Great and Small
All Gifts Great and Small EAST TENNESSEE FOUNDATION 2012 ANNUAL RECORD OurOur Mission: EastEast Tennessee Tennessee FoundationFoundation isis a public, nonprofit, communitycommunity foundationfoundation createdcreated forfor thethe purposepurpose ofof building charitable resourcesresources toto mmakeake communitiescommunities strongerstronger andand lives better through thoughtfulthoughtful givingiving.g. 20122012 ETFETF BOARD BOARD OFOF DIRECTORS DIRECTORS SeatedSeated - - l lto to r: r: Pat Pat Postma, Postma, JohnJohn Geppi, Geppi, Alice Alice Mercer, Mercer, RickRick Fox, Fox, Patsy Patsy Carson, Carson, BillBill Pugh, Pugh, Kay Kay Clayton, Clayton, HowardHoward Blum, Blum, and and Bob- Bob- biebie Congleton Congleton StandingStanding - -l lto to r: r: KeithKeith Burroughs, Burroughs, David David Jones,Jones, A.David A.David Martin, Martin, FrankFrank Rothermel, Rothermel, Jeff Jeff Chapman,Chapman, Mitchell Mitchell Steen- Steen- rod,rod, Marty Marty Begalla, Begalla, Keith Keith Goodwin,Goodwin, Cynthia Cynthia Burn- Burn- ley,ley, Fred Fred Womack, Womack, John John WordenWorden TableTable of Contents Mission,Mission, Board Board ofof Directors,Directors, andand TableTable of Contents (Inside(Inside FrontFront Cover) Cover) 20122012 Summary Summary 1 1 - -3 3 GovernanceGovernance 4 4 - -5 5 FundsFunds of of the the FoundationFoundation 6 6 - -16 16 GrantsGrants of of the the FoundationFoundation 17 17 - -31 31 SupportingSupporting Organizations Organizations 32 32 -34 -34 ConsolidatedConsolidated FinancialFinancial StatementsStatements 35 35 StaffStaff (Inside(Inside BackBack Cover) Cover) EAST TENNESSEE FOUNDATION 2012 SUMMARY Serving as a vehicle for philanthropy, East Tennessee Foundation is a collection of hundreds of individual charitable funds and supporting organizations established by individuals, families, businesses, and other nonprofits and foundations. A wide variety of assets can be accepted to serve almost any charitable purpose.
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