HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES—Thursday, June 7, 2007
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14972 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 11 June 7, 2007 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES—Thursday, June 7, 2007 The House met at 10 a.m. CONGRESS DOING THINGS TO by land mines and who watch their vil- The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. MAKE AMERICA BETTER lages and food sources be destroyed Coughlin, offered the following prayer: (Mr. COHEN asked and was given per- daily? The U.S. and the international ‘‘If we have received good things mission to address the House for 1 community must help provide more hu- from the hand of the Lord, why should minute.) manitarian assistance and protection we not accept evil as well?’’ Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, the Con- for them. Lord, great comfort is provided in gress is at a low point in terms of its We need to continue to push for a this wise question of Job. In times of ratings with the American public, but I U.N. Security Council resolution on adversity and anxiety, it is good for us want the American public to know that Burma. The U.S. needs to renew its all to recall the gifts You have given I am proud to be a Member of this Con- sanctions against dictators. We need to us, our Creator, just so that we are able gress. Congress is part of a system of get direct humanitarian aid to the peo- to address what confronts us. Things government that involves the execu- ple. often taken for granted mean more tive and a two-part legislature that in- It is time to act. The people of when inner strength is tested. cludes the Senate and the House. Our Burma deserve to live safely and peace- So it is, Lord, we approach this day system of government is the best ever fully in their own land. with renewed gratitude for good health known to man, and it’s working; al- f and strong relationship in family and though slowly, it’s working. in colleagues in Congress. We are also The country has told the Congress SUPPORT THE LOAN FORGIVENESS grateful for Your Divine Providence and the President what the American ACT OF 2007 which has brought to us this moment people want, and that is to bring our (Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- and Your Word and wisdom to guide us troops home from Iraq, or to redeploy fornia asked and was given permission that we may accomplish the multi- them to fight al Qaeda in Afghanistan to address the House for 1 minute.) plicity of tasks set before Congress on and other places where there is ter- Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- just an ordinary day. rorism. fornia. Mr. Speaker, our country is fac- But since our times are so powerful We have increased the minimum ing a severe shortage of registered and threatening, Lord, Job’s advice wage. We have put more money into nurses. The situation is well-docu- moves us, or should, to deeper grati- Pell Grants. We have reduced the cost mented. The Journal of the American tude. Only then will we be able to deal of college loans. We are going to try to Medical Association has stated that, with whatever evil we need to face. pass a bill, which I think we will today, without changes, the United States The times require us, as never before, on stem cell research to give people will have a shortage of more than to be grateful for our constitutional with catastrophic illnesses hope for the 400,000 nurses by the year 2020. To date, government, all the natural and human future. there has been limited government ac- resources of this country, as well as This Congress is doing things to tion to address this very national need. the prayers and encouragement of the make America better. We are doing it Effective health care delivery relies American people, for everything, Lord, in a responsible way with a balanced on an adequate supply of well-educated is Your gift to our Nation. Gratitude budget. health care professionals, so this week will be our strength, now and forever. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to be a I introduced H.R. 2572, the Nurse Loan Amen. Member of this Congress, and I want Forgiveness Act of 2007, to expand the f this country to know that this Con- supply and to help provide for the edu- gress is working hard and doing its job THE JOURNAL cation of registered nurses, because to put America on the right course. We nurses play a principal role in the The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- are draining the swamp to make this a health care delivery system in various ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- more ethical place. settings, in hospitals, in home health ceedings and announces to the House f agencies, in long-term care facilities, her approval thereof. TIME TO ACT ON CRISIS IN BURMA managed care centers and community Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- health clinics. (Mr. PITTS asked and was given per- nal stands approved. The Nurse Loan Forgiveness Act mission to address the House for 1 f would forgive up to $17,000 in Federal minute.) loans over a 5-year period for people PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mr. PITTS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today who have worked in a hospital at least on behalf of freedom-loving people in The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman 1 year. If they continue to work, they Burma. This week there is a delegation from Tennessee (Mr. COHEN) come for- would be able to, over time, have that of leaders from Burma, ethnic minority ward and lead the House in the Pledge entire amount forgiven. leaders, visiting Washington. The in- of Allegiance. Mr. Speaker, I hope that the Con- formation they bring is a stark re- Mr. COHEN led the Pledge of Alle- gress has the ability to take action on minder of the brutality to the Burmese giance as follows: this critical issue, and I urge my col- people under the military junta. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the leagues to cosponsor this very impor- The terrible offensive of 2006 con- United States of America, and to the Repub- tant legislation. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, tinues against the ethnic Karen people indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. and others. Over 3,000 villages have f f been burned. There have been over 25,000 new internally displaced people RESPECTING ALL LIFE IN ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER in that one province. AMERICA The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- How can we turn our backs on people (Mr. PENCE asked and was given per- tain up to five requests for 1-minute who are being ethnically cleansed mission to address the House for 1 speeches on each side of the aisle. through genocide, raped, shot, maimed minute.) b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:42 May 17, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\H07JN7.000 H07JN7 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with BOUND RECORD June 7, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 11 14973 Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, today Con- mand answers, this Congress is holding Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I gress is once again poised to pass legis- the administration and their officials rise today in the week after Memorial lation that authorizes the use of Fed- accountable for their conduct and their Day to salute the brave men and eral tax dollars to fund the destruction oversight of the public trust. women of the Iowa National Guard’s of human embryos for scientific re- America voted for change, and we 1st Battalion, 133rd Infantry. Their de- search, and I oppose it. will hold both ends of Pennsylvania votion to serving their country is I believe that life begins at concep- Avenue accountable. We will never ac- worth recognizing, because these men tion. A human embryo is a human life, cept business as usual in Washington and women put their lives on the line, and therefore I do think it is morally and will not stop until we bring the day in and day out, in Iraq. wrong to create human life to destroy right reforms to the goings on here in On Memorial Day weekend, CBS’s ‘‘60 it for research. Washington. Minutes’’ devoted an entire hour to But while supporters of this bill will f telling the story of the 1–133rd, one of argue this debate is a battle between A LOVE FOR LIFE the first times since 2004 that they de- science and ideology, that really voted an entire hour to one subject. misses the point. The debate today is (Mrs. BLACKBURN asked and was Many Iowans watched intently that not about whether we should do embry- given permission to address the House Sunday night as they saw the story of onic stem cell research. It is legal in for 1 minute.) their friends, neighbors and loved ones. Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, all 50 States of this country. The de- We saw a group of Iowans mature over sales and marketing is my career field, bate today is about who pays for it. 2 years from their deployment to their and I know a little bit about the brand- It is simply morally wrong to take ing of products and the value that is pending return back home.