6788 Hon. Lincoln Diaz-Balart Hon. Eric Cantor Hon. Mike
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6788 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 5 April 23, 2008 Native Americans lived and flourished in that Madam Speaker, Victor Fernandez rep- Emanuel’s giving spirit found many outlets. He area. On numerous occasions, they quartered resents the best of the new generation in also started a crime watch in his own neigh- runaway slaves and welcomed them into their Cuba; a generation that has known only op- borhood, helped to found a program to mentor communities. Today, the influence of these pression and misery but that will play a central kids without fathers, and coached youth bas- native peoples can still be felt. In fact, both Ju- role in the transformation of Cuba from a to- ketball. piter and Hobe Sounds’ names were derived talitarian nightmare to a representative democ- Emanuel will be missed by his family and from the Hobe Indians who once lived in the racy with the rule of law for all of its citizens. friends. He was the son of Harry and Merlese region. We must demand the release of all those who Pickett, the youngest of six children. He was I would be remiss to not mention the natural are persecuted for their democratic ideals. My the loving father of three children—two daugh- beauty of the region. We are lucky to have colleagues, we must demand the immediate ters, ages 17 and 10, and a 14-year-old son. such a pristine example of what Florida can and unconditional release of Victor Yunier Over his lifetime, Emanuel earned countless offer to our nation’s environmental diversity. Fernandez Martinez and every political pris- friends. Because of his thirteen years of serv- The river itself is home to countless species of oner in totalitarian Cuba. ice with the police department and his stint of plant and animal life which live together in har- f more than 20 years employed at a local butch- mony and help to define the entire region. We er shop, Emanuel owned one of the most rec- have a duty to work toward preserving this IN REMEMBRANCE OF THE VIC- ognizable faces in his community. He was so land and all the species that thrive there. TIMS OF THE VIRGINIA TECH admired within his community, in fact, that his The lighthouse at Jupiter Inlet and the sur- TRAGEDY family has received condolences from thou- rounding area have a deep historical connec- sands of people, including some that Emanuel tion to our country and are a testament to the HON. ERIC CANTOR helped send to prison. necessity of conservation efforts in our na- OF VIRGINIA Emanuel Pickett was serving his second tion’s varied habitats. Madam Speaker, I thank IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tour of duty in Iraq when his life was taken. my colleagues in the House and Senate for His courage will continue to be an inspiration Wednesday, April 23, 2008 passing this bill, and I urge the President to to us all. His life is a strong representation of sign this into law and designate the Jupiter Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, when an what can be accomplished through devotion to Inlet Lighthouse as a National Landscape Sys- act of random cruelty bewilders us and pulls a community and its people. May God bless tem. us down, exceptional displays of generosity, his family, and may we always remember the f courage and heroism can serve as a potent life of Staff Sergeant Emanuel Pickett. counterforce. They comfort and replenish the f FREEDOM FOR VICTOR YUNIER bereaved, and they remind us of the extraor- FERNANDEZ MARTINEZ dinary selflessness our people are capable of. HONORING MARIAN BOLTON Nowhere has this been truer than in the after- HON. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART math of the Virginia Tech tragedy. HON. TOM UDALL OF FLORIDA Today, we are faced with the memory of the OF NEW MEXICO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES horrific events that occurred one year ago at IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Virginia Tech. It is no easier today, than it was Wednesday, April 23, 2008 Wednesday, April 23, 2008 then, to find the words to express the pain and Mr. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART of Florida. sorrow that was felt across the Hokie nation. Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Madam Speak- Madam Speaker, I rise today to speak on be- Once again I stand here with a heavy heart er, I rise today to congratulate Marian Bolton, half of Victor Yunier Fernandez Martinez, a and extend my deepest sympathies to the of Albuquerque, New Mexico, upon her up- prisoner of conscience in totalitarian Cuba. families and friends of all the victims; espe- coming retirement from the YMCA. Marian has Mr. Fernandez Martinez, a young man of cially those of Emily Hilscher and Rachel Hill, devoted 38 years of extraordinary service to only 24 years of age and a member of the two victims from the Seventh District of Vir- the ‘‘Y.’’ Popular Republican Party, was not even ginia. We will always be left with their spirit, Marian, a nationally-recognized leader charged with committing any crime, even by energy and enthusiasm that will never die, but among her peers, built her career on a foun- the Orwellian standards and whims that make rather will live on in our memories forever. dation of high principles and character. Cur- up the ‘‘legal system’’ in that enslaved island. f rently the President and CEO of the YMCA of Instead, he was hauled away to the gulag sim- Central New Mexico, Marian has always been ply under the pretext of being a ‘‘pre-criminal A TRIBUTE TO STAFF SERGEANT committed to incorporating the virtues of Char- social danger.’’ EMANUEL PICKETT acter Counts, a national organization, into all Agents of the tyranny’s secret police said programs and activities of the ‘‘Y.’’ Because of that they suspected Mr. Fernandez Martinez HON. MIKE McINTYRE her commitment to instilling trustworthiness, was involved in a graffiti campaign in Havana OF NORTH CAROLINA respect, caring, fairness, responsibility and citi- to promote freedom of expression. In fact, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES zenship into her staff, youth and their families, there was no link between Mr. Fernandez Marian is credited to a large extent with the Martinez and these actions, but that did not Wednesday, April 23, 2008 success—personally, academically and profes- stop the oppressive forces from detaining him Mr. MCINTYRE. Madam Speaker, I rise sionally—of countless New Mexicans. and testing him for paint residue, which they today to pay tribute to Staff Sergeant Emanuel Marian also has been involved on the inter- did not find. This incident was cited 2 years Pickett of Wallace, North Carolina, who lost national stage with many non-profit agencies. later when he was sentenced to 3 years in the his life while defending our Nation on April 6 A true champion for equal opportunities for all, gulag because of the paranoiac perception of during a mortar attack in Baghdad. In addition regardless of race, culture or background, she the dictatorship that Mr. Fernandez Martinez, to his service in the North Carolina National has volunteered her time and unwavering ef- a peaceful dissident, is a ‘‘dangerous man.’’ Guard, Emanuel served as a captain with the forts to conducting workshops in such areas Madam Speaker, Mr. Fernandez Martinez’s Wallace, North Carolina, Police Department. as agency management, financial develop- mother has visited him in prison and has re- He shall be remembered by all those whose ment, volunteerism, values and balancing per- ported that even though conscious of the pro- lives he touched as the finest example of sonal and professional lives, to name only a found injustice of his incarceration he was in bravery, honor, and public service. few. Marian has also traveled to many coun- good spirits, a true testament of the spirit and Emanuel lived in Wallace his entire life, and tries whose youth are affected by such tragic drive of the heroes who are confined in the throughout his 34 years, worked selflessly to conditions as poverty, hunger, slavery and Cuban totalitarian gulag. make a positive difference in his community. lack of education and medical care. She has It is unconscionable that the world simply Besides working as a captain with the Wallace labored tirelessly to help improve their lives stands by, in the 21st century, and silently ac- Police Department, he also worked as a re- through the vital resources of the YMCA. quiesces to the torture, oppression and deni- serve deputy for the Duplin County Sheriff’s Marian Bolton is the consummate success- gration of a noble people only 90 miles from office, where he led undercover drug inves- ful executive, who passionately cares about the United States of America. tigations in several surrounding counties. the lives of others. She has devoted her life to VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:21 Nov 03, 2010 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR08\E23AP8.000 E23AP8 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD April 23, 2008 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 5 6789 bringing as much motivation, education, train- Nations body dedicated to children’s issues. cruits which fueled the Reagan Revolution ing, tools for success, a positive attitude and, Through UNICEF’s assistance, a copy of the with California Governor Ronald Reagan’s vic- perhaps most importantly, hope for those striv- letter was sent to the permanent missions of tory in the primary, victory in the general elec- ing for a better and brighter future. Her wis- the United Nations. The response was over- tion, and ultimate victory in the Cold War. dom, experience and expertise is known whelming.