOZA PATIÑO First Secretary Alternate to the Resident Representative BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Delegate: Ms. Tatjana LJUJIC-MIJATOVIC Ambassador Resident Representative to the Agency 7 Alternates: Ms. Vesna SABLJAKOVIC Permanent Mission in Vienna Mr. Mehidin SIRBUBALO Mr. Boro BJELOBRK BRAZIL Delegate: Mr. Affonso Celso de OURO-PRETO Ambassador to Austria Governor from Brazil on the Agency’s Board of Governors Resident Representative to the Agency Alternates: Mr. José Mauro ESTEVES DOS SANTOS Chairman National Nuclear Energy Commission Alternate to the Governor Mr. Ayrton José Caubit DA SILVA Director of Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety (CNEN) Alternate to the Governor Mr. Claudio RODRIGUES Supervisor of the Institute for Energetic Research (CNEN) Mr. Sergio Caldas Mercador ABI-SAD Counsellor Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative Mr. Laércio Antonio VINHAS Representative of the International Area (CNEN) Alternate to the Governor Ms. Regina Celia ANDRADE SABOIA Director for Logistic Support (CNEN) Alternate to the Governor Ms. Carmen Lidia RICHTER RIBEIRO MOURA First Secretary, Subchief of the Division of Advanced and Sensitive Technologies Ministry of External Relations Alternate to the Governor BULGARIA Delegate: Mr. Gueorgui KASTCHIEV Chairman Committee on the Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes Governor from Bulgaria on the Agency's Board of Governors Alternates: Mr. Ivo PETROV Ambassador Resident Representative to the Agency Alternate to the Governor 8 Mr. Anguel PETROV Head, Department of External Relations Committee on the Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes Adviser to the Governor Ms. Roumjana DERMENDJIEVA Counsellor Department of International Organizations Ministry of Foreign Affairs Adviser to the Governor Mr. Rubin DOBREV Counsellor Alternate to the Resident Representative Adviser to the Governor CAMBODIA CAMEROON CANADA Delegate: Mr. Peter WALKER Ambassador to Austria Governor from Canada on the Agency's Board of Governors Resident Representative to the Agency Alternate: Mr. Philip MACKINNON Counsellor Alternate to the Governor and to the Resident Representative Advisers: Ms. Agnes BISHOP President Atomic Energy Control Board Mr. Pierre MARCHILDON Director General Atomic Energy Control Board Mr. Angus LAIDLAW Nuclear Non-Proliferation Officer Nuclear Non-Proliferation Section Atomic Energy Control Board Mr. Dan WHELAN Director General Energy Resources Branch Natural Resources Canada Mr. D. TREGUNNO Manager, International Relations Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Mr. Jim CASTERTON Counsellor (Science & Technology) Adviser to the Governor and to the Resident Representative 9 Ms. Carmel LETOURNEAU Desk Officer, Nuclear, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament
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    ACTIVITY REPORT (Mid-October 2019 – June 2020) s part of its monitoring of local and regional democracy in Europe, the Congress maintains a regular dialogue with A member states of the Council of Europe. The Committee of Ministers, which includes the 47 Foreign Ministers of these states, the Conference of Ministers responsible for local and regional authorities, as well as its Steering Committees are partners in this regard. Several times a year, the President and the Secretary General of the Congress provide the representatives of the 47 member states in the Committee of Ministers with a record of its activities. www.coe.int/congress/fr PREMS 082820 [email protected] ENG The Council of Europe is the continent’s leading human rights organisation. It comprises 47 member states, including all Communication by the Secretary General members of the European Union. The Congress of Local and of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities Regional Authorities is an institution of the Council of Europe, www.coe.int responsible for strengthening local and regional democracy 1380bis meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies in its 47 member states. Composed of two chambers – the Chamber of Local Authorities and the Chamber of Regions – 8 July 2020 and three committees, it brings together 648 elected officials representing more than 150 000 local and regional authorities. Activity report of the Congress (October 2019 – June 2020) CG37(2019)24 7 July 2020 Activity Report of the Congress (October 2019 – June 2020) Communication by the Secretary General of the Congress at the 1380bis meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies 8 July 2020 Layout: Congress of Local and Regional Authorities Print: Council of Europe Edition: July 2020 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Communication by Andreas KIEFER, Acting Secretary General of the Congress ........
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