450 Lettersto the Editor GeneralizedBullous Fixed Drug Eruption after In¯ uenza V accination,Simulating Bullous Pemphigoid I.GarcõÂa-Doval,E. RosoÂn,C.Feal,C. De laTorre, T. RodrõÂguezand M. J.Cruces Departmentof Dermatology, Complexo Hospitalario de P ontevedra,C /LuoreiroCrespo 2, E-36200,P ontevedra,Spain. E-mail:
[email protected] AcceptedOctober 19, 2001. Sir, Severalcases of bullous pemphigoid appearing shortly after in¯uenza vaccination have been described ( 1±3 ).In one of thema relapsedeveloped after further vaccination one year later( 3).Toourknowledge, there is no previous description ofotherbullous diseases appearing after in¯ uenza vaccination. CASE REPORT A90-year-oldwoman was seen with a generalizedbullous eruption.She did not remember su Œeringfrom similar lesions previously.She had hypertension treated for more than one yearwith hydrochlorothiazide and valsartan (Co-diovan â ). Sixweeks before the start of cutaneous lesions, nimodipine (Nimotopâ )andginko biloba ( Tanakene â )hadbeen added toher therapy. In October 2000 she received an in¯ uenza vaccination.She denied intake of paracetamol or any other newdrug. Twelve hours after administration of the in¯ uenza vaccine,she noticed pruritus in her genital area and legs. Twenty-fourhours after the vaccination, well-demarcated erythematousmacules and large bullae appeared on these areas,and later on the trunk, hands and face ( Figs.1 and2 ). Somelesions had a darkercentre. She had oral and genital erosions.Systemic symptoms were absent. Suspecting the diagnosisof bullous pemphigoid, a cutaneousbiopsy was taken,and therapy was started with 30 mgof prednisone. Histologyof a skinlesion showed a prominentsubepidermal bullawith scarce perivascular mixed in¯ ammatory in® ltrates, focalhydropic degeneration of the basal layer, pigmentary incontinence,dyskeratotic keratinocytes with pyknotic nuclei inthe epidermis and papillary dermis, and areas of con¯ uent epidermalnecrosis.