DAY OF RAGE Ex-Pence aide accuses Trump of inciting violence on day Congress is due to certify Biden’s election win by Olivia Burke The US Sun 12/29/2020

Donald Trump has been accused of inciting violence on the day Congress is due to certify Biden’s election win. Olivia Troye, the former aide to Vice President , said the president is fueling fury over his loss in the final days of his administration. She accused President Trump of encouraging violence ahead of January 6. Trump told his followers “See you in Washington, DC, on January 6th.” She told MSNBC's Deadline: "I am actually very concerned that there will be violence on January 6 because the president himself is encouraging it. "This is what he does. He tweets, he incites it, and he gets followers and supporters to behave in this manner, and they believe they are being patriots because they're supporting the president." Congress will formally certify the Electoral College vote results on January 6, ensuring will be inaugurated into the White House on January 20th. But instead of a smooth transition of presidency, the day is feared to be swathed by protestors, stirred by President Trump himself. He tweeted on December 27, "See you in Washington, DC, on January 6th. Don't miss it. Information to follow!" Trump has continued to try and overturn President-elect Joe Biden's 2020 win, claiming he lost the election due to systemic voter fraud. Despite a barrage of law suits from his legal team, his cases have continuously been thrown out. Trump has refused to accept the 2020 US election results and launched multiple legal battles. Trump's claims of voter fraud have fueled his supporter’s protests. Protests often turn violent between Trump supporters and the opposition The US Supreme Court has also refused to intervene in the results of the election. “This is a president who calls himself the president of law and order, and we have seen anything but that,” Troye continued. “We have a bombing on Christmas day. We’ve had protests in the streets. This is all out of control; the divisiveness is through the ceiling because of this man who continues to stoke the flames of these far right people who show up and think that he’s calling out to them.” “And so if that is the legacy that he wants, he certainly has it. And it will follow him.” Troye became the first former White House official to criticize Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, which prompted her to resign from her position. She resigned in July after her work on the Covid-19 task force, claiming Trump remarked: "Maybe this Covid thing is a good thing. I don't like shaking hands of people. I don't have to shake hands with these disgusting people," according to CNN.