714 TRU PRIVATE RESIDENTS. [ Leroestershi~E Trustam Miss, the Warren, I..Yddington,,· Upton Mrs

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714 TRU PRIVATE RESIDENTS. [ Leroestershi~E Trustam Miss, the Warren, I..Yddington,,· Upton Mrs . 714 TRU PRIVATE RESIDENTS. [ LEroESTERSHI~E Trustam Miss, The Warren, i..Yddington,,· Upton Mrs. 1 Gregory st. Loughborough Wallin Wm. May view, Oadby, Leicester Uppingham Vale Rev. Harry Burton M.A. Vicarage, Walrnsley MisSM.A.Burton wlks.Lghboro' Tryon Miss, Burley road, Oakham Sproxton, Melton Mowbray . Walsh Hon. Gerald, Burton road, Tryon Miss Maud, The Old hall, Hamble- Vary J ona than Chrispin, The Lodge, Melton Mowbray ton, Oakham Leicester road, Syston, Leicester Walsh Arth. Thos.llBurton st.Lghboro' Tubb F. J. York ho. Clarence rd.Hnckly Veasey George Alfred,98 Northampton Waiter Edward, Croft ho. Croft, Leicester Tucker Arth.85 Middleton rd.Loughboro' road, Market Harborough WaIters Sir John Tudor M.P., J.P. The Tucker Gilbert, William st. Loughboro' Veasey Mrs. The Cottage, Whissendine, Wayside, Oadby, Leicester Tucker Henry, 31 Tamworth road, Oakham Waiters Rev. Thomas William M.A. Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch Viccars Capt. John Ellis, Ingarsby,Lcstr Vicarage, Whitwick, Leicester Tucker William Trueman, Parkside, Viccars William Arnold, The Homestead, Waltham Rev. Richard M.A. Rectory, Charnwood road, Loughborough Rothley, Leicester Gla..'lton, Uppingham Tuckerman Miss, Fem villa, 28 Mount Viccars Wm. Purdon l.P. Anstey, Lest.r Walton Mrs. 19 Granby st. Loughboro' .road, Hinckley Vice Wm. A. M.B.Edin. 5 Belvoir st. Lei- Warburton William Hugh, Windycroft, Tuckett WaIter Reginald, Woodhouse cester & Blaby villa, Blaby, Leicester Swithland lane, Rothley, Leicester Eaves, Loughborough Vickers Philip, Clift,on villa, St. Mary's Ward A.rthur, The Hawthorns, Thur- ·Tuckey Thomas Samuel, West view, road, Market Harborough caston, Leicester Stoke Golding, Nuneaton Village Miss, Station rd. Kegworth, DTby Ward Charles Lambert, Station road, 'Tuckwood Chas.H. 33 York rd.Lghboro' IVincent Rev. Claud Alexander, The Castle Donington, Derby Tudor Rev. Waiter Lechmere B.A. Vicarage, Blaby rd. Enderby, Leicestr Ward Frederick, 30 Northampton road, Vicarage, Thorpe Amold, Melton Vincent F. The Chase, Croft, Leicester Market Harborough Mowbray Vincent John C. Pennard house, Birstall Ward J. 9 Rawdon ter. Ashhy-de-Ia-Zch Tugby Andrew Harris, The Cedars, hill, Birstall, Leicester Ward J. l.P. Woodside, Bardon, Leice.~tr Tamworth road, Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch Vincent Miss, Bottesford, Nottingham Ward J. W. Castledinest. Loughborough Tunbridge Rev. James, The Vicarage, Vincent-.Tack~on Rev. Canon Wm. 111-A., Ward John Drew C. Mount rd. Hinckley Bisbrooke, Uppingham l.P. Rectory, Bottesford, Nottingham Ward John George, HinckLeiensis villa, Tunley Rev. Waiter, The Manse, Sileby, Vinrace Mrs. 23 Tamworth road, Ashby~ Coventry road, Hinckley Loughborough de-Ia-Zouch Ward John W. Castle cottage, Kirby Turner Alfred J.P. Brocks hill, Oadby, Wade George, Westroyd, Shepshed, Muxloe, Leicester Leicester Loughborough Ward Mrs. Cropston, Leicester Turner Archibald, The Cottage, Swith- Wade George Tempest J.P. Birstall,Lcstr Ward Mrs. Lenton, South view, Calde- land, Loughborough Wade Wm. Francis, Spa lane, Hinckley cott, Uppingham . Turner Bingham Dixon 11.A. Burton Wagg Mrs. High street, Castle Doning- Ward S. Medbourne, Market Harborough walks, Loughborough ton, Derby Ward Waiter, Normanton, Priesthills Turner Frederick, Brentwood, Wigston Wagg Stephen, Park lane, Castle Doning- road, Hinckley road, Oadby, Leicester ton, Derby Ward William, Elmcote,Sutton-in-the- Turner George John Kemp M.B. The Wagstafi John Henry, HolweIl house, Elms, Leicester Woodlands, Broughton Astley, Leices- Evington, Leicester Ward William, 2 The Crescent, Notting- ter & Fl'olesworth, Lutterworth WagstalI Sidney Herbert, The Bunga- ham road, Melton Mowbray , Turner James, The Oaks, Woodhouse low, Rothley, Leicester Ward William H. Beauchamp house,· Eaves, Loughborough Wa~staffe Joseph, 80 Northampton road, Kibworth Beauchamp, Leicester Turner Jepson, GreellitUll house, Coal- Market Harborough Ward William Henry, Hinckleiensis viI. ville, Leicester Wain John Frearson, Swepstone road, Coventry road, Hinckley Turner JOM F.G.S., J.P. Stanleigh, Donis- Heather, Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch Wardle Herbert, Appleton house, Sta- thorpe, Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch Wain Thomas Bertram, The Limes, tion road, Hinckley 'rurner Joseph, Blaby, Leicester Heather, Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch Wardle In. The Cedars, Kegworth,Derby -Turner J. R. Spring cottage, Oakham Wain WaIt. Heather, Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch Wardle Mrs. Packington hill, Kegworth, Turner Miss, White house, Woodhouse Wainwright Joseph, 41 Burton road, Derby . Eaves, Loughborough Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch Wardle Mrs. Westleigh, Leicester road, Turner Mrs. The Laurels, Ilston-on-the- Wait George Henry, 'fhe Cedars, Skef- Syston, Leicester . Hill, Leicester fin~ton, Leicester . Ware F. M. Swallowcroft, Quorn,Lghbro' Turner Robert, York road, Loughboro' Waite A. Goadby Marwood, Mltn.Mwbry Warner A. The Firs,Kirby Muxloe,Lcstr Turner Samuel, jun. Northfield house, Waite Frederick W. The Spinneys, Manor Warner Edward Handley D.L., J.P. Blaby, Leicester road, Leicester . Quorn hall, Loughborough Turvi le-Petre Oswald HenryPhilip B.A., Wakefield Miss Annie, Avenue villas, Warner Henry W. Claremont house, D.L., J.P. Bosworth hall, Husbands Little Claybrooke, Lutterworth Wigston Magna, Leicester Bosworth, Rugby Wakefield Miss Fanny, Avenue villas, Warren Misses, Bottesford, Nottingham Tuxford Arthur, Wigston Fields, Wig- Little Claybrooke, Lutterworth Warren Mrs. The Beechps, Queni- ston Magna, Leicester Wakeling Lawrence, Woodthorpe, borough, Leicester Tweddell Mrs. The Priory,Ketton,Stmfrd Stoughton road, Oadby, Leicester Warren William, Charnwood, Syston, Tyers Miss, Avenue villas, Little Clay- Wakerley .Toseph Edmund J.P. 16 Leicester brooke, Leicester Nottingham road, Melton Mowbray Watchorn Alfred E. Old house, Little TyIer Albert, Queniborough lodge, Lestr Wakerley Mrs. 14 Nottingham road, Bowden, Market Harborough Tyler E. The Elms, Quorn, Loughboro' Melton Mowbray Watchorn Richard' Carey, Brooklyn, Tyler Edgar, Moss grove, Knighton Wale Rev. John Henry M.A. Barrow-on- Birstall hill, Birstall, Leicester Gran~e road, Leicester Soar, Loughborou.gh Waterfield J. Ashmount, Oadby, I,.eicstr Tyler H. The Chestnuts, Oadby, Leicestr Walker Rev. Edward Richard B.A.Brook- Watkin Rev. Llewelyn Wynn, The Haw- TyIer James Arthur, White house, Glen- leigh, Barrowden, Stamford thorns, Barkby, Leicester field, Leicester Walker AIbt. H. 10 Herrick rd. Lghboro' Watson Albt.Manor ho. Syston, Leicester Tyler Mrs. Durban house, London road, Walker Albert William, Wing, Oakham Watson Clement Goodman} Foxton, Coalville, Leicester Walker Edmund, Ingledene, Rothley Mark.et Harborough .... Tyler Mrs. The Firs, KibworthHar- plain, Leicester . WatsonGeorge, Wreakdale,Syston,Lcstr court, Leicester Walker Ernest Edwd.High st.Uppinghm Watson George Thomas, The Bank Tyler Mrs. The Manor house, Morcott, Walker George, Dunston Holme, Glen- house, Lutterworth Uppingham field, Leicester Watson Miss, 79 Northampton road, Tyler Sydney, Elmcroft, Kirby ~uxloe, Walker Joseph, Elm view, Thurnby,Lcstr Market Harborough Leicester Walker Mrs. The Cottage, Twycross, \Vatson Miss, The Gables, Croft, Leicestr Tyler T. 137 Nottingham rd. LOllghboro' Atherstone Watson Mrs. Kibworth Beauchamp, Tyrrell William, Shaftesbury, Knighton Walker S. A. Avondale, Rothley, Leicstr Leicester Grange road, Leic'lster Walker Theodore F.p.G.'l. The Hall, Watson Richard Arnold, Walcote lodge, Tyrwhitt-Wilson Hon. Sir Rayinond Great Glen, Leicester Walcote, Lutterworth Robert bart. The Grange, East Nor- Walker W. Long What ton, Loughboro' Watson Richard G. The Cottage, Kib- ton, Leicester Walker William Ralph, The Yews, worth Harcourt, Leicester Uffen Rev. Bernard Thos. Jas. A.T.S. The Great Glen, Leicester Watson Thomas Saddington, The Chest- Mans!', 47 Coventry rd. Mkt. Harboro' Wallace Rev. John Dunran M.A. Raven- nuts, Foxton, Market Harborough Undprhill W.T.Quorn cot.Quorn,Lghbro' stone, Ashby-de-Ia-Zourh Watters Henry, Newtown grange, New~ UndeI"Wood Thomas, The Yews, Frisby- Wallace F.H. Manor ho.High st.Upnghm town Unthank, Leicester on-the-Wreak, Leicester Wallace Henry Alfred, Humberstone Watts Charles, 47 Northampton road, Unitt .Tames A. Quorn, Loughborough lane, Thurmaston, Leicester Market Harborough Unwin Misses, The Chestnuts, HighjWaller Mrs. High street, Earl Shilton, \;Yatts Frederick, The ·Warren, Kib- street, Kegworth, Derby Hinckley worth Beauchamp, Leicester Upton.Mrs.123 Ashbyrd. Loughborough; WaIlers Mrs. New Parks, Leicester .
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