
short communication

FRANKLIN SIMO TALLA1*, GHISLAIN DIFOUO FOPA1, SEVILOR KEKEUNOU1, GODWILL ICHU representing about 58% of the estimated ICHU2, JEAN PIERRE BISSEK3, IRIS ELISABETH KIRSTEN4, DIDIER BASTIN4 AND DAVID OL- species of in Cameroon have been SON5 reported from this park. These include honey Mellivora capensis, Leptailurus African golden confirmed serval, Orycteropus afer, chimpan- zee Pan troglodytes, hippopotamus Hippopo- in Mpem et Djim National tamus amphibius, and giant pangolin Smutsia gigantea (MINFOF 2011, Atagana et al. 2018). Park, Cameroon A camera trap survey to document medium to larger-sized terrestrial mammals was carried Information on the distribution and geographic variation of colour morphs of the out in MDNP from 3 September to 3 Decem- aurata remains limited. Here, we document the African ber in 2018. Nineteen cameras (Cuddeback X golden cat in Mpem et Djim National Park MDNP in Cameroon through a camera Change Color Model 1279, Bushnell Aggres- trap survey. sor) were deployed in savannah-, forest-savannah transition zone and gallery The African golden cat (hereafter, golden ing, particularly being caught in hunters’ forest for a minimum of 85 trap days per ca- cat) occurs in forests and forest-savannah snares (Bahaa-el-din et al. 2015). Here, we mera. Cameras were set to take three images mosaics of West and Central (Bahaa- document the presence of the golden cat in per trigger event both in the day and night el-din et al. 2015). It is an elusive species Mpem et Djim National Park MDNP in Ca- (white flash) with no delay between trig- and one of the least known in meroon and provide photographic evidence gers. The image quality was set at 5 Mp for Africa (Ray et al. 2005). The limited number of coat colouration and pattern of at least Cuddeback and 8 Mp for Bushnell cameras. of systematic studies and documented oc- one individual. All other settings were set at default. Ca- currences leads to lack of knowledge about Mpem et Djim National Park (Fig. 1) is lo- meras were placed at a height of 30–45 cm the species current distribution and pheno- cated in the Centre Region of Cameroon above the ground level which is suitable for typic variations throughout its range. Bahaa- (5°–5°20' N / 11°30'–12° E; 976 km2; ave- smaller to medium-size terrestrial mammals el-din et al. (2015) signalled different colour rage altitude of 640 m). The protected area (>0.5 kg; Amin et al. 2015, Bruce et al. 2018a). morphs including golden/reddish-brown, is located within the northern transition The survey had a total 1,363 operational ca- 06 grey, melanistic and chocolate brown in the zone of Central African forests and supports mera trap days. Two camera trap events pro- geographic range of the species but also a a mosaic of closed-canopy forest, savannah vided photographic record of the golden cat wide variation in the degree of spotting on , and gallery forests. The rugged at two different locations. It remains uncer- the pelage. The species is listed as Vulnera- terrain, inaccessibility, and low human popu- tain if it is the same individual on the two ble on the IUCN Red List and is threatened lation density around the protected area have recorded events. We obtained a capture rate throughout its range by habitat degrada- helped maintain relatively intact ecosystems of 0.15 event per 100 trap days, calculated as tion, loss and fragmentation, and by poach- (Kirsten 2018). Over 76 species of mammals the number of independent photographs of

Fig. 1. Locations of camera trap pictures of African golden cat in Mpem et Djim Na- tional Park, Came- roon.

CATnews 70 Autumn 2019 African golden cat in Mpem et Djim NP, Cameroon

A B Fig. 2. (A) Camera trap photo of African golden cat in Mpem et Djim National Park, Cameroon (event 1); (B) snared golden cat in the MDNP (Photos J. P. Bissek). the golden cat (that is, not close-sequenced Acknowledgments forest-dependent felid: The African golden cat images) for each camera station divided by We thank the Ministry of Forests and Wild- Caracal aurata. Biological Conservation 199, the total number of trapping days at each life, Cameroon (Research Permit N°1050), and 1–9. station (Bahaa-el-din et al. 2016). Bruce et Mpem et Djim National Park staff for permissi- Bissek J. P. 2015. Annual activities report of the al. (2018b) obtained a mean capture rate on to conduct this study. We acknowledge Koni Mpem et Djim National Park. MINFOF. Unpub- of golden cat of 0.58 (± 0.15) independent Serge, Galandi Bertin, Ndjibe Issa, Ngomane lished. Yaoundé, Cameroon. 65 pp. photographic events per 100 trap days in Lazard, Ngoura Jean Bosco and Ngomane Pierre Bruce T., Amin R., Wacher T., Fankem O., Ndjas- one camera trap survey of the Dja Biosphere for their help in the field. We express gratitude si C., Ngo Bata M., Fowler A., Ndinga H. & 07 Reserve DBR, Cameroon (note that several to the Zoological Society of London (ZSL)-Came- Olson D. 2018a. Using camera-trap data to other nearby DBR grids did not document roon, the Institute, and the USAID characterise terrestrial larger-bodied golden cat). Bahaa-el-din et al. (2016) had Mentor POP Program for supporting us with ca- communities in different management sectors capture rates ranging from 10.5 to 20.9 mera traps and we express thanks to Tom Bruce of the Dja Faunal Reserve, Cameroon. African events per 100 trap days in five different for helping us to improve the early draft. This Journal of Ecology 56, 759–776. sites in central Gabon. research has received financial support from the Bruce T., Ndjassi C., LeBreton M., Wacher T., The first MDNP golden cat event (Fig. 2a) Conservation Action Research Network and the Fowler A., Mbobda R. D. T. & Olson D. 2018b. was recorded in a forest-savannah transi- Rufford Small Grant Foundation. African golden cat and persist in the tion zone (5°14’14.0’’ N / 11°43’37.7’’ E; Dja Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon. Cat News 654 m) on 25 October 2018 at 15:37 h af- References 68, 24–25. ter 44 camera days. The second event was Amin R., Andanje S. A., Ogwonka B., Ali A. H., Kirsten I. E. 2018. Mission report for GIZ ProPFE. recorded in a savannah grassland area Bowkett A. E., Omar M. & Wacher T. 2015. The Unpublished. GIZ, Yaoundé, Cameroon. 8 pp. (5°14’33.4’’ N / 11°40’51.5’’ E; 661 m) northern coastal forests of are national- MINFOF. 2011. Faunal inventory in Mpem et Djim on 13 October 2018 at 12:20 h after 35 ly and globally important for the conservation National Park. Activity report to the Ministry camera days. The recorded golden cat of Aders’ Cephalophus adersi and other of Forests and Wildlife (MINFOF). Unpublis- pelage appears to be largely greyish brown species. Biodiversity Conservation hed. Yaoundé, Cameroon. 171 pp. with some heavier black spotting on the 24, 641–658. Ray J. C., Hunter L. & Zigouris J. 2005 Setting undersides of the front legs. Bahaa-el-din Atagana P. J., Bakwo fils E. M., Waghiiwimbom Conservation and Research Priorities for Lar- et al. (2015) noted that there is considera- M. D., Tsague Kenfack J. A. & Sévilor K. 2018. ger African . WCS Working Paper ble variation of coat colours and patterns The bat fauna of the Mpem and Djim National 24. Wildlife Conservation Society. New York, even within a region. Though the habitat Park, Cameroon (Mammalia Chiroptera). Bio- USA. 213 pp. of this protected area remains in relatively diversity Journal 9, 241–254. good condition, illegal hunting Bahaa-el-din L., Henschel P., Butynski T. M., Mac- 1 Laboratory of Zoology, University of Yaoundé I occurs and snare lines pose a real threat to donald D. W., Mills D., Slotow R. & Hunter L. * the golden cat. In 2015, a golden cat was 2015. The African golden cat Caracal aurata: 2 Bushmeat Action Group (CA- found caught in a snare in forest habitat Africa’s least-known felid: Review of the Af- BAG) of MDNP (5°10’30.5’’ N / 11°36’54.4’’ E; rican golden cat. Mammal Review 45, 63–77. 3 Cameroon Ministry of Forests and Wildlife Bissek 2015; Fig. 2b). Desnaring is a prio- Bahaa-el-din L., Sollmann R., Hunter L. T. B., Slo- 4 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zu- rity management action to help ensure that tow R., Macdonald D. W. & Henschel P. 2016. sammenarbeit (GIZ), ProPFE Cameroon golden cat persist in MDNP. Effects of human land-use on Africa’s only 5 WWF Hong Kong

CATnews 70 Autumn 2019