Application Coversheet Legacy Preparatory Pathway Charities, Inc. Proposed Sixteenth Generation Charter School Name Name of Sponsoring Entity Note: If the sponsoring entity is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the name must appear exactly as it appears in the Articles of Incorporation or any amendments thereto. The sponsoring entity is a (Check only one.): [x]501(c)(3) nonprofit organization [^Governmental Entity [^College or University Chairperson of Governing Body of Sponsoring Entity: Danny Wegman CEO of Sponsoring Entity: Danny Wegman CEO/Superintendent of Proposed Charter School: TBD ^j' ; Board Member Who Attended an Applicant Conference: Harry Sewell/Danny Wegman Date of Conference:lO/07/10 Applicant Mailing Address (This address will be used for contact regarding this application.): 8510 Military Parkway, Dallas, Texas 75227, Dallas County Physical Address of Proposed Administrative Offices (if different from above): 8510 Military Parkway, Dallas, Texas 75227, Dallas County Number of Campuses Being Requested: Ihree (J) Physical Address of Each Proposed Campus (Please include street address, city, state, zip, and county.): #1 Campus: 8510 Military Parkway, Dallas, Texas 75227, Dallas County #2 Campus: 704 Windbell Circle, Mesquite, Texas 75149, Dallas County #3 Campus: TBD in the Dallas, Irving OR Garland ISD region Contact Name: Harry Sewell Contact E-mail Address:
[email protected] Contact Phone #: 972.896.5222 Contact Fax #: 972.329.1665 State maximum enrollment and check all grade levels to be served for each school