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Mr. Chairman,

I am presenting to the Standing Committee, the estimates of receipt and income and expenditure pertaining to the Budgets ‘A’, (Fund code 11, 12, 60, 70), ‘B’ (Fund code 21, 22, 23) and ‘G’ (Fund code 40) for the financial year 2010-11 in pursuance of the provisions of Sections 125 and 126 E of M.M.C. Act 1888. I am profoundly delighted to present Budget Estimates of Brihanmumbai Mahanagarpalika as the Municipal Commissioner for the first time. When I took over as chief of the Municipal administration of the Municipal Corporation of Greater , which is one of the foremost in not only the Nation, but across the globe, I had to face two very stiff challenges. One, the drinking water crisis faced by Mumbaikars due to scant rainfall and second the critical financial position of the M.C.G.M. Water Supply Problem Water is the lifeline of all living beings, but its availability is totally dependent on the quantum of seasonal rains. The daily average requirement of water of the city of Mumbai is 3400 million litres. However, barring 4 days in August 2009, the rains had turned their back on the entire . As a result, this year, the reservoirs like Tansa, , Bhatsa, Upper Vaitarna, Vihar etc. did not reach the desired levels which normally overflow in the mid of August every year. An attempt was made to induce artificial rain in the catchment area from August 23 to October 22, 2009. In the meantime, due to natural rainfall and the artificial rainfall, water levels in Tansa and Modak Sagar increased to a certain extent, but due to absence of rains thereafter, the water level in the Bhatsa, Upper Vaitarna and Vihar did not rise to the expected levels.


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Though there have been non seasonal rains in October / November in the state, the Mumbai region was devoid of any rains. Due to the rains having disappeared since October, a stiff challenge of supplying water to the entire city till the end of July-2010 has arisen. Taking the gravity of the water problem into account, wardwise meetings were organized between the Councillors, Administrative Officers and the Citizens to create awareness. The media also has taken note of the intensity of this problem which is increasing day by day and has helped in creating awareness to the great deal, through news, articles, etc. In the meantime, barring one or two unpleasant incidents in the agitations on the water supply problem, the average Mumbaikars have been extremely patient and understanding. It wouldn’t be out of place to mention here, that the citizens of Mumbai have developed a psyche to stoically deal with this natural calamity. Considering the current availability of water reserves and keeping in mind the dire need of preserving these reserves till the forthcoming rains, the administration has decided on reduction in water supply and all the councilors have consented to it. Taking the note of the water supply problem in Mumbai, the Govt. of Maharashtra has made available 199 TMC water to Mumbai City. I express my sincere gratitude to the citizens of Mumbai, Govt. of Maharashtra and all the Councillors of Brihanmumbai Mahanagarpalika for their support in handling the water crisis of Mumbai till the date. Financial position of M.C.G.M. While presenting the Budget Estimates for the year 2009-10 to the Standing Committee, the then M.C. had elaborated on the present and the future financial position of the MCGM. At that time, it was pointed out


B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2010-11 that the global recession might adversely affect the economy of MCGM and finally the projects / works which are undertaken or would be undertaken in future. It was also anticipated that the collection of Octroi, which is a main source of income of MCGM, may also get reduced during this recession period. It was also categorically mentioned that at one hand there would be reduction in estimated income and at the other hand there would be increase in expenditure. It was also stated that the establishment cost has gone up due to implementation of revised payscales and it was envisaged that this cost would further increase in the next year due to payment of arrears on account of revision of payscales. Hence, it was also specifically pointed out that if we resort to provide more funds to the project works within the limited resources, it would have adverse effect on municipal finance. Before elaborating the Revised Estimates for the year 2009-10 and Budget Estimates for the year 2010-11, I feel it necessary to comment on the present and future financial position of the MCGM once again. The predictions made in respect of the financial position of the MCGM last year seem to have come true to some extent. On the background of the noticeable downfall in collection of Octroi, which is the main source of municipal income, during first six months of this financial year in the wake of worldwide recession, inability to give contribution for meeting capital expenditure from revenue accounts while preparing the Budget Estimates for the year 2009-10, the raising of loans out of internal funds to meet the capital expenditure of Rs.5975.18 crores for the year 2009-10 and the withdrawal of almost all amount to the tune of Rs.2470.50 crores from the special funds created as a part of our long term fiscal policy on the one hand, while on the other hand the abnormal rise in establishment


B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2010-11 cost every month due to revision of payscales of municipal employees on the lines of the 6th Pay Commission retrospectively from 1.4.2005, the huge financial liability due to the large scale variations in the ongoing contracts for the project works of some of the departments due to certain reasons and especially as it was not possible to invite tenders for new project works during the period of model code of conduct for Parliamentary and Assembly elections held during the year 2009-10, it has become imperative to review the present financial position and future financial position of the MCGM as well. In this context, a circular for adopting economy measures has been issued. Accordingly, in order to apprise the Standing Committee of the present and future financial positions, a detailed report on the financial position of the MCGM has been placed before the Standing Committee and this report is still under consideration of the Standing Committee. In this circular regarding the economy measures, a 25% saving was suggested in the works carried out by the Civil Works Contractors and a 10% saving was suggested in other revenue expenditure. Saving to the extent of approximately Rs. 400 to 450 crores in the expenditure was expected thereby. There was a detailed deliberation on this report about MCGM’s financial position in the Standing Committee. During this meeting, the Hon’ble Standing Committee members strongly objected to the proposed 25% saving and insisted on withdrawal of the proposed reduction. After a comprehensive discussion, I honoured the sentiments of the Hon’ble Councillors and declared a decision that this 25% reduction would not be made applicable to “Ward Development Fund” and “Councillor’s Fund”. This decision was communicated to all the concerned.


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2. Budgetary Reforms 2.1 Significant Progress on Outcome Based Budget In continuation of my announcement in the 2009-10 Budget about the roadmap of the outcome-based budget of the M.C.G.M. I am happy to inform that we have succeeded in developing a model for outcome-based budget during the year. A package of output-based performance indicators and outcome-based performance indicators to measure the progress and performance of activities in all 19 departments of the M.C.G.M has been prepared by the consultants ‘Society for Development Studies (SDS)’ on the basis of research work done by them. The complete report in this regard prepared by the consultant is being studied and discussed in detail. On final acceptance of this report by the Municipal Administration, further action will be taken accordingly. While we recognize that considerable improvement remains to be done with respect to the coverage and to an extent, the quality of the data base, it is nevertheless, a credible achievement in a government system where data generation and recording of operations, roadblocks and performance is not yet given the due attention. I may assure all of you that this major roadblock in developing a comprehensive and credible database on the operations in the M.C.G.M. will be effectively resolved during 2010-11.

2.2 Outcome Roadmap made Operational In situations where the level of attainment was not satisfactory, we have assessed the key roadblocks and their causative factors in the case of


B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2010-11 the four pilot department programmes undertaken during the year for the outcome budget. We have examined the issues that result in fire-fighting activities year after year in some of our programmes. This has happened as problems and initiatives taken to address them were not recorded and the feedback from the ground did not get reflected in programme planning and budgeting exercises in the subsequent years. The year 2009-10 has launched the process, though modest at present, in capturing the operational roadblocks in our city planning and programme framework.

2.3 Outcome Work Plan for 2010-11 Capacity building of both technical and finance officials on issues of outcome budget, SAP, and Monitoring and Evaluation system will be undertaken in 2010-11. To institutionalize the outcome system in M.C.G.M, we have provided an outlay to establish the Outcome Advisory Board to oversee development and installation of the full process of outcome-oriented integrated project planning, budgeting and expenditure monitoring system. The Board, under my Chairmanship, will include representatives of Government of Maharashtra, Government of India representatives of all party councilors of MCGM and independent experts knowledgeable of the outcome process. The Board will be assisted by Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) cells in all the departments and their activities will be coordinated by the Outcome Cell in the Finance Department. I propose to


B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2010-11 make this new outcome system fully operational in the first quarter of 2010-11.

2.4 M.C.G.M. Outcomes for Greater Mumbai With a well developed outcome-based approach to city planning, programme development, budgeting and programme management, we expect final outcomes of M.C.G.M. services to the people of Greater

Mumbai to be reflected in Mumbai becoming a major global investment destination, with higher productivity and city incomes, and improved quality of life of the citizens in our great metropolis. Mumbai will not only retain its national recognition as the country’s financial capital but will also emerge as a global financial centre and an universally recognized world class city.

3. The size of the Budget Estimates and the abstracts of the revenue account and the capital account under ‘A’ (Fund code 11, 12, 60, 70),

‘B’ (Fund code 21, 22, 23), ‘E’ (Fund code 30), G (Fund code 40) and

Tree Authority (Fund code 50) are given below and the details thereof are given in the Annexures I to V on pages 121 to 125.


B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2010-11

SIZE OF BUDGET ESTIMATES – ‘A’ (Fund code 11, 12, 60, 70), ‘B’ (Fund code 21, 22, 23), ‘E’ (Fund code 30), ‘G’ (Fund code 40) and TREE AUTHORITY (Fund code 50)

(Rs. in crores) Budget Estimates 2010-11 Details Income / Expenditure Receipts Revenue Income 12786.61 Revenue Expenditure 12829.80 Capital Receipts 8250.92 Capital Expenditure 8239.02 Total 21037.53 21068.82 Less : Revenue Surplus transfer to 651.51 651.51 Capital Account Total 20386.02 20417.31 Excess of Income over Expenditure 31.29 ... Size of Budget Estimates 20417.31 20417.31


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REVENUE ACCOUNT – BUDGET ESTIMATES A, B, E, G and TREE AUTHORITY (Rs.in crores) Budget Fund Particulars Estimates Code 2010-11 Opening Balance as on the 1st April 53.58 REVENUE INCOME 11 General Budget 9206.43 12 Health Budget 126.65 21 Improvement Schemes 183.20 22 Slum Clearance 4.66 23 Slum Improvement 149.79 30 Education Budget 1622.79 40 Water Supply and Sewerage 2898.61 50 Tree Authority 21.08 60 Provident Fund 58.55 70 Pension Fund 2033.45 Total Gross Income 16305.21 Less: Inter Budget Contributions 3518.60 Net Income 12786.61 REVENUE EXPENDITURE 11 General Budget 7861.20 12 Health Budget 1471.45 21 Improvement Schemes 183.20 22 Slum Clearance 4.66 23 Slum Improvement 149.79 30 Education Budget 1622.79 40 Water Supply and Sewerage 2898.61 50 Tree Authority 64.70 60 Provident Fund 58.55 70 Pension Fund 2033.45 Total Gross Expenditure 16348.40 Less : Inter Budget Contributions 3518.60 Net Expenditure 12829.80 Closing Balance as on the 31St March 10.39


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(Rs.in crores) Budget Fund Particulars Estimates Code 2010-11 Opening Balance as on the 1st April 131.90 Capital Receipts 11 General Budget 4615.41 21 Improvement Schemes 82.55 23 Slum Improvement 11.45 30 Education Budget 168.91 40 Water Supply and Sewerage 3372.60 Total 8250.92 Capital Expenditure 11 General Budget 4196.74 12 Health Budget 418.46 21 Improvement Schemes 69.07 23 Slum Improvement 12.11 30 Education Budget 169.22 40 Water Supply and Sewerage 3371.52 50 Tree Authority 1.90 Total 8239.02 Closing Balance as on the 31st March 143.80


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Before I describe my proposals for the Budget Estimates of 2010- 11, I would like to take a quick review of the important events and achievements during the year 2009-10. The budget proposals for the year 2009-10 focused on the following areas :- 1. Strengthening of Civic Infrastructure. 2. Up-gradation of Social Infrastructure and Amenities. 3. Cleanliness and Improvement of City Environment. 4. City Beautification and Creation of Places of Tourist Interest. 5. Disaster Management and Improving Disaster Preparedness. 6. Improving Civic Services and Citizen Facilitation. 7. Institutional Improvement and Reforms. 8. Social Welfare (including Women and Child Welfare) 9. Improvement, Management and Maintenance of Municipal Assets. 10. Common Services and Miscellaneous Activities. Accordingly, various projects were taken in hand during 2009-10 as briefly described below. Out of these, some have been completed and some works are in progress. 4.1 The Govt. of Maharashtra had appointed a Fact Finding Committee under the Improvement and Desilting of Storm chairmanship of Dr. Madhavrao Chitale to Water Drains find out the causes of flooding witnessed in Mumbai on the 26th July 2005, and to suggest remedial measures to avoid such incidents in


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future. In compliance of the recommendations of the Fact Finding Committee, the following works have been undertaken on priority :-

1. The nalla systems in Mumbai have been thoroughly desilted, considering the invert levels of nallas before the onset of monsoon, to avert water logging and consequent inconvenience to the citizens in Mumbai City and Suburbs during monsoon.

Statement showing status of desilting works as on 14.6.2009.

Sr.No. Nalla System Length Quantity of Quantity – (Major Nallas) of Nalla silt wise Actual attended removed % of in Kms. before the desilting monsoon of work before 2009 the monsoon (Cu.M.) of 2009 1. City (Major & Minor 80.755 90270 99.17% Nallas) 2 City (Non-Man Entry 29.235 35400 99.23% SWD) 3 112.480 216446 99.86% (Major Nallas) 4 70.299 138565 99.50% (Major Nallas )

2. Works have been undertaken to design and construction of storm water


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pumping stations including supply, delivery, erection, commissioning of mechanical, electrical and instrumental and automation work and comprehensive operation and maintenance of pumping station at various outfalls at Haji Ali, Love Grove, Cleave Land Bunder and Irla, etc. Out of these, work of pumping station at Haji Ali and Irla are in progress and upto 70% of work is completed.

3. The works for condition assessment of old arch / box drains at Britannia Outfall, Pathe Bapurao Marg and Dr. E. Moses Road in the city area are completed and tenders for actual rehabilitation of these drains are invited.

4.2 The Government of India has agreed to provide financial assistance to the tune of Financial Assistance from the Central Rs.1200 crores for BRIMSTOWAD works. Government for the Out of these Rs.1200 crores, a sum of Rs.400 BRIMSTOWAD Project crores have been received during the year 2007-08 and Rs.100 crores have been received during the year 2008-2009. The balance amount is expected to be received in phases as per the progress of work. The


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correspondence has already been made to Urban Development department of Central Government for funding of Rs.500 crores as a grant which is expected to be received during the current financial year 2009-10. The various SWD improvement works as suggested in the BRIMSTOWAD Report worth Rs.1200 crores have been proposed to be carried out in two phases i.e. Phase I and balance works in Phase –II.

Out of 20 nos. of works in Phase-I, 11 nos. of works have already been completed and remaining 9 nos. of works are in progress. Work orders for construction of 4 Storm Water Pumping Stations have also been issued.

Out of which work for two Pumping Stations at Haji Ali and Irla are in progress and 70% of the work is completed.

In Phase II out of 38 nos. of works, 27 nos. of works are in progress and tenders for remaining 11 Nos. of works are being prepared through the Consultants.

In Phase – II of Project, work orders for construction of retaining walls and service road on both the sides of the river


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have been issued and the work is in progress. Further deepening to the extent of 0.90 M (Avg) is carried out . The side retaining wall for the length of 7.40 Km. is in progress. The portion of about 6 Km. under CST road of Mithi river is under jurisdiction of MMRDA. The work of complete deepening of said portion is carried out by the MMRDA as per the recommendations of C.W.P.R.S. As such, it is necessary to carry out the work of deepening of additional 0.5 meters of longitudinal portion of Mithi river for group number 1,2 & 3 falling under the jurisdiction of the MCGM. If the said deepening work is completed before the onset of monsoon, it will be more beneficial in the next monsoon. Accordingly, a proposal is submitted to the Standing Committee seeking their approval for further deepening of Mithi river bed. The estimated expenditure of these additional work is Rs.127 crores.

4.3 Road Development Programme 4.3.1 Considering the increasing traffic volume and loading, the Corporation has continued Cement Concrete Roads the policy of concretising important roads and links in the current financial year. So


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far about 488 km. of roads have been concretised. During the year 2009-10, about 30 km. of roads were concretised. Some of the major stretches being-

- Anik Wadala Road, - Khan Abdul Gafar Khan Marg, - Bal Govind Das Road - Maharshi Karve Marg in City area, - Manvel Gohansalvis Marg, (West) - Marve Marg, Malad (W) - Sai Baba Nagar Marg, Borivali (W) in Western Suburbs and - Anil Ubhare Road, - Mankhurd Link Road, - Prataprao Gujar Marg, - Mhada Colony Road, - Kama Lane Road - Shanti Nagar in Eastern Suburbs.

4.3.2 During 2009-10, 135.450 Km. of Asphalt Roads were widened/improved. Some of the Asphalt Roads major stretches being, - Parmar Guruji Marg, - 16 Road Wadala,


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- Sant Tukaram Marg, - Ramchandani Marg, - B.B.Kher Marg, - Vadilal Patel Marg, - Bandu Gokhale Marg, - D.P.Road in City area, - 29 Lane Bandra (West), - Tarun Bharat Road (East) in Western Suburbs and - Tata Colony Road, - Sathe Nagar Road, - Shastri Nagar Road in Eastern Suburbs.

4.3.3 During 2009-10, work of LC/31 Road Over Bridge at Kandivali is completed. Bridges Moreover, for better traffic movement from eastern to western work of 2 important Railway over bridges, one at Jogeshwari (South) and one at Jogeshwari (North) has been undertaken. Work of 4 bridges over Mithi River and 7 bridges over creek is in its progress. There will be reduction in the number of road accidents. Similarly, Eastern Western corridors will be linked and there will be less obstruction for vehicle drivers due to these bridges.


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Area Traffic Control (ATC), a modern 4.3.4 traffic signaling system is being executed Area Traffic Control under MUTP. In all 253 signal junctions are (ATC) proposed to be modernized in 2 phases. In the 1st phase, work of 49 signal junctions out of 53 are completed and these signals have started working by adaptive system (Traffic Police Control room has also been started). In the next phase, civil work of 150 signal junctions out of 200 is in progress. Out of them, 80 signal junctions are operated on fixed time mode.

4.4 Though this year there are restrictions on the water supply to the citizens due to shortage of Water Supply water in various Dams from which water supplied to the Mumbai, the administration has proposed to undertake the following measures on war footing to make available water to the citizens till the next monsoon. 1. It is proposed to make available the well water for non potable purpose by cleaning the existing 5365 wells and 6986 borewells. Similarly, it is also proposed to construct new borewells wherever necessary. A provision of Rs.72 crores


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has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11. 2. Due to the scarcity of water, a Pilot Project of “Desalination” is proposed through private investments for which a provision of Rs.1 crore has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11. 3. It is decided to implement Rain Water Harvesting Project on priority basis. The implementation of the same is in progress in the properties owned by MCGM. A provision of Rs.66 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11. 4. Similarly, for further augmentation of water supply to Mumbai, the projects like Gargai is under consideration. The Feasibility Report for implentation of this project is under preparation by the consultants, M/s Mott MacDonald. It is expected to increase the water supply by 440 mld. The Yeild study for Gargai has been completed by the Consultants and Flood studies and Sedimentation studies are under progress. After receipt of reports from the Consultants, the proposal


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will be submitted to the Government of India for obtaining various sanctions/ approvals. A provision of Rs.5crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

5. It is proposed to recycle the waste water for non potable purposes. A provision of Rs.5.20 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11. • Similarly, to make the citizens aware of the need for utilising the water very carefully not only in such a crisis but also in future, MCGM is implementing “Mass Public Awareness Campaign”. Under this Campaign, following programmes are proposed to be undertaken: 1. Recently, the “JAL-MELA” was organised at . It is also propose to organise the “JAL-MELA” in Eastern and Western Suburbs as well as in the various Ward Offices for information of the citizens. 2. A message “Save Water and Save Mumbai” was delivered in the organised on 17th January 2010. 3. The advertisements regarding “Save Water” are also published through screens


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installed in BEST Buses, Electronic Media, the Newspapers, on the communication hoardings at prominent places in the City and also advertisement will be made in Railway Stations, Hospitals, on various buildings, Shopping Complexes, Malls. 4. Considering the impact of Celebrities on the mass, the advertisements through TV channels, Radio channels and Newspapers, in cinema halls appealing the citizens regarding “Save Water” is proposed to be made through the famous Cricketier Shri.Sachin Tendulkar. • I have already narrated the measures taken by the administration for availability of water. I also expect the co-operation already solicited by the citizens, the Councilors and the Govt. and hope that it will continue in future also and M.C.G.M. will overcome the situation of scarcity of water. • Most of the works under IIIA Mumbai Water Supply Project are nearing the completion stage. A provision of Rs.104.89 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11 for balance works of this project.


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• An ambitious IV-Mumbai Middle Vaitarna Water Supply Project has been undertaken for fulfilling the increasing demand of water in Mumbai City. The awarded contract cost of the said project is Rs.2006.66 crores. However, the Central Govt. has approved Rs.1329.50 crores as admissible expenditure for the purpose of Grant-in-Aid under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission. (JNNURM) and MCGM has received grant of Rs.332.37 crores from the Central Govt. and the State Govt. uptill now. This project comprises works such as construction of Dam between the Upper Vaitarna Dam and the Modak Sagar Dam, conveyance system, water treatment plant, pumping station and the Master Balancing Reservoir. The work orders for most of the components of this project have been issued and all these works are in progress. A provision of Rs.672.71 crores has been proposed for various works of this project, out of which the works amounting to Rs.537.66 crores are posed to JNNURM.

• Apart from III-A Mumbai Water Supply Project and IV-Mumbai Middle Vaitarna project, the works of construction of


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following Tunnels has been undertaken as replacement for some old water mains and the said works are in progress.

(1) to Tunnel (length of 3.6 Kms.) The work of 2.4 Km has been completed till date and is expected to be completed by January 2011. A provision of Rs.60 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

(2) Maroshi to Ruparel College Tunnel (length of 11.85 Kms.) The work of 6.06 Km has been completed till date and is expected to be completed by August 2012. A provision of Rs.160 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11. By construction of this tunnel, problems of maintenance and leakages of old water mains around the Airport land will be resolved.

(3) Veravali to Adarsh Nagar upto Yari Road Tunnel (length of 6.1 Km.) The work of excavation is completed and rest of the works are expected to be completed by December 2010. A provision of Rs.55 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.


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(4) Tunnel from Gundavali to Bhandup Complex (5.5 m. dia.) It is proposed to construct a tunnel of 15.1 Km (5.5 mtr dia) to avoid the difficulties arisen due to encroachments by slum dwellers along the existing water mains. The work is divided in two parts viz. i) Gundavali to Kapurbavadi and ii) Kapurbavadi to Bhandup Complex. The work of residential quarters for Municipal Staff at Kapurbawdi is also included in this project. Contract costs of these tunnel works are i) Rs.1398.76 crores and ii) Rs.1488.50 crores respectively and provision of Rs.40 crores and Rs.65 crore respectively have been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010- 11. Due to these tunnels, conveyance of water available from Middle Vaitarna Dam and Tansa as well as water from Gargai scheme upto Bhandup Complex, will be possible through this tunnel.

The Central Govt. has approved the grant for the tunnels at Malabar Hill to Cross Maidan and Maroshi to Ruparel College under JNNURM and MCGM has received grant of Rs.11.75 crores and Rs.36.86 crores


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respectively from the Central and Stage Govt. for the above.

4.5 • To implement the works under the M.S.D.P. Project, M.S.D.P. Department has been Sewage Disposal established. The works of M.S.D.P. Stage-I Project have been completed successfully with loan assistance from the World Bank. At present, M.S.D.P. Stage-II is in progress and is divided in 3 components. The Central Govt. has accorded their approval of Rs.364.47 crores to the admissible expenditure for the purpose of grant-in-aid under JNNURM out of the estimated cost of Rs.502.41 crores of Mumbai Sewage Disposal Project - Stage-II (Priority Works) Component-I. The M.C.G.M. has received Rs.45.56 crores from the Central Govt. and the State Govt. uptill now. The project will be completed by 2011.

• The consultants have been appointed for the Detailed Engineering Designs and Project Management of Component-II and III of this project and the Detailed Project Report of both the components costing Rs.1563.47 crores [Rs.562.00 crores + Rs.1001.47 crores] were submitted to the Central Govt. for financial assistance under the JNNURM.


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But CPHEEO has asked to submit the Zonewise Reports. The work of preparing Zonewise Report and DPR is in progress. After implementation of Component -II & III, the Sewage network will be increased upto 60 to 80%.

4.6 • Because of heavy constructions in the City of Mumbai, there is an increase in Health Services and Upgradation of the number of malaria cases for which Hospitals 8 Vehicle Mounted Fogging Machines and 227 Shoulder Fogging Machines have been purchased which are functioning very well. This has enabled effective fogging in all municipal wards and in malaria prone sectors. • C.T.Scan machines are purchased for V.N.Desai Hospital, Santacruz, Bhagwati Hospital, Borivali, Rajawadi Hospital, Ghatkopar and have been commissioned for the use of public. • ICU (12 beds) is started with the help of Private Participation at Siddharth Hospital, Goregaon. Similarly, 15 bedded ICU at M.T. Agarwal Hospital, Mulund (W) is started with the help of private participation.


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• Janani Surksha Yojana, a G.O.I. Project is being implemented by M.C.G.M. and the benefits of this project are being extended to women belonging to Scheduled Castes and Tribes. Under this scheme, an amount of Rs.600/- is paid to the mother who come in institution for delivery whereby pregnant women are encouraged to have institutional delivery in order to reduce maternal and neonatal death rate. • Under PCPNDT Act while inspecting such centers where sonography is conducted, 12 machines are sealed and revenue of Rs.4.75 lakhs is recovered. It is proposed to implement this Act more effectively. • Under No Scalpel Vasectomy (NSV) programme from April 2009 to October 2009, 2489 operations were conducted. Since, the campaign of NSV has been successfully implemented, G.O.I. and G.O.M. are sending their Doctors for training to these centers. • H1N1 diagnostic centres have been started at 11 peripheral hospitals and 10 bedded ICU at Siddharth hospital and 20


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bedded ICU at M.T.Agarwal, Mulund hospital. During this financial year, the examinations of 37592 patients were carried out at these centres. • The process of commissioning of Dialysis Centre at Rajawadi hospital is at final stage.

4.7 Cleanliness : 4.7.1 The present house to house collection is proposed to be increased from the existing House-to-house Garbage Collection 58% to at least 80% with the help of compactor vehicle through comprehensive zonal wise contract and area based contract which is awarded in H/E, K/E and K/W ward. The house to house collection will include the segregation of dry and wet garbage as such for that we have provided separate bins, bio- degradable bags and separate ward wise vehicles for dry waste collection.

4.7.2 Under the cleaning campaign, slum adoption, clean area scheme and manning mopping Cleanliness Campaign scheme have been implemented in various wards for keeping the zero garbage status.


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4.7.3 As per the directives of Court, the scientific closure of dumping sites at Gorai has been Closure of Dumping Grounds completed. As per MSW (Management and Handling) Rule, 2000, operation and maintenance for 15 years has started. O & M would include waste to energy project.

4.7.4 The centralized bio-medical waste processing plant had already been set up near Deonar Bio-medical waste dumping ground. The work of collection, transportation and treatment on bio-medical waste is awarded to M/s S.M.S. Envhoclean Pvt Ltd. The capacity of treatment on bio- medical waste of this plant is 10 M.T. per day.

4.7.5 At the large waste generation points, to avoid foul smell and nuisance of stray Large waste Generation points animals, we have installed 16 nos. of stationary compactors during the year 2009- 10 and 3 stationary compactors are being installed shortly.

4.8 Phase-I work consisting of construction of Torna gate, Ashok Stambha, Jaiselmer Beautification of Chaityabhoomi at Tiling, Police Chowky, Steel railings etc. is . already completed. The modified plans for


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construction of ‘Stupa’ including walkway from Chaityabhoomi to Suryavanshi Hall in Phase-II are under preparation and will be forwarded to MOEF for clearance. The works are being carried out by M.C.G.M. as per the recommendations of Steering Committee appointed by State Government and funds are made available by the State Government.

4.9 The work of beautification of Gateway of Beautification of India, Plaza and the precincts is completed. Precincts

A comprehensive K.E.M. Campus 4.10 Development Plan is prepared and the work Modernization and is in progress. The work of repairs to Expansion of K.E.M. Hospital heritage building of Seth G.S. Medical College of K.E.M. Hospital which is in progress is nearing completion and work of repairs and reconstruction of K.E.M. Hospital is in progress.

4.11 • In K.E.M. Hospital Flowcytometer, LCMS, Cath Lab, Flat Panel CCD digital Purchase of Plant and Machinery for Radiography system have been installed Hospitals satisfactorily. Flowcytometer is used for


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treatment of cancer patient and LCMS is used for detecting the level of drugs in the blood in major kidney treatment. Approximately, 500 to 800 patients are being attended in a year with both these machines. Flat panel CCD Digital Radiography System is an advance machine for detecting the cause of disease by the way of X-ray method and this machine is being successfully used for the treatment of patients. Similarly, Diamed Techno Twin Station fully Automated Analyzer is purchased for Blood Bank. Proposal for purchase of Air Ceiling Management System and Intravascular Ultrasound system is under process. These systems can be used for liver implant and besides this, for major operations of gall bladder, pancreas and cancer of intestine. • High capacity MRI machine for LTMG Hospital is expected to be received and commissioned by the end of this year. This will provide great relief to the patients coming from Eastern Suburbs. Similarly this will facilitate immediate


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investigations of accident victims for proper treatment. • The work orders for purchase of life saving ultra modern 49 ventilators, computerized radiography system for 9 hospitals, CT Scan machines for 3 hospitals and modern and well equipped ambulances for 16 hospitals have been given and these machines will be very soon used in peripheral hospitals. This will facilitate immediate treatment of suburban patients and the lives of the patients in very critical condition can be saved.

Three numbers of water cum foam tender 4.12 and three numbers of Turn Table Ladders Procurement of Fire have been procured in the month of Fighting December-2009. The training regarding Equipments operating, handling and maintenance is in process at Fire Brigade, Head Quarters, Byculla. This has made Fire Brigade more well equipped.

4.13 Considering the threat of natural and man-

Strengthenig of made disasters to the Mumbai city, various Disaster Management measures have been undertaken for Capabilities


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managing and mitigating the disasters effectively. The details of the same are as below : -

• M.C.G.M. arranges various training sessions as a part of Public Awareness Programme as per NDMA directions. • Earthquake Megacities Initiative (EMI) is ready to prepare a Scientific Disaster Risk Management Master Plan as per international norms for the Mumbai City. Accordingly, a Project of preparing the Disaster Risk Management Master Plan is undertaken by MCGM in collaboration with EMI. • 10 life saving pontoons are purchased and handed over to various ward offices for safe relief and rescue of the citizens trapped in flooding. These pontoons are used during Ganpati idol immersion which has helped to carry out the immersion smoothly without any disaster. • The work of establishing Emergency Control Rooms in all ward offices on the lines of the one established at Municipal Head Office will be completed and commissioned by the end of this financial


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year. This will establish quick and direct communication between the M.C. officers in charge of control room and incident sites as well as ward office whenever disaster takes place. This will ease the communication, orders and information dissemination ultimately resulting into getting control on the situation at the earliest and reduce impact of losses by reducing the response time considerably. • In year 2009, a website “www.mumbaimonsoon.com” was launched for providing the daily updated weather information to the citizens. The information was provided for each ward separately. The website was active for 4 months of monsoon. It is proposed to activate the website for 2010 monsoon also.

4.14 Institutional Improvement and Reforms

4.14.1 The Hon’ble Prime Minister has awarded

Remarkable Gold Medal to M.C.G.M. being the first Achievement Urban Local Body in country, who successfully implemented the project of Budgetary and Accounting Reforms.


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4.14.2 The pay-scales of municipal employees have

Implementation of been revised w.e.f. 1.4.2005 and Revision of Grades implemented from July 2008 as per finally agreed parameters. The pay-scales of Medical Officers / Engineers etc. categories have also been revised on the lines of G.O.M. via 5th Pay to 6th Pay Commission’s Report. Accordingly, part payment out of arrears amounting to Rs.2500 crores approximately have been made in two installments in the Financial Year 2008-09 and other two installments in the year 2009-10. The work of computing of arrears on actual basis has also been started Payment of 5th installment will be made on the basis of availability of funds in the Financial Year 2009-10. A Committee under the Chairmanship of Ex-Municipal Commissioner, Shri. Ranganathan is appointed to examine the discrepancies / anomalies and deciding the parities between the categories arising out of Revision of Grades effective from 1.4.2005.


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Before elaborating the revenue and capital budget estimates for the year 2010-11, it is necessary to comment on the present and future financial position of the M.C.G.M.

The current financial position of the MCGM is not robust enough to accept any irrational liability on large scale and this underlines the need to exercise stringent control over revenue as well as capital expenditure. It also underlines the need to explore new avenues / sources of revenue generation, and ways to increase revenues from existing sources; otherwise it would be extremely difficult to maintain the municipal economy.

The economy of MCGM is even today mainly dependent on revenue generated through our main source of revenue i.e. octroi.

However, it is the general experience that during the global recession, many industries and businesses, trades are either closed or they choose to migrate outside the city limits that results in reduction in import of octroi leviable goods. During the period of 1995 to 1999, it was observed that due to revision of payscales, allowances, and pensionary benefits of MCGM employees, the establishment cost of MCGM had shot up, which resulted in excess of municipal expenditure than the municipal revenue and MCGM plunged into financial deficit.

To overcome the financial deficits from 1995-1999, measures like hike in octroi tariff / revision of rates of octroi, revision in property tax


B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2010-11 rates and revisions in the schedule of fees / charges levied by various departments had to be resorted to together with curtailment in unnecessary expenditure. Even then, as octroi was the major source of income for

MCGM, it became imperative to revise the octroi tariff, in order to bridge the gap between the income and expenditure of MCGM. Accordingly, the octroi tariff was revised thrice, i.e. in August 1998, April-2000 and August-

2002. After octroi, the next major source of revenue is the property tax, and as such, to boost the revenue, the rates of property tax under the budgets ‘A’ and ‘E’ had to be increased by about 19% during 1.4.1997 to

2000. However, the M.M.C. Act has predefined upper limits for the levying of all such taxes. The road tax has reached the maximum limit in

1998-99, while the education cess has reached its maximum limit in 2000-

01. Now, there remains scope only to increase the general tax by 24% (as additional upper limit) and the fire tax by 1% only. I have already discussed this in detail, in my comprehensive report put up before the

Standing Committee earlier.

As mentioned hereinabove in my statement, there has been an abnormal growth in establishment costs due to the revision of payscales of

MCGM employees based on 6th pay Commission. However, the income of

MCGM has not increased proportionately. Besides, an alternative to boost the income by increasing property tax is also not available to the MCGM.

In this scenario, revision of octroi tariff and octroi rates appears to be the


B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2010-11 only available option. However, this option also needs to be exercised with a lot of circumspection.

Hence, increasing the revenue and reduction / avoidance of expenditure which is not mandatory are the only alternatives left with

MCGM in the current situation with a view to accommodating its expenditure within the available income.

With a view to increasing MCGM’s revenue, the then MC has already directed all the HODs to review the various charges / fees charged by their respective departments, as well as to study and explore the new sources of income / revenue without imposing any extra burden by way of taxes on the citizens. I have also held meetings at the level of AMCs to explore the feasibilities of additional resource mobilization (ARM) and have asked them to come forward with such proposals on priority basis.

Also, I have instructed the AMCs and HoDs to rigorously follow up for recovering the dues pending with various Govt. bodies at their level. I am hopeful that these measures would contribute a great deal in finding new sources of revenue and thereby increase the income of MCGM.

In my report submitted to the Standing Committee earlier, I have pointed out that the MCGM incurs a lot of expenditure on discretionary duties like, developing Theme Gardens, Swimming pools, Sports

Complexes, Open Air Theatres, Drama Theatres, New Secondary Schools,

Medical Colleges, running Vocational Institutes etc. and huge cost is being incurred on the construction and maintenance of these facilities. In fact, it


B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2010-11 is not an obligatory duty of the MCGM to create and maintain gardens, entertainment places, swimming pools, etc. These discretionary duties are expected to be performed by MCGM out of its surplus funds after providing sufficient funds for discharging it’s mandatory duties. With the backdrop of the current delicate financial situation of MCGM, it has become mandatory to exercise a stringent control over such discretionary duties and functions. Such unwarranted spending on such discretionary functions would lead to paucity of funds required for performing obligatory functions of MCGM in the future.

Keeping this in view, it would be prudent to withhold altogether new projects like Theme gardens except to complete the ongoing such projects. Also, redeveloping the existing markets / municipal buildings, constructing new hospital buildings, municipal malls and other such altogether new projects if at all to be carried out would be better executed with Public Private Partnership (PPP) by opening such fields to private sector. This would ease the financial burden of MCGM and the citizens would also not be deprived of such amenities. Moreover, it also needs to be ensured that all such projects are self supporting. With this view, it is proposed to hold the projects like upgradation of CTI&RC, construction of

Super Specialty Hospitals, for the present. The feasibility of reserving certain part of “Ashray” project for commercial purposes is also being explored, so that builders and developers are attracted to these projects and


B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2010-11 the financial burden is eased to some extent. I intend to draft a comprehensive policy in this regard.

On the backdrop of critical financial position of M.C.G.M., it has been decided not to undertake new projects in the ensuing financial year. However, the big ongoing projects which are already taken in hand will be completed during the ensuing year only. The substantial provisions have been proposed for the projects which are to be completed in the coming financial year. I have issued clear instructions to all the concerned HoDs that these projects should be completed during the next year by fully utilizing the grants allocated and no additional provisions would be made available in the subsequent years for these projects. On the similar lines, no major cement concretization projects for roads have been proposed in the next year’s budget estimates and provisions for ongoing projects only have been proposed except the asphalt roads and usual road maintenance works. A decision to hold the new projects of cement concretization has been taken as a matter of policy.

The Revised Budget Estimates for the year 2009-10 In the Budget Estimates for 2009-10, to meet the Capital expenditure of Rs.5975.18 crores, it was proposed to withdraw an amount of Rs.2470.50 crores from the Special funds created as a part of our long term policy and balance amount of Rs.2597.50 crores except anticipated Capital receipts was proposed to be raised by raising loan out of internal funds. Accordingly, a proposal was submitted to the State


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Govt. as required under section 106 of the MMC Act for seeking their approval to such raising of internal loan and it was proposed therein to repay this Internal loan within 10 year’s financial period from 2010-11 to 2019-2020 @8% interest. The Government Resolution of the Urban Development Department, Maharashtra state No.meJe&mee.(yeerScemeer)- 2509/2021/He´.ke´À.112/veefJe-21 efo.8 peevesJeejer, 2010 is received wherein it is stated that the approval is accorded to raise the temporary internal loan of Rs.1000 crores only out of other deposits except Provident Fund and Pension Fund to meet the Capital expenditure during the financial year 2009-10 and this loan is to be repaid at interest rate of 8% during one year. Thus, the State Govt. has sanctioned our internal loan of Rs.1000 crores only instead of Rs.2597.50 crores as proposed by the MCGM. Similarly, the State Govt. has imposed a condition to repay this temporary internal loan of Rs.1000 crores within one year @8% interest rate as against our demand to raise the internal loan @8% interest rate for the period from 2009-10 to 2019-2020. This means that this amount of Rs.1000 crores will be required to be shown as loan in the Revised Estimates for 2009-10 and at the same time that much amount will have to be shown as expenditure out of revenue towards repayment in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11, which are prepared simultaneously. This is merely an exercise on paper. This loan amount would not actually be available for expenditure purpose. The Secretary, Urban Development Department, Govt. of Maharashtra has, therefore, been requested to review the Govt. Resolution and to issue fresh Govt. Resolution extending the period of


B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2010-11 repayment of loan upto 10 years on the lines of earlier Govt. Resolutions. However, the revised Govt. Resolution is still awaited. As such, while preparing the Revised Estimates for 2009-10, the internal loan of Rs.1000 crores is not taken into account. The economy measures have been adopted during this year. The circular in this regard has already been issued. Such economy measures involved the various alternatives like postponement of payment of arrears to the Municipal employees due to revision of payscales, to apply the alternative of deferred payment in the next year in respect of the proposals for variation in contract costs in case of big project works, as well as the 10% saving in Revenue Expenditure. On account of these economy measures, with a view to restricting the expenditure during the year 2009-10 within the estimated and actual income, it is proposed to restrict the revised estimates for the current year to the extent of Rs.4222 crores as compared to estimated Rs.5975 crores. On this backdrop, I now mention some of the important features of the activities in the Budget Estimates 2010-11.


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6.1 In the Budget Estimates for 2010-11, a provision of Rs. 268.96 crore has been Storm Water proposed under the Revenue Budget, to Drainage. carry out routine storm water drains maintenance works and a provision of Rs.1013.53 crore is proposed for carrying out capital works including certain priority works as per the recommendations contained in the BRIMSTOWAD Report. In the Budget Estimates for 2010-11, the main focus is on upgrading the storm water drainage system in Mumbai with a view to minimizing water logging and ensuring quick dispersal of storm water in the city and suburbs. It is proposed to construct storm water pumping stations at –

1) Britannia Outfall, Reay Road. 2) Gazdarband, Santacruz, 3) Mogra Nalla, Anderi, 4) Mahul Creek, Chembur. The land acquisition for these proposed pumping stations is in process.


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The highlights of the provisions made under the improvement of Storm Water Drain System in the Budget Estimates 2010-11 are as below :-

(Rs. in crores) Construction/ reconstruction/ improvement /remodeling/ training/widening of Storm Water Drains

1) Works to be undertaken



A) Setting up of storm water pumping stations 99.52 B) Other works 439.65 Total 539.17 2) Works not included in the BRIMSTOWAD Project A) Rehabilitation of Structures along nalla/S.W. Drains 34.18 B) Other works 440.18 Total 474.36 Total project works 1013.53

Similarly, for the widening and training of Mithi river under the jurisdiction of the MCGM and other rivers / nallas systems, a provision of Rs.51 crore has been proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11.


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6.2 Roads, Bridges and Traffic Operations

6.2.1 Following budget provisions are proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11 for road Road Reforms works :- • A provision of Rs.478.42 crores has been proposed for cement concrete road works of the ongoing as well as the varied contracts. • A provision of Rs.461.05 crores is proposed for construction of new high quality asphalt roads, repairs of existing roads as per the report of Standing Technical Advisory Committee and widening and improvement of various roads and for widening of roads in the City by adding setback lands etc. of ongoing as well as varied contracts. • For construction / reconstruction and improvement of footpaths, a provision of Rs.10 crores is proposed. • For providing and maintaining traffic signals at various junctions, providing road dividers to avoid traffic jam and maintaining street lighting system and providing direction boards, a provision of Rs.2.50 crores is proposed. • For construction of bridges and subways for crossing the road as well as repairs and


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improvements, a provision of Rs.202.05 crores is proposed. • For work related to Area Traffic Control under MUTP of provision of Rs.20 crores is proposed. • For construction of Traffic Island near Khar Railway Station, a provision of Rs.5 crores is proposed.

6.2.2 A provision of Rs.50 crores for construction of ROB at Jogeshwari (South) and Rs.50 Bridges crores for Jogeshwari (North) has been proposed in the Budget Estimates of 2010-11. The construction of these bridges will facilitate East-West connectivity of road traffic between Jogeshwari and Goregaon and closing of Railway Level Crossing No.24, 25, 26 and 27 will help to smooth the railway traffic without any obstructions.

6.3 In the context of augmenting the water supply Water Supply to Mumbai, the Expert Committee appointed Projects - by State Government under the Chairmanship Augmentation of Water Sources of Dr.M.A.Chitale, IV-Mumbai Middle Vaitarna Water Supply Project has been


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undertaken. Accordingly, additonal 455 mld water will be made available to the city.

Gargai Project

A provision of Rs.5 crores has been proposed towards consultancy services for assessing the feasibility of availability of water from Gargai River. A provision has been proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11 for “Disalination”.

Mumbai-IIIA Water Supply Project

As III-A Mumbai Water Supply Project is nearing completion stage, 355 mld water supply is made available to Mumbai City. The present status of various works under this project is as under :

1. The construction of 455 mld capacity Water Treatment Plant at Panjrapur is completed and the plant is put to operation in full swing. Rs.3 crores have been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11 for maintenance and final payments. 2. The work of P/L 3000 mm dia M.S.W.M. of 6 Kms. length from Mulund Goregaon Link Road and junction to Tagore Nagar, Vikhroli (E)


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(Phase-I) is in progress. The work of 3.80 km of pipe line is completed uptilll now. A provision of Rs.35 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11. 3. The work of P/L 3000 mm dia water mains of 7.6 Kms. length between Tagore Nagar, Vikhroli and Amar Mahal, Chembur (Phase-II) is in progress and 5.87 km length is completed uptill now. A provision of Rs.6 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11. 4. The civil works of the construction of the chlorination plant at Panjrapur costing Rs.7.57 crore are in progress. The preparation of the draft tenders for mechanical and electrical works is in progress. A provision of Rs.4.25 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

IV-Mumbai Middle Vaitarna Water Supply Project

IV-Mumbai-Middle Vaitarna Water Supply Project consists of the following work components and the work orders for most of the works are issued.


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1. The works of construction of the Middle Vaitarna Dam and approach roads at Dam site, Bridges and culverts costing Rs.662.57 crores are in progress. These works are expected to be completed by April 2012. A provision of Rs.230 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11. 2. The work of construction of approach roads and bridges proceeding towards Middle Vaitarna Dam is being carried out by P W D(Public Works Department) of GoM. and is in progress and is expected to be completed by March 2011. A provision of Rs.3.15 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11. 3. For providing and laying water main from Aghai to Gundavali a provision of Rs.80 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11. This water will be carried to Bhandup Complex through new tunnel. 4. For construction of the Intake Tower at Modak Sagar for Conveyance of water availed from Middle Vaitarana Project and construction of a tunnel of 7.5 Km between Intake Tower to Weirchamber at


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Bell-Nalla; a provision of Rs.60 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11. 5. For the work of construction of new Water Treatment Plant including Chlorine Contact Tank for treating 900 mld water availed from Middle Vaitarana Dam at Bhandup Complex, a provision of Rs.120 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11. 6. For storing the treated water in Master Balancing Reservoir, a new pumping station of 900 mld capacity is required to be constructed including Rising Main at Bhandup Complex for which a provision of Rs.22 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

7. A provision of Rs.22 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11 for construction of 140 ML capacity Master Balancing Reservoir at Bhandup Complex to store the treated water by pumping from pumping stations, 8. A provision of Rs.6.90 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11 for rehabilitation of the Project Affected


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Persons (PAP) due to Middle Vaitarna Dam. 9. Central Design Organisation (C.D.O.) of Nashik has been appointed as consultant for giving consultancy services for construction of dam at Middle Vaitarna. The contract cost of this work is Rs.8.21 crore and expected to be completed upto April 2012. A provision of Rs.1.50 crores is proposed for fees for consultancy services in the Budget Estimates for 2010- 11. 10. The consultants have been appointed for “Project Management” of various works/ activities under Middle Vaitarna Dam Project. The work of the consultants is in progress for which a provision of Rs.4.50 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

Water Distribution Network 6.3.1 During the year 2009-10, the water mains of Expansion & length of 16 km. in the city, 30 km. in the Strengthening of Water Delivery Western Suburbs and 49 km. in the Eastern System Suburbs, thus total 95 kms. length of water mains were laid.

It is proposed to lay 7 km. in the City, 30 km. in the Western Suburbs and 47 km. in the


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Eastern Suburbs, thus total 84 km. water mains in the year 2010-11. A provision of Rs.130 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

Reconstruction of old Reservoirs

Worli Hill Reservoir

The estimated cost of the work of demolishing the Hill Reservoir completely and reconstruction of the same including consultancy services is Rs.10 crore for which a provision of Rs.5 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11. This work is expected to be completed by March 2012.

Bhandup Hill Reservoir

The work of demolishing the Bhandup Hill Reservoir and to reconstruct the same is in progress. The estimated cost is Rs.24.97 crores and is expected to be completed in 18 months. A provision of Rs.18 crores has been proposed in Budget Estimates 2010-11.


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Veravali Hill Reservoir

For construction of Veravali Hill Reservoir, a provision of Rs.2 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11.

New Malad Hill Reservoir-III (50 Ml Capacity)

Malad, Borivali and Dahisar get water supply from Bhandup M.B.R. through recently completed Bhandup-Malad-Charkop tunnel. Due to increased demand in this region; the Bhandup M.B.R. gets emptied faster and it affects the water supply in the city area. Hence it is proposed to construct a third new reservoir at Malad Hill near existing two reservoirs. The estimated cost of work Rs. 50 crores. A provision of Rs.7 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

Proposed new works to meet the increased demand of water

1) The two tunnels at Powai to Veravali and Powai to Ghatkopar are proposed to be constructed as the existing Tansa Mains burst frequently due to ageing and posed maintenance problems due to development works by MMRDA along and over these lines. It is proposed to build up two


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underground Tunnels along this route. M/s TCE have been appointed as consultants. A provision of Rs.35 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

2) As per the recommendations of the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, it is proposed to construct the Effluent Treatment Plant at Panjrapur to treat waste backwashed water from Panjrapur Treatment Plant. The consultants have been appointed for this work and their work is in progress. The estimated cost of this work is Rs.30 crores and a provision of Rs.6 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

Replacement of Tansa Mains

An ambitious programme of replacement of existing old water mains from “Tansa to Tarali Section” by M.S. pipeline 2750 mm dia of 41.35 km is undertaken. The work is divided in three section i) Tansa to Jamboli ii) Jamboli to Chinchavali and iii) Chinchavali to Tarali. The contract cost of this project is Rs.1431.88 crores and the work is in progress. A provision of Rs.380 crores have been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.


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Replacement & Rehabilitation of Old Water Mains

1. Replacement of old Water Mains

In the year 2008-09, water mains of 35 kms. length and in the year 2009-10, water mains of 64 kms. length were replaced. In 2010-11, water mains of 44 kms. length are proposed to be replaced for which a provision of Rs.67.10 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

2. Rehabilitation of old Water Mains

In the year 2009-10, water mains of 47 kms. length are being rehabilitated and in 2010-11, the Rehabilitation of water mains of 33 km length is proposed. A provision of Rs.40.52 crores is proposed for this work in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

6.3.2 A multi-pronged programme is taken up Reducing under the banner of Sujal Mumbai Abhiyan, Non-revenue which aims at reducing the non-revenue Water


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water through a comprehensive Water Distribution Improvement Project [WDIP], to be implemented over 5 years under expert guidance, culminating in 24x7 water supply.

Under this programme, the work of reducing the leakages primarily in the tertiary network is in progress through the Ward Committee- wise 16 contractors along with zonal contractors for this work. A provision of Rs.132.21 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

A mass scale programme of detection of 6.3.3 leakage and arresting the same to save the Strengthening of Leak Detection water on the backdrop of increasing gap Section between demand and supply of water, inequitable distribution and delay in availability of new water supply source is undertaken. To well plan the Phase-II by applying modern technology, it is proposed to undertake a pilot project in P, R and D wards. The process of issuing work orders for this is in final stage. The works will be undertaken by applying modern technology as stated above in other wards. For leak detection and controlling, a provision of Rs.10.50 crores


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has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

6.3.4 Installation of Water Meters and Flow Meters Effective Demand Management MCGM has implemented Telescopic Rate Measures Structure from 01.03.2008 for the authorised buildings, domestic consumers in order to regulate per capita consumption and to promote reasonable use of water. The responsibility of installing the water meters on all connections including operating, maintaining and reading is entrusted to the reputed firms. This project is proposed to be executed in two phases. In Phase-I, about 6000 water meters of various dia. are installed in City, Western Suburbs and Eastern Suburbs and the performance of water meters supplied by each firm is reviewed by Technical Evaluation Committee. After performance evaluation and as per recommendation of the Technical Evaluation Committee, the works of Phase-II have been undertaken. Similarly, it is also proposed to install a flow meters on a trunk mains in wards where water is supplied directly through trunk mains. A provision of


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Rs.86 crores has been made in Revised Estimates 2009-10 for flow meters and provision of Rs.430 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11 for installation of water meters.

6.3.5 MCGM has also decided to implement the project of Rain Water Harvesting on priority Rain Water Harvesting basis in properties owned by MCGM. A provision of Rs.66 crores has been proposed for this in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

There is a scarcity of water due to paucity of 6.3.6 rain in the Lake-areas. To overcome this Cleanliness of scarcity of water, it is decided to clean the existing Wells and providing 5365 wells and 6986 borewells owned Tube Wells privately and by MCGM. A provision of Rs.51 crores has been proposed in Budget Estimates 2010-11. It is also decided to construct the new bore-wells. A provision of Rs.21 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11 totaling Rs.72 crores.

6.3.7 Hydraulic Engineer Department has now Implementation of micro-tunneling proposed to adopt the technique of technology micro-tunneling. A provision of Rs.29 crores


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is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

6.3.8 By keeping the object for generation of

Hydro Hydroelectricity from Middle Vaitarna Dam, Electricity the Consultants have been appointed and Generation their works are in progress. The contract cost is estimated to Rs. 3.74 crores and a provision of Rs.1.75 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

6.3.9 • With a view to beautifying of the area and the premises of Pise Pumping Station and Contributing to Enhancement of the Panjrapur Treatment Plant under the III-A Aesthetic Appeal of Mumbai Water Supply Project, a provision of Mumbai Rs.1 crore has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

• The first stage of Creation of Theme-based Gardens under the guidance of a panel of eminent consultants at John Baptista Garden at Bhandarwada Hill Reservoir is completed and the works under stage II are proposed. A provision of Rs.50 lakhs is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.


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• The work of development of landscaping, beautification of Vehar Lake is completed. A provision of Rs.50 lakhs is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

• The 90% work of the beautification of which involves construction of a promenade between the lake boundary and Adi Shankaracharya Marg along with decorative street furniture and musical fountains is completed and other works are expected to be completed shortly. A provision of Rs.3 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

6.3.10 Considering the terror attack on Mumbai on 26th November 2008, it has become necessary Security Measures to take steps for the security of the Municipal water supply installations. It is, therefore, proposed to install Remote CCTV Cameras at strategic locations at Bhanup Complex, Pise- Panjrapur Complex, Municipal Dams and along water Trunk Mains. A survey has been made at all abovesaid places and the discussion amongst MCGM Officials and Police Officials is in progress. The tenders will be invited. For this work, a provision of


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Rs.15 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

6.3.11 As there is no access to big tankers in small lanes, it is proposed to purchase 8 mini Purchase of Water Tanker for Supply tankers for supply of water to the citizens in of Water in case of emergency. A provision of Rs.1 Emergency crores has been proposed during budgeted year and Rs.1.90 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11 for replacement of old vehicles.

6.3.12 220 posts of Junior Engineers, 70 posts of Sub-Engineers and 2014 posts of Labours are Creation of new Posts on the Establishment of created on the establishment of Hydraulic H.E. Engineer Department. During budgeted year, 105 Junior Engineers, 22 Sub-Engineers’ posts are filled in and filling of the balance posts is in progress and Chief Labour Officer has been directed to start the process of filling the 2014 posts of Labours.

6.4 The following works are undertaken under the Component-I of the MSDP-Stage-II Expansion of Sewerage Network (Priority Works) as approved by the Central Government under the JNNURM :-


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1. A provision of Rs.16 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11 for laying sewer lines by Trenchless Technology. 2. A provision of Rs.16 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11 for laying and upsizing of sewer lines at 38 locations in the Eastern and the Western Suburbs by conventional method 3. The works of laying sewer lines by trenchless technology at various locations in Eastern Suburbs and at one place in Western Suburbs are undertaken. A provision of Rs.50 crores is proposed for these works in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

4. The work of upsizing of 17 kms. length old sewer lines by pipe bursting method in Mumbai city is in progress. A provision of Rs.6 crores is proposed for this work in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

Consultancy Services for MSDP (Stage-II - Priority Works)

ƒ A provision of Rs.65 crores is proposed in Budget Estimates 2010-11 for the consultancy services under M.S.D.P. Stage-II.


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ƒ For implementation of works recommended by the Consultants, a provision of Rs.30 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11. ƒ It is proposed to recycle the waste water for non potable purposes. Though a provision of Rs.5.20 crore has been proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11, it is decided to implement this programme on DBOOT basis (Design, Built, Owned, Operate and Transfer).

6.4.1 It is necessary to undertake the work of replacement/ rehabilitation of the existing Rehabilitation & Replacement of sewerage network, especially the lines which Sewer Lines and are very old. Pumping Stations Rehabilitation of sewer lines

A provision of Rs. 25 crores has been proposed to rehabilitate man entry sewer lines and Rs. 14 crores for non-man entry sewer lines by using trenchless technology in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

The provision of Rs.6 crores has been proposed for Condition Assessment of old sewer lines in 'A' to 'E' Wards and Rs.6 crores


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for old sewer lines in 'F' to 'G' Wards in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

Mechanical & Electrical Works at Sewage

6.4.2 Pumping Stations

Upgradation of The works of providing trash racks at 4 out of Sewage Pumping 5 locations before entering sewage, in the Stations for Qualitative and deep collector tunnel, leading to Bandra IPS Quantitative is completed and work at New Ghatkopar Improvements Pumping Station is in progress. A provision of Rs 51 lakhs is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11 for this work.

The work of augmentation of Shimpoli Pumping Station has been completed and process for inviting the tenders for electrical and mechanical works at Globe Mill Passage is in progress. A provision of Rs 45 lakhs is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11 for this work.

6.4.3 The Energy Audit Efficient use of Energy with a view to The Energy Audit of water supply installation Reducing Operating and sewage disposal installations with a view Costs and Responding to the to reducing the electrical consumption has Threat of Global been taken up and thereby reducing the Warming MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF GREATER MUMBAI 64

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operational costs. The Report of the Energy Audit Consultants has been received and the works recomended by the Consultant are in progress for actual implementation. A provision of Rs.3.49 crores is proposed for this purpose in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

A lighting arrengement based on the Solar Energy is proposed at Sant Gadge Maharaj pumping station and a provision of Rs.20 lakhs is proposed for this purpose in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

6.4.4 Slum Sanitation Programme The objective of Slum Sanitation Construction/ Repair and Rehabilitation of Programme-II is to make available 35000 Public Toilets and additional toilets in the slums upto 2011. Out Sanitary Systems in Slum of this, implementation of the works costing Rs.37.50 crores are in progress. The tenders have been invited to construct 235 toilets blocks (4700 toilet seats) in five zones consisting of 47 toilets blocks (940 toilet seats) in each group. The work orders to construct the toilets at 183 places have been issued. Out of which, the works at 57 places (1118 seats) are completed and the works at


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95 places are in progress and works at 31 places are expected to be commenced. A provision of Rs.20 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

Retrofitting of Existing Slum Toilets It is proposed to carry out the work of retrofitting/revival of existing toilet blocks and to hand over the same to the local Community Based Organisations [CBOs] for day to day operation and maintenance, by inviting Expression of Interest. For this retrofit programme, a provision of Rs.5 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

6.4.5 • The work of landscaping, beautification and development of Flower Garden at Dadar Contributing to Enhancement of the Pumping Station alongwith the construction Aesthetic Appeal for Beautification of of Administrative building is in progress. Mumbai A provision of Rs.19 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11.

• The work to set up an Art and Craft Centre at the Love Grove Pumping Station to showcase art and culture of Maharashtra has been undertaken in the year 2008-09 and is in


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progress. A provision of Rs.10 crores is proposed for these works in the Budget Estimates 2010-11.

While cleaning the sewage network, the 6.4.6 employees are at times exposed to hazardous Welfare Measures for the Staff involved in conditions. It is, therefore, proposed to Sewage Operations establish a Welfare Fund for granting financial assistance to the family of any employee who unfortunately dies while in service. A provision of Rs.50 lakhs is also proposed for this in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.


7.1. Educational Infrastructure As per Section 61 (q) of the M.M.C. Act 7.1.1 1888, it is an obligatory duty of the Primary Corporation to provide primary education to Education all the children in the age group 6 to 14 years. Thus the Corporation imparts free primary education in eight different languages to approximately 3,88,976 students from Std. Ist to Std. VIIth through 1,189 Primary schools and 12,925 teachers.


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The Corporation imparts Secondary 7.1.2 Education to nearly 42,380 students in 49 Secondary secondary schools wherein 1,263 teachers are Education working. From the year 2007-08, new divisions of Std.VIIIth have been started for the students who have passed Std.VIIth so as to enable them to continue their education. In the year 2009-10, for Std. VIIIth , Std. IXth and Std.Xth total 89 new classes are run in which 11,484 students are taking education. For these schools 423 Shikshan Sevak are newly appointed for the year 2009-10.

7.1.3 Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai runs 9 schools and 9 partial schools, in all, 18 Schools for the Special Students special schools for mentally challenged students. Approximately 889 students receive education through these schools. Apart from the syllabus prescribed by the State Government, Vocational training is also imparted to these students so as to make them self-reliant, self sufficient and independent.

7.1.4 From the year 2009-10 Brihanmumbai Junior college Mahanagarpalika have started 1)Bhawani of Science for the students of Shankar Municipal School, Dadar. 2) higher aptitude Ratanbai Municipal School, Mulund (West)


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3) Dixit Road Municipal School, Vile Parle (E) these three Junior Colleges of science with the partnership of 'IITn’s PACE' and 'YUKTI' academy. At present 132 students from Municipal Schools are enrolled in these colleges, Brihanmumbai Mahanagarpalika is going to shoulder the responsibility of payment of 50% of fees of these students. 7.1.5 In order to increase the interest of students in various sports and healthy wealth, the Physical Education physical training section of the Education Department conducts various sports and competitions, which prominently include kabbadi, wrestling, March past competition, yoga, gymnastic, Basketball and lazim, etc. In the academic year, one student namely, Kumar Avinash Jadhav of Motilal Nagar Secondary School took part in basketball, competition at National level and Eleven students took part in wrestling competition at state level. For the year 2009-10 Sports For Development Project (S for D) has already been started in seven wards with the help of UNICEF. The process of giving quality education to the students through sports with the help of NGOs and Municipal Teachers is in process.


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The office bearers of Mumbai Cricket Association and ex-cricketer Shri Pravin Aamare and Shri Mangesh Bhalekar are giving free Cricket coaching to Municipal School students where playground is available since 2009-10.

7.2 Improvement in the standard / quality of education in the Municipal Schools and welfare measures for the municipal students

7.2.1 Free text books are provided to the students of Std. Ist to Std. VIIIth of Municipal Schools Free supply of Textbooks under the project of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. For distributing free textbooks and reference books to the students of Std. IX th and Std. X th of Municipal Secondary Schools, a provision of Rs.69.19 lakh has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for the year 2010-11

7.2.2 Educational material kits such as Uniforms, Shoes, Socks and School Bags, etc. are Free distribution of supplied free of cost to the students of both, Educational the primary and the secondary municipal Material and schools. It is proposed to provide free Kits uniforms to the students of Scout-guide / R.S.P. Cadres. To inculcate the habit of cleanliness each school will be provided with


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soap and towel near drinking water place. A provision of Rs.74.51 crores for the primary schools as well as Rs.10.37 crores for the secondary schools has been proposed in the Budget Estimates of 2010-11

7.2.3 As per Corporation decision 200 ml flavoured milk is being supplied daily to all Supply of Flavoured Milk the students of Municipal Schools excluding Std. Ist to Std. IIIrd from 2007. The students of Std. Ist to Std. IIIrd are provided with 125 ml of flavoured milk from November, 2009. Therefore, a provision of Rs.105.53 crore for primary schools and Rs.12.91 crore for the secondary schools has been proposed in the Budget Estimate 2010-11.

7.2.4 Every girl student attending the municipal primary and secondary schools will be given Attendance Allowance to Re.1/- per day as attendance allowance in Girl Students order to encourage the girl students to attend school every day. This has helped to increase the attendance of girl students in the school. A provision of Rs 4.03 crores for the primary school as well as Rs.46.97 lakhs for the secondary school has been proposed in the Budget Estimate of 2010-11.


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The distribution of this attendance allowance is done through Indian Bank. An account has been opened in the name of girl students of Std.IInd to Std. Xth , without taking the necessary deposit and the amount is deposited according to the attendance of girls .The students can withdraw the amount according to her need. From year 2009-10 amount of Rs.1000/- is deposited in the name of girl child of Std 1st and the process of giving sum of Rs.2,000/- after completion 7 years is going on.

7.2.5 As per the curriculum prescribed by the State Government,computer training is imparted to Computer th th Training the students from Std. V to Std. X under the guidance of qualified computer teachers. For effective working of this project full- fledged computer laboratory would be provided to nearly 100 schools, and 2,000 computers are purchased and well equipped computer lab will be made available to each school. To improve the understanding capabilities of students, clear and correct pronunciation of words, improvement in communication skill, etc., Language Laboratory, under Language


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Development Project at Gilder Tank has been started.

7.3. Standardized House Keeping for Municipal Schools. With a view to ensuring healthy and pleasant atmosphere for the staff and officers, it has been decided to keep school buildings clean and well maintained. In order to achieve this, it has been decided to entrust the work of maintenance, cleanliness, supervision, house- keeping etc. to private contractors / outside agencies. This process commenced from February, 2009. Due to this scheme, the problem of robbery, breakage etc. has completely stopped. For this purpose, a provision of Rs.48.32 crores for the primary schools has been proposed in the Budget Estimates of 2010-11.

7.4 Strengthening and Upgradation of School Infrastructure

As per the recommendations of Dhanuka 7.4.1 Repairs of Committee, constituted as per the directives School of Hon'ble High Court for the purpose of Buildings monitoring the activities pertaining to the repairs and maintenance and beautification of municipal school buildings and improving


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their educational standard, the major repairs of total 131 school buildings from city, eastern suburbs and western suburbs has been completed. From the priority list of 179 municipal schools, the major repairs of 39 municipal school buildings is in progress under the apt advises from the experts. For the 48 school buildings, out of 140 school buildings, the work of major repairs will commence very soon. Urgent nature repairs of school buildings will be carried out through zonal contractors appointed under the preview of Dy.C.E. (S.I.C.) for the city, western suburbs and eastern suburbs.

As per the directives given by the 7.4.2 Government to give Cyclone shelter and Cyclone Shelters protect citizens when affected by cyclone and natural calamities. Municipal plots reserved for schools will be made available at 1) Versova, K/W ward, 2) Malad Gaon, P/N Ward 3) Kurla (West), L Ward and 4) Mulund (West), T ward. World Bank will reimburse the funds spent on construction of Cyclone Centres at these plots. A provision


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of Rs.155.69 crore has been proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11. After making the Municipal Schools fully 7.4.3 ready by providing security, cleanliness, I. S. O. supervising, house keeping, etc. to make the Certification schools eligible for getting registration of I.S.O. certificate and its renovation, as per the norms of concerned institute. A provision of Rs 25 lakh for primary schools and Rs.46.20 lakh for secondary schools has been proposed in the Budget Estimates of 2010-11.

7.5 Health and Medical Services

7.5.1 To strengthen the primary health and Primary Health medical services, a provision of Care Infrastructure Rs.1471.45 crores is proposed under Services Revenue Budget for 2010-11 and a provision of Rs.418.46 crores is proposed under the Capital Budget. The highlights of the same are as below :- • A consolidated provision of Rs.6.55 crores is proposed for providing free firewood to municipal and private cemeteries of Hindu and Muslim Community in city of Mumbai. • To ensure the supply of separate fogging machine in each Municipal Councillor’s constituency and to utilize vehicle mounted


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fogging machines permanently in the area where there are more complaints, a provision of Rs.18.34 crores is proposed for procurement of chemicals. • A private expert architect is appointed for construction of Arogya Bhavan in the surrounding of Kasturba Hospital which would be Head Quarters for Public Health Department. For this, a provision of Rs.1.49 crores is proposed. • Municipal Commissioner has been appointed as Chief Census Officer as per Central Government enactment. The Provision of Rs.2.55 crores is proposed in the financial year 2010-11 for the census work.


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7.5.2 Development of Peripheral Hospitals Secondary Health Provisions are proposed for reconstruction of Care hospitals and starting new hospitals in Eastern and Western Suburbs as detailed below :-

(Rs. in crores) 1 Redevelopment of Centenary Hospital at Kandivali. 10.00 2 Reconstruction of Cooper Hospital. 50.00 3 Redevelopment of Bhagavati Hospital Complex at Borivali. 5.00 4 Development of Ajgaonkar plot to construct 266 bedded Trauma Hospital at Jogeshwari (East) 40.00

It is proposed to complete the work of redevelopment of Centenary Hospital at Kandivali in the ensuing year and reconstruction of Cooper Hospital and development of Ajgaonkar plot in the next two years.

Purchase of Plant and Machinery for 7.5.3 Municipal Hospitals

Tertiary Health Provisions proposed for purchasing modern Care plant and machinery for major hospitals of


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the Corporation under the Budget Estimates 2010-11 are as under :- (Rs. in crores) Purchase of Plant and 25.00 Machinery for K.E.M. Hospital Purchase of Multislid C.T. for 5.00 K.E.M. Hospital Purchase C.T. scan machine 5.00 for L.T.M.G. Hospital Purchase of Plant and 10.00 Machinery for L.T.M.G. Hospital Purchase C.T. scan machine 5.00 for Nair Hospital I.C.C.U. Bed side Multipara 1.00 Monitor in Central Monitoring Station and portable ECHO Color Doppler in Cardiology department in L.T.M.G. Hospital Purchase of Plant and 9.00 Machinery for Nair Hospital Purchase of Digital 2.50 Radiography Equipment for Nair Hospital Purchase of H.D.R. Treatment 2.50 Planning System for Nair Hospital


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Apart from this, due provisions are proposed for new items as under :- (Rs. in crores) 1 Renovation of K.E.M. Hospital building (Heritage Building) 40.00 2 Works related to the comprehensive Repairs / Restoration of G.S. Medical 10.00 College Building (Heritage) 3 Construction of new building for Student Hostel Cardiac and Neuroscience Centre and other 10.00 activities in G.S. Medical College. 4 Work of giving face-lift to OPD’s and improvement and upgradation of emergency medical service centre in B.Y.L. Nair Hospital. 15.00 5 Commissioning of new OPD, MOT and Mortuary building (Ground + upper floors only), appointment of empanelled Architect and SITC for

Furniture, Fixtures and allied 2.00 appliances in L.T.M.G. Hospital.

7.6 Public Parking In order to overcome with the problem of 7.6.1 traffic congestion and parking on roads Underground especially in , the M.C.G.M. Parking Lots has decided to develop underground parking


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lots. Accordingly, tenders were invited for construction of underground car parking at Mahatma Phule Market (two locations) and at to Junction (five locations). After scrutiny of tenders received, M/s. Venue Infrastructure Ltd. was selected to execute both the works. As such, M/s. Venue Infrastructure Ltd. shall construct the said underground car parkings and shall also operate and maintain the same for next 30 years. Accordingly, M/s. Venue Infrastructure Ltd. shall be granted a subsidy of Rs.290.70 Crore for Regal Cinema and Rs.154.42 Crore for Mahatma Phule Market by M.C.G.M. The process of execution of concession agreements for both the works is under progress. A provision of Rs.173 crores has been proposed in the Budget estimates of the next year. However, considering the availability of funds and present financial position of the M.C.G.M. , it is decided only to start the work at Regal Cinema to Hutatma Chowk and the work at Mahatma Phule Market shall be considered after taking review of the financial position of the M.C.G.M.


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7.7 Provisions are proposed in the Budget Auditorium / Estimates 2010-11 for the structural repairs/ Theatres improvement of following sports centres/ auditoriums/theatres :- (Rs. in crores) • Enclosing the Annabhau 1.00 Sathe Open Air Theatre. • Essential structural repairs 2.50 to Deenanath Mangeshkar Natyagriha and market building. • Major repairs to Kundalal 2.00 Saigal Open Air Theatre and staff quarters building.

7.8 Markets

7.8.1 Facility of in all 143 municipal markets and Comprehensive 16 private licensed markets all over Mumbai Repairs of Municipal Markets is available for the citizens. To bring the municipal markets at par with modern private markets, a provision of Rs.40.20 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11 for redevelopment and modernization of the municipal markets as per the approved guidelines and for reconstruction/ new construction of markets. Similarly, a provision of Rs.50 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11 for the extensive repairs to the old markets. Some of the important provisions therein


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are as below :- (Rs. in crores) • Reconstruction of Poonam Nagar market in K/E Ward. 25 .00 • Construction of building for market in place of shed of Topiwala Market in P/S Ward. 8.00

7.8.2 It is proposed to undertake the work of comprehensive repairs/restoration of the Conservation of Mahatma Phule Mahatma Phule Market Building which has Market Building been listed as Grade - I heritage structure under the expert guidance. For this, a provision of Rs.5 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

7.9 A provision of Rs.10 crores is proposed in Modernization of Deonar Abattoir the Budget Estimates for 2010-11 for completing the project of modernization of Deonar Abattoir. Procedure of inviting tenders for various works pertaining to modernization is in progress.


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8.1 Cleanliness is the foundation and basic Cleanliness necessity of a healthy city. To strengthen the cleanliness activities, following schemes will be implemented in 2010-11.

8.1.1 For keeping zero garbage status of Mumbai House to House city, Rs.156 crores provision is proposed in Garbage Collection the revenue Budget Estimates. The house to house collection will include the segregation of dry and wet garbage; for which we have provided separate bins, bio-degradable bags and separate ward wise vehicles for dry waste collection.

8.1.2 10 nos. of stationary compactors will be Elimination of installed in the year 2010-2011. A provision Large Collection Points of Rs.3.05 crores is proposed therefor. Installing such type of stationary compactors at large garbage generation points helps in eliminating eyesore, foul smell and nuisance of animals.


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8.1.3 On the lines of Mahalaxmi Transfer Station, the new modernized closed transfer stations New modernized transfer stations are to be set up at Gorai, Versova and Kurla transfer stations. As per this system, large quantity of compacted garbage is transported through closed containers to the dumping ground. The area surrounding the garbage receiving platform is closed to avoid eyesore. The working condition is systematic and hygienic.Rs.9 crores provision has been proposed in the Capital Budget therefor.

8.1.4 Under the cleaning campaign, slum adoption, clean area scheme and manning Cleanliness Campaign mopping scheme have been implemented in various wards for keeping the zero garbage status. The provision of Rs,61.04crores, Rs.25 crores and Rs.21.46 crores respectively has been proposed for the year 2010-11 in the revenue Budget Estimates.

8.1.5 As per directives of Court, the scientific closure of dumping sites at Gorai has been Development of dumping grounds completed. As per MSW (Management and Handling) Rule, 2000, operation and maintenance for 15 years has started. O & M


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would include waste to energy project. The project work of scientific treatment/processing on garbage and development of Deonar, Mulund and Kanjur Marg dumping ground have been awarded to private parties through PPP model and part funded through Jawaharlal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) fund. Scientifically partial closing of landfill site at Deonar dumping ground has already been started. After obtaining the approval of concerned authority, the sites development work of landfill sites will be started at Kanjur and Mulund dumping ground. A provision of Rs.170 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11 for closing/development of dumping grounds.

8.1.6 The centralized bio-medical waste processing plant had already been set up Bio-Medical Waste near Deonar dumping ground. The work of collection, transportation and treatment on bio-medical waste is awarded to M/s.S.M.S. Envoclean Pvt Ltd. The capacity of treatment on bio-medical waste of this plant is 10 M.T. per day. The plant is


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commissioned and work is under process for which provision of Rs.3.50 crores is proposed in the revenue budget estimates 2010-11.

8.1.7 Mumbai City is surrounded with the coastal Beach Cleaning area. Most of the beaches are tourist spots and hence cleaning service shall be provided at tourist spots. Main beaches like Girgaon, Dadar, Mahim, Varsova, Gorai and have already been provided with the cleaning services. The inaccessible beach area in City division where the floating garbage accumulates due to tide/low tide resulted into bad smell shall be provided with cleansing services for which the provision of Rs.6.56 crores has been proposed in the revenue budget estimates for the year 2010-11.

8.1.8 Slum dwellers residing in the slum near the Eastern and are Construction of Toilet on Eastern defecating on the sides of the road which is and Western not only unhygienic but also creates a first express Highway bad impression of Mumbai city. The efforts are being made to fix sites for construction of toilets on highways at a distance of 1 km


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between 2 sites. In this regards, the correspondence is being made with the Express Highway Authority. A provision is proposed in the Capital Budget Estimates for the year 2010-11.

8.2 The Eco-Housing programme launched by Eco Housing the Corporation promotes adoption of environmentally friendly practices, energy efficient products and techniques by construction industry. This programme is applicable to the housing sector and is a voluntary scheme which can be adopted by the Developer. This scheme is applicable to new as well as old buildings. In order to know the concept of Eco- Housing effectively in public, various additional programmes of Eco-housing will be sponsored so that it will enable the public to participate in the implementation of Eco- housing. M.C.G.M. will offer incentives to consumers as well as developers. The consumers will enjoy a 10% to 50% reduction in property tax based on the project rating while the developers will get a concession ranging from 10% to 50% on


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development charges for which a proposal is submitted to the Government to incorporate such a provision in the existing Act. However, this rebate can be claimed only after the project is completed and further subject to approval from the State Govt. A budget provision of Rs.5 crores has been proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010- 11 for partial refund of the Property Tax in respect of buildings rated under the Eco- Housing Programme. Similarly, a provision is proposed for partial refund of development charges in respect of residential projects rated under the Eco- Housing Programme.

8.3 For enhancing the green cover in the city, the following activities will be taken in hand Tree Authority Budget under the Tree Authority Budget during 2010-11. • The tree plantation will be taken along the roads and other open spaces. Besides, the trees will also be planted at open spaces available with the other municipal departments.


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• The Municipal Corporation Of Greater Mumbai and the Tree Authority will organize the 15th exhibition of plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables during the year 2010-11 so as to create consciousness of importance of trees and vegetation to the human welfare.

• The works shop on various horticultural subjects will also be arranged for the citizens of Mumbai so as to bring awareness about the environment. It is decided to organize exhibition in each Ward.

• A provision of Rs.50.52 crores is proposed under the Revenue Budget for conservation of existing trees in the City and the Suburbs, for plantation and maintenance of new trees.


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As Mumbai advances towards acquiring an international status, efforts are being taken since last 2/3 years to increase the beautification in the city. Accordingly, following works have been undertaken for beautifying the city and the same will be completed in the ensuing year. 9.1 Gardens, Playgrounds, Recreation Grounds

9.1.1 • A provision of Rs.5 lakhs is proposed for

Upgradation of Shahid Vijay Salaskar Maidan in K/West Existing Gardens Ward. and Development of Aesthetically • The scheme for developing Theme Gardens Planned Gardens and Green Spaces in the Mumbai City is already initiated under the special project for beautification of gardens/ R.Gs and other open lands. Some of the prominent projects under this scheme are as follows;

1. To develop Theme Garden on R.G. Plot at S.S. Rao road in F/South ward.

2. Five Garden Mancharji Joshi Udyan in F/North ward.

3. Motoshri Ramabai Thakarey Udyan and Adi Shankaracharya Udyan in G/South ward.


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4. Swami Vivekananda Udyan in G/North ward.

5. Kala Pradarshani garden in K/West ward.

6. Recreation Ground at Vageshawari Temple, A.K. Vaidya Marg, garden at Motilal Nagar No.3 in P/South ward.

7. Khajuria Tank in R/South ward.

8. R. G. Plot at S.V. road Dahisar in R/North ward.

Accordingly, a provision of Rs.27.20 crores is proposed in Budget Estimates 2010-11 for developing Theme Gardens.

• The project of development and beautification of Shivaji Park is undertaken for which a provision of Rs.4 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates of 2010- 11.

• A provision of Rs.2.25 crores is proposed for the beautification of Veer Kotwal Udyan, Dadar.

• A provision of Rs.6 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11 to upgrade the existing gardens/R.G. MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF GREATER MUMBAI 91

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• A provision of Rs.19.25 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11 for the development of Gardens/R.Gs which come in possession under the TDR policy.

9.1.2 It is proposed to upgrade playgrounds maintained by the Corporation. These Upgradation of Play Grounds playgrounds will be renovated under Open Space Management Scheme, for which a provision of Rs.4.50 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.

9.1.3 During the year 2010-11, it is proposed to develop children’s park with all the facilities Development of Children’s Park like modern play equipments and recreation facilities for which a provision of Rs.3 crores is proposed.

For developing nursery using modern 9.1.4 techniques in the Eastern Suburbs, a Development of provision of Rs.1.50 crores has been Nursery using Modern Techniques proposed. This nursery will be provided with tissue culture laboratory for propagation of plants and a green house for conservation of plants.


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9.2 Veermata Jijabai Bhosle Udyan-Zoo is the Modernisation oldest zoo located in the heart of Mumbai and Upgradation of Veermata City with splendid green cover of rare Jijabai Bhosle Udyan varieties of plants. The Municipal and Zoo Corporation of Greater Mumbai has taken up a project of modernization of Veermata Jijabai Bhosale Udyan - Zoo at Byculla so as to make it as one of the leading zoos at the International level. A new Master Plan has been got prepared from M/s. HKS Designer and Consultant International Co. Ltd., Thailand and the Portico Group, U.S.A.The approval of C.Z.A. is also now obtained. The execution of the entire project will be done in Four phases out of which the work of Phase-I regarding administrative building and Zoo Hospital and Quarantine area has been started. The total expected project cost is about Rs.480 crores. A provision of Rs.188.95 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for the year 2010-11.


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9.3 A provision of Rs.1.00 crores is proposed Conservation of and in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11 for Beautification of conservation of Mahim Fort and Dadar and Mahim Beaches beautification of Dadar and Mahim beaches.

9.4 The sea face at Haji Ali is one of the major Beautification tourist attractions of the City of Mumbai. and Development of the Seaside The existing sea front is very narrow and Promenade at lacks a good service infrastructure. Hence, it Haji Ali is proposed to develop and create a world class sea-front at Haji Ali. A provision of Rs.10 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11 for the beautification of promenade at Haji Ali sea face.

9.5 Madame Tussade Wax Museum in London Wax Museum is a major tourist attraction. It is proposed to develop a Wax Museum on these lines in Mumbai for which a provision of Rs.5 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11. Feasibility of implementing this project on BOOT basis will be explored.


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9.6 It is proposed to develop C.S. No.831 of Mazgaon Division in E ward alongwith Textile Museum structure of India United Mills 2 and 3 belonging to M/s.National Textile Corporation as Textile Museum and Garden. A provision of Rs.5 crores is proposed for this project in the Budget Estimates 2010- 11. It was decided to have Consortium of two consultants for this project to ensure integrated and harmonious development of Textile Museum. It is also decided to associate one Musiologist with this project.

9.7 It is proposed to undertake project of Beautification of Chimbai Beach beautification of Chimbai Beach in H/W ward for which a provision of Rs.2 crores is proposed in Budget Estimates 2010-11.

9.8 Considering the heavy ongoing erosion of Beach Nourishment the Prabhadevi Beach, it is proposed to nourish this beach for which a provision of Rs.5 crore is proposed in Budget Estimates 2010-11.


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9.9 It is proposed to develop “Cycle Track” Cycle track along along Irla nalla by providing 2 meter wide Irla Nalla pathway with coloured paver blocks. A provision of Rs.2 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11 for this work.

9.10 A provision of Rs.20 lakhs is proposed for Sanyukta Sanyukta Maharashtra Movement Smarak at Maharashtra Shivaji Park. Movement Smarak

9.11 The State Government has taken the Conversion of INS decision of converting INS Vikrant into Vikrant into Maritime Museum with the concurrence of Maritime Museum the Central Government. Accordingly, a provision of Rs.25 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11 for providing M.C.G.M’s share towards funding to fill up the viability gap for this project.


There is mushrooming growth of high-rise 10.1 Fire Brigade buildings, shopping malls, multiplex cinema etc. This development has put immense load


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on the Mumbai Fire Brigade department due to increase in fire risk and other hazards. The terrorist attack on Mumbai has put additional burden to counteract, this kind of act of manmade disasters to save the life and property of people. In the current financial year, the proposals are already initiated for the procurement of various Fire fighting and rescue equipments such as Aerial Ladder Platforms, Fire Engines, Water Tankers, Turn Table Ladder, Rescue Vans, Thermal Imaging Camera, Mobile Compact Crane and Cardiac Ambulance etc. Similarly, Radio Trucking System for upgradation of conventional Radio Wireless System and Personal Protective equipments to enhance the safety of all the Fire Brigade Personnel.

The extent of damage to the life and property from fire is directly related to the time taken to summon Fire Brigade. Many a time the fire brigade is informed very late resulting into loss of life and property. To eliminate this human error, it is proposed to install Wireless Centralized Monitoring


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System as a pilot project at ‘A’ ward office, Municipal Head office and Chief Fire Officer office. After the assessment of its advantage, decision will be taken to install such system at all the establishments in phased manner. Accordingly, a provision of Rs.10 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11 for supply, installation and commissioning of this system at all fire stations, control rooms of fire brigade. To deal with the complex fire risk scenario, provision has been proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11 for procurement of latest state-of-art fire fighting and rescue equipments to deal with any emergency situation effectively. The details thereof are as under :- (Rs. in crores) Purchase of aerial ladder. 5.00 Purchase of fire fighting 7.30 and rescue vehicles. Purchase of fire fighting 13.39 and rescue equipments. Purchase of turn table ladder. 6.00 Purchase of snorkel. 7.50 Purchase of rescue van. 21.00


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10.2 The work of setting up or upgrading the control rooms at all ward offices as a replica Fully Equipped E.O.Cs of one established at Municipal Head Office, has commenced and is likely to be completed very soon. A provision of Rs.1.25 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11 for establishing fully equipped emergency control centres. The GIS project initiated by MCGM is also likely to be completed very soon. With a view to accessing the GIS information in many layers from this control rooms simultaneously, it is proposed to procure a Video Wall with various partitions. A provision of Rs.7 crores is proposed for in the Budget Estimates 2010-11.

10.3 For excellent, clear and uninterrupted communication, for setting up an Digital Wireless Radio Punching ultramodern wireless communication system Communication TETRA (Terrestrial Trunk Radio Access) System for Mumbai City, provision of Rs.15 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11.


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10.4 Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai Kalpataru Training in collaboration with Mumbai University is Centre in process of starting one year diploma in Disaster Management. This course will be conducted in Kalptaru Training Centre, Parel. The Municipal administration has principally agreed to start the course; hence various meetings have been organized with Mumbai University to prepare the syllabus for the course. It is proposed to start the course in the academic year of 2010-11. With an aim of creating awareness regarding natural calamities such as earthquake and Tusnami amongst citizens, school and college students, police and other staff in the region of MCGM, it is proposed to build models on earthquake simulation and on live demo of Tsunami occurrences during this financial year at the training centre at Parel.

10.5 Earthquake Megacities Incentive has agreed Disaster Risk to prepare a Scientific Disaster Risk Management Master Plan Management Master Plan for Mumbai City, a Project of preparing the Disaster Risk Management Master Plan is undertaken by MCGM in collaboration with Earthquake


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Megacities Incentive. The scientifically prepared DRMMP plan will be useful in strengthening and enhancing the capacity of existing Disaster Management and related facilities. To participate in this project 101 important institutions and organizations were contracted. 60 Organizations have appointed the Nodal Officers for preparing the DRMMP Plan in more effective manner.


11.1 The information Technology Department is Information Technology primary responsible for promoting the use of information technology system in the Corporation. In order to make the Municipal Administration swift, transparent and public- oriented, it is essential to use Information Technology in the administration. With this goal in view, M.C.G.M. has embarked on an ambitious computerization initiative. Accordingly, the process of supply, installation and commissioning of hardware and networking software systems deployed for the various departments of MCGM has been initiated. A provision of Rs.42.93


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crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11 for Information Technology products (Computerization). Besides this, a provision of Rs.8 crores is proposed for the work related to infrastructure for Information Technology including civil, electrical, furniture, air conditioning Works. and Rs.21.43 crores is proposed for purchase of computers, printers and peripherals.


12.1 It is proposed to demolish Kinara Building Staff Quarters for and construct staff quarters for high rank High Rank Officers officers of MCGM on plot bearing C.S. of M.C.G.M. No.983 at Narayan Pujari Nagar, Khan Abdul Gafar Khan Marg, Worli and proposal has been submitted for C.R.Z. approval. A provision of Rs.2 crores is proposed for the said project in the Budget Estimates 2010-11.

12.2 For establishing Monitoring and Evaluation

Establishment of Cell for Outcome Based Budget, a provision Monitoring and of Rs.1 crore each for Education, Health, Evaluation Cell Solid Waste Management and Finance for Outcome Budget departments totaling to Rs.4 cores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11.


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For attaining the targeted key outcome of a rational and transparent process of assessment and collection of municipal taxes that has buoyancy, encourages tax compliance and discourages evasion, the following measures are proposed to be undertaken :- 13.1 In order to improve surveillance and

Modernization of verification and minimize transaction time at Octroi Nakas all the major nakas, it is proposed to install modern devices like- • In-motion weigh bridges • Scanners • Cameras and C.C.T.V. A provision of Rs.99.50 crores is proposed in the B.E. 2010-11 for installation of modern equipments and devices at major Octroi nakas. Similarly, a provision of Rs.60.50 crore is proposed for upgradation and modernization of civil works of major Octroi nakas.

13.2 Octroi Silver Card Scheme has been introduced at Dahisar Check Naka from for Octroi Silver Card Scheme payment of octroi on sand, stone, metal, earth bricks, and broken bricks without any difficulty and for speedy clearance of vehicles. The Municipal Corporation of


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Greater Mumbai has allowed some concession under this facility to promote the payment of octroi through Silver Card and E-payment. A provision Rs.30 lakhs is proposed in the Budget Estimates of 2010- 11 for the discount on the top up amount of Octroi Silver Card. 13.3 Capital Value Based New Tax System

13.3.1 The present rateable value based property

Capital Value tax system has so many shortcomings. To Based New Tax overcome all these shortcomings, the System Government of Maharashtra vide its MOU entered into with the Corporation under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission has given the approval to introduce new Capital Value based transparent and public oriented tax system. The Corporation has also approved the same vide its C.R.No.1274 of 21.01.2010. It is expected that the said new tax system will be implemented approximately with effect from 1.10.2010 . However, till then existing tax system will be continued for about 6 months. Also, the process of bringing all the properties within the boundry of the


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Corporation under this new tax system through G.I.S., is in progress.

13.3.2 There is a substantial increase in the cases involving a huge amount of disputed Setting up additional Court in property tax pending in the court. Such Small Causes appeals are pending in courts. These cases are at present being heard by the Additional Chief Justice of court of small Causes. But taking in account the quantum of these cases and the amount locked therein, administration has started the work of creation of one more additional court for Suburbs at Kandivali (East), for disposing off such cases for which a provision of Rs.1.50 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11.


13.4.1 In order to encourage property tax payers,

Reward to the the Administration has proposed to Ward/Children of introduce one more scheme called as the Property Tax Reward to the Children of Property tax Payers payers. The children of the tax payers who have secured more than 90 % of the total marks in their S.S.C and H.S.C Exams during the academic year 2007-08 and 2008-


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09 will be paid Rs.10,000 as a Reward / Incentive A provision of Rs.10 crores is proposed for this in the Budget Estimates 2010-11.

13.4.2 Under Ashray Project, M.C.G.M. will be Ashray Project developing conservancy staff quarters in City and Suburbs. A provision of Rs.50 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11 for the 1st phase of this project. With a view to providing 22,000 conservancy service quarters under “Ashray Project” a Comprehensive Rehabilitation Plan in respect of 19 plots each in City and Suburban areas is undertaken.

The soil investigation work of 9 sites in Stage-I is completed and soil investigation of 10 sites in Stage-II, has been started. Tenders for reconstruction of 5 sites under Ashray Project have been invited and scrutiny required for sanction of plans is being done for remaining sites. The feasibility of reserving certain part of this project for commercial purposes is being


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explored so that private developers are attracted to this project and the project will become self supporting as the financial burden of the same will not be on MCGM.

13.4.3 With a view to rehabilitating the labour staff Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar of conservancy department of the M.C.GM Shramsafalya as per the directives of the State Awas Yojana Government, it is proposed to implement the “Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Shramsafalya Awas Yojana” for which a provision of Rs.7 crores is proposed in Budget Estimates 2010-11.


A provision of Rs.6.60 crores is proposed in 14.1 Welfare of the Budget Estimates 2010-11 for Backward Class development of backward class people. It is Citizens proposed to provide artificial limbs to the physically handicapped backward class people. Accordingly, a provision of Rs.1 crore for each major hospital is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11. It is also proposed to grant scholarship to the backward class students passing S.S.C. exam for further studies for which a


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provision of Rs.1.20 crore is proposed in the Budget Estimates. Similarly, it is also proposed to grant scholarship to the backward class students passing H.S.C. exam for Professional and Technical courses for which a provision of Rs.2.40 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11. Gender Budget

14.2 Woman and Separate provisions under Gender Budget Child Welfare were proposed for the first time in the

Budget Estimates 2009-10. On the same lines, provision of Rs.11.95 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for the year 2010-11 for the various Women Oriented Schemes as detailed below;

1. Self Employment for deserving women.

2. Traning for self defence / skill upgradation.

3. Workshop / training for capacity building.

4. Assistance to handicapped for self- employed and medical aid.

5. Various activities under Adhar Project.

6. Study tour for Political representative and officers of UPEC.

7. Revolving fund for Self Help Group (SHG)


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In the Budget Estimates for the year 2010-11, for development of women and children, a substantial provision of Rs.371.93 crores is proposed, out of which Rs.345.40 crores is for Revenue Budget and Rs.26.53 crores for Capital Works. The details of important provisions are as follows :-

• It is proposed to provide text books, slates, uniform, spectacles, note books, education kits, school bags etc. free of cost for the students in Municipal Primary Schools for which, a provision of Rs.74.51 crores has been proposed.

• It is proposed to provide flavoured milk to the students in Municipal Primary Schools, for which a provision of Rs.105.53 crores is proposed.

• It is proposed to give incentives to the girl students attending primary and secondary municipal schools for which a provision of Rs.4.03 crores and Rs.46.97 lakhs has been proposed respectively in the Budget Estimates for the year 2010-11.


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• A provision of Rs.1 crore is proposed for giving special assistance to the girl students studying in the municipal schools for higher education.

• MMR vaccine is made available free of cost for the children below 5 years of age in order to protect them from measles, mumps and Rubella. The MCGM may be the first Corporation to offer this vaccine to the community.

• A provision of Rs.1.25 crore is proposed in order to provide artificial limbs to the physically handicapped females and children below the age of 14 years.

• For up-gradation of maternity homes including equipments, a provision of Rs.5 crores is proposed and Rs.40.14 crores is proposed for day to day maintenance of maternity homes.

• For up-gradation of medical institutions under the Public Health Department a provision of Rs.50 lakhs is proposed.


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14.3 With a view to extending various civic Extension of services to the urban poor and improving the Services to the Urban Poor standard of these services, a total provision of Rs.4351.59 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11 under the following heads :- (Rs. in crores) Gaothans, koliwadas and 26.50 adivasi padas Adhar Kendras 5.15 Upgradation of slums 376.81 Improvement, management 256.93 and maintenance of chawls for poorer classes. Primary Education(Budget ‘E’) 1792.00 Secondary Education 162.30 Health 1665.65 Others 66.25 Total 4351.59

14.4 The provision for roads and pavements, Provisions on public toilets, PSC blocks, A.P. Blocks, the basis of Population for desilting of septic tanks in slum colonies of maintenance of Mumbai City for the year 2010-11 have slums been finalized on the basis of wardwise average population in slum colonies based on Census of India 2001 in the Mumbai


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Human Development Report, 2009 published by National Resource Centre for urban poverty (NRCUP), All India Local Self Government, Mumbai. Similarly, with a view to providing and improving various civic amenities to urban poor, wardwise provisions are proposed for the integrated development of Adivasi Padas on the basis of population of these Padas.

14.5 It is the responsibility of the Government Special arrangement for Disabled and the local bodies to provide smooth Persons access for the handicapped persons in the Government buildings and public places. With a view to providing barrier free access to the disabled persons, a provision of Rs.10 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates 2010-11 for providing facilities like ramp with handrail and low level toilet blocks etc. in all municipal offices, hospitals, recreations centres, markets and schools.


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Some of the municipal properties like the S.P. sheds and the acquired properties are in bad condition and in need of urgent repairs. As such, a provision of Rs.44.05 crores is proposed under the Capital Budget for 2010-11 to carry out extensive and structural repairs to S.P. sheds and staff quarters. The highlights of the same are as below :-

(Rs. in crores) 1. Extensive repairs to the Municipal properties 5.00 which are in dilapidated condition. 2. Repairs, reconstruction and redevelopment of 2.57 staff quarters 3. Structural repairs to the municipal properties 25.00 such as S.P. Sheds / acquired properties under ‘B’ Budget. (Fund code 21) 4. Major repairs to K.D. Gaikwad Nagar in 4.00 F/North Ward


Apart from the above, a provision of Rs.4927.27 crores is proposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11 for the operation and maintenance of common services like mechanical and electrical, laundry/foundry, transport and other miscellaneous activities like security, general administration and acquisition of land, etc. The aforesaid proposed budget provision also covers the expenditure on account of pension pertaining to Budget ‘A’. The emphasis is again on enhancing the effectiveness of the operation and maintenance of miscellaneous services and activities.


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Long term Fiscal Policy:

As a part of MCGM’s long term policy and to ensure that development works are not hampered due to shortage of funds, it was decided from 2003-04 to increase the contribution to various special funds and raise new funds as well with view to bringing financial stability to the MCGM. However, since last 2 years, it has not been possible to give sufficient contribution to capital expenditure from revenue income. To bridge the gap between MCGM’s expenditure and the total income of MCGM, in the year 2009-10 to meet the capital expenditure, it was required to withdraw large sums of money from the special funds created from 2003-04 as a part of MCGM’s long-term fiscal policy. In the next year too, it would be required to withdraw nearly entire amounts from these funds in order to meet the capital expenditure. As such, with regret, I have to mention that from 2011-12 and onwards, there will not be any reserve funds available in these special funds to meet the Capital works expenditure. This fact is really a matter of concern for an advanced Municipal Corporation like MCGM and also is not very desirable from the MCGM’s financial planning point of view. Under the provisions of section 126 (2) (d) of the M.M.C. Act, the Standing Committee shall allow a minimum cash balance of Rs.1 lakh while framing the Budget Estimates ‘A’ which means that as per the provisions of the Act, it is mandatory to restrict the expenditure within the income. Moreover, at present no funds are available for capital expenditure from revenue income after meeting the revenue expenditure. As such, there is no other alternative but to raise loans


B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2010-11 for meeting the capital expenditure. However, under the provisions of section 109 of the MMC Act, there are restrictions on the amount of loans to be raised. As such, it is not possible to meet the Capital Expenditure by way of raising loans all the time. In view of this, it has now become essential to think of plan to meet the capital expenditure mainly from revenue income of the Corporation and only the bare minimum from raising loans. For healthy financial condition; it is necessary that at least 30% of revenue should be re-appropriated for meeting capital expenditure. Mumbai, being the leading metropolis in the country, is renowned for providing best services to the citizens. To maintain this reputation, continuous and substantial financial provision is a must for which a long term fiscal policy is necessary. Accordingly it has become extremely essential to restrict the expenditure within the revenue resources. For this, it has become necessary to control the increasing expenditure especially on establishment. For this, it shall be our endeavor to reduce and restrict the establishment cost upto 50% from present 60% to 65% of the revenue expenditure in the years to come. As per JNNURM norms, to avail of the funds under this mission, the establishment cost needs to be brought down to 40% step by step. From this point of view, I feel that the pay revision period for the MCGM employees should be 10 years instead of 5 years on the lines of State Govt. / Central Govt. and the 6th Pay Commission, so that MCGM gets enough time to overcome the establishment cost increase caused by pay revisions. Similarly restricting the day-to-day expenditure on various departments to the extent of 20% of the revenue income and


B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2010-11 transferring balance 30% amount for Capital expenditure and debt charges is under consideration. As the present surplus is nominal, we are not in a position to go on spending spree. Our first priority is to ensure financial stability so that shortage of resources does not mar the developmental works in future. Accordingly, as a part of long term policy, it is necessary to increase the contributions to the various funds as well as to create new funds. Developmental works will be taken in hand in stages during immediate next year to come and such works can be continued at a brisker pace once there is sufficient accretion to these funds. As stated hereinabove in my note, on the backdrop of the worldwide recession, the estimated income for the next year which is in fact on lower side may not realize as expected. At the same time, there would be considerable increase in the establishment cost due to revision of grades of the municipal employees and funds on large scale would be required to meet the capital expenditure required for the ongoing projects. Considering this, it has been proposed to utilize the funds on large scale from the accumulated funds under various special funds and the additional required fund is proposed to be raised by way of loan through internal funds. Even in such a situation, the Corporation will continue to discharge its various civic responsibilities equally during the next financial year without imposing any additional burden on the citizens/tax payers, neither by way of hike in the present taxes nor by imposing the new taxes. As a result, standard of civic services and facilities to be provided to the citizens will be


B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2010-11 improved and facilitate its gradual transformation into a truly world class city.

While concluding my statement on the Budget, I would like to reiterate that though the estimates of Rs.20,353.95 crores have been submitted for the year 2010-11 in present critical financial position of the M.C.G.M., Budget Estimates of such huge amount have been prepared with a view that the capital works already undertaken are not adversely affected. Moreover, neither any hike in the rates of the present taxes is proposed nor any new taxes have been imposed in the Budget Estimates for 2010-11. I have intended to keep the expenditure within the estimated income so that citizens of Mumbai are not burdened with additional taxes, while ensuring that also we are not required to face deficit in future. However, it cannot be neglected that while doing so, a sizeable amount of Rs.3105.43 crores had to be withdrawn from accumulated surplus and various special funds created as a part of long term fiscal policy. As such, there remains very nominal balance amount in the special funds. In addition, a loan of Rs.3000 crores is also required to be raised. This is a matter of concern from the municipal financial planning point of view. As such, it is now extremely necessary to implement the planned programme for exercising stringent control over expenditure and to increase the municipal income from now onwards. I have already discussed in detail in this statement, the various measures to be undertaken to restrict the municipal expenditure within the municipal income.


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The main focus will be on following few measures of increasing municipal revenue in the ensuing financial year :- • The tax system based on Capital value will be introduced which is expected to fetch more revenue from property tax. Though in the initial period, there may not be substantial increase in the revenue, it is expected to bounce noticeably in the coming years. • The modernization of major octroi nakas shall be completed on priority basis. Moreover, the modern equipments / devices like scanners etc. will be installed expeditiously. This will not only result in transparency in recovery of octroi but will also provide check on octroi evasion, leading to increase in income from octroi. • The matter is being pursued with the State Government for the early decision in the issue of premia on account of additional 0.33 FSI. The additional revenue is expected from this item once the decisions are arrived at. Against this background, I am extremely confident that once the initiatives and projects proposed in these Budget Estimates are materialized, the process of overall development of Mumbai will gather further momentum. Looking forward to your wholehearted participation and cooperation, I present for consideration and approval of the Standing Committee the Budget Estimates for a surplus Revenue and Capital Budget ‘A’ (Fund Code- 11,12,60,70), a balanced Budget ‘B’ (Fund Code - 21,22,23) and surplus Budget ‘G’ (Fund Code - 40) for the year 2010-11. Thank you,

Mumbai, S.S.Kshatriya Date : 3 February, 2010 Municipal Commissioner


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ANNEXURE - I Revenue Income - Budget Estimates ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘E’, ‘G’ & Tree Authority

(Rs. in crores) Sr. Budget No. Sources of Revenue Income Estimates 2010-11 1. Octroi (Net) 4650.21 2. Property Tax 2647.49 3. Water & Sewerage Charges 763.91 4. Receipts from Development Plan Department 1278.00 5. Grant-in-Aid from Government 446.57 6. Supervision Charges 637.15 7. Solid Waste Management 117.00 8. Receipts from Roads & Bridges 219.23 9. Receipts from License Department 100.00 10 Receipts from Hospitals & Medical Colleges 76.76 11. Receipts from Markets & Deonar Abattoir 83.26 12. Other Receipts 1767.03 Total 12786.61


B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2010-11

ANNEXURE – II Revenue Expenditure - Budget Estimates ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘E’, ‘G’ & Tree Authority.

(Rs. in crores) Sr. Budget No. Items of Revenue Expenditure Estimates 2010-11 1. Establishment Expenses 7476.45 2. Administrative Expenses 576.32 3. Operation and Maintenance 2384.24 4. Interest and Finance Charges 163.64 5. Programme Expenses 125.16 6. Revenue Grants, Contributions and Subsidies 749.09 7. Provisions and write-off 280.94 8. Transfer to Reserve Fund i) Transfer to Capital Account 651.51 ii) Other 236.07 9. Refund of taxes 186.38 Total 12829.80


B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2010-11


(Rs. in crores) Sr. Budget Estimates 2010-11 No Sector Revenue Capital Total Expenditure Expenditure 1. Strengthening of Civic 2563.89 5526.09 8089.98 Infrastructure 2. Upgradation of Social 2993.63 879.03 3872.66 Infrastructure and Amenities 3. Cleanliness and Improvement of 1324.94 316.58 1641.52 City Environment 4. City Beautification and Creation 78.14 326.87 405.01 of Places of Tourist Interest 5. Disaster Management and 156.30 195.75 352.05 Improving Disaster Preparedness 6. Improving Civic Services and 79.23 106.59 185.82 Citizen Facilitation 7. Institutional Improvement and 13.37 274.17 287.54 Reforms 8. Social Welfare 362.00 36.53 398.53 9. Improvement, Management and 187.86 69.07 256.93 Maintenance of Municipal Assets 10 Common Services and 4418.93 508.34 4927.27 Miscellaneous Activities Total 12178.29 8239.02 20417.31 Add: Contribution to Capital 651.51 Account Grand Total12829.80


B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2010-11

ANNEXURE – IV Budget Estimates A, B, E, G, & Tree Authority Department-wise Summary (Rs. in crores) Deptt. Budget Estimates 2010-11 Code Department Revenue Capital Total Expenditure Expenditure 18 Information Technology Department 79.23 101.59 180.82 21 Disaster Management Cell 15.52 41.01 56.53 24 Assessor and Collector Department 460.40 176.31 636.71 30 Education Department 1272.71 159.54 1432.25 31 Solid Waste Management Department 1248.76 308.05 1556.81 32 Transport Department 327.71 21.08 348.79 33 Storm Water Drains Department 268.95 1013.53 1282.48 34 Mechanical & Electrical Department 63.59 83.88 147.47 35 City Engineer’s Department 330.77 371.64 702.41 37 Development Plan Department 34.86 314.56 349.42 38 Fire Brigade Department 140.79 154.74 295.53 41 Garden Department 142.34 288.80 431.14 42 Market Department 52.58 90.20 142.78 43 Deonar Abattoir Department 28.43 10.05 38.48 44 Roads & Traffic Department 573.27 976.97 1550.24 45 Bridges Department 8.44 202.05 210.49 46 Printing Press Department 39.43 4.10 43.53 47 Health Department 444.75 79.32 524.07 Medical Colleges 170.68 28.95 199.63 Major Hospitals 475.51 137.93 613.44 Specialised Hospitals 87.48 12.97 100.45 Peripheral Hospitals 283.94 91.82 375.76 49 Water Operation Department 1027.83 1280.10 2307.93 50 Water Supply Project Department 20.40 1441.38 1461.78 51 Sewerage Operation Department 483.99 181.95 665.94 52 Sewerage Project Department 18.38 206.84 225.22 53 Mumbai Sewerage Disposal Project 11.53 252.47 264.00 Others Department 4066.02 207.19 4273.21 Total 12178.29 8239.02 20417.31 Contribution to Capital Account 651.51 Total 12829.80


B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2010-11

ANNEXURE – V Capital Accounts –Budget Estimates A, B, E, G & Tree Authority

(Rs. in crores) Sr. Particulars Budget No. Estimates 2010-11 Opening Balance as on 1st April 131.90 CAPITAL RECEIPTS 1 Loan : i) Loan 3498.62 Total-Loan 3498.62 2. Grants 1149.71 3 Contribution from Development Fund 138.87 4 Sale proceeds/ premium of land and building 82.55 5 Contribution from Revenue Account 651.51 6 Accumulated Surplus 1336.00 7 Withdrawal from Special Fund : Assets Replacement Fund 350.00 Land Acquisition and Development Fund 300.00 Primary School Building Maintenance Fund 141.60 Primary School Building Construction Fund 0.20 Asset Replacement & Rehabilitation Fund 479.01 8 Other Receipts 122.85 Total -Capital Receipts 8250.92 Total – Fund Available 8382.82 9 Capital Expenditure 8239.02 Closing Balance as on 31st March 143.80


B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2010-11






Budget Share Sr.No. Sources of Income/Receipts Estimates in 2010-2011 Rupee (Rs.in crores) 1 Revenue Income 12786.61 63 2 Loan 3498.62 17 3 Grants 1149.71 6 4 Withdrawal from special fund 1270.81 6 5 Contribution from Development Fund 138.87 1 6 Contribution from Accumulated Surplus 1336.00 6 7 Other Receipts 205.40 1 Excess of expenditure over income 8 31.29 ... ( will be met from opening surplus) Total 20417.31 100




9 8


6 5

4 3 2

Sr. Items of Budget Share No. Expenditure Estimates in 2010-2011 Rupee (Rs.in crores) 1 Strengthening of Civic Infrastructure 8089.98 40 2 Upgradation of Social Infrastructure and Amenities 3872.66 19

3 Cleanliness and Improvement of City Environment 1641.52 8 City Beautification and creation of places of tourist 4 interest 405.01 2 Disaster Management and Improving Disaster 5 Preparedness 352.05 2 6 Improving Civic Services and Citizen Facilitation 185.82 1 7 Institutional Improvement and Reforms 287.54 1 8 Social Welfare 398.53 2 Improvement,Management and Maintenance of 9 Municipal Assets 256.93 1 10 Common Services & Miscellaneous Activities 4927.27 24 Total 20417.31 100


13 12

11 10 9

8 1 7





2 Budget Share Sr.No. Sources of Revenue Income Estimates in 2010-2011 Rupee (Rs.in crores) 1 Octroi (Net) 4650.21 36 2 Property Tax 2647.49 21 3 Water & Sewerage Charges 763.91 6 4 Receipts from Development Plan Department 1278.00 10 5 Grant-in-Aid from Government 446.57 3 6 Supervision Charges 637.15 5 7 Solid Waste Management 117.00 1 8 Receipts from Roads & Bridges 219.23 2 9 Receipts from License Department 100.00 1 10 Receipts from Hospitals & Medical Colleges 76.76 1 11 Receipts from Markets & Deonar Abattoir 83.26 1 12 Other Receipts 1767.03 13 Excess of Expenditure over Income 13 ( To be met from opening surplus) 43.19 ... Total 12829.80 100


9 10 8 7 6 5


3 1


Sr. Items of Budget Share No. Revenue Expenditure Estimates in 2010-2011 Rupee (Rs.in crores) 1 Establishment Expenses 7476.45 58 2 Administrative Expenses 576.32 5 3 Operation & Maintenance 2384.24 19 4 Interest and Finance Charges 163.64 1 5 Programme Expenses 125.16 1 6 Revenue Grants,Contributions and Subsidies 749.09 6 7 Provisions and Write-off 280.94 2 Transfer to Reserve Fund 8 Transferred to Capital A/c 651.51 5 9 Other Expenses 236.07 2 10 Refund of Taxes 186.38 1

Total 12829.80 100


8 7




4 3 2

Budget Share Sr.No. Sources of Capital Receipts Estimates in 2010-2011 Rupee (Rs.in crores) 1 Loan 3498.62 42 2 Grants 1149.71 14 3 Contribution from development Fund 138.87 2

4 Receipts from Premium of land and buildings 82.55 1

5 Contribution from Revenue A/c 651.51 8

6 Accumulated Surplus 1336.00 16

7 Withdrawal from special fund 1270.81 15 8 Other receipts 122.85 2

Total 8250.92 100


11 10 9 2 8


6 3


5 Sr. Items of Budget Share No. Capital Expenditure Estimates in 2010-2011 Rupee (Rs.in crores)

1 Traffic Operations, Roads & Bridges 1179.02 14 2 Storm Water Drains 1013.53 12 3 Solid Waste Management & Transport 329.14 4 4 Health Department 418.46 5 5 Water Supply 2721.47 33 6 Sewage Disposal 641.26 8 7 Fire Brigade & Disaster Management 195.75 3 8 Information Technology 101.59 1 9 Market & Deonar Abattoir 100.25 1 Repairs to Mun.Properties & Slum Improvement 10 (Budget-B) 81.18 1 Repairs to Primary School Buildings 11 (Budget E) 169.21 2 12 Others 1288.16 16 13 Excess of Receipts over Expenditurce 11.90 ... Total 8250.92 100


10 11 9

8 7 6 5




2 Budget Share Sr.No. Sources of Revenue Income Estimates in 2010-2011 Rupee (Rs. in crores) 1 Octroi (Net) 4650.21 47 2 Property Tax 1540.00 16 3 Grant-in-Aid from Government 446.57 4 4 Receipts from Development Plan Department 1278.00 13 5 Receipts from Roads & Bridges 219.23 2 6 Receipts from License Department 100.00 1 7 Solid Waste Management 117.00 1 8 Supervision Charges 300.00 3 9 Receipts from Hospitals & Medical Colleges 76.76 1 10 Receipts from Markets & Deonar Abattoir 83.26 1 11 Other Receipts 1059.14 11 Total 9870.17 100


910 8 7 6 11 5 4


2 1

Sr. Items of Budget Share No. Revenue Expenditure Estimates in 2010-2011 Rupee (Rs. in crores) 1 Establishment Expenses 6506.98 66 2 Administrative Expenses 398.13 4 3 Operation & Maintenance 1729.42 18 4 Interest and Finance Charges 75.98 1 5 Programme Expenses 125.16 1 6 Revenue Grants,Contributions and Subsidies 703.96 7 Transfer to Reserve Fund 7 i) Transfer to Capital A/c ...... 8 ii) Other Expenses 20.00 ... 9 Refund of Taxes 186.38 2 10 Provisions and Write-off 123.73 1 11 Anticipated surplus during the year 0.43 ... Total 9870.17 100





3 1


Sr. Budget Share No. Particulars Estimates in 2010-11 Rupee

(Rs. in crores) 1 Internal Loan 3000.00 61 2 Contribution from Revenue Account ...... 3 Withdrawal from Special Funds 791.80 16 Loan/ Grants from World Bank for 4 35.00 1 M.U.T.P. 5 Contribution from Development Fund 88.88 2 Grant for Brimstowad/JNNURM/SWM / 6 757.25 16 Mithi River Project

7 Others Receipts 205.40 4

Total 4878.33 100


12 10 11

9 1


7 2 6 3 5 4 Sr. Budget Share No. Particulars Estimates in 2010-11 Rupee (Rs. in crores) 1 Traffic Operations, Roads & Bridges 1179.02 24 2 Storm Water Drains 1013.53 21 3 Computerisation 101.59 2 4 Markets & Deonar Abattoir 100.25 2 5 Health Budget 418.46 9 6 S.W.M.and Transport 320.99 7

7 Fire Brigade Services & Disaster Management 195.75 4

8 Gardens 286.90 6 9 Others (Budget A ) 998.72 20 Repairs to Municipal properties & Slum 10 81.18 2 Improvement (Budget B ) Repairs to Primary School Buildings 11 169.21 3 (Budget E )

12 Excess of Income over Expenditure 12.73 ...

Total 4878.33 100

xi 1200 Traffic Operations, Roads & Bridges 1100

1000 Revenue Expenditure Capital Expenditure 900




500 Rs. in crores Rs. in





0 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

(Rs.in crores)

Particulars Actuals R.E. B.E. 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Revenue Expenditure 336.37 416.56 400.05 423.69 581.72 Capital Expenditure 470.77 605.88 964.59 1188.73 1179.02

xii 1600 Solid Waste Management and 1500 Transport 1400 Revenue Expenditure 1300 Capital Expenditure 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 Rs. in crores Rs. in 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

(Rs.in crores)

Particulars Actuals R.E. B.E. 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Revenue Expenditure 674.71 857.32 822.55 1121.99 1525.60 Capital Expenditure 81.89 69.16 109.49 159.95 320.99

xiii Revenue Expenditure Health Budget Capital Expenditure 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700

Rs. in crores Rs. in 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

(Rs.in crores)

Particulars Actuals R.E. B.E. 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Revenue Expenditure 604.46 674.15 741.69 1044.35 1471.45 Capital Expenditure 77.38 75.62 144.97 303.85 418.46

xiv Storm Water Drains 1400 Capital Expenditure

1200 Revenue Expenditure



600 Rs. in crores Rs.



0 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

(Rs.in crores)

Particulars Actuals R.E B.E. 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Revenue Expenditure 117.71 351.39 235.25 226.49 268.96 Capital Expenditure 331.16 272.49 673.72 1012.92 1013.53

xv 1700 Primary Education 1600 1500 Revenue Expenditure 1400 Capital Expenditure 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800

Rs. in crores Rs. in 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

(Rs.in crores)

Particulars Actuals R.E. B.E. 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Revenue Expenditure 572.18 739.71 883.88 1240.12 1622.79 Capital Expenditure 12.97 33.53 63.54 99.83 169.21

xvi BUDGET 'G'

3400 Revenue & Capital (Water & Sewerage) 3200 Revenue Exp. 3000 Capital Exp. 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600

Rs. in Crores 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

(Rs. In Crores) Revised Budget Actuals Particulars Estimates Estimates 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

Revenue Exp. 933.47 910.39 1460.15 1955.67 2037.10

Capital Exp. 471.45 639.09 1097.35 2719.96 3371.52



7 2


6 4 5

Sr. Budget Share in No. Sources of Revenue Income Estimates Rupee 2010-2011

(Rs. In Crores) 1 Water Charges 501.58 17 2 Water Tax 97.34 3 3 Water Benefit Tax 519.92 18 4 Sewerage Charges 262.33 9 5 Sewerage Tax 165.88 6 6 Sewerage Benefit Tax 310.18 11 7 Other Receipts 1041.38 36 Total 2898.61 100


1 9

8 2 7


5 3 4

Budget Share in Sr. Items of Revenue Expenditure Estimates Rupee No. 2010-2011 (Rs. In Crores)

1 Establishment Expenses 680.75 24 2 Administrative Expenses 175.88 6 3 Operation & Maintenance 604.31 21 4 Interest and Finance Charges 87.66 3 5 Revenue Grants,Contributions and Subsidies 325.72 11

6 Provisions and Write-off 156.71 5 7 Prior period Expenses 6.07 ... 8 Transfer to Capital A/c 210.00 7 9 Other Expenses 651.51 23 Total 2898.61 100





3 Budget Share in Sr. Particulars Estimates Rupee No. 2010-2011 ( Rs In Crores)

1 Internal Generation 651.51 19

2 Loan Receipt 498.62 15

3 Contribution/Grant 886.47 26

4 Accumulated Surplus 1336.00 40

Total 3372.60 100






Sr. Division wise Budget Share in No. Capital Expenditure Estimates Rupee 2010-2011

(Rs. In Crores) 1 Common Services 8.79 ... 2 Water Operation 1280.10 38 3 Water Supply Project 1441.38 43 4 Sewerage Operation 181.95 5 5 Sewerage Project 206.83 6 6 M S D P 252.47 8 7 Anticipated surplus during the year 1.08 ... Total 3372.60 100
