It's Like Opening a Pandora's BOH •••• Would ,They Pay Only Football And

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It's Like Opening a Pandora's BOH •••• Would ,They Pay Only Football And ., r • , ~, • ~. • '....,. ~ ',..' :.~, ".'" • .~" • • • 111.-.•.•.•.••-.-.- .•.•.-.-.-." •. _._.B ............... _._ ... ,. 111 .•.•.•.•.•._ .•.•._ .•.•.•.•.• I· ' ... '. ..•. .... ',' '. ! Mega Feast ! • SNACK PACK:: :N'aked : I· .~ !CHEESEYBREAD: :, ',' ~! :'3:: - BREAD p·.··.·l· Z"' Z:·. : .. 'LargeI :: STICI(S . :. - '. a'·. :. MAGAZ N E I .~ = '&.::': : Toppers:: : .. TWO .·SODAS :::1 large CHEESELESS:: II '. :. _ w/2 Veggies -:. Playing For Keeps G .. ~ Names like Pat Garrity and Ron Powlus are synonymous with Notre I $1:5.99 '. :' $.' .. 99 .' ,: :. '$"599': Dame. Thousands of people pay thousands of dollars each year to see I .~ " . ',',' '" " '. ... ." :'. I' Spring'98/Edison Plaza Only! offerMay '. .., . Spring '98! Edison Plaza Only! Offer May'... .spril1g '98! Edison Plaza Only! Offer May'. them play, but they never see a cent of that money. What' s more, NC~ , .Change Without Notice! NO-SMC-Holy I Change Without Notice! NO-SMC-Holy . , ,ChangeWithoLit Notice! NO~SMC-Holy , regulations forbid them from having a job during the season. Scholastic • Cross 10 Required! panis$l.OOextra ;. • . Cross 10 Required! Pan is $1.00 extra •• Cross 10 Required/Pan is $1.00 extra. • ~ ~._ examines wh these athletes deserve a cut. Corey Spinelli - .-.-....• _." •.• ..._ .... c._.... ."._._.,_._ ..._._ •.• c..• •.• by "'.-.'.'.-.-.-.'.-.'.-.' .. ..• 1 111.-.•.•.•.•.•.•.- •.•.•.•.•." Tone Deaf :." .·/C'o··,,·'.,'rnbol. The Rolling Stones, the Spice Girls, Aerosmith. Groups , .... L-~. 11.1 ........ .... '., like these tourthe world but never stop in South Bend. SUB's budget and Stepan Center, among other things, !..... 'Cbee~e~.Bre~~ •..• ; 11AM-4AM keep them away. by Jake Mooney Fri & Sat Gimme a Break! e f "/ •••·1;4~tge' '",,', ",," .'.,~ Spring Break is here. Put away.the books and curl up l1AM- 2AM with the VCR remote. Here are some great movies that will make the break memorable. by Jeremy Slater !,". "JTi~~et "~I Sun - Thur. ;sg~g~~~·&~~~j~~,if~g~~¢!~~:~ Domino's Pizza Culture Crossings . 7 • ,'" C,ross 10R~quired/Pan is$LOOe~tra·.. , by Tim Campbell and Lauren Winterfield Edison Plaza Where Everybody Knows Their Name by Jim Pastore 14 .-.'iIi~"-.-"-.-"-"'''-'''.~•• ' .. d. City Slickers by Katie Keller 16 Paradise lost by Kara Zuaro 18 111.·.•.•. ", •. l1li .•, •.•.• , •.•.•. " 111 .•, •.•.•.•.•. III .•.•••.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.• Recovering the losses by Brian Lucas 24 l1li............... Curtain Call by Morgan Burns 26 ; "OldGFtHlhjiJ1J =, StudY-Buddy:: ' STUFFER ' ~ .'' . n . '._.' II' '.1 ...... M e d·lurn '..' , PIZZA. SUB '. Departments = 1.ol.Jt1rge:..: : .BREAD ._ From the Editor 2 • ..' '. ••: '·"1.' Top·,pe.. r.. ..J. II '. '. Letters 3 ND Notebook 5 : lClopper::: :' STICI<S: Campus Watch 13 .. :_ • i# '. I . " .. & .... '. Splinters from the Press Box 19 Out of Bounds 31 • '. (1:::' 99 ,. "" .' '. ". '1.'.' .S.··.'0' ". d··.··,.a .., . .'. Ii..' . .... '. Life In Hell 32 .. c,JJ. • • '.". •. ·A,SODA. ..... '. Week in Distortion 33 On Other Campuses' 34 ; CJlddiHonl1lCfoppings $1 el1cb J.; ...$5.99 .•.... .' ". ..J ; ... >!.$~;;S·b.... .' ~ Calendar 35 I, :~pring ;98/ E~isoI1PlazcidnIY;6fferMciy,. ., 'Spring'9s!EdisorlPlazci cinlyjqffer rv10yj :,. I,:; spril1~ ;98/E.di~()npl~za .Ohl;/OfferMay. ,. Parting Shot 36 I Change Without Notice! NO-SMC-Holy '. • < ChangeWithout Ncitice/NO~SMC~Holy··. I·:•. Chi:mgeWithoutNoticelND-SMC~HoIY. .• .:. ":f!~SS,leReq~ir~ci/PClI1 i~ $.1'0-0 extra ...••.... :. .,:pross Ip:Req~ired{'f>a~is$~;go~~tr~, .\:_ .::.i':~Ft~~~;I.~)~~q,~~~~dl:parliS $,!~?~,E!xt~a ,'. ,'. VOLUME 1 3 9 , NUMBER 11 • MARCH 5,1998 .. -.-.-.-.·.·.-.-IIiI-.-.-.-.-.-. .-.-.".~.. -.-IIi~.-III·.-III-.-.-.~.. .c.. -iII~.-...-iiIi1·IiII- ..- ..~.· ... ·III- ..-.-1 ., r • , ~, • ~. • '....,. ~ ',..' :.~, ".'" • .~" • • • 111.-.•.•.•.••-.-.- .•.•.-.-.-." •. _._.B ............... _._ ... ,. 111 .•.•.•.•.•._ .•.•._ .•.•.•.•.• I· ' ... '. ..•. .... ',' '. ! Mega Feast ! • SNACK PACK:: :N'aked : I· .~ !CHEESEYBREAD: :, ',' ~! :'3:: - BREAD p·.··.·l· Z"' Z:·. : .. 'LargeI :: STICI(S . :. - '. a'·. :. MAGAZ N E I .~ = '&.::': : Toppers:: : .. TWO .·SODAS :::1 large CHEESELESS:: II '. :. _ w/2 Veggies -:. Playing For Keeps G .. ~ Names like Pat Garrity and Ron Powlus are synonymous with Notre I $1:5.99 '. :' $.' .. 99 .' ,: :. '$"599': Dame. Thousands of people pay thousands of dollars each year to see I .~ " . ',',' '" " '. ... ." :'. I' Spring'98/Edison Plaza Only! offerMay '. .., . Spring '98! Edison Plaza Only! Offer May'... .spril1g '98! Edison Plaza Only! Offer May'. them play, but they never see a cent of that money. What' s more, NC~ , .Change Without Notice! NO-SMC-Holy I Change Without Notice! NO-SMC-Holy . , ,ChangeWithoLit Notice! NO~SMC-Holy , regulations forbid them from having a job during the season. Scholastic • Cross 10 Required! panis$l.OOextra ;. • . Cross 10 Required! Pan is $1.00 extra •• Cross 10 Required/Pan is $1.00 extra. • ~ ~._ examines wh these athletes deserve a cut. Corey Spinelli - .-.-....• _." •.• ..._ .... c._.... ."._._.,_._ ..._._ •.• c..• •.• by "'.-.'.'.-.-.-.'.-.'.-.' .. ..• 1 111.-.•.•.•.•.•.•.- •.•.•.•.•." Tone Deaf :." .·/C'o··,,·'.,'rnbol. The Rolling Stones, the Spice Girls, Aerosmith. Groups , .... L-~. 11.1 ........ .... '., like these tourthe world but never stop in South Bend. SUB's budget and Stepan Center, among other things, !..... 'Cbee~e~.Bre~~ •..• ; 11AM-4AM keep them away. by Jake Mooney Fri & Sat Gimme a Break! e f "/ •••·1;4~tge' '",,', ",," .'.,~ Spring Break is here. Put away.the books and curl up l1AM- 2AM with the VCR remote. Here are some great movies that will make the break memorable. by Jeremy Slater !,". "JTi~~et "~I Sun - Thur. ;sg~g~~~·&~~~j~~,if~g~~¢!~~:~ Domino's Pizza Culture Crossings . 7 • ,'" C,ross 10R~quired/Pan is$LOOe~tra·.. , by Tim Campbell and Lauren Winterfield Edison Plaza Where Everybody Knows Their Name by Jim Pastore 14 .-.'iIi~"-.-"-.-"-"'''-'''.~•• ' .. d. City Slickers by Katie Keller 16 Paradise lost by Kara Zuaro 18 111.·.•.•. ", •. l1li .•, •.•.• , •.•.•. " 111 .•, •.•.•.•.•. III .•.•••.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.• Recovering the losses by Brian Lucas 24 l1li............... Curtain Call by Morgan Burns 26 ; "OldGFtHlhjiJ1J =, StudY-Buddy:: ' STUFFER ' ~ .'' . n . '._.' II' '.1 ...... M e d·lurn '..' , PIZZA. SUB '. Departments = 1.ol.Jt1rge:..: : .BREAD ._ From the Editor 2 • ..' '. ••: '·"1.' Top·,pe.. r.. ..J. II '. '. Letters 3 ND Notebook 5 : lClopper::: :' STICI<S: Campus Watch 13 .. :_ • i# '. I . " .. & .... '. Splinters from the Press Box 19 Out of Bounds 31 • '. (1:::' 99 ,. "" .' '. ". '1.'.' .S.··.'0' ". d··.··,.a .., . .'. Ii..' . .... '. Life In Hell 32 .. c,JJ. • • '.". •. ·A,SODA. ..... '. Week in Distortion 33 On Other Campuses' 34 ; CJlddiHonl1lCfoppings $1 el1cb J.; ...$5.99 .•.... .' ". ..J ; ... >!.$~;;S·b.... .' ~ Calendar 35 I, :~pring ;98/ E~isoI1PlazcidnIY;6fferMciy,. ., 'Spring'9s!EdisorlPlazci cinlyjqffer rv10yj :,. I,:; spril1~ ;98/E.di~()npl~za .Ohl;/OfferMay. ,. Parting Shot 36 I Change Without Notice! NO-SMC-Holy '. • < ChangeWithout Ncitice/NO~SMC~Holy··. I·:•. Chi:mgeWithoutNoticelND-SMC~HoIY. .• .:. ":f!~SS,leReq~ir~ci/PClI1 i~ $.1'0-0 extra ...••.... :. .,:pross Ip:Req~ired{'f>a~is$~;go~~tr~, .\:_ .::.i':~Ft~~~;I.~)~~q,~~~~dl:parliS $,!~?~,E!xt~a ,'. ,'. VOLUME 1 3 9 , NUMBER 11 • MARCH 5,1998 .. -.-.-.-.·.·.-.-IIiI-.-.-.-.-.-. .-.-.".~.. -.-IIi~.-III·.-III-.-.-.~.. .c.. -iII~.-...-iiIi1·IiII- ..- ..~.· ... ·III- ..-.-1 ~ zine, he was indispensible. And Pat boosted The Next Frontier my ego by constantly telling me I was right o for hen I first applied to Scholastic, and he was wrong (which, I admit, wasn't I- Pay Play Wthen-Editor in Chief Michelle always the case). Homicide deserves o Crouch suggested in my inter­ Good luck to next year's staff - I hope W ack in 1993, I cheered on the Chicago view that I, too, might one day be editor in the SDH odor is bearable. I'm sure you'll r­ w BBulls as they battled the Miami Heat chief. I smiled and nodded - it was an produce a top-notch magazine. recognition m at home. I'd never seen a Bulls game interview, after all-but I thought she was Pat Downes and the nevi staff will make -1 I before, and the excitement was palpable. crazy. their debut with the March 26 issue. I- Dear Editor, -1 The game took an unexpected twist, how­ Since last March, I've often thought I was While your recent piece on television series devotees was infor­ m ever, when an amateur basketball player crazy for taking on this job. It hasn't been an Kristin Alworth mative and entertaining, I feel that you, like many other media iO ~ (j) stole the thunder from both teams. During a easy year. But I wouldn't take back a mo­ Editor in Chief outlets, have unfairly overlooked one of the best dramas currently o timeout, a young man participated in a bas­ ment of it - the good or the bad. I've in production. NBC's Homicide: Life on the Street deserves better ~ ketball shooting contest - and made an learned a lot as editor, mostly from the u... from any self-respecting college magazine. amazing cross-court shot for $1 million. challenges I've faced. Perenially in danger of cancellation, Homicide is a dark-horse The crowd roared and jumped to their feet; More than anything, though, I've learned 101 Years,Ago: favorite worthy of any kind of grass-roots support Notre Dame I stared at the court in disbelief as awestruck from my staff. Even on the deadline nights Public Humiliation could offer. Homicide boasts the talent of such actors as Andre Bulls players slapped the winner
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