History and Genealogy
HISTORY AND GENEALOGY OF THE ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS OF Captain Israel Jones WHO REMOVED FROM Enfield to Barkhamsted, Conn. In the Year 17,9 COMPILED FOR HON. ASAHEL W. JONES BY L. N. tARKER DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF ALL WHO HAVE CROSSED THE SILENT RIVER ERRATA. Page 44, second line, for "Loisantville," read "LosantiYille." Page 85, No. "2<l2" should be in large type. Page l'l7, twenty-second line, for No. "274," read "277." Page 87, thirty-third line, for No. '' 344," read" 347." Page S!l, second line, for No. "2iii"i," read "2iiS." Page \H, twelfth line, for No. "~48," read" 051." Page !)7, to No. 347, add,•· He d. June E, 1802.'' Page 107, second line from bottom, drop '' of,'' preceding '' where.'' Page 108, eighth line from bottom, for No. "2,54,'' read "257." Page 111, top, for No. "39,i," read" 398." fage 159, to No. 740. add, "m. Genevie\'e, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles William Fore, of Oakland, Cal., Sept. G. Hl02. · Page 2:29, No. 13.''i(;, for " Gersharn " read "Gersham." Page 2:~2, for No. " 1:135," read " 1357." Page 24S, for No." 337," read "33G." Page 26G, No. 1417, read "Martha b. 1S22; 111. \Villiam Lloyd at Pulaski, N. V., liWi. He was b. Nov. 7, 1811; d. at Emerald Grove, Wis., Oct. 80, 1876. Shed. there Oct 21, 1848. Their only child, Henry Gilbert Lloyd, was h. at Emerald Grove, Jan. 11, 1848; m. Eliza M. Jones, whose father, David Jones, emigrated from Montgomeryshire, ~forth Wales. He d.
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