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[email protected]/1 ;0 (.7(<#* =>? ;1 - 1!! ", + > 3,?&@A" &< R R -./-0, authorities. Delivering the vale- ./$.0!&!%10.&2 dictory speech at the National ahul Bajaj’s claim that peo- Economy Conclave, Singh had Rple are afraid to criticise the 7 6!! 0 on Friday warned, “There is a P !! Modi Government reverberat- palpable climate of fear in our " 5 $ $O 8 , 1 ' ed inside and outside & ! society today. Many industri- #$% Parliament on Monday. Biocon ! alists tell me they live in fear of chairperson Kiran Mazumdar harassment by Government !! Shaw echoed Bajaj’s sentiment 5 ! 2 & authorities. Bankers are reluc- L M saying the Government treat- O L,! & tant to grant new loans, for fear $ ed India Inc as “pariahs” even of retribution. Entrepreneurs as Finance Minister Nirmala ! ! & are hesitant to put up fresh pro- O ! Sitharaman claimed that it is 'M5 jects for fear of failure attrib- unfair to say the Government ! uted to ulterior motives. ! is not listening to criticism. 3 & O Technology start-ups that are & Facing an all-out attack ! 5 $ $O !! an important new engine of O from the Opposition in the Lok & economic growth and jobs, Sabha over Bajaj’s question to seem to live under a shadow of &' Home Minister Amit Shah the constant surveillance and deep ( FM said the Government lis- tweeted, “Bajaj only said: Minister of Railways and suspicion.” $%)* $ tens to criticism and wanted to Industry fears to criticise Commerce Piyush Goyal In the Lok Sabha on ' respond to it and always Government.