Chumash Vayikra The Book of Leviticus Parshat Vayikra 5772/2012 THE TORAH - CHUMASH VAYIKRA Copyright © 2006-2012 by Chabad of California THE TORAH - CHUMASH B EMIDBAR WITH AN INTERPOLATED ENGLISH TRANSLATION AND COMMENTARAY BprojectASED O ofN THE WORKS OF ChabadTHE LUB AofVITCH CaliforniaREBBE 741 Gayley Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024 310-208-7511Copyright / Fax © 310-208-58112004 by ChabadPublished of California, by Inc. Kehot Publication Society 770 Eastern ParkwPublisheday, Brooklyn, by New York 11213 Kehot718-774-4000 Publication / Fax 718-774-2718 Society 770 Eastern
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