Jackson, Margaret Pack- Girls, Helen Roehrs Barney, Richard Murdock and Jack William H
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PAGE SIX THE YPSILANTI DAILY PRESS, YPSILANTI, MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 184* Sports Roundup Chicago—lNS—Tha Chicago Bear*, champions of the professional football world, will open their 1942 season against the Camp Grant Aug. 22, Halas announced today in game Vie George Contests eleven la a benefit Coach School Children day. , . , Go To Recreation Elmer McClelland, 58, today filed suit for divorce Detroit—lNS—Mrs Parents at Central School pupils went to SPARKS BROWNS By Jack Sords against Elmer "Slim'’ McClelland, 53, one of Michigan's top prize fight Grade Pupils, Hlad to Run Recreation for a picnic lunch referees. Among other things. Mrs. McClelland charged non-support. Park Her bill of complaint said they were separated June 15, 1949. and afterward held their annual • • Days, in Parks ••• Field Picnics w field day. at Lincoln New York—lNS—Ned Harris and Roger Cramer, both outfielders, First, second and third places In Parents had Joyce Hawks Mary Perry, Louise camp today. Cramer and schoolchildren j ' were the heroes In the Detroit Tiger batted out the 25-yard dash tor fourth grade Charles ‘Whltey Hlad will make singles In yesterday's tilt against the New York Yankees to record : great fun Wednesday afternoon as Wilson fifth grade, boys Bruce three boys was won by Alfred Etlendorf, his appearance against strict- his 2,oni hit In major league baseball. Only seven other players still Harriet and Central Schools ar- Stinedurf William Curtis, Richard last ranged days Templeton, competition active In the American League can boast of such a record It was field in Recreation Roberts, girls, Betly L. Mead, Bern- Bruce Wallace, Charles ly collegiate Friday Tigers Prospect played girls Joan Elghlnger, Harris' 11th inning home run with two men on which gave the Park and children Patricia and Saturday In the twenty-first in ice Camphell, Patricia Draper, sixth Green, Joan Spannut'h; 50 yard a 4 to 1 victory over the Yankees. Prospect Park. annual NCAA track and field cham- parents Children at- grade, boys, Richard Brothers Wil lash, boys. Kenneth Thomas, Alfred | Many and Baird, girls Mai tended the annual field day for liam Wilde. Bud Ellendorf, Richard Barnett, girls. pionships at Lincoln. Neb. UPHOLDS SENTENCE garet Higgins, Adlof, JAILED IN DEATH Harriet School at Recreation Park. Greta Helen Joan Elghlnger, Patricia Green. Joan The big blond hurdles star ranks Lansing Mich., June 11—INS —In Battle Mich.. June 11—INS ; Games were started at 11 a. m. and Hatch Spannuth; standing broad jump, Creek. throw, fourth, as a dark horse to grab top honors 5 2 decision the state supreme —Grant V. Wilder, 49. was held in a noon picnic lunch was served. At Basketball boys. Jerry Prest. Thomas Lurkins. Edwin a to Lloyd Ridenour. Ralph Duede, Dar away from Rice's Bill Cummins had the 60 day Jail in nearby Marshall today, . 1 p. m games were scheduled again. KIIH. girls, Donna Mae Peebles. Mar- court today upheld rell Trotter, girls Beverly Hetcli- running and Ohio State’s Bob Wright, who given Joseph Sarnoff, charged with involuntary man- For the opening of the games pro jorie Fuller. Laura Smyth; Jail sentence ler, Margaret Hesson, Shirley Thomas, tenement owner, for alleg- slaughter In connection with the ! grant the fifth grade boys played broad jump, boys, Kenneth have been Installed as co-favorites Detroit Beuschletn. fifth, boys, Richar : McAllister, Donald Shlfferd, edly violating building death of Odis M. Matteson, 57. Mai- J the sixth grade boys in a softball Garth in the timber-topping races. Wright being struck dur- the group won by Roberts, Jerry Richards, Harold girls, Nadine Ellendorf, Joan Span- code. He was convicted of renting teson died after match and latter is defending champion in both argument was un a score eight to Britton, girls. Shirley Schock Do nuth, Bernadine Lore; basketball outmoded structures at excessive ing an Wilder 1 of six. J. Baker, sixth SIO,OOO bond for girls front lores Setdl, Norma throw for distance, Donald Shifferd, events. prices oarnoff contended the build able to furnish Thirty-yard dash Bud Baird. Jack | six to eight years old was won In hoys, Porterfield. Edward Shauan, Alfred Ellendorf, Hlad ran fourth in the high hur- Ing ordinance was invalid William Budreau, girls, Mary Lou The Great Salt Plains of north- order -by Robena Williams, Et'a girls. Charline Niles, Roeena Stef- dles and fifth In the lows last six by Dora fifty yard Block, Joan Cathers, Violet Baird: fen, Mary Scheffler; The University of Colorado at west Oklahoma measure j Madison. Taylor; baseball throw year. girls 12, Leta ha-icball throw, fourth, boys, Ralph for distance, boys, Thomas, Boulder owns its own stone quarry eight miles and are believed to bo i dash for from nine to Kenneth Other outstanding entries in the prehistoric Fuller, Atkins, Georgiue At- Duede, Raymond Woodruff, Gary Donald Shifferd. Edward Shauan. which its more recent build- the resldlum of a great Delina high* include Roy Bucek, from l Woodruff, girls. Beverly Hetehler. girls, Nadine Ellendorf, Gladys 120-yard ings been constructed. Inland sea. kins. Texas Gilliland, have I dash for from Betty Edson, Margaret Hesson. Woolsey. Marjorie Fuller; three A&M, Jim Louisi- Thirty yard boys ana State; Hertel, Stan- 'lx eight years old was won by fifth, boys. Richard Roberts, Harold legged race, boys, Edward Shauan. Edward to Phillip Bosnian, girls, Saunders, Julian Van Slyke. John L Williams, Britton. Shir- and Dale MacDonald, Seth Arnold ford; John Miami; and Benson, Smutz, Nebraska Harold Leolice Rutley; fifty yard run for ley Schock Roberta Patri- and Dale Schaffer, Edwin Ellis an ! Bill | cia Draper, sixth, boys, Norman Stickel, Pittsburgh, is one of the I boys from nine to 12 years, J B. Garth McAllister, girls. Joan Span DRIVE A DEPENDABLE Luten, Thomas Walker and Robert Given, Jack Porterfield, Robert nuth and Nadine Ellendorf, Carol leading low hurdles participants. Hall. Packer, girls, Margaret Higgins, Barney, and Ruth Grinage, Elaine Tony Rasmovich will compete in Johnson, javelin against field, Another fifty yard run for girls Betty Helen Hatch. Gates and Mary Harrington; wheel- the a 13-man USED CAR boys, including California, \ was won by Wanda Cox. Elizabeth Wheelbarrow race, fourth, barrow race, boys, Bruce Wallace John Biles. 75 Charles Rutledge, and Doyle Smith. Thomas, Seth and Howard Debus, Nebraska. 1938 DeSoto. motor overhauled 1 Taylor and Mary Pollard A yard and Kenneth Arnold dash for Lu- Jerry Holtz and Gary Woodward, Richard White, Edward Shau- 1937 Plymouth two door, motor overhauled boys went to Thomas and Eranus and James Ja Harold Duede and Lloyd Ridenour, an and Dale MacDonald, girls, Plymouth door, moter overhauled ca*. Jones girls, 1937 two Mary Perry atid Louise Wil- Barney Marilyn Messer- 1937 Terraplane. motor overhauled cobs. Carol and Men to Meet Three-legged girls race son. Rosemary Seldl and Marilyn man, Joanne Gotos and Donna Mae 1936 Plymouth four door sedan Junior Furtney, fifth, boys, Donald Ber- went to Ruby Wilson and Frances Peebles, Ruth Grinage and Gladys 1937 Ford tudor Luten. first, and Delores Roberson tholomey and Jerry Richards, Rich- Woolsey. and Georgine Atkins, second; sen- ard Roberts and Bruce Stinedurf, Placing tis order in the 25 yard girls. and Patri- With Kipke 1/8 down and easy terms on the balance i ior girls. Mary Rose Henderson and Bernice Campbell dash for fifth grade boys was Gor- rtemfoe V; Elizabeth Taylor, first; Lela Fuller cia Draper, Delores Seldl and Pris- don Metcalf, Keith Bososky, Ward 'O&WELU. YJM cilla Woodruff, sixth, boys. Lawr- Dean of Men James M. Brown and Marjorie Frierson, second; Keith, girls, Lois Owens, Joan announced that all college men SPAJcV PIOG MA/JA6SR ence Hatch and William Beaudreau, has fib/vefe Ms ! boys, class A, John L. Williams and Wales, Marlene Moffett; 50 yard Interested in naval V-l. V-5. or V-7 OF TMe-sr LOUIS first, Robert Packer and Phillip Osburn, dash, boys, Matthees, Dale "*^ Robert Fletcher, Leo Clark Clifford with -~ L ,l and Richard Short, may meet Friday Lt. Com- gizchJas & and Lsiwell Perry, second. Jack Porterfeild Dolph, Howard Neely, girls, Lois Harry K pke, Hoten girls, Marjorie LeClaire. and Betty mander G. : former McDaris 3b run Owens Moffett. France:' shuttle relay with a yard Marlene A Johnson, Violet Baird and Lillian University of Michigan football Plvmouth-DeSoto Dealer and one hurdle jump went to Leo Wolter; standing broad jump, boys. coach, and now on recruiting duty Hanson, Mary Lou Groosbeck and Brososky, Service Office Used Car Lot Mich, at Grove ; Clark, Lowell Perry, William Rob- Ctifford Matthees. Keith for the United States Navy. The Betty Sawter . Athletic Awards Presented erson and J B. Luten. Lou Loren Schmid, girls, Joanne Wil- 9; 213 Ferris Street Phone 1394 Three legged race, fourth, boys, meeting will be at 30 a. m at Other prizes went to Lois Atkins. 1 son. Marlene Moffett, Lois Owens; Charles McKenny Hall. 'Allen. Betty Williams, Harold Due-ie and Lloyd Ridenour, running broad jump, boys, Clifford j Willie Jean Rutledge Lincoln School Program Lawrence ' Charles and Ronald Daw- Mafthees, Edward Yawn, Upward in Williams. Herman Green son, J and Miss Helen Williams. Maurice Miller and Darrell Neely, girls, Mary Neely, Joan Mrs, Eliza Jcne Harris Trotter, Margaret Hesson vier, Crawford, Prospect School children had a girls, and Wales, Frances Wolter; basketball Athletic awards for the year captain. Richard picnic and play day In tha park Shirley Wall, Betty Edson and Shir- throw for distance, boys. Howard Succumbs, Rites Friday were presented In a special assem Harold Carter. Ronald Horton, across from their school- ley Beuschletn. Marilyn Furtney and Neely. James Rhodes, John Keen- by at Lincoln Consolidated School Stanley Papuzynski, Gar Royal, Rosemary Seidl, fifth, Terry Jane Harris, resident George For the third grade the winners boys.