The following document is a pre-print version of: Graettinger AH, Valentine GA, Sonder I, Ross P-S, White JDL (2015) Facies distribution of ejecta in analog tephra rings from experiments with single and multiple subsurface explosions. Bull. Volc. 77:Article 66 Facies distribution of ejecta in analog tephra rings from experiments with single and multiple subsurface explosions Graettinger, A. H. 1; Valentine, G.A. 1; Sonder, I. 1; Ross, P.-S. 2; White, J.D.L. 3 1. Department of Geology and Center for Geohazards Studies, 411 Cooke Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260, State University of New York, USA 2. Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Centre Eau Terre Environnement, 490 rue de la Couronne, Québec, Québec, G1K 9A9 Canada 3. Geology Department, University of Otago, P.O Box 56 Dunedin 9054, New Zealand Keywords: ejecta; tephra ring; discrete explosion; proximal deposits Corresponding author:
[email protected] Abstract The volume, grain size, and depositional facies of material deposited outside an explosion crater, ejecta, are sensitive to the depth of the explosion, the explosion energy, and the presence or absence of a crater before the explosion. We detonate buried chemical explosives as an analog for discrete volcanic explosions in experiments to identify unique characteristics of proximal, medial and distal ejecta facies and their distribution from a range of scaled depths in undisturbed and cratered ground. Ejecta are here discussed in terms of three facies: (1) proximal ejecta, which form a constructional landform around a crater; (2) medial ejecta, which form a continuous sheet deposit that thins much more gradually with distance; and (3) distal ejecta that are deposited as isolated clasts.