International Boundaries Research Unit MARITIME BRIEFING Volume 2 Number 3 The Falkland Islands and their Adjacent Maritime Area Patrick Armstrong and Vivian Forbes Maritime Briefing Volume 2 Number 3 ISBN 1-897643-26-8 1997 The Falkland Islands and their Adjacent Maritime Area by Patrick Armstrong and Vivian Forbes Edited by Clive Schofield International Boundaries Research Unit Department of Geography University of Durham South Road Durham DH1 3LE UK Tel: UK + 44 (0) 191 334 1961 Fax: UK +44 (0) 191 334 1962 E-mail:
[email protected] www: The Authors Patrick Armstrong teaches biogeography and environmental management in the Geography Department of the University of Western Australia. He also cooperates with a colleague from that University’s Law School in the teaching of a course in environmental law. He has had a long interest in remote islands, and has written extensively on this subject, and on the life and work of the nineteenth century naturalist Charles Darwin, another devotee of islands. Viv Forbes is a cartographer, map curator and marine geographer based at the University of Western Australia. His initial career was with the Merchant Navy, and it was with them that he spent many years sailing the waters around Australia, East and Southeast Asia. He is the author of a number of publications on maritime boundaries, particularly those of the Indian Ocean region. Acknowledgements Travel to the Falkland Islands for the first author was supported by a grant from the National Geographic Society Committee for Research and Exploration. Part of the material in this Briefing was presented as a paper at the 4th International Boundaries Conference, IBRU, Durham, July 1996; travel by PHA to this conference was supported by the Faculty of Science of the University of Western Australia.