The Wellesley Legenda
! t ^«1 ,-„ ll'ffli'llllilill I 'I I Iji Mi i mmm\ lliii I { I I i ii L f ! III?! 1; iqiG. ' L-EGENDA &/m&' SL Advertising . 223 Faculty 16 Alumni Association 181 Graduate Club Class History Freshman Year . 25 Sophomore Year 51 Junior Year . 69 Senior Year 87 Class of 1911 194 Class of 1912 202 Class of 1913 211 Consumers' League . 183 Department Clubs . 175 Introductory Note Through this little collection of manuscripts, gathered after many months of labor on our part, we have endeavored to show something of the manners and customs of the ancient Wellesleians. It has been difficult to obtain reliable infor- mation concerning this tribe, since for most of its acts we can assign no definite reason, and, therefore, cannot trace the underlying conditions leading to these acts. We gather, however, that they were (with a few exceptions) a gentle and peaceful people, whose habits were harmless but amusing. They are, however, well worthy of study on account of their quaint and curious customs, quite different from the customs of any other tribe whose history we have studied. For convenience, we have divided these manuscripts into four periods, known in the language of the tribe as, respec- tively, freshmanyear, sophomoreyear, junioryear, and senior- year — thus taking the tribe from the time of its earliest formation to the time of its fullest development. The followdng lists were discovered in Thf Office, a mysterious retreat inhabited by one of | the deities of the tribe, and consequently held in great awe, especially by the younger members.
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